View Full Version : Santa isn't bringing me a Trilogy anymore...

12-28-2006, 12:15 PM
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I just got off the phone with Jerry and I felt it appropriate to post something here. (Jerry is a true gentleman, by the way.)

I'm sad to say that I will not be able to join the Trilogy family; at least not any time in the near future. In fact, I'm probably going to be forced to put my Marauder up for sale, too. This whole deal really sucks, but there's not much I can do about it at this point.

Without going into major details, I'm going through some pretty rough family issues right now and my money will probably need to be spent on other things. I'm sure everyone can figure it out from there.

The timing couldn't be much worse, could it? Well, I suppose it's better than putting the Trilogy on the car and then being forced to sell it.

12-28-2006, 12:19 PM
Dude....that sucks, and I feel for ya.

It was good of Jerry to help you out. :up:

Hope things work out for you in the New Year.


12-28-2006, 12:51 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about it Todd, I know you were excited. Take care of what you need to take care of, I hope everything is okay, and let me know if I can help out in any way.

12-28-2006, 01:13 PM
Sorry Todd.

I hope you get to keep the Marauder. Sell the Yukon instead.....

12-28-2006, 01:39 PM
That sucks, fer sure. Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Best of luck in getting things straightened out.

12-28-2006, 03:07 PM
Sorry Todd.....I know you researched it very well and made the right decision for you!!:shake:

I enjoyed talking with you about my ProCharger and I wish you the best!!


12-28-2006, 03:09 PM
WTF did I miss here? :help:

12-28-2006, 03:36 PM
Good luck.

Most things work out for the best.

A client of mine after I was terminated by my employer in 1996 told me how when he was a young man he set his sites on being a Greyhound bus driver.

He told me the pay was good, you traveled and got to meet people. He applied but was declined, instead he was hired as a mechanic. The shop manager was retiring and hired my client to run a new shop the manager had opened.

One thing lead to another and he pioneered the transportation of multiple fuels in a single barge. He ended by telling me had they hired him as a bus driver that I would be talking to a bus driver. He said see eveything works out for the best.

He passed away June '05. He helped many a person and died with a very rich soul and very large estate.

12-28-2006, 03:58 PM
Don't sweat it. In the bigger scheme of things a supercharger falls pretty low on the priority list. I hope everything works out and you get to hold on to the Marauder though.

12-28-2006, 04:02 PM
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.

Hopefully I can find a way to keep the Marauder. At this point I just don't know what's going to happen. It's not really so much the money that's the issue, but rather where I'd have to park the car at night. I have wayyyy too many cars, and even with my wife keeping the Yukon, I'd still have four cars to deal with. Where in the world would I park all of them, especially if I'm living in an apartment complex? And since the Marauder is clearly the nicest of my cars (and the only one with a payment, as well as the least driven of them all) it would probably have to get the axe. I just don't think I could bring myself to leave that car parked outdoors in an apartment complex's parking lot. It's just way too nice, and since I seldom drive it anyhow it would be hard to justify keeping it and watching it go to *****, get burglarized, etc.

I thought about getting a storage unit, but they're too expensive in this area.

I really love my Marauder (it's basically been my dream car since they came out) and when I bought it I expected to keep it forever, but sometimes things change in life, and, at the end of the day, it's just a car. Sometimes other things are far more important and have to take priority.

We'll see.

At this point, the car is still up in the air. The supercharger, unfortunately, just wasn't a wise purchase in light of the recent issues in my marriage. Thankfully, Jerry was very understanding about the whole deal.

12-28-2006, 04:44 PM
I hope you are able to get your life in order again without too much damage or grief, keep the faith; stay strong.

12-28-2006, 05:49 PM

When those 'fires' light up, they often looks a lot worse in the few first days. Then things can quiet down pretty quick if people are reasonable .

Maybe try to make some 'B' plans with a 2 to 6 months horizon. But yes you have to be conservative and cut on the excess butter.

Be cool and good luck.

12-28-2006, 06:52 PM

The worst thing you can do in a divorce is to NOT put yourself first in the divorce or you may not survive. It is a tough time, survival is the most important thing even with children. Don't even think about selling the MM and try being selfless about the situation. Don't for a moment think your wife will put herself second. It is a war, only the tough will survive. Sorry, but if have not been through a divorce you really do not know have horrible the situation can get.


12-28-2006, 09:47 PM
My MM was parked in an apt complex for 10-1 thru 12-1 in 05 and again 10-1 until now w/ no damage. In September 05 she was in a trailer park. Safest place she was ever parked. Only place we ever left the door unlocked and the kids roam free.:)

My car does not have a single door ding.

I do have water spots, prob acid rain, faint and only visible on an angle.

12-28-2006, 11:12 PM
Without going into major details, ...


No matter what the situation you know you can count on me. I'm a phone call away and you are ALWAYS welcome at my house.

12-29-2006, 12:20 AM
Todd, there are apartment complexes in the H-Town area with garages, I'm SURE of it. Check into it. More importantly, take care of yourself.

12-29-2006, 04:16 AM
Bro (Todd),
Best of luck in a terrible situation. I hope the outcome favors your wishes. For some a divorce brings condolences, others it brings congratulations. I hope everything works out the way you wish it to!


[Keep the Marauder, Keep the Marauder]

12-29-2006, 04:35 AM
Hope everything works out for ya budd:up:

12-29-2006, 07:28 AM
My feelings go out to you.

I agree about keeping the Marauder. no sense getting rid of it and making a bad thing worse. Every Man needs something to help keep his chin up.

Get rid of the other cars and drive the Marauder daily, I do. Then save up and get that Blower you deserve next year...

Hang in there, and keep cool. We're all with you here...

12-29-2006, 07:35 AM
Todd I truly hope that everything works out for you bud. Don't sell your Marauder. You will deeply regret it. You have to have something that keeps your head on right. Getting rid of it will only make things worse for you. Also look into a nice Covercraft car cover. I bought a good one ($300.) and kept my car outside here in Florida for a year without any problems. Keep the faith, an S/C can also be had down the road you. Also like DragCity said, drive it daily. Sailsman has 70K on his car. MarauderJack, probably much more??? When the motor gets tired you can always put in a forged motor down the road.

12-29-2006, 02:50 PM
Sorry to hear about the tough times, hopefully things will work out for the best. But I do have to agree about keeping the Marauder, from what it sounds like it means to you. I, too, use mine as my daily transportation (considering the only other car I have doesn't even run...), and it is parked outside, because I don't have a garage; that wasn't going to stop me from getting the car and hopefully it won't stop you from keeping it. But do whatever is right for you, no matter what we all say, just think about it.

12-29-2006, 03:15 PM
Well, the wife and I talked things over a bit. At this point, we're probably just going to separate for a while and try to go to counseling to see if that helps. (It didn't help the last time we tried that, and we both doubt it'll work this time, but at least we're going to give it a shot.) And if it goes to a divorce, I think we're going to handle things in a civil and fair manner. I know how divorces can turn ugly, but I truly believe my wife is smart enough to recognize that fighting with one another would only hurt the kids...and neither one of us wants that.

What I'll probably do is move out, but leave my Marauder in the garage at my house (her house?). I'll probably take BigDogJim's advice and purchase a nice car cover and just cover the car up while it sits in the garage. (By the way Jim, my dad has bought several car covers from that company in the past, and you're right, they're very nice!)

That way, it provides a little more protection against scratches from the kids dragging toys in and out of the garage, and, furthermore, if I ultimately have to move the Marauder outside somewhere, at least I'll already have a nice car cover readily available.

Again, thanks for your comments and advice guys. I already had to sell my '67 Chevy when we got married (to buy an SUV), and I'd hate to sell the Marauder, too. The Marauder is my one and only toy, my only true passion, and I'd like to keep it that way. The car payment isn't really a big deal, so I suppose I should just keep it and cover it up if I'm forced to move it outdoors.

I really appreciate everyone's advice and concern. This whole fiasco really sucks, but it helps to have some constructive advice from my fellow Marauder gearheads. Plus, since y'all are a buncha old bastids, I know you have the collective wisdom of a Jedi Knight (or something like that).


12-29-2006, 03:19 PM

No matter what the situation you know you can count on me. I'm a phone call away and you are ALWAYS welcome at my house.


I really appreciate that (more than you realize)! I know you've been through this before, too, so I guess you know what it's like. Thanks for the offer, and I might actually take you up on it someday if you're not careful! :)

We'll have to catch lunch someday and gawk at each other's cars. I still haven't seen your Z and you haven't seen the Marauder. Every time I go S/B on the feeder road at the Toll Road I look to see if I might catch a glimpse of you in the Z. :)

12-29-2006, 03:32 PM
Todd, not to be funny, but when your finances settle down, I might still have a new Trilogy in the box for cheap.

Good luck with the divorce. Now go make yourself feel better tonight and get some strange.

12-29-2006, 04:10 PM

I really appreciate that (more than you realize)! I know you've been through this before, too, so I guess you know what it's like. Thanks for the offer, and I might actually take you up on it someday if you're not careful! :)

We'll have to catch lunch someday and gawk at each other's cars. I still haven't seen your Z and you haven't seen the Marauder. Every time I go S/B on the feeder road at the Toll Road I look to see if I might catch a glimpse of you in the Z. :)

Todd, now more than ever, call me if you need ANYTHING. Unfortunately, I know the pain all too well...but it does get better.

I moved into a house around mid-November...so if you came over to visit, the Marauder would be safe in the driveway!

Lunch? Wouldn't miss it! Just let me know when and where.

12-29-2006, 04:19 PM
Todd - Hope it works out for you and your family.
I think you are moving in the right direction.