View Full Version : Where did Tallboy go?

01-03-2007, 10:54 AM
Inquiring minds want to know!


01-03-2007, 11:01 AM


01-03-2007, 11:05 AM
This is obviously a loaded question right?

So why ask it!

He has been the primary instigator behind so many smear campaigns and now is crying foul! I can say this because when I actually talked to him, he would give me information, most of it I would later realize was all smear, all BS for his long term goal agendas.

Not that I am an angel either....but I at least will admit it, don't use other people to fight my battles, don't use BS ghost names, and don't perpetuate crap that isn't true.

I don't go over there to start trouble and post.....so please don't come over here to ruin this site either!

01-03-2007, 11:08 AM
He went to the same place Dave (MI2QWK4U) and Dave (MikesMerc) and Darryl (BigSlim) went. They were banned!

And I've noticed the MCM forum here at .net is locked. Seems like if your from MCM, your not welcome.

01-03-2007, 11:23 AM
He went to the same place Dave (MI2QWK4U) and Dave (MikesMerc) and Darryl (BigSlim) went. They were banned!

And I've noticed the MCM forum here at .net is locked. Seems like if your from MCM, your not welcome.

Come on Charlie, you know that is not true:shake: . Many people here go there on a regular basis. And that is fine...

John, that is a loaded question, come on....:down: . Lets have peace at both sites.:beer: All I care about is this site.

01-03-2007, 11:24 AM
He went to the same place Dave (MI2QWK4U) and Dave (MikesMerc) and Darryl (BigSlim) went. They were banned!

And I've noticed the MCM forum here at .net is locked. Seems like if your from MCM, your not welcome.

Thats what I understand too Charlie and I thinks its a friggin crock of $hip...Know what I mean.

To all the $hip Stirrers...... GROW UP! To the owners of MM.net, rethink the strategy for this site. Without active members who are the audience Vendors pay to be in front of, this site will be reduced to nothing.

I for one don't want it to come to this, so use your head and check the ego's at the door.

Its 2007. Lets get back on the right foot instead of stumbling in from 2006.


01-03-2007, 11:33 AM
If I am a member of a club and keep making negative comments about the club, the club's officers and some of it's members I expect to be asked to leave that club.

You reap what you sow.

01-03-2007, 11:36 AM
To the owners of MM.net, rethink the strategy for this site.

Obviously they did. And were tired off all the roundhouse kicks in the mouth. I'm not exempt either....I just got a vacation a couple of weeks ago..so I'm not like a team member, but know I have to play by the rules too! There is an obvious attempt to dismantle this site, albeit veiled, and the owners are responding.......

Lets all keep the peace and forget about it. This is the best site around and even I have been trying to be good. I don't go over to the other site, which I know is very personal to a few people, and start crap, so again:

Please don't come over here and start crap either!

01-03-2007, 11:40 AM
John, take a step back and enjoy the website you bought for the Michigan Guys.
Remember the one:
A place where no one can hurt you.

You are my friend and a good contributor here.
Dont reduce yourself to instigator status like me.

01-03-2007, 11:47 AM
If I am a member of a club and keep making negative comments about the club, the club's officers and some of it's members I expect to be asked to leave that club.

You reap what you sow.

Sometimes Billy, loyalty and integrity get confused, never mind honesty:shake: .

01-03-2007, 12:06 PM
Inquiring minds want to know!


This is obviously a loaded question right?

So why ask it!

And I've noticed the MCM forum here at .net is locked. Seems like if your from MCM, your not welcome.

Tmac is right, now John was this nesscessary? Trolling? You're on both sites the same as Defyant and you both know what is going on and there are plenty of members that are members of both sites.

So let it go already.

01-03-2007, 03:26 PM
John, take a step back and enjoy the website you bought for the Michigan Guys.
Remember the one:
A place where no one can hurt you.

You are my friend and a good contributor here.
Dont reduce yourself to instigator status like me.

Hmm.. Ok.

I'll not stir the pot...

So, I hear you're getting the new car tuned this weekend? Where and when? Maybe I can make it over.

