View Full Version : Music lovers...

01-04-2007, 07:52 AM
Hey -

Here's a link to girl band that features one of my former students. I'm not responsible for the guitar and voice, but I taught her saxophone and music theory for 6 years. Hannah is the "blond" in the center.

They are currently running around NYC trying to make it big. If you're in the area, stop by and hear them live.



01-04-2007, 08:48 AM
17 views and no comments....

Dude, it's cool to see a teacher exuding pride for his students. If only ALL teachers had this attitude, maybe China wouldn't be kicking our academic arse!

01-04-2007, 11:27 AM
I was sharing this particular link because it has about 30 minutes of video of them performing - first time I've had the chance to see them since I heard they were doing this last year. And they are not bad, not bad at all. I'd like to hear more harmony and less unison as they have the voices to do it (and the knowledge, 'cuz I know she knows her chords . . .) but it's pretty darn good for some 19- and 20-year olds.

The basic difference in our schools vs. the rest of the world is we are grading every kid -- we have compulsory education up to 16 most places. "They" (China and others) are only grading the kids that choose to go to school or can go to school. Big difference. Our top end kids are above average the world over, though I think we can still do better.