View Full Version : I'm sure this is a review for you folks

06-11-2003, 06:16 AM
But, my wife asked me: "Just what is a marauder, it sounds so negative"

Therefore, via on-line dictionary:


n : someone who attacks in search of booty [syn: predator, vulture]

Does this make sense?


Anyway, it sounds a whole lot better than the :

Mercury Group Hug
Mercury Anger Managment Marquis
Mercury Synergy Supreme
Mercury Tofu
Mercury Vegan Victoria


06-11-2003, 06:31 AM
You are forgetting: 'rape, piilage, and plunder' :P

06-11-2003, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by EasyRhino
But, my wife asked me: "Just what is a marauder, it sounds so negative"

Therefore, via on-line dictionary:


n : someone who attacks in search of booty

You said "booty"


P.S. See related threads on useless booty and related topics by using the search function.... ;)

06-11-2003, 06:58 AM
Concidering most people think I'm a pirate at heart anyway, I think the name is perfect. Yeah, cars may come faster, but when I get to the village in question, I wil be fresh enough to loot, pillage, and burn.

"Now then, it's Kill the cattle, rape the women and burn the village. Lets get it right this time!!"

((note- not condoning the rape in any way shape or form.))

Dr Caleb
06-11-2003, 08:28 AM
Here's some tips on planning your looting spree.


Be warned: that site can have some nasty language.

06-11-2003, 08:31 AM
Easy: When the wife asks a questions like that time to head for the hills.................
Tell her its a guy thing :banana: :beer:

06-11-2003, 08:53 AM
Gee, it's too bad they cancelled the minivan called the Mercury Pillager..


06-11-2003, 09:21 AM
Too bad Ford is thinking of dropping the Plunderbird, too. :P

Dr Caleb
06-11-2003, 09:29 AM
I don't know, "Lincon Vulture LXi" has kind of a ring to it...

06-12-2003, 04:26 AM
But I don't think that Lincoln will use that name after the infamous failure of the Buick Buzzard.

06-12-2003, 04:50 AM
:lol: You guys are too much! :lol: