View Full Version : The Birth of ProRauder

01-14-2007, 02:52 PM
Many of us probably have figured out that John (TooManyFords) hasn’t posted here in awhile. His absence is truly our loss. In protest of treatment of others, I assume, he removed his project ProRauder content from mm.net and then checked out. Hopefully in time he will rejoin our community. His account looks to be in good standing so it’s really up to him. I really hope this thread doesn’t degenerate into the who’s, what’s and why’s of what went on… my intention at this point is to simply share a glimpse of Marauder history.

Several members have seen bits and pieces of his dream in scattered pictures but really haven’t heard the story. John once explained to me that his goal was to realize something he wanted his whole life – a real life Hot Wheels car. I believe the timing of his project help center him during a trying time of his life. We all search for comfort when the world starts throwing its challenges our way. John immersed himself into his childhood dream. The challenges he ran into during the project was something he could work through, something he had control over. John is a good friend and it has been my pleasure of witnessing and offering my limited help in a couple of steps along the way.

ProRauder is now stalking the streets of Waterloo, IA, and waiting for nicer weather for a trip to see about professional dyno tuning. While we following the dream wait for the numbers, I asked John if I could take the opportunity to document his journey to date. He had no direction in my effort other than his permission to use the ProRauder galleries and provide a choice of three of his favorite songs to work with. Although this was my novice attempt at using some new video editing software, I am really pleased that he enjoyed it. He has given me permission to share it with you:

The Birth of ProRauder (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxXctg2sxjI)

01-14-2007, 02:58 PM
John's car is awesome and makes me jealous.

He is a good friend and his loss to this community is unfortunate.

Rock on John!

01-14-2007, 03:39 PM
I had been looking for a Marauder for almost 2 years. It had to be a Silver Birch with Light Flint interior, no moonroof, and low miles. I finally gave up. But I saw a picture of John's car on crownvic.net and it is so unbelievably awesome, that it got my interest peaked in a Marauder again. So just for grins, I logged onto autotrader.com and bingo... there was my Marauder. It had to be fate. So thanks to John's car inspiring me, I found my Marauder and am now a member of this community.

01-14-2007, 10:59 PM
Absolutely Awsome !!!

Can't wait to see more of it !!

:burn: :banana2:

01-14-2007, 11:44 PM
I remember when we met up with John on the way back from Detroit. It's good to see his dream coming together. I'm glad that he let you put this together for us JD. Good job. :beer:

01-15-2007, 01:53 AM
Real cool!!!! :bows: but I wish it had a different song. :rolleyes:

01-15-2007, 07:12 AM
John's car is awesome and makes me jealous.

He is a good friend and his loss to this community is unfortunate.

Rock on John!

What ^^^^^he said.

01-15-2007, 09:42 AM
Real cool!!!! :bows: but I wish it had a different song. :rolleyes:

Gee, and I was just wondering what ever happened to Motorhead.

Actually I think the song choice, especially the tempo, works out pretty good. Here's the lyrics:


You take any song's lyrics literally and pretty much say "that's stupid." It's what you feel when you hear it. This is what I hear: a guy escapes into the comfort and solitude of his car as he drives down the open road, leaving the troubles of the world behind. So what if it shakes as he hits 80? It's his pile, and your not there. I love it!

01-15-2007, 09:58 AM
Great video HwyCruiser! I wish John was still here. :(

01-15-2007, 11:39 AM
:eek: That is a hell of a beast is not a common Panther is a Panther on Steroids a mutant Panther, A panther beast from hell I think that this is one of the creatures mentioned on the Bible there's no beast compared to this, the one of it's kind we are seeing the dawn of a new species, a highly piece of technology and endless effort I was shocked and I will download that video to put it in my new 80GB ipod, By the way some folks want to add some commentaries.

:cool: ---Congratulations

:burnout:Welcome "M" beast

:beer: ---A toast for that work Mang

:toast: !Felicidades Mang ! bien hecho/well done

:santaw: ! Ho ho ho ho hoooo ! Congrats my friend.

:banana2: I want to see that Beast in the track in action and recorded.

:wreath: STRYKER. :wreath2:

01-15-2007, 12:08 PM
By the way some folks want to add some commentaries.

The video is open for public view. It is set up so that no approval is required to post a comment, but you probably need a youtube account to add one.

01-15-2007, 01:58 PM
That was AWESOME!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

01-15-2007, 05:52 PM
People get driven off this board?!?!?! Or did he pass away? I havn't had a chance to really interact with more than few people on this board but he was one and a great guy!

Bring that OWNER and Car info back into the world!!!

What board does he post on now? or if any...

01-15-2007, 05:59 PM
People get driven off this board?!?!?! Or did he pass away? I havn't had a chance to really interact with more than few people on this board but he was one and a great guy!

Bring that OWNER and Car info back into the world!!!

What board does he post on now? or if any...

no he's not dead, he posts at motorcity marauders

01-15-2007, 07:45 PM
The video is open for public view. It is set up so that no approval is required to post a comment, but you probably need a youtube account to add one.:santa: That is not a problem I already have an account on "youtube.com" but I don't enter a long time.

:santaw: STRYKER. :santa:

1 Bad Merc
01-15-2007, 11:10 PM
John congrats on a great car! That thing is "Purevil"!

We miss you around here. Pls. stop bye once in awhile.


01-15-2007, 11:50 PM
I think his car still represents what most of us are about! (The passion, the fun, the HP!!)

His absence represents perhaps our dark side? Something for some to ponder perhaps?

01-15-2007, 11:53 PM
WOW! Holy Cow!

01-16-2007, 04:43 AM
JD, congrats on that project summary. It really shows how elaborate it was.

TMF, one of the few good thing, apparently, about getting older is that we stubbornly finish what we start. Your effort is an awesome example of "getting the job done"!! A big, giant congrats for .. that .... well ... you know ....
HMMMM .... "DUB city real world 1/1 scale diecast" ?? !! :)

I wish I could borrow it for one day to scare the s--t of a local Smart car dealership !!

01-16-2007, 08:56 AM
:snowman: Listen carefully. WE WANT YOU RIGHT HERE...!!NOWWWWW!!

:xtree: STRYKER. :santa:

01-16-2007, 04:26 PM
JD, that video kicks butt. You do great work!

John, sweet car and congrats. I'm sure we'll run into each other again soon and I'm looking forward to it.

As for this site, yeah....right down the crapper. It's amazing how a small group of egotistical control freaks can **** it up for everybody. Way to go!

01-16-2007, 09:11 PM
Wait a second, I see the video of buildind and testing !BUT! I don't see that Panther beast running. there's a video of this Panther running ?

:xtree: STRYKER. :xtree:

01-16-2007, 10:56 PM
Gee, and I was just wondering what ever happened to Motorhead.
Oh I'm still around. The lyrics are great and I think you for that. Theres a lotta songs that have great lyrics to me, but the music sounds weak... like The Everly Brothers. Love the lyrics, but I wish they would pick up an electric guitar! :rolleyes: Again cool video, cool car, cool.... ummm... lyrics!!! :D

01-17-2007, 05:29 PM
Oh I'm still around. The lyrics are great and I think you for that. Theres a lotta songs that have great lyrics to me, but the music sounds weak... like The Everly Brothers. Love the lyrics, but I wish they would pick up an electric guitar! :rolleyes: Again cool video, cool car, cool.... ummm... lyrics!!! :D

That was the acoustical version. You'd like the original version much better if you want to hear it with an electric guitar.

01-17-2007, 07:59 PM
I was talking about The Everly Brothers, but I'm open. I'll look for the Marauder video song in it's original form.