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01-16-2007, 09:00 AM
Was this your Drill Instructor?? (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16585140/)

01-16-2007, 11:46 AM
He said "drill"................

01-16-2007, 11:57 AM
:banned: That's what the Air Force is going to tell her! Poor James subjected to something like this! I wonder if he can sleep at night, with visions of nude female drill instructors in his head.

01-16-2007, 01:30 PM
I suspect the girl's military career is over. :nono:

01-16-2007, 02:18 PM
I suspect the girl's military career is over. :nono:
Not necessarily. Such matters can be handled by an Article 15 (Non-Judicial Punishment). Punishments there range from restriction, extra duty, forfeiture of pay, and reduction in rank (punishments are limited by the level of the authority administering the action). Stiffer penalties such as Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge require an Article 32 investigation (similar to Grand Jury proceedings) and a Courts Martial conviction. Of course, much depends on her prior record of service, other disciplinary problems, and whether the photo layout poses are a really "direct" negative reflection on/disgrace to the US Air Force. This could go several ways depending on the facts of the case.

I do find it disturbing that she feels that "She didn't do anything wrong". Drill sergeants Know the limits of personal and professional conduct. If she didn't know .... she should have.

01-16-2007, 06:29 PM
As already mentioned, if she doesn't think she did anything wrong, then she needs to be escorted to the door.

First, as a Noncommissioned Officer she certainly should understand the manner in which this reflects on the Air Force. And she certainly can't use the excuse that she can separate personal conduct from professional conduct. Attractive as she might be, she wouldn't have gotten a second look from Playboy without flaunting the Air Force credentials.

Second, if she thinks being an NCO is something you "take off" (no pun intended) when you are "off duty" then she doesn't get it anyway.

Anything the Air Force might decide to do vis a vis UCMJ etc. I'd say general discharge.... and get as much towards other than honorable characterization as the legal folks thought they could manage... and send the young lady off to do Hollywood or whatever else she thinks is appropriate.

01-16-2007, 08:58 PM
She knew exactly what she was doing, and that's clearly indicated in the article.

Had she not flaunted that she was an Airforce drill instructor, and been "photographed in uniform yelling and holding weapons under the headline "Tough Love." The following pages show her partially clothed wearing her dog tags while working out, as well as completely nude."

She may be facing a different situation from the Airforce

01-16-2007, 09:57 PM
I doubt that her career will go much farther. Lowe enlisted may have a chance but as a non-com, she should have known better.

Kinda funny how every few years someone tries to test the boundaries like that. It seems like this is the 3rd or 4th case of a service member gaining national attention for bearing it all since I've been in.

01-16-2007, 10:17 PM
Don't get any ideas BJ

01-16-2007, 10:30 PM
Don't get any ideas BJ
Don't give him any ideas...

01-16-2007, 11:00 PM
Don't get any ideas BJ

They would just force me to retire. Besides, I don't think this "science fiction project" of a body I've got would sell many of those rags anyway.

01-17-2007, 04:21 AM
They would just force me to retire. Besides, I don't think this "science fiction project" of a body I've got would sell many of those rags anyway.

BJ, you could be the next 'Centerfold ' for 'Frankenstein Monthly'. :lol:

01-17-2007, 05:49 AM
I doubt that her career will go much farther.
No doubt this ^^^^ is true. Her stature as a Drill Instructor has been seriously compromised. Her authority over her trainees will likely be challenged by anyone who has seen her in her "off duty" uniform. :rolleyes: Moreover, her aspirations for positions of higher leadership will likely be severely tarnished by this breach of professional conduct. Therfore, as BJ says .... it is very unlikely that she will ever see a 1st Sergeant or CSM position.

02-11-2007, 03:03 AM
No, she wasn't mine. There are seven BMT squadrons on Lackland AFB. She was on a different one but it's been huge news all over the Security Forces Squadron...all of the guys asked eachother for weeks who had copies of that issue. It was always sold out. Even my recruiter asked if I knew her!

02-11-2007, 06:20 AM
Kinda funny how every few years someone tries to test the boundaries like that. It seems like this is the 3rd or 4th case of a service member gaining national attention for bearing it all since I've been in.

Things change constantly. That's how the rest of us figure out where the boundries are.

02-11-2007, 06:22 AM
So James, are you still keeping San Antonio free from communism?

02-15-2007, 01:28 PM
Not necessarily. Such matters can be handled by an Article 15 (Non-Judicial Punishment). Punishments there range from restriction, extra duty, forfeiture of pay, and reduction in rank (punishments are limited by the level of the authority administering the action). Stiffer penalties such as Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge require an Article 32 investigation (similar to Grand Jury proceedings) and a Courts Martial conviction. Of course, much depends on her prior record of service, other disciplinary problems, and whether the photo layout poses are a really "direct" negative reflection on/disgrace to the US Air Force. This could go several ways depending on the facts of the case.

I do find it disturbing that she feels that "She didn't do anything wrong". Drill sergeants Know the limits of personal and professional conduct. If she didn't know .... she should have.

The rest of the story ... she was demoted from Staff Sergeant to Senior Airman and released from extended active duty back to the Air National Guard. I think she got off pretty easy. She still doesn't know what she did wrong. Time to let her go. Here's the story ...

SAN ANTONIO - An Air Force drill sergeant who posed nude for Playboy magazine has been removed from active duty, she and the Air Force said Wednesday. Michelle Manhart, who appeared in a six-page spread in Playboy's February issue, said she got word Friday that she was removed from "extended active duty" and was also told that she was demoted from staff sergeant to senior airman.

"I'm disappointed in our system," Manhart told The Associated Press on Wednesday. "They went too far with it."

Manhart said that she was reverted to her Air National Guard status and that she submitted a "resignation" to the Guard, which she said is pending. Manhart was a member of the Iowa Air National Guard before going on extended active duty.