View Full Version : For Our East Coast Firends - Win XP New Joisey Style

06-12-2003, 07:47 AM
Subject: Windows XP New Joisey

Dear Consumas:

It has come ta our attention dat a cupola copies of the Windows XP New Joisey Edition may have been shipped
outsida Joisey. If ya got one a dese, youse may need some help unnerstanin da commands.

Da Joisey edition may be recognized by da unique openin' screen. It reads: "Windas XP", wit a background pitcha a
Hoboken. When youse start da program, instead a da usual stringy like music, you hear a little Springsteen. It's also
shipped wit a Sopranos screen sava.

Please also note:
Recycle bin is labeled "Newark"

My Computer is called "My Fri$%in' Computa"

The Inbox is referred to as "Da Trunk"

Deleted items are referred to as "Wacked", "Erased" or "Rubbed Out"

Control Panel is known as "The Bosses"

Performing an "illegal operation" is known as "Enhancin' da Family Business" and will actually maximize da program
instead a shuttin' it down

Hard Drive is referred to as "Da Turnpike on Da Way to Da Shore"

Instead of an error message, "You Ain't Gonna Friggin' Believe Dis'" pops up.

Changes in Terminology in Da Joisey Edition:
OK . . . . Sure ting

Cancel . . . . Fugetabouit

Reset . . . . Start ova

Yeas . . . . Yeah

No . . . . Nah

Find . . . . Put a Contract Out On

Browse . . . . Get a Looksee

Back . . . . U-Toin

Help . . . . Get Your Own Fri%$in' Ansa

Stop . . . . Knock it Off

Start . . . . Move it

Settings . . . . Here's da Rules

We regret any inconvenience it may have caused if you mistakenly got a copy of the Joisey Edition (not).

You may return it to Microsoft for a replacement version.

You gotta problem wit dat?


06-12-2003, 08:44 AM
Jrzygirl's gunna be on ya now!

06-12-2003, 08:46 AM
That is freakin' hilarious. You nailed dem bennys to a T. I was in Belmar, NJ for the past two nights and had to listen to about 300 guys runnin there mouths like that. AGH!! Makes you wanna laugh in their face. "Hey!! I'm walkin' here!!" "Yo, Guy, gimme a Corona!" "Hey, Buddy, you got faw cortas faw a dolla?? I gotta pay da meeta. Tanks, Guy."

For the absolute best in Benny photography, go to www.gleny.com. This guy is out everyday and every night on the Jersey Shore taking pictures of the hottest women (both clothed and unclothed) and of the funniest looking sights to be had. Make sure to check out his "Bennys-Go-Home" car that he drives around the shore to express his dislike for the "boys of summer".

06-12-2003, 09:08 AM
HeHe...spent every christmas and a week every summer near the Joisy shore with my GrandParents we had the neighboor kids convinced we rode horses to school and had two (only two due to zoning) oil wells in the backyard!!!

In Texas almost everyone says hi, talks on the elevator, whatever but in Jersey I did an experiment where I siad Hi to the teller at the different drugstores and they all looked at me like an idiot

Paul T. Casey
06-12-2003, 09:09 AM
Hey, when ah you gonna make XP faw us New Englandahs, Ahm shuwa it would sell. Maybe a Quahog screen savah, Cape Card calandah ( the one that shows a piccha of Ted K drivin on the sidewalks of Hyanis to mok the first day of summa), and the Dell's lemonade girls. We seem to be left outta yaw demographics and ah stahtin to develope a complex about it. If yowa not caahful we'll send the Big Blue Bug afta you.

Sinceahly, a swamp yankee

RF Overlord
06-12-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Paul T. Casey
If yowa not caahful we'll send the Big Blue Bug afta you.

Paul: I bet there aren't more than 2 other people on this board that will get that reference...

:lol: :lol:

06-12-2003, 09:23 AM

06-12-2003, 09:28 AM
I know, you know and he knows, thats 3. What does this all have to do with the Marauder anyway. Needs to be posted somewhere else.

06-12-2003, 10:11 AM
Menace, the lounge is where all the sill and or irrelevant stuff goes.

06-12-2003, 10:18 AM
Yeppers the lounge is for BS...although we have been asked to keep it to a minimum I though some of you Easties would enjoy...if we cant laugh at oursleves who can we laugh at.....Now go mow the yaaawd!