View Full Version : Another is dead!!!

01-18-2007, 12:00 AM
I have no idea how many of you know who I am talking about, but here it goes. Bounce Gregory the bass singer of The Spaniels died yesterday. I think everyone might know them for the song (Good Night Sweetheart) Well, It's Time To Go. I think you may have known it from American Graffiti towards the end when everyone is at the airport. Another Doo Wop artist is gone. This really sucks. Coming from an era of music when you had to have the ability to sing. Bassman vocals have been gone for sometime unless it's used to be funny in some stupid new song. Really this vocal style is something I love. None of the keyboard corrective crap was around. Music from a time when you bought something called a record that would spin and give you the best sounding music quality is existance to this day. A time when you didn't sing about whats wrong in the world, a time when new cars came with chrome bumpers. Back when music wasn't about how big your rimz is or how much money you can blow, how stupid of a tune you put your guitar into, how you can misjudge a lead singers voice for a girls....

This just really hits me, the era is literally dying. :alone: Thats all. For those of you who know this artists or at least the song, thank you.

01-18-2007, 04:52 AM
Is this the same "Motorhead350" we used to know??:eek:

I grew up with "Doo Wop" and remember that one well......RIP Mr. Gregory!!:bows:

01-18-2007, 11:03 AM
Yup I've always loved Doo Wop, but didn't know there was a name for that type of music until about three years ago. Doo Wop is just one style I love on top of a very limited amount of others.

01-18-2007, 09:18 PM
I thought maybe 5 people would respond knowing what I'm talking about..... wow. I thought some of the "mature" members would know who I'm talking about, but I guess I really stand alone on this. Oh well.

01-19-2007, 04:17 AM
Don't I count??:cool:

01-19-2007, 11:38 AM
Of course you do!!! ;)

01-19-2007, 11:58 AM
No Chit Motorhead... you gotta get Billy Joel's daughter's first (intro) music CD. If you like old-style music. This gal's talent gives her dads a run for the money. I swear. She has the same beef as you do with today's "artists" that no one is "hands on" anymore. She is playing the music, writing her own music... nice mix of Rock/Jazz/Blues.

Alexa Ray Joel

Actually, she has a myspace page that you can hear several of her songs on, they load automatically. www.myspace.com/alexarayjoel

:confused: i feel like an infomercial

just go listen :rolleyes:

01-19-2007, 12:05 PM
Sorry to hear.... I have the Spaniels performance on the Doo Wop specials that PBS ran a few years back.

01-19-2007, 02:36 PM
Thanks DefyantWife for that. That girl is beautiful and I love that style. Totally beats the crap outta most stuff out there these days. For those who don't know the song here it is...


Also if you wanna know the original version of Louie Louie before it was called Louie Louie check this one out.... just do it! The first track. :D :D :D


04-11-2007, 07:16 PM
Motorhead, i love a lot of The Doo Wop songs, but did not always know the individual musicians. You are a one of a kind. I dare say that not many your age know of the music of the 50's and 60's nor care unless it is sampled/remixed. It is ashame that music will never come around again. I loved it when Sha Na Na had their tv show, this coming from a black man.

It is indeed refreshing in one so young.

04-11-2007, 07:59 PM
holy crap did this thread make me feel young ,thanks guys but yes that is too bad

04-11-2007, 09:17 PM
1stMerc if anything I'm the minority... lol. Most Doo Wop artists and fans were black until the late 50's when Dion and The Belmonts came around and a few interacial groups to follow like The Dovells. I don't think too many white kids like Doo Wop or even know what it is, like you said it's all sampled or remixed? WTF is up with that? I know someone recently sampled Little Richard's The Girl Can't Help it or something like that for an intro... not that that's Doo Wop I'm just throwing out an example.

Ya I was born in the wrong era for music, but times are better for health cures and all that crap that some tend to overlook. Now if music could be the way it was 50 years ago, I'd be in heaven. Thanks for your kind words I appreciate it.