View Full Version : Consumer Reports in the news

Mike Poore
01-20-2007, 07:17 AM

Ray's thread about the infallible Toyota got me to thinking about their most vocal support team, Consumer (don't buy American) Reports. :coffee:

Consumer Union's shoddy "scientific" testing has left them rushing to explain their bias and outrageously sophomoric testing protocols. Remember the "break out the window to escape" Toyota that was pronounced a Best Buy? :bs:

Once again, those who would decide what's best for us, get their comeuppance. :revenge:

01-20-2007, 07:31 AM
I agree! It should be named Communist Reports or Proletariat Reports. I received a subscription to it last Christmas from a friend. I was so ungrateful, my wife almost executed me that night! It would have been just like CR executes FMC!

Oh well, so much for my tact, huh?