View Full Version : Off-topic. Terrorist threat to schools.

01-31-2007, 09:25 AM
I don't know exactly how realistic the scenarios described in this article are. However, as a parent of school-age children, I'd rather err on the side of being prepared for a threat that doesn't exist than not being prepared for one that does.


01-31-2007, 09:37 AM
Call me nuts but the largest threat to our kids is from those already inside the schools and I am not talking about the janitors. :rolleyes: Dennis

01-31-2007, 09:48 AM
Most of my clients have a gun in their office.

Most schools in the US will not allow nail clippers, more or less weapons and have created an environment of pacifists.

Fire Alarms and Fire Extinguishers are some of the best weapons they have.

The various school associations have to be convinced that if they are taken hostage that the goal of the hostage takers is to murder the students. The schools should consider panic alarms for each employee.

Most schools are good about evacuating for a fire, an evacuation for a hostage situation can be effective.

I developed a 4 point self defense plan oriented for women that can be taught to any mobile person in 4 minutes.

The key is educating the school associations.

01-31-2007, 09:51 AM
They found information relating to this after we invaded Afganistan in 2002. The plans was in one of the caves Al-Queda and the Taliban were using.

01-31-2007, 11:15 AM
Call me nuts

OK .

01-31-2007, 12:27 PM
Recently here in Pennsylvania a gunman killed 5 girls and himself at an Amish school near Lancaster. He had bigger plans, but the teacher and some others escaped, the cops showed up and he wasn't interesed in negotiating.

Fifteen minutes after the 2nd plane hit on September 11th, I was sitting in front of my daughter's elementary school on guard mode. While I was there at least a half dozen cars zoomed up to the school. Parents jumped out and ran into the school, then ran back out with their kids and zoomed away. About a half hour after I got there, a police car came up with dome lights on and parked in front of the school. Guess they were thinking the same thing as me - that the school may be at risk of terrorist attack.

By the way, the community I live in is designated as an eruv (?), or Jewish neighborhood with many Orthodox/observant folks and I am a lifetime member of the Police Marksman Association for about 25 years.


O's Fan Rich
01-31-2007, 01:21 PM
I've had many discussions with Schools about this stuff.
There is alot of concern, and some schools are sitting on thier hands.
It's more important to make sure the athletic fields are perfect, than to increase the safety and security for the children.
Makes you think.

01-31-2007, 01:25 PM
I don't think that serious islamic terrorists will target schools. Their notions are more grand. They al-Queda types are looking at targets that will affect the infrastructure and economy of this country. Wall St., The Chicago Board of Trade, or even Disneyworld make more sense from that point of view.

That said, there are a lot of nuts out there who may wan't to get their 72 virgis without consulting anyone else. There have been a couple attacks on small targets (a Jewish school, a group of students standing on a street corner in NC, et. al.) that were the result of a lone idiot getting himself worked up over the news.

01-31-2007, 01:54 PM
They try to inflict pain where they can, whenever they can because they are so full of hate they do not see that some are innocent bystanders...there is no honour for anyone who kills women and children...none...and the killers of the innocent should be dealt with in the same fashion...IMNSHO...willie

01-31-2007, 02:03 PM
I don't think that serious islamic terrorists will target schools. Their notions are more grand. They al-Queda types are looking at targets that will affect the infrastructure and economy of this country. Wall St., The Chicago Board of Trade, or even Disneyworld make more sense from that point of view.

I am not much into fear mongering --- and this article apears to border on such. While such scenarios may be deemed “plausible”, it is virtually impossible and cost prohibitive to protect everyone against every possible threat all the time. Reasonable precautions and planning are certainly necessary. However, let’s not delude ourselves into thinking we can ever 100% prevent this from happening.

Agree with Dan ^^^^^ above for the reasons stated. Moreover, a direct terrorist attack on a school or schools would be very counterproductive to their cause. I could not think of an event that would galvanize public opinion against Islamic extremists more than attacking school children. Such an event would have a “Pearl Harbor” effect on the US populace. America can get downright nasty when the citizens get PO’d and united.

01-31-2007, 02:14 PM
All the schools need to do is incorporate it into their fire drill. Except instead of reporting to your class teacher when you get out side run like hell.

Then form bands of Wolverines like Patrick Swayze in Red Dawn!;)

01-31-2007, 02:33 PM
Then form bands of Wolverines like Patrick Swayze in Red Dawn!;)

Great! Armed has-been actors stalking the suburbs.

01-31-2007, 07:06 PM
Actually, I'm looking for a way to get back into high school. I wanna get in on some of this hot teacher-on-student action that I've been hearing about on TV. Some of these teachers are really hot!

If the Islamo-facists interupt or prevent a foxy teacher from putting the moves on me, they'll have me to deal with.

01-31-2007, 08:31 PM
While I also agree with Dan and Blue about the counterproductivity of such an act, but I think you have to zero in on parts of the country where Muslims and Jews rub shoulders or other dyametrically opposed groups, as places where this type scenario would be most likely to play out.

I say this because if it happens it probably won't be at the direction of the radicals abroad, but some group of folk here who's hatred and frustration rise to a level of thinking this would be a good idea. Not a "cell" but some ppl. who get together and blame others for the woo's that have befallen them.

My guess Manhattan-Brooklyn-Queens, Detroit, Boston, or D.C. In these areas there are enough people on both sides to make life uncomfortable for each other, they can raise good sums of money, and operate in a subculture of general acceptance that will mask their real agenda until it happens whatever it is........

Thats why our government needs to cultivate relationships in these cultures, constantly gather information, and develop action plans and scenario's to deal with this.

No longer can we go through life like a horse with blinders....... We all have to step up our vigilence and question things we see like never before.

I call it getting a little dose of the criminal mind...... If you think like em they will be easier to spot.....Maybe.

Be careful out there:nono:

01-31-2007, 08:45 PM
Better check under your bed tonight. You never know...

01-31-2007, 08:51 PM
Better check under your bed tonight. You never know...

If anyone is under my bed I'll know. The dust bunnies will make him sneeze.

01-31-2007, 11:53 PM
If anyone is under my bed I'll know. The dust bunnies will make him sneeze.

Boogie man'll get 'em if they get under mine.

02-01-2007, 02:06 AM
Such an event would have a “Pearl Harbor” effect on the US populace. America can get downright nasty when the citizens get PO’d and united.

Yeah, but if the US response takes us any longer than a wait in McDonald's Drive-through to accomplish our goals, we turn on our own government.

02-01-2007, 04:04 AM
Perhaps they could come up with a plan similar to the "duck and cover" instructions children in rhe early 60's were supposed to use in case of a nuclear attack. I remember going through that scenario along with neighbors building nuclear bomb shelters in their basements.:bs: