View Full Version : A Proposal Concerning the Classifieds

01-31-2007, 10:56 AM
We need to get rid of the classified secton. There are Internet services that are designed for fair , unbaised bidding of items, its called E-bay.

Now why do i propose this? I live on the West Coast and everything I do is generally two to three hours behind the majoirty of MM owners who for some reason live on the East Coast or the Central Plains. Time and time again I have gotten the short straw when it comes to getting items I really want in the classified but Im always too late.

Now you might say that its my fault, but its not. My homepage for Firefox and AOL is set to the MM.net classified section and I always check it at least 5 -7 time PER DAY. but im still feel im getting screwed.

Since MM.net has always been about fairness to the constituency of its members, lets make it more fair for me. Do away with the classifieds. Create a classified sub-thread and have all the links of your products directed to Ebay, where all the members of MM.net will have a chance to get what they want the capitalist way, by bidding, not first come , first serve.

Thank you for your time.


01-31-2007, 11:27 AM
I know how you feel, but i would rather get the first chance to get it here then have to deal with ebay...

01-31-2007, 11:40 AM
wow.. where is my tiny fiddle for that one?

i have a much more simple plan. why dont you just move and quit complaining..

O's Fan Rich
01-31-2007, 11:48 AM
I like it!
Good idea Dave.....never considered that aspect, being on the right side of the country and all...
Another way is to delay the posts into the classifieds automatically for 3 hours.
Or give the classified ad poster the opportunity to put it up for auction on the site with a piece going to the site.

01-31-2007, 11:50 AM
It's a great service to most members. I've gotten 10 times the hits and contacts with my ad here vs the ad I spent $ on at Carsoup.

01-31-2007, 01:32 PM
Grifter, thanks for your comment , It was very constructive. Unfortunately I like living in paradise on earth, also known as Santa Barbara CA. Also if you represent the majority of attitudes on the East coast and can only offer "Move and quit complaining" then Im sure I'd fall asleep engaging with your primative minds, but I do know you are the exception, not the rule and most East coasters are quite.... not you.

Rich_Long I like your suggestion. Maybe having a set time like 5pm for the west, 6pm for the central and 7pm for the East ( or something like that) and unveiling that days classifieds all at once so that I might have a chance at getting what everyone else has been.

427 - Carsoup? never heard of it, maybe thats why you were unsuccesful there. Ebay though, has over a million visitors a day, try it, it works.

Since some of you are against EBay, then why cant we bid for it amongst ourselves. My problem is that I actively try to beat the time difference but never can, and when I offer up to DOUBLE the asking price of items I am turned down. Does that make much sense to anyone? It doesnt to me.

Dennis Reinhart
01-31-2007, 01:40 PM
We need to get rid of the classified secton. There are Internet services that are designed for fair , unbaised bidding of items, its called E-bay.

Now why do i propose this? I live on the West Coast and everything I do is generally two to three hours behind the majoirty of MM owners who for some reason live on the East Coast or the Central Plains. Time and time again I have gotten the short straw when it comes to getting items I really want in the classified but Im always too late.

Now you might say that its my fault, but its not. My homepage for Firefox and AOL is set to the MM.net classified section and I always check it at least 5 -7 time PER DAY. but im still feel im getting screwed.

Since MM.net has always been about fairness to the constituency of its members, lets make it more fair for me. Do away with the classifieds. Create a classified sub-thread and have all the links of your products directed to Ebay, where all the members of MM.net will have a chance to get what they want the capitalist way, by bidding, not first come , first serve.

Thank you for your time.


What might be fair to you may not be fair to others, yes there is a time difference so lets say we are on the same time and you log on 2 hours after the widget was posted, and some one else has bought the widget is this not the same thing??? I have tried three times to bid on widgets off of ebay and have lost by seconds not hours.

01-31-2007, 01:55 PM
So what are you saying Dennis, Because of my geographic position everyone else has more of a right to buy things than me? You certainly don't have a problem with where I live when I order CA's or SS brake lines from you ,do you? Lets say the Earth rotated in the opposite direction and The West coast got up before the East , then you guys would know how it feel to be three hours late , behind the stock market, private business's ( like yours) who close at 5 when its only two your time.

I have been getting screwed on items I have a right to bid on and this is MY mercurymarauder.net too.

Im saying we need a system that is not biased ( meaning more people have easier access to products) by the rotation of the Earth!

What has happened to the great community spirit that used to be here. I stand up for myself and people tell me im full of it?

01-31-2007, 02:00 PM
My problem is that I actively try to beat the time difference but never can, and when I offer up to DOUBLE the asking price of items I am turned down. Does that make much sense to anyone? It doesnt to me.

It makes perfect sense. It means the seller has already made a deal with another board member and your offer of double the money for the seller to renege on the deal should be turned down. I can understand your frustration but thats not cool to try and bribe a seller to back out of a deal he has already made with another member of MM.net.

And I'm not sure your answer of ebay will solve anything. If I understand your complaint it is that an east coast member lists a part for sale say at 8:00am eastern time but because of the time difference you're offline because its 5:00am pacific time where you live and you feel the good deals get snatched up by members in a closer timezone to the seller.

Well if thats the problem I don't see how ebay would change that. Using the example above lets say that the seller puts his part on ebay at 8:00am eastern time instead of on MM.net. Don't you think that east coast people also check out ebay in the morning before you get online? And if it was a good deal don't you think someone would buy it now on ebay before you got online?

What I'm trying to say is what's the difference if you log in to MM.net first thing in the morning and see a part sold or you log on to ebay in the morning and see the part sold there? Either way the part was sold while you were offline.

Again I understand your frustration but try looking at this another way. What aout the people who put a part up for sale at say 10:00pm Your online but the east coast people are not because its 1:00am where they live. So don't you have an advantage over them?

Dennis Reinhart
01-31-2007, 02:10 PM
So what are you saying Dennis, Because of my geographic position everyone else has more of a right to buy things than me? ?

Where in the below post does it even come close to suggesting what you just said.

Again the INTERNET is great but it can and does get misinterpreted all the time.

What might be fair to you may not be fair to others, yes there is a time difference so lets say we are on the same time and you log on 2 hours after the widget was posted, and some one else has bought the widget is this not the same thing??? I have tried three times to bid on widgets off of ebay and have lost by seconds not hours.

I am simply saying that what you feel is fair will not be for others, but there may be a middle ground.

01-31-2007, 02:24 PM
Since the classified's on MM NET are available 24/7 what you are saying makes no sense.

Are you saying that newly available items are ONLY posted at 8:00am est so you are asleep?

Newly available items are posted 24/7, not 8:00am-5:00pm est.

It is a lot easier to post in the classifed and less expensive then ebay.

I am completely againest eliminating a service that is provided and available 24/7 because a member lives in a different time zone.

What about people who work nites or only have access to a computer at home or only at work or only dial up or those who are computer challenged or who cannot type?

I tell my children 9 & 11 all the time when they say something is not fair, "life is not fair and the sooner you accept it the happier you will be".

01-31-2007, 02:31 PM
:popcorn: :popcorn:

01-31-2007, 02:35 PM
God said it was good. He didn't say it was fair.

Dennis Reinhart
01-31-2007, 02:42 PM
dam that is almost as bad as me I asked, for Viagra and got saltpetre instead:shake: :shake:

01-31-2007, 02:43 PM
Uhhh......^^^^ Zack^^^^ has beaten me to SEVERAL items I have wanted. And he is AN HOUR BEHIND ME! :rolleyes:

So.....what about someone who posts up something at 10PM EST. I usually head to bed then. It is only 7PM where you are. Does that mean you should not be able to buy it until 8AM the next morning???

What about our Members in Hawaii? They are even further away from EST. Maybe we should not list ANYTHING in the Classifieds until 3PM EST. Do you think everyone will be up by then?


01-31-2007, 03:07 PM
I like that my items are sold here.
I wish there was auction functionality here, like eBay. (equal opportunity, regardless of timezone)
I'd wish our site had auction functionality

2 birds, one stone

01-31-2007, 03:10 PM
LVMarauder, there is a simple solution to your problem. List all of the items that you potentially would purchase and list them in parts wanted section. This will have sellers coming to you before even posting items. I understand your point of view but eliminating the classifieds completely is overkill.

Bill Lalk
01-31-2007, 03:13 PM
Hey boys, he's only 21. Life hasn't really slapped him around enough yet for him to realize about the "small stuff". I have missed out on damn near every neat thing offered here - to another member. So what! Good for them! My loss is someone elses gain. That is what life is! I'm am sure he gets a benefit here and there where someone else misses out, but you won't hear a complaint about those.:(

Bill Lalk
01-31-2007, 03:17 PM
jawz101, Now that is a good idea. Have a choice in the classifieds to sell it at auction. It may take a lot of reprogramming that the admins may not care to deal with though.

01-31-2007, 03:18 PM
LV, you basically want the ENTIRE community to cater to you because you live in an 'inconvenient' time zone?

So what happens then when someone in your time zone posts something and you get first crack at it? Am i supposed to feel screwed because you live in the same time zone and it wasnt a convenient time for me to be on checking the classifieds? I miss alot of ebay items because the seller lives a couple time zones away and they started their auction at 10pm their time, which may be midnight my time. Thats just the way a 'global' economy works.. do you want Tokyo to open their stock market at the same time Wall Street does just to make it 'fair'?
Nothing good ever comes with out sacrifice. If you wanted something someone was selling on the classifieds that bad, chances are you could visit one of our vendors and buy it there. It might not be as cheap as a used part, but thats the way the system works.

01-31-2007, 03:32 PM
So you are upset because you offer double on an item that a seller has agreed to sell to someone else and the seller does not back out of his first deal and sell to you? :rolleyes: Like others have said what is fair in your eyes may not be fair to others so why should we change it for you?

On a side note I really enjoyed the classified forum system better. If there is any change to the classifieds I would rather see it be that it gets its own forum.

Dennis Reinhart
01-31-2007, 04:25 PM
God said it was good. He didn't say it was fair.

I got a sweater for Christmas. What I really wanted was a moaner or a screamer

You know that is about as bad as my wife.

My wife only has sex with me for a purpose. Last
>>night she used me to time an egg. :lol:

01-31-2007, 04:29 PM
I think the classifieds here are awesome. I've sold two grills, a set of OEM axles and a set winter tires and never had a problem with any the transactions and no fees were requested by the management for the service. Also, the membership is first class, so you can pretty much assume what is posted is the real deal.

If I miss out on something I wanted (twice now), it was either I waited to long to contact the seller or the offering was too hot to last long. Either way, the current process is plenty fair as far as I'm concerned. I agree with the suggestion of posting in the parts wanted section. Someone probably has something laying around worth selling if they knew you had an interest.

01-31-2007, 04:36 PM
Get rid of the classifieds????........You are being selfish......I love the classifieds!!!!........Where else can you buy and sell nothing but Marauder stuff for free?....Sounds like you just have poor timing..Almost every deal I have made with someone on this site has lived on the Eastcoast, and I live pretty much as far to the Westcoast as you can get...And at another point....I feel much more safe buying an item from someone on this site rather than a place like E-bay

Maybe to doctor up the classifieds to work better for everyone?....Sure!

Get rid of the classifieds all together?.....I don't think so!

01-31-2007, 04:46 PM
What no-one has pointed out is that e-bay time is PST. For those of us east of the rockies, there is little to no chance of getting in a last minute bid on something that is posted out west unless the seller listed it at a time to accomodate more buyers. I am sure that I am not the only one who has lost a bid to someone at two AM EST when it is 3 hrs earlier in Ca. The classifieds will stay as they are. The suggestion has already been made to list your "wants" in the classifeds. That is the best answer to your problem

01-31-2007, 05:51 PM
Great points guys, I think the system is fine.

Great to hear that you are imprving on your times Dennis!

01-31-2007, 05:58 PM
We need to get rid of the classified secton. There are Internet services that are designed for fair , unbiased bidding of items, its called E-bay.


Im saying we need a system that is not biased ( meaning more people have easier access to products) by the rotation of the Earth!

What has happened to the great community spirit that used to be here. I stand up for myself and people tell me im full of it?

So you want fair & unbiased eh ?.

Let's recap shall we ?.

Since some of you are against EBay, then why cant we bid for it amongst ourselves. My problem is that I actively try to beat the time difference but never can, and when I offer up to DOUBLE the asking price of items I am turned down. Does that make much sense to anyone? It doesnt to me.

Make sense you say ?.

I think I understand, but just to be fair & unbiased ... let me run it by you just to be sure.

Let's say for the sake of argument here(purely FICTION) ...

It is 12 AM EST(9 PM your time).

I post in the classifieds that I am selling a MM wheel for $250 shipped - and to PM me if interested.

Fast forward a bit ... it is now 1 AM EST(10 PM your time). You are on-line here browsing the classifieds & come across my ad. You are the first one to PM me. You say you want to purchase the wheel at my asking price & ask if it's ok to pay by a USPS M/O.

1:01 AM EST ... I am still awake & on-line. I get an email stating I have a PM from you here on MM.net. I log on here & reply to you that the money order is fine & provide my full name & snail mail address. By 1:05 AM EST, I log off & go to bed - forgetting to note that the item is already sold or remove the ad. At 1:10 AM EST(10:10 PM your time) you reply back to me via PM ... that you will put the M/O in tomorrow's mail. At 1:30 AM EST(10:30 PM your time) you hit the sack & feel good about scoring an extra wheel.

Let's fast forward again ...

It is now 7:30 AM EST(4:30 AM EST). I'm awake & get on-line. First things first ... I open Outlook Express & check my email. I have (7) emails stating that I have PM's(7) here on MM.net concerning my wheel for sale ad.

The first one was received at 1:10 AM EST from you ... confirming you would be sending a money order out today. Out of the remaining (6) PM's about the wheel ... the 1st of the (6) was sent at 5:45 AM EST & the last was sent at 7:15 AM EST. The 4th one I received was sent to me at 6:45 AM EST. Your thinking ... what's the point of when these PM's were sent ... as you PM'd me before ALL of them & we already closed the deal, didn't we ?.

Well ... I forgot to mention that the 4th PM was someone offering me DOUBLE($500.00) my original asking price ... payable immediately via Paypal, all I have to do is reply back. I think to myself ... oh wow, why should I sell it to you for $250.00. Let me sell it to this other person instead - doubling my money. I proceed to PM them back at 7:35 AM EST ... & give them my email address to send the Paypal money to.

At 7:45 AM EST ... I get an email from Paypal stating the $500.00 was sent by the other person in question. At 7:50 AM EST ... I PM you, telling you NOT to send out that money order today ... I'm backing out of the deal.

Fast forward yet again ...

Now it's 10 AM EST(7 AM your time). You wake up - log on here & see you have a PM from me ... calling off the deal - even tho we had already agreed to one hours before.

WTF eh !?!?!?!? :confused:

Would you find a scenario such as that to be fair & unbiased ?.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here & say ...

No you wouldn't.


01-31-2007, 06:11 PM
Grifter, thanks for your comment , It was very constructive. Unfortunately I like living in paradise on earth, also known as Santa Barbara CA. Also if you represent the majority of attitudes on the East coast and can only offer "Move and quit complaining" then Im sure I'd fall asleep engaging with your primative minds, but I do know you are the exception, not the rule and most East coasters are quite.... not you.

Rich_Long I like your suggestion. Maybe having a set time like 5pm for the west, 6pm for the central and 7pm for the East ( or something like that) and unveiling that days classifieds all at once so that I might have a chance at getting what everyone else has been.

427 - Carsoup? never heard of it, maybe thats why you were unsuccesful there. Ebay though, has over a million visitors a day, try it, it works.

Since some of you are against EBay, then why cant we bid for it amongst ourselves. My problem is that I actively try to beat the time difference but never can, and when I offer up to DOUBLE the asking price of items I am turned down. Does that make much sense to anyone? It doesnt to me.

Keep the Classifieds here....like it or not life is full of disappointments!
If anyone can afford to live in Santa Barbara, Calif. (High Society)
they can afford to buy their goods....whatever!

"Takin' care of Business":pimp:

01-31-2007, 06:21 PM
Got and idea, you PM me what you want to buy and what you want to pay and I will PM you back you where to send the check for what I want to sell. Dennis....:rolleyes: OK?

01-31-2007, 06:27 PM
Got and idea, you PM me what you want to buy and what you want to pay and I will PM you back you where to send the check for what I want to sell. Dennis....:rolleyes: OK?

Just the way them hoss traders do it in Maine, eh Dennis?:D

01-31-2007, 06:52 PM
Guess it just sucks to be you especially since you ... like living in paradise on earth, also known as Santa Barbara CA. :dunno:

Deal with it.

Everyone has a choice of posting in the Classifieds and/or having an eBayŽ listing. *I've seen people make a post on MecuryMarauder.net about their eBayŽ listing.

But in the end it's a personal ( seller's ) choice that the buyers shouldn't mandate.

And I am unanimous on that. :D

Long live the Classifieds!!!!! :flag:

01-31-2007, 06:55 PM
Well , I wanted to see what everyone thought and it turns out some of you are real pricks. I just wanted to have some constructive DEBATE , not name calling... must be a high society thing. Some of you do post good counter arguments , but jawz hit the nail on the head. Ok so killing classifieds is out, lets add a bidding feature to it. In all areas of life a little extra grease gets the job done. What I felt was UNFAIR was the absoluteness of the transactions and the fact that YES when people 3 hours ahead of me post their products on line there are many more people who get the absolute right to purchase before I've had my oatmeal. So lets bid for it. None of you big strong independent men are afraid of being out bid by a 21 year old college student are you? naw.

not5-0 Thank you for a constructive, useful, and good idea.

01-31-2007, 07:02 PM
On a side note I really enjoyed the classified forum system better. If there is any change to the classifieds I would rather see it be that it gets its own forum.

Me too. That way when you click on "New Posts" you see both the classifieds and the threads that have been posted to.

01-31-2007, 07:11 PM
Hey LV.
I like buying from people I know and have had some dealings with as well as in some cases knowing the history of the parts, or the cars. In most cases here, there is usually ample time to check on ads. I saw a car here for over a month before I finally broke down and got it. And if you check the MM forums as often as you say I don't think that you would miss out on much anyway. Just my opinion, nothing inflammatory meant. Good day.

01-31-2007, 07:22 PM
I assure you I do spend far too much time in the classifieds. And there have been 3 items in the last week that have been up and down before I could be heard. Thus prompting this highly controversial thread.

btw Nice Rims, do you know what happened to the OEM's.

Bill Lalk
01-31-2007, 07:32 PM
Well LV, Now I know what kind of person you are. Go back and read my comment. I said you were young and inexperienced in life. I guess 21 is the new 60. I never attacked you, but you attacked me, saying nasty stuff like I take it in the rear and? Well, I hope you get all thats coming to you in life.:nono:

01-31-2007, 07:51 PM
Name calling and personal attacks do not constitute a debate. this thread is circling down the toilet quickly, and will be closed if it continues

01-31-2007, 07:52 PM

01-31-2007, 08:05 PM
Got and idea, you PM me what you want to buy and what you want to pay and I will PM you back you where to send the check for what I want to sell. Dennis....:rolleyes: OK?

Sounds good to me Dennis ... I am very easy to accommodate.

We can close a deal anytime between 7:49 PM EST & 8:02 PM EST every 3rd Monday - 2nd Wed or 1st Thursday of the month from May 1st thru November 30th. From Dec 1st thru the 30th of April ... I can do it on the 3rd Friday - 2nd Saturday or 4th Tuesday between 5:47 AM PST & 6:12 AM PST only if it's an even numbered day. On odd numbered days ... the time will be between 12:27 PM MST & 12:41 PM MST if the previous evening contained a full moon. If not ... we will have to make it the 3rd Sunday after an even numbered Monday between 10:08 AM PST & 10:14 AM PST.

I look forward to doing business with you.


Bill Lalk
01-31-2007, 08:13 PM
Name calling and personal attacks do not constitute a debate. this thread is circling down the toilet quickly, and will be closed if it continues

Ok, I'll be the first. Sorry LV if I offended you in any way. I was trying to be comical and it went south.

Sorry MERCMAN to be off topic. Back on topic - I have used the classifieds here many a time and I think it to be a very poor idea to ever consider removing it from your/our forums.

01-31-2007, 08:17 PM
Sounds good to me Dennis ... I am very easy to accommodate.

We can close a deal anytime between 7:49 PM EST & 8:02 PM EST every 3rd Monday - 2nd Wed or 1st Thursday of the month from May 1st thru November 30th. From Dec 1st thru the 30th of April ... I can do it on the 3rd Friday - 2nd Saturday or 4th Tuesday between 5:47 AM PST & 6:12 AM PST only if it's an even numbered day. On odd numbered days ... the time will be between 12:27 PM MST & 12:41 PM MST if the previous evening contained a full moon. If not ... we will have to make it the 3rd Sunday after an even numbered Monday between 10:08 AM PST & 10:14 AM PST.

I look forward to doing business with you.

And don't forget, if there is a "Blue Moon" you pay double....
but only if the Moon sets before 3 AM CST

Gotta Love It!:pimp:

01-31-2007, 09:23 PM
Hey, i'd be game for an auction style listing in the classifieds, but at the sellers choice. That would give everyone the options they want. There are some items that would really start a bidding war, such as the vintage style fender badges.

I hope i didnt cross the lines into personal attacks, that wasnt my point at all. I was however debating it with you. Maybe not in the most polite way i could have though.

01-31-2007, 09:24 PM
Ok, I'll be the first. Sorry LV if I offended you in any way. I was trying to be comical and it went south.

And I'll reciprocate, I apologize for my insult. The age card is the only one that presses my buttons.

Mercman- I noticed there are already bidding options available in the Post an Ad section. Can we activate more features like those, setting minimum bids, having a window of time at which, once expired the product goes to the highest bidder, things of that nature? Inquiring minds.....

01-31-2007, 09:34 PM
jawz101, Now that is a good idea. Have a choice in the classifieds to sell it at auction. It may take a lot of reprogramming that the admins may not care to deal with though.

They probably aren't programming much. Just customizing what they bought.
I'm going to guess there are community forums for vBulletin support
(I mean, come on; of course they would have a forum forum:rolleyes: )...

There are vBulletin mods
Vbay (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=132544&highlight=auction)
vB Easy Auction v1.1 (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=92857&highlight=auction)

those took like 30 seconds to find. I'm sure there are more.

I like the option because sometimes I lowballed my pricing just to get interest in the item. And it'd save having to be bothered by pm's of people trying to haggle with you

01-31-2007, 09:48 PM
"This will add auctions to your site quickly and easily. Simply edit the auction.pl file and admin.pl files to reflect your server's filepaths, etc., and then upload the files to your server. Create a template and make a couple edits to your vbulletin files to allow navigation to your auctions and that is it!"

First, Thank you Jawz101.

I am glad to see something worthwhile has come from todays exchanges. Now , the real challenge of implementing it. Who is the main admin responsible for website structure/links , that sort of thing.

01-31-2007, 09:58 PM
well, MM03MOK bought the site and here are the other board members:
BigDogJim, Cruztaker, Dennis Reinhart, MercMan, Mike Poore, MM2004, RF Overlord and SergntMac

I suppose you would have to start by seeing if others are interested (aka wait for a few more comments on this thread) and then running it by the board

btw- I totalled my MM, I've sold everything off it, I'm keeping the jacket, and I'm never leaving this forum

01-31-2007, 10:34 PM
Close the classifieds because you either dont check it at the right time or whatever? What a load of :bs:

01-31-2007, 10:48 PM
I can feel your pain.

I just want to interject my $.02 here...

I am on the other side of this.
I live in New York and work for a company that is based in California.
Do you know what it is like to try to get answer for customers at 9 am Eastern time ?
I can't even tell them that I will have an answer for them at 12:00 noon.
That's because, like every other business, most people get to work at 9 am
but aren't in a full capacity to work before 10 am.
So that pushes me to a minimum of 1 pm Eastern just to get someone to read an email or answer a voice mail.
I've already been working for 4 hours by that time.
A customer is not going to stand around and wait for an answer that long.

You want to see what's available on the site as soon as its is posted ?
There should be some sort of Classified's subscription that you can have
send an email or text message alert to your cellular phone or Blackberry.
This way you won't have to wait until you log in to see what's been going on.
You can be ALERTED once something is posted.
I WISH I could do this with some people in California.
I'd be waking their a$$es up REAL EARLY.

This is the best solution for those people looking for bargains.
If you can't get to it within a reasonable amount of time,
then 'You snooze, You lose.' comes to mind.

01-31-2007, 11:44 PM
Other than the timing issue, and I restate I check them 5-7 times perday, way too much, its the absoluteness of first come first serve. Others in this very thread have said they too would like the CHANCE to get at items in the classifieds. And thats an auction.

02-01-2007, 12:55 AM
first come first serve is NEVER GOING TO BE FAIR

by the wa LV, what types of great things are u missing out on that you cant get through the vendors on this site? (i understand they might be slightly cheaper)

if your offering double money maybe the supporting vendor or ebay is a better route to GET the item(s)

P.S. ive seen some massive A hole name calling and rudeness on this post, way to make us look good for visiting people to this site, GOOD JOB people

02-01-2007, 04:15 AM
Out of fairness don't sell ur item until 24 hrs after it's posted. and if you have more than 1 response you can have a option to make it a bid through pm's(Counsel???) and make it so those involved can read/bid the bids.

If not you'll have to show the highest bid and wait for them to verify the bid..Just a thought.

02-01-2007, 05:36 AM
Folks, this is not E-bay, it is the CLASSIFIEDS. Do you bid on items from your newspaper classifieds? One has to assume that if a seller wanted people to bid on a particular item, they would use E-bay or another auction type site. The seller has a set price and the buyer knows this price. If we went to an auction classified, we would then have to police this with non-payers, slow payers, damaged and lost merchandise, merchandise not as described etc. We are a Marauder enthusiast site, not an auction site. The classifieds have been here since the birth of MM.net and seems to have been working well. The owners will look over your concerns about time differences, but rest assured that we will PROBABLY not change the classifieds.

O's Fan Rich
02-01-2007, 05:49 AM
well, MM03MOK bought the site and here are the other board members:
BigDogJim, Cruztaker, Dennis Reinhart, MercMan, Mike Poore, MM2004, RF Overlord and SergntMac

Ummmm... Cruztaker is out. He seems to have burned the bridges back, too, at least according to his avatar.
Mac is on some sort of hiatus from the forum.

Then there are..... never mind.:alone:

02-01-2007, 06:01 AM
If you are checking the classifieds 6 - 7 times a day and are still missing out on opportunities, may I suggest you just have bad luck.

Well let me say, everything I have is for sale. You come up with the correct amount (cash) and it is yours.

02-01-2007, 06:12 AM
I totally dissagree, I have wanted parts and missed them too, but Ebay is:bs: , its a big pain in the a$$ to deal with that. There are other places to buy car parts, go to the vendor or a swap meet, just my $.02

02-01-2007, 06:46 AM
Unfortunately this is the way many younger people look at things today. If something does not meet their needs, they kick and scream to have it changed, damn the consequences of the changes. They don't think that changing the rules to fit the needs of the minority has any effect on the bottom line. Reality dictates that the good of the majority will be served, at the sacrifice of the a few. That is life, that is the way humans operate, and that is the way it will and should be. If things were different, opposite in this case, I bet some younger generation guy/girl would be complaining just the same. People that are old enough, OR lived life enough to realize that things aren't fair, would never make a complaint like this.

02-01-2007, 07:05 AM
LVMarauder, there is a simple solution to your problem. List all of the items that you potentially would purchase and list them in parts wanted section. This will have sellers coming to you before even posting items. I understand your point of view but eliminating the classifieds completely is overkill.

Ding Ding Ding Number one answer!

I'll take the obvious for 100, Alex!

Bill Lalk
02-01-2007, 07:16 AM
Unfortunately this is the way many younger people look at things today. If something does not meet their needs, they kick and scream to have it changed, damn the consequences of the changes. They don't think that changing the rules to fit the needs of the minority has any effect on the bottom line. Reality dictates that the good of the majority will be served, at the sacrifice of the a few. That is life, that is the way humans operate, and that is the way it will and should be. If things were different, opposite in this case, I bet some younger generation guy/girl would be complaining just the same. People that are old enough, OR lived life enough to realize that things aren't fair, would never make a complaint like this.

X2 - What I said but was chastised.

02-01-2007, 07:18 AM
Well , I wanted to see what everyone thought and it turns out some of you are real pricks. I just wanted to have some constructive DEBATE , not name calling... must be a high society thing.
If that's true, why have you stooped to the same level? Hmm?

Some of you do post good counter arguments , but jawz hit the nail on the head. Ok so killing classifieds is out, lets add a bidding feature to it. In all areas of life a little extra grease gets the job done.
We are not about 'extra grease'. We are about friendship and comradery. Difficult concepts at 21, I'm sure.

What I felt was UNFAIR was the absoluteness of the transactions and the fact that YES when people 3 hours ahead of me post their products on line there are many more people who get the absolute right to purchase before I've had my oatmeal.
If we can wake up at wee hours, take our work vacation time, spend our own money, put miles on the cars we love, etc, etc, just to HANG OUT with each other, you can wake up at 3 am and wipe your own runny nose and check the dayum classifieds!

So lets bid for it. None of you big strong independent men are afraid of being out bid by a 21 year old college student are you? naw.
It's not about age or competition. It's also NOT ABOUT MONEY. Hell, I've GIVEN AWAY more value in parts and labor than you've EVER PURCHASED!

not5-0 Thank you for a constructive, useful, and good idea.
If you were gonna complain, maybe YOU should have thought of this to get AHEAD of everyone else!

02-01-2007, 07:23 AM
Hey LV.
I like buying from people I know and have had some dealings with as well as in some cases knowing the history of the parts, or the cars. In most cases here, there is usually ample time to check on ads. I saw a car here for over a month before I finally broke down and got it. And if you check the MM forums as often as you say I don't think that you would miss out on much anyway. Just my opinion, nothing inflammatory meant. Good day.

I have traded with many members of this site. My policy has been (as learned from another member): "If you are a member, here, your credit is good." I don't do the 'money first' thing. I have received paypal, mailed checks, money orders, whatever. I've never had a check bounce, or any other payment weirdness. There's a trust here that does not exist in a bidding place (like ebay). I'd rather drop my price a few bucks, help a friend, contribute to the community, and not be afraid of any possible hassle than undermine the trust that lives here.

02-01-2007, 07:30 AM
Other than the timing issue, and I restate I check them 5-7 times perday, way too much, its the absoluteness of first come first serve. Others in this very thread have said they too would like the CHANCE to get at items in the classifieds. And thats an auction.

So I guess classifieds in the local paper are out?
Buying a car from a dealer would definately be out.
How many other 'first come first serve' items would be affected?

Besides, if you can afford to 'DOUBLE' offers, why not just buy new?

02-01-2007, 07:33 AM
Folks, this is not E-bay, it is the CLASSIFIEDS. Do you bid on items from your newspaper classifieds? One has to assume that if a seller wanted people to bid on a particular item, they would use E-bay or another auction type site. The seller has a set price and the buyer knows this price. If we went to an auction classified, we would then have to police this with non-payers, slow payers, damaged and lost merchandise, merchandise not as described etc. We are a Marauder enthusiast site, not an auction site. The classifieds have been here since the birth of MM.net and seems to have been working well. The owners will look over your concerns about time differences, but rest assured that we will PROBABLY not change the classifieds.



02-01-2007, 09:29 AM
Unfortunately this is the way many younger people look at things today. If something does not meet their needs, they kick and scream to have it changed, damn the consequences of the changes. They don't think that changing the rules to fit the needs of the minority has any effect on the bottom line. Reality dictates that the good of the majority will be served, at the sacrifice of the a few. That is life, that is the way humans operate, and that is the way it will and should be. If things were different, opposite in this case, I bet some younger generation guy/girl would be complaining just the same. People that are old enough, OR lived life enough to realize that things aren't fair, would never make a complaint like this.

I don't understand why you got so grouchy about this. You have 11 posts to his 800+. I respect his input.

It wasn't a complaint. More of a suggestion. It has nothing to do with being younger. So, you're saying your philosophy is to never improve on ideas? I'm sure others would step up to help if it needed testing.
Leave it to the moderators and site admins to see if they would entertain the idea. It may realistically not be that hard to do. I'm a member of probably 20 forums and ideas are always welcome

And you're 31 years young :) I don't want to be a grouchy old man when I'm only 31. Come on

I like the idea because it avoids price haggling PM's.
****One question I have is if there really is a time delay for him to see it. If there is an inherent flaw in the time, he could simply change his forum time settings to be Eastern time.

O's Fan Rich
02-01-2007, 09:48 AM
Well, this was fun, huh guys?

02-01-2007, 10:07 AM
Well, this was fun, huh guys?

As much fun as a oil thread.

RF Overlord
02-01-2007, 10:23 AM
As much fun as a oil thread.Hey. I resemble that...

02-01-2007, 11:17 AM
Wow, Magindat, I always thought you were an OK guy. Now I see I was completely mistaken.

You win, here's my white flag.

Moderators- please close and delete this thread. Thank you.

02-01-2007, 11:22 AM
I don't understand why you got so grouchy about this. You have 11 posts to his 800+. I respect his input.

It wasn't a complaint. More of a suggestion. It has nothing to do with being younger. So, you're saying your philosophy is to never improve on ideas? I'm sure others would step up to help if it needed testing.
Leave it to the moderators and site admins to see if they would entertain the idea. It may realistically not be that hard to do. I'm a member of probably 20 forums and ideas are always welcome

And you're 31 years young :) I don't want to be a grouchy old man when I'm only 31. Come on

I like the idea because it avoids price haggling PM's.
****One question I have is if there really is a time delay for him to see it. If there is an inherent flaw in the time, he could simply change his forum time settings to be Eastern time.

This thread is such a joke I that refused to take any part in it. But, after seeing members like Jeffh get insulted instead of giving LV a reality check I must get involved.

Give me a break. Who cares how many posts LV has? It doesn't make him anymore correct or his opinion anymore valuable. All it means is that he has more available to in front of his computer. His complaint is one of the most childish I have ever read in ANY form that I belong to. Honestly, I cannot believe that people are actually defending it or even considering to "look into in further."

To cancel the Classifieds because he could possibly be sleeping if someone on the East Coast posted something for sale at 8:00 am eastern time?

Never mind that, according to his numbers, most of the members are on the East Coast.

Never mind that it was mentioned that the classifieds are technically open 24/7 and that items could possibly be listed at anytime of the day (even a time to LV's advantage).

Never mind that nobody complains when someone on the West Coast posts an item for sale at a time of their choosing (which my help members living out West).

Never mind that some people work nights and sleep during the day (I don't see him trying to help those folks out).

Never mind that he has no class at all and goes behind the backs of other club members (MM.Net) and offers to double the price which was already agreed on and WORSE still has the never to complain when his slimy offer is rejected.

No, LV missed a chance to by something because he needed his sleep and we should now cancel the Classifieds. After all, it is not his fault that he was tired and needed to sleep. How else will he get the energy for a full day of complaining?

Oh, poor him, maybe you should send him your Marauder to use for parts so that everything in the world can begin to revolve around him and his needs..um...wants.

Jaws, you and I are both around the same age (I'm 25 and your 26) recent Univ. Grads and we even belong to the same Fraternity (Kappa Sigma) but our views on how to handle whiners couldn't differ more.

You call members, like Jeffh grouchy old man while I think he is dead on correct.

The only thing that makes me feel better is to see that you are in the minority on this issue.

Bill Lalk
02-01-2007, 11:24 AM
Wow, Magindat, I always thought you were an OK guy. Now I see I was completely mistaken.

You win, here's my white flag.

Moderators- please close and delete this thread. Thank you.

You were not mistaken, he is an OK guy.

02-01-2007, 11:27 AM
His Tirade clearly proved that. your right bill.

Bill Lalk
02-01-2007, 11:28 AM
Shora - THANK YOU! You just made my entire day!:) :) :up: :up:

02-01-2007, 11:30 AM
Wow, Magindat, I always thought you were an OK guy. Now I see I was completely mistaken.

You win, here's my white flag.

Moderators- please close and delete this thread. Thank you.

Closed at thread starters request.

And thanks for starting this tempest in a teapot