View Full Version : Closing threads should not be an option

02-01-2007, 12:22 PM
To all the owners and moderators:

I ask that you please refrain from closing any threads "even" if the thread starter requests it.

I believe that one should not start a thread if he/ she cannot handle the direction that it may lead to. Once a thread has started, it takes on a life of its own and involves much more and many more people then the single person who started it.

I agree that the threads must be moderated and that insults should be kept to a minimum or even deleted (in extreme cases only) but closing threads makes people feel like a door was shut in their face or as if they were kicked out of a room.

The activity in this form is what makes it such a great place to visit online and once people have taken the time and energy to post in a thread, it's not fair to just close it because the thread starter requested it. It became everyone's thread (especially those who participated/ posted in it.

Let the threads live until they die a natural death. The members will decide when they have had enough of a thread by simply not visiting and posting in it.

Please, give us the option to decide when to stop participating in a thread. Do not allow a single member the right to close us out of a room (thread) just because they don't like where it went. Again, it became more then just about them the second people began to participate in the thread.

You can begin by respectfully reopening "A Proposal Concerning the Classifieds"

Maybe something good will come out of that thread after all. Something like the policy I suggest above: "Open a thread at your own discretion, just keep in mind that once opened, it does not belong to you anymore." You lose all rights to have it closed.

I thank you for your consideration.

02-01-2007, 01:06 PM

Deleting threads creates animosity. It's like when some one hangs up the phone on you half way through a sentence.

I read a thread here a couple weeks ago about a "venders product" that got deleted. It wasn't even a "war". They were happy customers and owners of the product.

Even so, the general consensus seemed to be that "it wasn't a matter of if, but when" their motors would let go.

The thread wasn't even locked. It was deleted. I don't remember the folks who posted in that thread so I can't even PM these people and ask why they said what they said.

If it was sponsor pressure that caused that thread to be deleted, then I think this site would be far more usefull without sponsors. How usefull is deleted info/experiances/opinions? Is this a benefit to me or them?

No flames intended. Just seeking info.

02-01-2007, 01:07 PM
Can someone please close this thread? :)


02-01-2007, 01:10 PM
Can someone please close this thread? :)


It's only a matter of time.:P

O's Fan Rich
02-01-2007, 01:15 PM
Some parents just tell you they are going to pull over if it keeps up.
Others pull over.....

02-01-2007, 01:36 PM
To all the owners and moderators:

I ask that you please refrain from closing any threads "even" if the thread starter requests it.

I believe that one should not start a thread if he/ she cannot handle the direction that it may lead to. Once a thread has started, it takes on a life of its own and involves much more and many more people then the single person who started it.

I agree that the threads must be moderated and that insults should be kept to a minimum or even deleted (in extreme cases only) but closing threads makes people feel like a door was shut in their face or as if they were kicked out of a room.

The activity in this form is what makes it such a great place to visit online and once people have taken the time and energy to post in a thread, it's not fair to just close it because the thread starter requested it. It became everyone's thread (especially those who participated/ posted in it.

Let the threads live until they die a natural death. The members will decide when they have had enough of a thread by simply not visiting and posting in it.

Please, give us the option to decide when to stop participating in a thread. Do not allow a single member the right to close us out of a room (thread) just because they don't like where it went. Again, it became more then just about them the second people began to participate in the thread.

You can begin by respectfully reopening "A Proposal Concerning the Classifieds"

Maybe something good will come out of that thread after all. Something like the policy I suggest above: "Open a thread at your own discretion, just keep in mind that once opened, it does not belong to you anymore." You lose all rights to have it closed.

I thank you for your consideration.

Bro, that really got you riled, didn't it?!

It seems most saw it for what it was (or wasn't). Let it go. Heck, even I took a beating on that one, but hey, I figure those who know me, know me and those who don't, well, they wish they did! Their loss, right?

You comments were well spoken. Leave it at that.

I have had my own threads closed and\or deleted for certain reasons. It's a good privelege to have in some cicumstances. This circumstance wasn't one of them, but the bouncers (mods) stopped the bar fight before the joint got trashed!

02-01-2007, 01:49 PM
Bro, that really got you riled, didn't it?!

It seems most saw it for what it was (or wasn't). Let it go. Heck, even I took a beating on that one, but hey, I figure those who know me, know me and those who don't, well, they wish they did! Their loss, right?

You comments were well spoken. Leave it at that.

I have had my own threads closed and\or deleted for certain reasons. It's a good privelege to have in some cicumstances. This circumstance wasn't one of them, but the bouncers (mods) stopped the bar fight before the joint got trashed!

First, you are a good guy. You personally offered your help to me many many times and I am thankful for it.

My suggestion was not just about that thread. It was about closing threads in general. Let them run their course. It makes for good drama at times, I agreee, but they always produce something constructive even if "off the original topic". Hence let them live and develop a life of their won.

Just my 2 cents.

02-01-2007, 01:56 PM
First, you are a good guy. You personally offered your help to me many many times and I am thankful for it.

My suggestion was not just about that thread. It was about closing threads in general. Let them run their course. It makes for good drama at times, I agreee, but they always produce something constructive even if "off the original topic". Hence let them live and develop a life of their won.

Just my 2 cents.

I have posted some things in the past of a personal nature. Things that I needed help and opinions on, but things that shouldn't have been left int he public domain. The privelege was helpful, then and saved me some possible future embarrassment.

I hope you see what I mean.

I understand your point of view, just offering another.

Bill Lalk
02-01-2007, 02:17 PM
Whatever you all think and feel about this issue, I understand. I just want to state one thing - SHORA is my new best friend:D

02-01-2007, 02:36 PM
I have posted some things in the past of a personal nature. Things that I needed help and opinions on, but things that shouldn't have been left int he public domain. The privelege was helpful, then and saved me some possible future embarrassment.

I hope you see what I mean.

I understand your point of view, just offering another.

You are such a stand up guy that I would cancel my request if you really want me to even though I feel strongly about it.

Whatever you all think and feel about this issue, I understand. I just want to state one thing - SHORA is my new best friend:D

Well, next time your in Miami, FL cigars are on me.:beer:

02-01-2007, 02:52 PM
Some parents just tell you they are going to pull over if it keeps up.
Others pull over.....

and some let you out, and drive away.......

02-01-2007, 03:29 PM
Some parents just tell you they are going to pull over if it keeps up.
Others pull over.....

and some let you out, and drive away.......

^^^ Now that is funny.:D

02-01-2007, 03:40 PM
Like the "old days"...remember when some new member pissed Logan
off.....and the guy POSTED "This is my last Thread"....I think
that thread ran for about a year with 2000 or more hits!
Today that thread is Marauder.Net Classic!

Gotta Love It!:pimp:

02-01-2007, 04:07 PM
Ha! Got 1 in:D

02-01-2007, 04:22 PM
My suggestion was not just about that thread. It was about closing threads in general. Let them run their course. It makes for good drama at times, I agreee, but they always produce something constructive even if "off the original topic". Hence let them live and develop a life of their won..

I agree here, This site is for Information and entertainment. The Threads that get a bit heated and derailed are the most entertaining.
Its that car wreck everyone slows down to look at.

I said it before, They try to make this place like a Utopia where everyone gets along.
Consider MM.net, Earth 2

02-01-2007, 04:48 PM
Wow.....this thread almost went Man Drama (read Brokeback Mountain ;) ) for a few posts.



02-01-2007, 04:50 PM
Some parents just tell you they are going to pull over if it keeps up.
Others pull over.....

I did that once to my oldest son.

He started walking...for about 20 feet...had second thoughts...major attitude adjustment when he got back in...:P

(Disclaimer: He was 16 at the time, go figure...)

02-01-2007, 04:54 PM
I did that once to my oldest son.

He started walking...for about 20 feet...had second thoughts...major attitude adjustment when he got back in...:P

(Disclaimer: He was 16 at the time, go figure...)

You should have left him, and called a cab. And....make him pay the fare :D


02-01-2007, 05:11 PM
closing threads makes people feel like a door was shut in their face or as if they were kicked out of a room.

Yeah, that happened to an entire forum, and an entire group of people here recently. Just the new SOP.


02-01-2007, 05:20 PM
Yeah, that happened to an entire forum, and an entire group of people here recently. Just the new SOP.


And this fine forum is back to normal a mere 1 month later.
I dont know about you, but I kinda like it around here lately.

02-01-2007, 05:27 PM
There are times when threads/posts need to be moderated in order to keep peace, to get the thread back on track, or to simply close it due to flaming, name calling, foul language, etc.

I have seen many good threads go in the toilet for the aforementioned reasons.

For the most part, we are seeing threads being 'policed' by the membership. Not us.

But, there are times that we must do what is necessary to keep order, and to stop a train wreck that would continue causing carnage if not acted upon.

We simply do the best that we can.

Are we trying to create a Utopia? Not even close. Utopia's do not exist.

Everyone here is aware of the forum rules. Those rules have been in place since the beginning of .net.

Honestly, the less moderation needed, the less work there is to do.

We all know what needs to be done. ;)



02-01-2007, 08:09 PM
Haha, and Im the immature one? It was just a suggestion and I got my answer loud and clear, everyone is ok with the classifieds. don't take it personally either, the thread was already way out of control.

02-01-2007, 09:43 PM
And this fine forum is back to normal a mere 1 month later.
I dont know about you, but I kinda like it around here lately.

Funny you see it as "normal".

I rarely visit anymore.

Shame really.

02-01-2007, 10:19 PM
Funny you see it as "normal".

I rarely visit anymore.

Shame really.

Right in the money.

02-01-2007, 11:28 PM
Funny how many people have forgotten Logan's moderating style.

Much more 'moderating' and closing of threads. not to mention deletions.

Yet the people who don't like things now, were OK with Logan's way. Go figure.

and that is 'Right in the money'

02-02-2007, 01:33 AM
I disagree with all of you. Closing threads is okay becase I got outta hand and had 5 of mine closed in one day... I'm glad I was set straight because I needed that cersorship. :P I actually agree with Zack things are fine again, but think what you guys want, I miss a few people even the a-holes. They choose to depart (the ones that mattered) and I'm fine with that. I just say keep moving on, don't worry about whos not here.

"Carry on Gents!"

02-02-2007, 04:25 AM
Funny you see it as "normal".

I rarely visit anymore.

Shame really.

That is a shame, your loss.

I agree with Zack on this one. But, maybe we can still have the 'Thunder Dome' at MVV.

02-02-2007, 06:40 AM
Its that car wreck everyone slows down to look at.

Exactly. Why do you think NASCAR is so popular?! :P

02-02-2007, 06:42 AM
Wow.....this thread almost went Man Drama (read Brokeback Mountain ;) ) for a few posts.



Them's fightin words!!!!!

So would this be the "BROKEBACK" thread?

O's Fan Rich
02-02-2007, 07:24 AM
I've got to say that I don't feel "normal" anymore.
Sometimes I feel like an intruder here.
It's weird, like seeing an old girlfriend off in the distance. Do I say what I want to, or just exchange pleasantries ?

02-02-2007, 10:14 AM
Do I say what I want to, or just exchange pleasantries ?

Just exchange pleasantries, because it's all "fake" anyway Rich.


02-02-2007, 10:32 AM
Just exchange pleasantries, because it's all "fake" anyway Rich.


I beg to differ. I give honesty.

Yes, the place is a bit more 'bland' than it used to be, but change is inevitable. I'm still here cuz I love teh car and the people I've met (here, phone, or in person) because of it.

Hack Goby
02-02-2007, 11:57 AM
I beg to differ. I give honesty.

Yes, the place is a bit more 'bland' than it used to be, but change is inevitable. I'm still here cuz I love teh car and the people I've met (here, phone, or in person) because of it.Hay,Ya still have Zack and his new best friend.

02-02-2007, 02:48 PM
Just exchange pleasantries, because it's all "fake" anyway Rich.



This is the Internet.

I'll say this, none of the people I've met are "fake"

Some I haven't met I'm pretty sure are "fake".

The biggest "fake" no longer is here, he's over there, and that is "great"

02-02-2007, 02:49 PM
I've got to say that I don't feel "normal" anymore.
Sometimes I feel like an intruder here.
It's weird, like seeing an old girlfriend off in the distance. Do I say what I want to, or just exchange pleasantries ?

There is no need to feel like an "Intruder" Be yourself, as always.

02-02-2007, 02:50 PM
I disagree with all of you. Closing threads is okay becase I got outta hand and had 5 of mine closed in one day... I'm glad I was set straight because I needed that cersorship. :P I actually agree with Zack things are fine again, but think what you guys want, I miss a few people even the a-holes. They choose to depart (the ones that mattered) and I'm fine with that. I just say keep moving on, don't worry about whos not here.

"Carry on Gents!"

you do? Have you read it all?

02-02-2007, 04:01 PM
I miss a lot of friends that have left the site, for whatever reason. :(
