View Full Version : Best sport

02-11-2007, 09:20 PM
What in your opinion is the best sport. why?

02-11-2007, 10:34 PM
Golf. What other sport can 4 generations of family play together and compete on equal terms.


02-11-2007, 10:39 PM
and recently frisbee golf- no greens fees and frisbees are 20 bucks at most

02-12-2007, 04:53 AM
Elegant Violence...
A gentleman's game played by hooligans

Been playing since the age of 18 at the University, formed up a team on the aircraft carrier and we play all over in nearly every port visit we hit. No better way to get in good with the locals.

Rugby and Soccer are far bigger (Soccer being the biggest I know of) every where but in the states. Such a shame.

02-12-2007, 05:13 AM
That one on one that can only be played with opposite SEX...Definitely MY favorite sport...:) The horizontal limbo..:banana:

02-12-2007, 06:44 AM
What in your opinion is the best sport. why?
So many variables to consider .... but my vote goes to Baseball "The Nation's Pasttime".

But generally I like 'em all ....... 'cept basketball. :o

Topless Volleyball is a great spectator sport .... forgot about that one from Germany. ;)

02-12-2007, 06:50 AM
Hockey,ahe!!!!!everyone Has Reasons For There Fav. Sport.

02-12-2007, 06:53 AM
Second the Rugby, It is a great drinking sport

02-12-2007, 06:58 AM
Triathlon swim-bike-run :banana:

Why? it gets you out in nature, you get to do silly things like swim from Alcatraz to San Fransisco, you think a 24 lb bike is heavy and you get to cross-train instead of beating the living crap out of your body running 7 days a week.


02-12-2007, 06:51 PM
60-year-old, balding fat guys like me can play golf or bowl......and drink at the same time!! If it weren't for not being able to do that last part, driving around in the 'Vette or the Marauder would be the best sport.

02-12-2007, 06:59 PM
Elegant Violence...
A gentleman's game played by hooligans

Been playing since the age of 18 at the University, formed up a team on the aircraft carrier and we play all over in nearly every port visit we hit. No better way to get in good with the locals.

I would have to agree, Being playing since I was 7. Still hold some school records! :D

02-12-2007, 07:01 PM
...American high school football is the greatest (team) sport, followed by wrestling, an individual sport played on a team basis. The team aspect of our football, the necessity of padding and helmets, planned attacks/defenses, and aerial bombardments, makes it the grown-boy equivalent of playing Army (at war).

Wrestling is the ultimate male sport. Three periods, no time outs, no substitutions.

I once woke up in an out of town motel I was staying at, and was amazed by what was being broadcast on the TV-Australian rules football! It was being played in a snowstorm, and had three goal-posts. Absolute mayhem.

02-12-2007, 07:04 PM
So many variables to consider .... but my vote goes to Baseball "The Nation's Pasttime".

I second that! Im really getting an itching to play with spring coming up. Its really gonna stink now that High School is over and I wont be playing :cry:. But Ill just have to figure out some pick up games or something... I dont think im ready for bar league softball just yet..

02-12-2007, 08:17 PM
60-year-old, balding fat guys like me can play golf or bowl......and drink at the same time!!

I agree and I only play sports I can win...right now I am in training for the only sport I win every time I play....Pocket Pool.:D Dennis

02-12-2007, 08:20 PM
I agree and I only play sports I can win...right now I am in training for the only sport I win every time I play....Pocket Pool.:D Dennis
Reminds me of the old Chinese saying:

"Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day long."

02-12-2007, 08:24 PM
Beach volleyball.

The ultimate spectator sport :)

02-12-2007, 08:41 PM
Sex is better than bowling because the balls are lighter and you don't have to change shoes.

02-12-2007, 08:47 PM
Sex is better than bowling because the balls are lighter and you don't have to change shoes.As long as you don't get confused and think you're already wearing "light shoes".

02-12-2007, 08:48 PM
Does anyone remember who said that the only sports were bull fighting, mountain climbing and auto racing...all the rest are games.???


02-12-2007, 08:53 PM
Does anyone remember who said that the only sports were bull fighting, mountain climbing and auto racing...all the rest are games.???

JBNo.....but he must have been one of the people that Spiro Agnew was referring to when he coined the phrase "effete snobs".

02-12-2007, 08:59 PM
Does anyone remember who said that the only sports were bull fighting, mountain climbing and auto racing...all the rest are games.???


Ernest Hemmingway

02-12-2007, 09:02 PM
No.....but he must have been one of the people that Spiro Agnew was referring to when he coined the phrase "effete snobs".

Maybe I'm a snob, but my objection to hunting is not that something gets killed. It's that hunter rarely gets killed. If it is to be a real sport there should be a possibility of losing. In most hunting the hunter either wins (makes his kill) or breaks even (doesn't make a kill). Wouldn't it be a much better sport if there was a reasonable chance of the hunter losing too? I would approve of bear hunting with knives.

02-12-2007, 09:03 PM
Ernest HemmingwayWasn't he the guy whose favorite sport was Russian Roulette?

02-12-2007, 09:06 PM
Wasn't he the guy whose favorite sport was Russian Roulette?

That meets my definition of a sport. There is a chance of losing.

02-12-2007, 09:09 PM
I like drag racing as an all american sport. It was started here after all :). Team sport would probably be football.

02-12-2007, 09:15 PM
Maybe I'm a snob, but my objection to hunting is not that something gets killed. It's that hunter rarely gets killed. If it is to be a real sport there should be a possibility of losing. In most hunting the hunter either wins (makes his kill) or breaks even (doesn't make a kill). Wouldn't it be a much better sport if there was a reasonable chance of the hunter losing too? I would approve of bear hunting with knives.
I never mentioned anyone's name.

Besides, in any sport--or game--there is a successful or an unsuccessful outcome. Doesn't mean the unsuccessful participant ought to end up dead--although I do believe that there ought to be a bounty for bringing in the ears or scalp of stupid drivers!!! Oh, wait a minute, road rage isn't considered a sport, is it? Such a pity!

02-12-2007, 09:18 PM
That meets my definition of a sport. There is a chance of losing.And so he did!

02-12-2007, 09:19 PM
I never mentioned anyone's name.

Besides, in any sport--or game--there is a successful or an unsuccessful outcome. Doesn't mean the unsuccessful participant ought to end up dead--although I do believe that there ought to be a bounty for bringing in the ears or scalp of stupid drivers!!! Oh, wait a minute, road rage isn't considered a sport, is it? Such a pity!

In Hemmingway's definition, which I have an emotiontional feeling for, sport and games are two different things. I don't think that he disapproved of games. He just thought that sports had higher stakes.

02-12-2007, 09:35 PM
In Hemmingway's definition, which I have an emotiontional feeling for, sport and games are two different things. I don't think that he disapproved of games. He just thought that sports had higher stakes.
You are most likely correct. That would partially explain why his inability to understand and relate to the world around him; eventually turned him into a suicidal alcoholic. He was extremely successful at both of those traits, alcoholism and suicide.

Incidentally, he was a big time hunter and fisherman. That was both the background and backdrop for many of his stories.

02-12-2007, 09:40 PM
Hockey > *

de minimus
02-12-2007, 11:04 PM
Most definitely hockey, followed by, and a close second - Rugby.

02-13-2007, 04:10 AM
Curling followed by waterpolo.

02-13-2007, 06:34 AM
Hockey was a sort of mystery sport of sorts to me until I went to one of my cousins games a few years ago. After watching for a few minutes, I realized why girls can play it well, because it isn't played as a man's sport.

They substitute the whole team every minute or two, when they get a little winded! Talk about girly-man! Get a little winded, wave a white flag with a limp wrist, and say "can you send another team in, I'm tired?

That is equal to a wrestler calling "time out" during one of his three periods! Only Nancy boys consider hockey a sport above even basketball, which has far fewer substitutions.

Hemingway was a bi-sexual, mentally ill suicidal alcoholic.

02-13-2007, 08:43 AM
60-year-old, balding fat guys like me can play golf or bowl......and drink at the same time!! If it weren't for not being able to do that last part, driving around in the 'Vette or the Marauder would be the best sport.

That visual reminds me of that "Get Smart" episode where the bowlers hid the jewels under their toupees.

As for me, Baseball, bowling, and pool.

02-13-2007, 08:47 AM
"As for me, Baseball, bowling, and pool."

Oh yah, I forgot about snooker and pool!!!!

02-13-2007, 09:48 AM
The absolute best sport is the Crown Vic LX Sport !!!


Mike Poore
02-13-2007, 10:42 AM
My latest favorite is Trap Shooting and Sporting Clays. Husbands, wives and children all compete together on a level playing field, the only denominator to chose a winner being skill.

02-13-2007, 10:48 AM
Hockey was a sort of mystery sport of sorts to me until I went to one of my cousins games a few years ago. After watching for a few minutes, I realized why girls can play it well, because it isn't played as a man's sport.

They substitute the whole team every minute or two, when they get a little winded! Talk about girly-man! Get a little winded, wave a white flag with a limp wrist, and say "can you send another team in, I'm tired?

That is equal to a wrestler calling "time out" during one of his three periods! Only Nancy boys consider hockey a sport above even basketball, which has far fewer substitutions.

Basketball BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I needed a good laugh thank you. Lets review shall we. To be good in basketball you need cordination, stamina to run across 90ft by 50ft and for 12 minutes (but this is not all out many times they are standing around with little movement guarding each other), accuracy for shooting at a net, smart enough to fake out the guy guarding you. Hockey you need cordination, stamina for 20 minutes periods skating a 200ft by 85ft rink with 28ft corners, accuracy for shooting a puck at a net that is guarded in addition to the defenders you have to get by, physical stamina to deal with contact, balance beause you are on skates, oh and sometimes you have to avoid getting hit by a 6oz solid rubber puck that can hit speeds in excess of 100 mph. They may have more substitutes but they go more balls out in their 2 minutes then basketball players will do in any 2 minutes. You say it is not played as a mans sport please I'm begging you enlighten me as to what makes Basketball so much more of a mans sport? Is it the lack of physical contact? The smaller playing area? The slower speed of the game? The challenge of getting past only an opponent as opposed to an opponent and a goal keeper? Please explain. :rolleyes:

Oh and when you say wrestling I really hope you don't mean the wwf e whatever they call that soap opera. I would love to see you try and play a full game of hockey, but then again I would probably die laughing.

02-13-2007, 11:24 AM
Basketball BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I needed a good laugh thank you. Lets review shall we. To be good in basketball you need cordination, stamina to run across 90ft by 50ft and for 12 minutes (but this is not all out many times they are standing around with little movement guarding each other), accuracy for shooting at a net, smart enough to fake out the guy guarding you. Hockey you need cordination, stamina for 20 minutes periods skating a 200ft by 85ft rink with 28ft corners, accuracy for shooting a puck at a net that is guarded in addition to the defenders you have to get by, physical stamina to deal with contact, balance beause you are on skates, oh and sometimes you have to avoid getting hit by a 6oz solid rubber puck that can hit speeds in excess of 100 mph. They may have more substitutes but they go more balls out in their 2 minutes then basketball players will do in any 2 minutes. You say it is not played as a mans sport please I'm begging you enlighten me as to what makes Basketball so much more of a mans sport? Is it the lack of physical contact? The smaller playing area? The slower speed of the game? The challenge of getting past only an opponent as opposed to an opponent and a goal keeper? Please explain. :rolleyes:

Oh and when you say wrestling I really hope you don't mean the wwf e whatever they call that soap opera. I would love to see you try and play a full game of hockey, but then again I would probably die laughing.


02-13-2007, 11:32 AM

02-13-2007, 01:07 PM
So if someone is good at that, does that make him or her a master baiter?

EDIT: I vote for dodge ball. With basketballs.

Anyone who didn't get to grow up with this game is missing out on part of life. :)


02-13-2007, 01:11 PM
[quote=duhtroll;469575]So if someone is good at that, does that make him or her a master baiter?

As long as you are an apprentice baiter first.

02-13-2007, 01:32 PM
College basketball is the world's greatest sport...everbody can score and everbody has to play all the time on the court...next is track and field...then boxing...Wrasling is for men who like to hug men...even though Andy Koffman was my favorito wrasler, inter gender champion of the world! willie

02-13-2007, 01:55 PM
Perhaps an interesting post would be what sports/hobbies do you participate in?

02-13-2007, 04:31 PM
College basketball is the world's greatest sport...everbody can score and everbody has to play all the time on the court..

You mean, except for the ones on the bench, right?

I find a difference between what the best "sport" is and what I like to watch the most. I think soccer and wrestling have the best competitors out there, but I think they are both boring as a means of entertainment.

02-13-2007, 04:35 PM

Joe Walsh
02-13-2007, 06:12 PM
I like drag racing as an all american sport.

You read my mind!

After 20+ years I still have lots of fun drag racing!

You can continue to be VERY competitive as you get older because your reaction times do not degrade much, yet your ability to buy go-fast parts greatly increases!

P.S. Sychronized swimming is my favorite team sport!...;)

02-13-2007, 08:41 PM
yet your ability to buy go-fast parts greatly increases!

Im definately looking forward to that aspect of getting older!

02-14-2007, 08:06 AM
GreekGod are you there? I'm waiting for a response about hockey, or do you now agree that Hockey IS a sport and does not get the credit it deserves?

02-18-2007, 09:07 PM
Anyone got any old footage from the original drag races that hot rod magazine put on back in the day?