View Full Version : STS or Marauder

06-15-2003, 08:26 AM
I am thinking about getting a Marauder. However, I am a little disappointed with the performance. I am also considering a Cadi STS. I like the big v-8 muscle cars. I can get a STS a year old for almost the same price as a new Marauder, does anyone have a opinion? I think the STS is a better performer than the Marauder from what I read here but I do like the looks of the Marauder better. Thanks.


06-15-2003, 08:45 AM
Hey welcome to the site.......I think you will find very few FWD advocates here but we are glad you stopped in. Its a personal choice and decision, so go with what makes you happy. A FWD muscle car is an oxymoron IMHO. Let us know what you decide.

Oh almost forgot.......get the Marauder and hang out here and we will show you how to smoke an STS.:D

06-15-2003, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by derekrpd
I think the STS is a better performer than the Marauder from what I read here but I do like the looks of the Marauder better.

Think about what you're after, with the car. If it's ultimate performance you're after, you'll be disappointed with the Marauder. You'll be disappointed with the STS, too, for that matter. So what makes one car better than the other, since there are faster cars than either one out there??

You gotta get what YOU like. If you're buying one car over another simply for those extra 1/2 seconds in the 1/4 mile, you'll be disappointed fairly often, unless your life mimics the Fast and Furious crowd 22 hours a day (assuming you can get by with 2 hours of sleep each night). With about 5500 miles on my MM, it seems to provide satisfactory performance for me, and I personally wouldn't be happier with an STS that's slightly faster, IMHO.

I bought the car because I liked the look. I was initially disappointed with the sound, but it's improving with age. I was initially mildly satisfied with the performance, but I knew it would loosen up with mileage, and it certainly has, and keeps getting better. Now, with the new tint on it, I'm absolutely in love with the car.

Being in Mass., you might want to beg a ride off a local MM-net member with some mileage on their rides, as a test-drive on a low mileage dealer MM might not show its true potential. If you still need more, then you might want to consider adjusting your price range (in order to afford some mods like a supercharger, etc.) or perhaps reconsider your choice of a 4 door performance/luxury sedan and choose another type of vehicle.

06-15-2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by derekrpd
I am thinking about getting a Marauder. However, I am a little disappointed with the performance. I am also considering a Cadi STS. I like the big v-8 muscle cars. I can get a STS a year old for almost the same price as a new Marauder, does anyone have a opinion? I think the STS is a better performer than the Marauder from what I read here but I do like the looks of the Marauder better. Thanks. Derek

You got me stumped here, what difference could my opinion make? Other than being automobiles with V8 engines, the cars do not share enough common traits to compare. I'd like to help out, but your post pretty much says you have made up your mind.

Originally posted by TripleTransAm
You gotta get what YOU like.

Sound advice...That'll work.

06-15-2003, 02:14 PM
derekpd....I have raced both from a roll and a dead stop several STS's. They dont even come close...

06-15-2003, 05:39 PM
derekpd - I also would like to welcome you to the site, the best on the web. It doesn't sound like you test drove the Marauder, try it I'am sure you will like it. Once you drive it you will be hooked. IMHO.

Thomas C Potter
06-15-2003, 06:54 PM
A V8 FWD is a ***** to work on, but you may do your owm work anyway. If the STS, be extremely diligent keeping the antifreeze level full and checked for proper condition, the GM 5 year af, when mixed with too much air, creates a corrosive situation that likes to eat head gaskets.


06-15-2003, 08:06 PM
derekrpd: Well you did not really give a lot of info? Trouble is it hard to do in this type of formant. I have had two STS owners stop and admire the MM. They both were about my age (52) and said the wished they shopped a little longer. Not that they did not like the STS mind you. You need to make the car fit your life style not the other around.

Jay Stark
06-15-2003, 08:26 PM
Spend some time on this site. Try to find an STS site that lends itself to the tips stories and camaraderie that MM.net does. The fun you will have with our car will not compare to the everyday STS that you see at every other stop light. (this opinion is the opinion of this writer only.......)

06-15-2003, 09:48 PM
I have to agree with all the posts.
Personally, I'm not so sure the STS is a better performer. The Northstar engine, performance spec wise isn't too different from the 4.6 DOHC in the Marauder, but I think the Marauder's 4.6 has a bit of an edge.

If it were me, I'd never pick the FWD car.

06-17-2003, 12:22 PM
Thanks for all the replys guys. I really do like the looks of the Marauder better and from what I hear it has more potential. I wanted to throw out the question about the two cars since they are of comperable size and performance and that it what I am looking for. I realy like the mid 1990's Impala SS's but they are to old. I have seen Marauder's used in my area going for mid $20's. I will have to take one out and see for myself. Thanks again.

06-17-2003, 12:36 PM
buy that one on Carmax

06-17-2003, 01:42 PM
Square Tacky Shuttle or Major Attitude Rendering Automobile Uncompromisingly Dominating Everyday Rides...

06-17-2003, 01:52 PM
I looked at the STS and some towncars before the MM, no way did they "move me" emotionally like the MM. I figure I've got plenty of time to drive "the old lady cars", as my kids would say.

06-18-2003, 06:12 PM
Once you test drive a low mile 1994-1996 Impala SS, you will forget all about the Marauder or the STS! :D
But if you are going for a new car, go STS!!!!!

06-18-2003, 06:23 PM
I have busted every STS that was willing to run CalipSSo.
And I paid a LOT less. So i took that extra and I am craming it where it counts. In the engine and tranny.
And that will only result in 1 thing, more cars to look at in my rearview mirror.

06-18-2003, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by CalipSSo
Once you test drive a low mile 1994-1996 Impala SS, you will forget all about the Marauder or the STS! :D
But if you are going for a new car, go STS!!!!! You are intitled to your opinion, but most of us on this site wouldn't trade our Marauder for anything else.

06-18-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by CalipSSo
Once you test drive a low mile 1994-1996 Impala SS, you will forget all about the Marauder or the STS! :D

Been there...done that...and frankly...I came away with a COMPLETELY different impression, but... thanks for playing.

Do we have some parting gifts, Rod Roddy? :lol:

06-18-2003, 08:00 PM
Do they make any other kind of car? :confused:

06-18-2003, 08:11 PM
You should support RWD products by buying them.

Nothing against the STS (in fact it was the only real competition for my Impala SS back in the 90's). That was before they chromed the STSs up in '98. I raced an Eldorado ETC (same setup as the Seville STS) with my girlfirend's Camaro Z28 and the STS held it's own as we both were doing 125mph.

But my humble opinion is to make a statement that muscle cars should only be Rear-Wheel-Drive. It makes good sense. They are better balanced. More reliable my design as everything is layed out from front to rear of the car. They handle better due to better control of oversteer and understeer scenarios and police love them as well for all of the above reasons and that they are easier and need less frequent alignments although the best RWD police car still gets alignments about once per month; correct me someone if I am wrong). Also Mercedes-Benz and BMW don't make FWD for a reason. Formula 1 and NASCAR vehicles are not FWD for a reason as well.

I personally wouldn't put more than $500 down on a vehicle that could not fishtail the back-end. The beautiful thing is, how much you fishtail the car is up to you, and that is control.

There is also a reason why the STS is going to be RWD in a couple of years.


06-18-2003, 10:40 PM
This says it all: http://slate.msn.com/id/2081194/

06-18-2003, 10:55 PM
Thanks Geo! Good article. :)

06-19-2003, 07:55 AM
Sorry but the interior of the 94-96 Impala is horrible. And the outside we'll I won't go there. GM doesn't make anything I would rather have than my MM. No question about it.

06-19-2003, 06:33 PM
To each his own I guess.

06-19-2003, 07:14 PM
CalipSSo, varied interests and opininions are one of the great priviledges of this nation. The members of this site are very proud of their MM's. You forgot to use one of those smiley's the blue bobbing one. Just a rib, I know you can take it with a post like that! Love my Marauder.

06-19-2003, 09:32 PM
Why can't we all just be happy that we our proud owners of nice rear-wheel-drive cars. No sense putting the other down. After all, I own an SS Impala and wouldn't hesitate to own a Marauder as well. Lets not also forget that the Impalas were in 94-96 and the Marauders are 03-04-? so almost 10 years apart. Who cares. We were lucky to get these cars in the marketplace in the first place.

Then again I could argue with someone who thinks FWD is better and so I am guilty if being biased in some ways but Marauder, Impala, A/G-body, MN12 Cougar/TBirds, all good. OK no Pintos and Chevettes :mad: