View Full Version : Freakin' Neighbors!!!!!

02-21-2007, 06:22 PM
New neighbors that moved in next door several months ago, do not take care of a yard nor a pool.

What was once the best groomed and landscaped yard on the street, looked like ***** a month after they moved in.

The beautiful pool, that I spent many a day in with my former neighbors drinking beer and grabbing some rays, is a lost cause.

I came home yesterday to find my yard in this condition:


And get to see this everyday when stepping out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette:


:mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

I live in a middle/middle upper class subdivision, and cannot take much more of this.

I wonder how he would feel to have an All Wheel Drive Mountaineer rip thru his front yard?

I am pizzed all over again!!!


02-21-2007, 06:24 PM
Community Association?


02-21-2007, 07:20 PM
If you live in a community that has a homeowners assn you may be able to do something about the condition of your neighbors yard if it is in violation of the covenants and restrictions or by laws. Bring it to the boards attention and give them time to deal with it.

regarding the damage to your property, that is a matter for your local law enforcement agency. Getting law enforcement involved will establish an official record of the problem.

I feel your pain. Someday I'll post a pic of the A frame next to me when I don't mow his side of the yard that connects to mine..... He only mows once or twice on a good year .

02-21-2007, 07:23 PM
Oh I would be torqued too. The morons across the street from me have Xmas light up all year and mattresses leaned up on the side of the house and I cannot say a word about it to them. Why? They don't "speaka de Englich".

02-21-2007, 07:34 PM
Wow, and the added bonus is the pool water looks greener than the rest of the yard. :puke:

Joe Walsh
02-21-2007, 07:38 PM
Speaking from experience, I'd have to say that you should talk with them about your 'concerns' in a friendly manner as a first attempt to remedy the situation.

I have a next door neighbor who I was once friends with...
but after several problems arose I was too quick to call the communtiy association instead of making repeated attempts to work things out.
It started a war and it got ugly.
Now we never talk to each other and we act like neither one exists...kinda weird.

02-21-2007, 07:48 PM
+1 Shotgun ;)


PS - COME ON!!! You live in Kentucky!!! :D

02-21-2007, 08:03 PM
call the board of healty - that pool is a breeding ground for mosquitos and west nile virus. they will be on his a$$ like white on rice. Let them do the dirty work for you.

as for communicating - any putz who dosen't have the common sense not used your lawn as a driveway will not understand the concept of communication. common courtesy is a cornerstone of a persons integrity and this neighbor has none.

02-21-2007, 08:09 PM
Speaking from experience, I'd have to say that you should talk with them about your 'concerns' in a friendly manner as a first attempt to remedy the situation.

Good advice.... I had assumed that you have talked to them before. If you haven't, try that first.

02-21-2007, 08:21 PM
Good advice.... I had assumed that you have talked to them before. If you haven't, try that first.

We started off on the wrong foot when my wife and I went over there one day to show them how to add water to a pool.

The pump was sucking air, and even though the owner wasn't home, his kids were. (ages 12 - 14).

We spent about an hour or so showing them the correct water level, and general water maintenance how-to's.

The next thing I know Sam is on my porch telling me his kids were upset because we were rude to them and hurt their feelings. :confused:

I offered to apologize to his kids, and that it wasn't our intention in hurting anyone's feelings.

Nevermind the $$$$$$$ I saved him on preventing the pump from burning out. :shake:

Doesn't matter now as I am sure the pump is ruined from below freezing temperatures.
(Pool was never 'closed')

This is not good,...

PS. Not aware of any Neighborhood Association.

02-21-2007, 08:35 PM
Your subdivision will have CCR's. Talk with a local title company and they can get you a copy. Maybe you'll find something in there that can help you. The other thing would be to give the city a call and ask them if to come out and inspect the house to make sure things are up to code...

02-21-2007, 10:32 PM
Sounds like you don't live in an assn then. If you did you would pay annual dues.

02-21-2007, 10:49 PM
We started off on the wrong foot when my wife and I went over there one day to show them how to add water to a pool.

The pump was sucking air, and even though the owner wasn't home, his kids were. (ages 12 - 14).

We spent about an hour or so showing them the correct water level, and general water maintenance how-to's.

The next thing I know Sam is on my porch telling me his kids were upset because we were rude to them and hurt their feelings. :confused:

I offered to apologize to his kids, and that it wasn't our intention in hurting anyone's feelings.

Nevermind the $$$$$$$ I saved him on preventing the pump from burning out. :shake:

Doesn't matter now as I am sure the pump is ruined from below freezing temperatures.
(Pool was never 'closed')

This is not good,...

PS. Not aware of any Neighborhood Association.

At first it looked like someone was doing a bad job of backing a heavy truck into his driveway, but then I looked closed and saw where they tried to "roto-til" your lawn with their tires by the back yard fence.

If neither one of you were home it could have been someone else all together. Regardless it does look like it was deliberate, I would call the police and report it.

At first it looked like someone was doing a bad job of backing a heavy truck into his driveway, but then I looked closer and saw where they tried to "roto-til" your lawn with their tires by the back fence.

In this case installing a fence along the property boundary sounds like it might not be a bad thing as long as there are no zoning restrictions against it.

02-22-2007, 06:37 AM
Is that his driveway next to your yard....wow thats awful....I had some one that used to dump scap metal between mine and my neighbors house in the middle of the night and then it gets picked up a couple of nights later....by the time the city comes out its gone...

Mike Poore
02-22-2007, 06:51 AM
Up this way there's a saying .....that there guy needs to have a FAR. :fire:

2003 MIB
02-22-2007, 07:22 AM
I smell a meth lab. Any LEOs care to comment?

02-22-2007, 07:23 AM
what bothers me more than the gross pool is the garbage strewn in the yard. Very gross.

I would plant some tall evergreen bushes along that yard .. i forget what those are called but they grow fast, thick, and tall.

I will say though that you should'nt have invested so much time and effort on 12 and 14 yr old children. You should have just asked when their parents would be home and offered your pool lesson to them directly. I think I would be upset if I found out a neighbor came over for an hour or more to give my 12 and 14 yr old involuntary pool maintenance lessons when I was not home. I am sure you meant well, but I'm just saying..

02-22-2007, 07:36 AM
I smell a meth lab. Any LEOs care to comment?

??? You smell a meth lab ? Because the neighbor doesnt maintain his pool ? come on.

02-22-2007, 07:51 AM
Sure, call a cop over because some inconsiderate jack off drove onto your lawn. Mr LEO will go over there find out whodunit, tell'em not to do it again and provide you with the guys info. Then it'll be up to you to charge him.

Or, leave the police out of this petty and insignificant incident. Creativly plant some small decorative bushes, flowers or other nice garden items. And hide some rebar in there too. The next time they drive over the property line, they'll be changing a flat.

2003 MIB
02-22-2007, 07:54 AM
??? You smell a meth lab ? Because the neighbor doesnt maintain his pool ? come on.

Nope Lisa- Here's my thought... middle/upper class neighborhood- probably not a rental property-only been there a month and the decline has been very rapid. I'm with you that the pool isn't as telling as the garbage and the property damage. They don't appear to be laying down roots etc...

02-22-2007, 08:00 AM
Do what you gotta do.....
under the cover of night.

02-22-2007, 08:18 AM
Nope Lisa- Here's my thought... middle/upper class neighborhood- probably not a rental property-only been there a month and the decline has been very rapid. I'm with you that the pool isn't as telling as the garbage and the property damage. They don't appear to be laying down roots etc...

True. So what are these neighbors like? Working people ? or.... unbathed, toothless....

02-22-2007, 09:30 AM
Rule 1) When you have neighbors always, always be the first to move. You never know who is going to move in next door.

Marauders in KY in March, in about another month right. Hmmmmm.:hmmm:

02-22-2007, 09:35 AM
Mike get a bottle of "Buck Lure" at your local Sporting goods store and during the Nite pour it in their cars A/C vents . If they want too live like slobs let them smell like them too !

02-22-2007, 09:55 AM
I live in a middle class neighborhood also and we have rentals popping up all over the place. Do you have a college or university in your town?

Parents have found it cheaper to buy a house for their kids while in college as they can sell it and get their money back, if not more. It's great for them and the kids don't have to take care of anything. They don't care at all about the area as they know they are leaving in a couple years.

We have a rental next door and one or two on every block. With the crappy housing market people are buying them up and turning them into rentals for kids.

I have called police a few times on the guys next door, and no, I am not going over to talk to them first. I don't see the need to put on clothes and go out in the cold at 2AM to try and negotiate with drunk college kids.

Funny story. One kid from this house came by our place one day and gave my wife a card with his name and cell # on it, being really cordial. He said he was canvassing the neighborhood and asking people to call him if parties get too loud before calling the police, as such incidents go on his "permanent record" (I don't know if that means public or school record).

I WISH I had been home when he came by -- as it was I got there 5 minutes or so after he left. My response would have been "Tellya what, you kids stop acting like this is your dorm and that my yard is your garbage can and toilet, and I'll stop calling the police on you."

Now I have his name and phone # as well as his address. Big mistake on his part. When they wake up my 2-year old (who has the quietest most insulated room in the house) I become a vindictive SOB.

I have more than once considered putting a low voltage current into the fence (that we own) that separates our properties. Next time some drunken moron pees on it he can have a nice shock.

My favorite response when I hear them complain is "it's not THAT loud. . ."

Like they get to decide what should bother people and what shouldn't.

02-22-2007, 09:58 AM

Even better.

1 syringe
1 container of skunk screen

Inject through rubber window seal in car. Try getting THAT smell out.

Disclaimer - not advocating this. It will ruin the interior, period. That said, I almost did it to the guy who ran over my dog because he was speeding down our private drive at 45 MPH.

Mike get a bottle of "Buck Lure" at your local Sporting goods store and during the Nite pour it in their cars A/C vents . If they want too live like slobs let them smell like them too !

02-22-2007, 10:30 AM

Mike Poore
02-22-2007, 11:01 AM
One of my friends, a vet, went to a gay bar in Hagerstown, MD, where they went in drag for Friday night "parties". While there, during full swing in the festivities he opened a vial of Mr. Skunk. The newspaper story had me OTFL, but poor old Bill, got thirty days in the county jail, his name in the paper, and paid restitution and a hefty fine.

It's my way of saying: don't start a pissing contest that has the potential of escalating into a global war.

If you suspect Dan could be right about a meth lab or some sinister goings-on, I agree, collect some evidence and drop a dime on them. What's going on in that shed, BTW?

Otherwise, people have gone house hunting for less reason(s) than slob neighbors. Just think of it, 5 acres in the country, with a huge garage and room for a pistol range. :D

02-22-2007, 11:04 AM
Come spring, you'll be in small claims court because YOU did something to the pump and broke it!!:shake:

We started off on the wrong foot when my wife and I went over there one day to show them how to add water to a pool.

The pump was sucking air, and even though the owner wasn't home, his kids were. (ages 12 - 14).

We spent about an hour or so showing them the correct water level, and general water maintenance how-to's.

The next thing I know Sam is on my porch telling me his kids were upset because we were rude to them and hurt their feelings. :confused:

I offered to apologize to his kids, and that it wasn't our intention in hurting anyone's feelings.

Nevermind the $$$$$$$ I saved him on preventing the pump from burning out. :shake:

Doesn't matter now as I am sure the pump is ruined from below freezing temperatures.
(Pool was never 'closed')

This is not good,...

PS. Not aware of any Neighborhood Association.

02-22-2007, 11:05 AM

You're on liquidass alert...LOL. Gotta love BTLS

02-22-2007, 11:44 AM
I've got a skunk I can send you !:beer:

02-22-2007, 12:20 PM
Otherwise, people have gone house hunting for less reason(s) than slob neighbors. Just think of it, 5 acres in the country, with a huge garage and room for a pistol range. :D
We were looking to move anyway and our neighbors were not slobs, just MS-13 members.

2003 MIB
02-22-2007, 12:26 PM
just MS-13 members.

Gee is that all?.......................... .........YIKES:eek:

02-22-2007, 12:26 PM
I've got a skunk I can send you !:beer:

What do you have against skunks???? :rofl:

02-22-2007, 05:48 PM
what bothers me more than the gross pool is the garbage strewn in the yard. Very gross.

I would plant some tall evergreen bushes along that yard .. i forget what those are called but they grow fast, thick, and tall.

I will say though that you should'nt have invested so much time and effort on 12 and 14 yr old children. You should have just asked when their parents would be home and offered your pool lesson to them directly. I think I would be upset if I found out a neighbor came over for an hour or more to give my 12 and 14 yr old involuntary pool maintenance lessons when I was not home. I am sure you meant well, but I'm just saying..

I could not listen to that pump starving for water another day.

We asked if they would object to us showing them general pool maintenance before the pump burned up.

They agreed, then told their Father I hurt their feelings.

That was when we first had introductions, and I offered to apologize to his daughter. He declined.


02-24-2007, 06:07 PM
OMG, my neighbors just listed their home two days ago. Their dogs bark constantly, so I'm not too upset to see them go. However, man, I hope someone like that doesn't move in next.

Your grass looks like you have mole problem.


02-24-2007, 08:14 PM
Face it ya need to list your home with a good real estate agent before they pull anymore value out of you home...You can suck it up keeping their trash picked up til then...Now is an excellent time to be looking...Plus with young kids there will be crap strewn everywhere before you know it and you will really be pissed then......:argue:

02-24-2007, 11:25 PM
OMG, my neighbors just listed their home two days ago. Their dogs bark constantly, so I'm not too upset to see them go. However, man, I hope someone like that doesn't move in next.



Better buy the house so you can choose your neighbours

02-25-2007, 06:05 AM
good neighbors are neither seen nor heard...and are at least 800 feet away... Here in VT the lot size is 10 acres...

02-25-2007, 03:32 PM
Better buy the house so you can choose your neighbours

LOL, I'm still trying to figure out how to buy my Marauder. :)

I asked my Wife if we could buy it and move next door. "NO!" Oh well, I hope it's someone cool.
