View Full Version : Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind

03-04-2007, 09:12 AM
On my way back from our club's meet in Lufkin, Texas last night, I have to drive through a notorious speed trap in the little burg of Garrrison.

I know it's a trap because the speed limits rise or fall in 5 mile increments every few hundred yards, and there's always someone pulled over every time I go through that town.

So I was very careful as I worked my way through the falling speed limits till I got to the center of the villiage and saw the State Highway Patrol car parked in the grocery store lot monitoring the traffic flow. So far so good.

I proceed to accelerate through the posted speed limits, looking into my rear view mirror to see if the Trooper had pulled out in my direction. Never did see him budge.

But as I was approaching the last sign 65 MPH from 60 MPH I noticed a pair of headlights in my mirror immediatley followed by the dreaded flashing of red, blue and white lights. Aw, snap.

The trooper immediately came bouncing over to me and with a big smile said the "reason I stopped you was because you had anticipated the next speed increase. I'll only give you a warning ticket". Let's see your Drivers license and I'll cut you the ticket". "I sure like your car" he said.

He came back after writing the ticket and said, "You know I thought to myself, it's a Marauder, I hope he doesn't run". "How fast have you had this car up too, 130? I wasn't biting on that one, so I said "around 75 on the interstate". Then he asked, "is it faster that the Charger". I said, "don't know but this car has a certain mystique". He agreed, talked about the Florida troopers having Marauders and wished he could own one and how much did they cost.

I told him about the .NET site and that Zack's car was for sale and also several others. He thanked me and proceeded on his way.

This experience left me with a great feeling about our Marauders.


03-04-2007, 09:24 AM
Pat we always knew you were a scofflaw! :D

03-04-2007, 09:32 AM
Awesome. I was on Hwy 27 in November and was given a little siren yelp as I passed a marked FHP car. They always think I am one too. That's fine with me - when you're busting triple digits, benefit of the doubt works in your favor.

03-04-2007, 09:32 AM
That's cool of him to shoot the ***** with you and not give you a ticket. Perhaps he will buy one now.

03-04-2007, 09:36 AM
He stopped you for WHAT?! LOL! He just wanted to check out your car. I've been guilty of that too. Difference is I'd find a violation incase the driver was a flamer.