View Full Version : What

03-09-2007, 06:15 PM
the hell is wrong with you people?

Read my signature.

Too many of you have gone insane.

03-09-2007, 06:23 PM



03-09-2007, 06:25 PM
I like cheese!!!

03-09-2007, 06:29 PM
Some people can not read!

03-09-2007, 07:06 PM
And the person who actually said this left for another niche type vehicle.

03-09-2007, 07:10 PM
It is surreal, to be sure. Like we've entered the adolescent zone. I came here and loved the atmosphere. I enjoyed so much about this place. Even those whose attitudes did not jive with mine, I was able to either ignore or overlook for the benefits I received. How depressing, eh?

03-09-2007, 07:38 PM
its to be expected. as the cars age, the inverse happens to its owners, they get younger. I would qualify as a 'younger' i think. When the cars came out in 03, i wouldnt have been able to afford a 35000+ car. Ive wanted one of these cars ever since they came out, I just wasnt able to afford it until last year.

03-09-2007, 07:47 PM
The King is dead.

There will never be another Elvis Presley. Ever. Why? It's because every ones tastes have diversified into a thousand little niches. There will never be another "one size fits all" when it comes to personal tastes, whether it's music or cars.

Therefore eveyone has strong opinions on what would should be seen as a smaller part of a big picture. "Blower wars" define this perfectly IMO.

"Old Elvis" Vs. "Young Elvis"...wanna fight about it? :rolleyes: Does that sound as trivial to you as it does to me?

Also, the 'net has an anonimity that allows people to be total jerks. Or total frauds. Who knows? I might be that 19 year old, blonde hottie on Myspace with 9,000 friends.

Fighting on the 'net is silly. Chuck Norris would never do it. John Wayne would have never done it either.

What actually confuses me most about all this is this; Many of us are gonna met in Kentucky soon. Hiding behind a computor is one thing. Peeing in my ear and telling me it's raining is another thing entirely. I know the difference.

The people that start stuff here are like the kids on the play ground that want to wreck the slides and swing sets. Why don't they get suspended?

03-09-2007, 08:00 PM
The King is dead.

There will never be another Elvis Presley. Ever. Why? It's because every ones tastes have diversified into a thousand little niches. There will never be another "one size fits all" when it comes to personal tastes, whether it's music or cars.

Therefore eveyone has strong opinions on what would should be seen as a smaller part of a big picture. "Blower wars" define this perfectly IMO.

"Old Elvis" Vs. "Young Elvis"...wanna fight about it? :rolleyes: Does that sound as trivial to you as it does to me?

Also, the 'net has an anonimity that allows people to be total jerks. Or total frauds. Who knows? I might be that 19 year old, blonde hottie on Myspace with 9,000 friends.

Fighting on the 'net is silly. Chuck Norris would never do it. John Wayne would have never done it either.

What actually confuses me most about all this is this; Many of us are gonna met in Kentucky soon. Hiding behind a computor is one thing. Peeing in my ear and telling me it's raining is another thing entirely. I know the difference.

The people that start stuff here are like the kids on the play ground that want to wreck the slides and swing sets. Why don't they get suspended?

If you REALLY want you ear peed in...get Zack drunk :D


PS - That will be like 2 beers :D

03-09-2007, 08:10 PM
And the person who actually said this left for another niche type vehicle.

yes he did, but it doesn't diminish his observation, which is one of the best I've read on the situation.

We should all take it to heart, one way or another.

03-09-2007, 08:25 PM
Where are the cold showers?

Big Time
03-09-2007, 11:12 PM
Many years ago, the same phenomenon happened at thirdgen.org. That's when the administrators desided to get rid of the off topic forums and make it a tech only site.

I think a lot of message boards go through this from time to time. Like Leadfoot pointed out: anonymity + an audience = neuroticism.

03-10-2007, 03:16 AM
Oh man not another one:rolleyes::D

03-10-2007, 06:11 AM
the hell is wrong with you people?

Read my signature.

Too many of you have gone insane.

I figure it's some kind of character flaw. Miserable people, doing all they can to spread the misery. Maybe they find some pleasure or satisfaction in making others unhappy.

Why do so many have to make their exit statements, post a big rant, burn bridges, destroy friendships, etc.? If they don't like it, just leave. No need for all the drama.

03-10-2007, 01:20 PM
Agreed Brian.
.....and doing it over and over again

Dr Caleb
03-10-2007, 11:28 PM
Too many of you have gone insane.

I assure you Duncan, I was well progressed down that road long before I came here.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice:
Pull down your pants, and slide on the ice!"

(for those too young, that quote was from the Psychariatrist on M*A*S*H)

I hate coming here, and seeing another demoralizing thread. Does anyone else see the irony in Ross's thread about losing another engine, with that thread chock full of "Ford Sucks!" posts, and seeing it on the same page with "Enough American Car Bashing" ? :confused:

03-10-2007, 11:38 PM
I assure you Duncan, I was well progressed down that road long before I came here.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice:
Pull down your pants, and slide on the ice!"

(for those too young, that quote was from the Psychariatrist on M*A*S*H)

I hate coming here, and seeing another demoralizing thread. Does anyone else see the irony in Ross's thread about losing another engine, with that thread chock full of "Ford Sucks!" posts, and seeing it on the same page with "Enough American Car Bashing" ? :confused:

Yes but you are forgiven, it's a long road.

03-11-2007, 12:16 AM
very disturbing!

Agent M79
03-11-2007, 04:39 AM

03-11-2007, 05:24 AM
I hate coming here, and seeing another demoralizing thread. Does anyone else see the irony in Ross's thread about losing another engine, with that thread chock full of "Ford Sucks!" posts, and seeing it on the same page with "Enough American Car Bashing" ? :confused:

I think it just the internet way of posting so to speak, after having 2 engines replaced you would think a rather loud bell would go off in the Dealership's Top Brass? WOW! We have a real problem here fix it!
Now no fault to Ross but owners get feed up and lash out on the internet.
Heaven knows I wanted to :baaa: many times but, after 14 long months I got it fixwd:) :up:

03-11-2007, 08:41 AM
the hell is wrong with you people?

Read my signature.

Too many of you have gone insane.

We can only hope the LONG winter months are a major contributor to much of this nonsense. Most of this "stuff" seems to happen in the cold winter time.

At least, I hope Cabin Fever explains some of this.

If not, read the posts you want, and stay away from the ticking bombs.

If you don't feed 'em, they'll look elsewhere for food, no?

Just 2c from an observer, not a participator.:beer:

03-11-2007, 08:51 AM
Everything was nice and calm until you started the name calling, shame on you and may you immediately become sane!

Watch the Food Channel and chill out.

Dr Caleb
03-11-2007, 11:16 AM
I think it just the internet way of posting so to speak, after having 2 engines replaced you would think a rather loud bell would go off in the Dealership's Top Brass? WOW! We have a real problem here fix it!
Now no fault to Ross but owners get feed up and lash out on the internet.
Heaven knows I wanted to :baaa: many times but, after 14 long months I got it fixwd:) :up:

Oh, heck no! Ross should be screaming from the rooftops! I would have been after 1 engine!

I just found the irony delicious. I've been pounding on these little problems and deficiencies since I bought my car and actually took a look at the paint on it 5 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I love my car, and I love this community - but they both have a few quirks that need to be worked out.

After trying to get the dealer to look at the defiencies of the car for 18 months, then being given the brush off, I resigned myself that I wouldn't get fooled again. It's not Ford or Chevy or Toyota that sucks, it big business in general. The dealers and the manufacturers team up to make themselves look like idiots over a few minor problems, but they do it once per customer and soon a few minor problems becomes millions of minor problems. One bee sting won't kill you, but a zillion will.

Just as a few heated threads have changed the ambiance here.

03-11-2007, 02:23 PM
We can only hope the LONG winter months are a major contributor to much of this nonsense. Most of this "stuff" seems to happen in the cold winter time.

At least, I hope Cabin Fever explains some of this.

If not, read the posts you want, and stay away from the ticking bombs.

If you don't feed 'em, they'll look elsewhere for food, no?

Just 2c from an observer, not a participator.:beer:

ah yes, if only it were that simple :beer:

03-11-2007, 03:12 PM
Oh, heck no! Ross should be screaming from the rooftops! I would have been after 1 engine!
Only by recording each visit in written/type word, who did you speak to, what did respond to your question etc. I had pages to show the Ford Dealer who gave it to the Zone Rep.
I just found the irony delicious. I've been pounding on these little problems and deficiencies since I bought my car and actually took a look at the paint on it 5 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I love my car, and I love this community - but they both have a few quirks that need to be worked out.
I also had paint issues and took 14 months of getting nowhere with selling L&M dealer, it was a Ford dealer that took up my fight and got it done only to wait forever for the money
After trying to get the dealer to look at the defiencies of the car for 18 months, then being given the brush off, I resigned myself that I wouldn't get fooled again. It's not Ford or Chevy or Toyota that sucks, it big business in general.
Have to disagree as I know first hand Toyota & Honda has a better program to fix owner complaints.
The dealers and the manufacturers team up to make themselves look like idiots over a few minor problems, but they do it once per customer and soon a few minor problems becomes millions of minor problems. One bee sting won't kill you, but a zillion will.

Just as a few heated threads have changed the ambiance here.

I know that Toyota nnd Honda have a very low rate of warranty vs Ford in my area, as I have friends working to the dealerships.
What I find funny is most Toyota & Honda etc. owner will only go to the Dealership and most people I know with Ford/L&M will not go near the selling Dealership after the sale unless it is warranty.

03-11-2007, 05:05 PM
Did I miss something?:confused:

03-11-2007, 06:58 PM
Did I miss something?:confused:
Nothing special.

Dr Caleb
03-12-2007, 08:01 AM
Did I miss something?:confused:

Just venting. Carry on.