View Full Version : comments from the Detroit Free Press...

04-06-2007, 10:35 AM
Mulally's first 6 months at Ford drew Detroit Free Press readers comments. It seems some of us know the real blame (as usual) belongs with management:

"Having previously worked in the automotive industry myself for roughly 7 years, I think bringing in somebody from outside was the absolute right thing to do for Ford. Having the rare luxury to see for myself how an automotive company functions at the executive level, allowed me to see that the 'Old Boys' network in the Big 3 just can't get it done."

"I want Ford to succeed since my retirement is dependent on their success, but based on what my friends tell me, there are no changes to the process. ... Finance and marketing still run the show. Product competitiveness is irrelevant to financial targets set by people who know nothing about cars. Ford is doomed, and I'm depressed."


04-06-2007, 11:04 AM
Mulally's first 6 months at Ford drew Detroit Free Press readers comments. It seems some of us know the real blame (as usual) belongs with management:
I think the comment below from that article \/\/\/\/\/ is even more telling ..... maybe we have reached that APATHY stage noted in the other thread. :(

"I think that it's amazing that one of America's truly great manufacturing companies is on the road to bankruptcy garners a little over 1 page of comments, while the woman who shoots at someone on I-94 gets 25 pages of comments."

Mike Poore
04-06-2007, 12:22 PM
"I think that it's amazing that one of America's truly great manufacturing companies is on the road to bankruptcy garners a little over 1 page of comments, while the woman who shoots at someone on I-94 gets 25 pages of comments."


04-06-2007, 12:35 PM
I think the comment below from that article \/\/\/\/\/ is even more telling ..... maybe we have reached that APATHY stage noted in the other thread. :(

"I think that it's amazing that one of America's truly great manufacturing companies is on the road to bankruptcy garners a little over 1 page of comments, while the woman who shoots at someone on I-94 gets 25 pages of comments."

That's because the news about Ford hasn't been new for a long time.

04-06-2007, 01:26 PM
omg thaqt reminds me of my old job, " the company is being run by idiots who know nothing about cars"

Mike Poore
04-06-2007, 03:19 PM
omg thaqt reminds me of my old job, " the company is being run by idiots who know nothing about cars"

Um, you mean like Elana's husband, the plumber? :rolleyes: