View Full Version : Woody's Car show

Larry Vogel
09-29-2002, 05:52 PM
Had a good time with Hack , and met a past friend from highschool I haven't seen in 20 years.
While leaving the parking lot I ran over a curb and tore the header muffler clean off. Well with my newfound sound I decided to impress the front row crowd with a little power show ( nope, don't do this very much anymore) . Heard the cheering from a 1/2 block away, or maybe that was the cops.:eek: , anyways made it home without a ticket.:cool: :cool:

Hack Goby
09-30-2002, 12:48 PM
Next Time you go tearing your stuff up let me know so I can hear those dual Quads..................Hack

09-30-2002, 02:00 PM

clipped from www.crownvic.net

Larry Vogel
09-30-2002, 05:16 PM
Thanks mtn, but not even close. My one pipe off was thumpin louder at idle, than the higest rev sound you got up to.:D :cool: :eek:

Larry Vogel
09-30-2002, 05:25 PM
Hack, I came from Little Mack and figured I'd take it back, a nice road now that it's been redone, going out the drive back their I musta cut my wheel to sharp and ran that curb down. Glad it took it clean off, Picked it up and put it in the trunk.
Hack put a picture in the gallery, I still am having trouble, Hack how was that you are posting them I forgot the proceure you told me at W/Woody's??? His other pictures of that night are at--- www. Superfords.org.:cool: