View Full Version : And how many lost their jobs???

04-11-2007, 05:45 PM


04-11-2007, 05:55 PM


Too damn many.

Golden Parachutes,...

04-11-2007, 10:01 PM
When I saw CNN on the link I knew I didn't need to click. T.V. and the media are a brainwash, just wanna make you angry and fearful. Just turn off the tv, life is so much better.

Just me.

04-11-2007, 10:15 PM
When I saw CNN on the link I knew I didn't need to click. T.V. and the media are a brainwash, just wanna make you angry and fearful. Just turn off the tv, life is so much better.

Just me.

Understanding + knowledge properly applied = Wisdom. Stay on the path.


04-11-2007, 10:23 PM
I haven't watched tv since aug and I don't miss it. The only reason I read the newspaper once a week is because I'm required to for school. :shake: I'm tell you man, if you turn off your tv for a month you'll be surprized how much more calm one can be. I have no idea whats going on in this world because I was so sick of hearing about peoples miserys and all of these subliminal commercials.... makes me sick. :puke:

04-12-2007, 06:32 AM
Dumbasses. I'd run Ford for a mere 100K a year and LOVE it! (and do a better job at it, too!)

Oh yeah, and I don't need no stinkin corporate jet, lemme drive a FORD!!!!

04-12-2007, 06:39 AM
Dumbasses. I'd run Ford for a mere 100K a year and LOVE it! (and do a better job at it, too!)

Oh yeah, and I don't need no stinkin corporate jet, lemme drive a FORD!!!!

Not a bad idea... I'll run Ford for 1 GT per year :P

04-12-2007, 07:02 AM
If you have sattelite T.V. you can set up your own list of channels. I watch T.V everyday, but I have'nt watched the news in over 5 years. You guys are right, you get sick and tired of watching real life misery. As if life did'nt have enough it's own problems already:shake: .

04-12-2007, 07:18 AM
You guys are right.

Do not watch / read the news.

Live in the dark. Wonder when you travel overseas why people hate you.

Wonder why it is your friends who are in the armed forces keep going away for long periods of time.

Yup. Live in the dark. It's nice there. :up:


04-12-2007, 07:37 AM
I am a news junky. I find it difficult to socialize without knowledge of the outside world. I have to interact with SR execs everyday in my role in the world. I must be informed at all times.

I actually try to find a nugget of feel good news in the media cycle each day. The other day there was a story about a 102 year old woman making a hole in one. That is cool and it gave me some motivation that day.

Today, Imus is fighting back. I think he's a scumbag, but he is right about the Duke case and I want to see an apology from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to those young men. Being called something vile vs being threatened with jail are two very different things.

These are things our children see. I try to help them understand the world around them by giving them the history lessons that lead up to things like the Imus issue. My 11 year old doesn't understand the history of racism in this country. She lives in a diverse world where bigotry is nearly dead (elementary school). Next year she goes to JR high where it will surely begin to raise it's ugly head. She needs to know right from wrong and here is a real world example of how crazy the world is in which we live.

To put your head in the sand about the news is dangerous and ill conceived. If more people live in this manner, one day you'll wake up without the choice to turn on the news or read a newspaper.

04-12-2007, 07:43 AM
To put your head in the sand about the news is dangerous and ill conceived. If more people live in this manner, one day you'll wake up without the choice to turn on the news or read a newspaper.

Very well said, and very true!

Ahhh......ignorance is bliss...


Dr Caleb
04-12-2007, 08:07 AM
To put your head in the sand about the news is dangerous and ill conceived. If more people live in this manner, one day you'll wake up without the choice to turn on the news or read a newspaper.

:2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:

Because you ignore it, doesn't mean it will go away. It simply means you'll never do anything about it.

04-12-2007, 08:15 AM
If we don't enlighten ourselves, we can't argue intellignetly, either.

04-12-2007, 10:31 AM
It does not really matter whether you watch the news or not.
The average AMERICAN, or whatever they call themselves, has allowed our Corporations,
and Government to do what they please without consequences.

If the AMERICANS keep allowing this to happen, one day the sign at Ellis Island will say
"Welcome to the U.S.S.R."

Corporations can lay off THOUSANDS of people without consequence.
Our Government controls our freedoms and rights and no one fights to preserve our freedoms and rights.
The AMERICANS just keep minding their own business and letting
the Corporate World and Government Officials do what they please
and get away with it all without consequence.

Our parents could NEVER commit the crimes that some of our
Corporate CEOs and Government Leaders are committing today.
I could never sleep if I had to make some of the choices
that these people make and get away with in the name of $$$$$$$$$.

04-12-2007, 11:39 AM
Just a reminder...


....might stimulate the senses...


04-12-2007, 11:42 AM
I like my head in the ground and my "Screw the latest trend" attitude and I'm not going to change unless I want to. I watched tv for the first 20 years of my life and the last few months with keep it in the closet (I actually wanted to throw it out my second story window and set it on fire) life has been so much easier. I don't care about famous people. To me tv makes you care about people you don't know, buy crap you don't need, get angry over stuff you can't control and in the end it's all a huge commercial. If people are angry at Americans, be angry at the people in charge, don't be mad at me... I can't control it and others know that, but some will just look for a reason to fight.

I don't care about whats going on, doesn't effect me and if it does, it's not enough for me to care or start watching tv again. Just me though. Don't gimme a rough time if my opinion differs from yours please. I know at least one other member on here who doesn't watch tv at all either, but I have no idea the reasoning.

04-12-2007, 11:55 AM
I like my head in the ground and my "Screw the latest trend" attitude and I'm not going to change unless I want to. I watched tv for the first 20 years of my life and the last few months with keep it in the closet (I actually wanted to throw it out my second story window and set it on fire) life has been so much easier. I don't care about famous people. To me tv makes you care about people you don't know, buy crap you don't need, get angry over stuff you can't control and in the end it's all a huge commercial. If people are angry at Americans, be angry at the people in charge, don't be mad at me... I can't control it and others know that, but some will just look for a reason to fight.

I don't care about whats going on, doesn't effect me and if it does, it's not enough for me to care or start watching tv again. Just me though. Don't gimme a rough time if my opinion differs from yours please. I know at least one other member on here who doesn't watch tv at all either, but I have no idea the reasoning.

TV or no TV. A man who can, in clear consience, walk away with 28 million bucks made on the backs of hard-working people who can't even feed their kids or pay their heating bill is completely and totally morally reprehensible. No man NEEDS 28 million bucks. Just like the rest of us, if he can't do the job he gets nothing, nada, squat, zip, zilch and zero. Take the 28 mil and put in an annuity to fund extended severance for the 30K displaced workers.

Wish I could get 28 million bucks for *****!ng up!

04-12-2007, 11:57 AM
Gotta' admit. I don't watch a whole hellofalot of tv myself. I do keep up on the news that does affect (infest) all of us. I occasionally try to get the latest sports highlites, so I have something to talk to my clients about (other than taxes).

Go Sabres !

Mortorhead, dont be a hypocrite (I think you hate those types) I don't think you NEED a blower....????

Love Ya' Man !!!

04-12-2007, 12:29 PM
TV or no TV. A man who can, in clear consience, walk away with 28 million bucks made on the backs of hard-working people who can't even feed their kids or pay their heating bill is completely and totally morally reprehensible. No man NEEDS 28 million bucks. Just like the rest of us, if he can't do the job he gets nothing, nada, squat, zip, zilch and zero. Take the 28 mil and put in an annuity to fund extended severance for the 30K displaced workers.

Wish I could get 28 million bucks for *****!ng up!

Get your news from a variety of sources...Never rely one just one source. Then believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see, and most will be fine.

While I agree with Magindat about Company executives needing to have morals enough to take a pass on excessive compensation, this is the free market economy at work.......

Most people when they interview go through negotiations of some kind, and take a look at what other executives earn for similar responsibilities at similar sized companies. Most justify thier compensation based on this criteria (and how bad they are being courted) when they can't point to company performance as the reason.

This is the American way like it or not. if you want me to carry the load in company like Ford with all the BS that I would inherit and have to own, you better step up and secure my future, because I may not be able to get another job if I cannot fix the cluster F*$# I'm stepping into.

Yea I don't like the comp plan, but hey just cause a Sheriff from Wisconsin writes himself a ticket for an improper lane change, it does not mean every Sherrif is going to fall in lock step and do likewise should they break the law.

Same goes for CEO's. A few may step up and do the right thing on bonuses(Like the Delta Airline CEO) though they don't have too, but it won't change squat over all..... JMHO

So forget about it and go find an expliotable situation of your own. Lets see when we would say "Stop" "Thats enought":coolman:

Best regards,

04-12-2007, 01:40 PM
Mortorhead, dont be a hypocrite (I think you hate those types) I don't think you NEED a blower....????

Love Ya' Man !!!

I don't see where I was, but I'm probably too dumb to figure it out. I don't NEED a blower, I wanna blower. :D Everytime I have enough money for one some major expense comes up like an engine or college. :(

04-12-2007, 01:48 PM
"To me tv makes you care about people you don't know, buy crap you don't need,"

Still; Love ya Man !

I just saw, I am TWICE your age. What a shame.....

04-12-2007, 02:47 PM
I'm in the process of losing my job... no fun!


04-12-2007, 02:53 PM
I'm in the process of losing my job... no fun!


Just tell people that that's you in your Avatar, and you'll have no problems finding a new "position".

04-12-2007, 07:55 PM
I'm in the process of losing my job... no fun!


I lost my job 2 weeks ago.
I was employed there for almost 13 years.

Loyalty means nothing to CORPORATE AMERICA anymore.
So now, I am going to be my own boss,
and I am not working for anyone else, ever again.

04-12-2007, 08:02 PM
Understanding + knowledge properly applied = Wisdom. Stay on the path.


Actually, it works better if put this way...

(Understanding + Knowledge) Properly Applied = Wisdom

CULTURAL DIVERSITY is the biggest trait of AMERICA.
If you don't seek out that knowledge and have a proper understanding of it,
you can't possibly apply it correctly so that it means anything.
This is where miscommunication and embarrasment come into play,
and can possibly make a potentially good situation go bad.

04-13-2007, 05:35 AM
Get your news from a variety of sources...Never rely one just one source. Then believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see, and most will be fine.

While I agree with Magindat about Company executives needing to have morals enough to take a pass on excessive compensation, this is the free market economy at work.......

Most people when they interview go through negotiations of some kind, and take a look at what other executives earn for similar responsibilities at similar sized companies. Most justify thier compensation based on this criteria (and how bad they are being courted) when they can't point to company performance as the reason.

This is the American way like it or not. if you want me to carry the load in company like Ford with all the BS that I would inherit and have to own, you better step up and secure my future, because I may not be able to get another job if I cannot fix the cluster F*$# I'm stepping into.

Yea I don't like the comp plan, but hey just cause a Sheriff from Wisconsin writes himself a ticket for an improper lane change, it does not mean every Sherrif is going to fall in lock step and do likewise should they break the law.

Same goes for CEO's. A few may step up and do the right thing on bonuses(Like the Delta Airline CEO) though they don't have too, but it won't change squat over all..... JMHO

So forget about it and go find an expliotable situation of your own. Lets see when we would say "Stop" "Thats enought":coolman:

Best regards,

Yer right, and I know. I took Economics 101. I get it. However, in my view, I boil everything down to the working man (or woman) and their families. The way I see it, those families are our future and deserve all that a society can give. The sap-sucking CEO's are already on their way to being our past. They have literllay taken food from the mouths of babes to promote themselves.

Free market... great. Secure your own future due to possibly not being able to work again... I agree. I just think 28 million is more than ANYONE needs, especially when that money is made on the backs of the hard working middle class.

When looked at from the working person's position, the current state of our capitalist republic resembles fuedalism.

Not to start a political arguement. I'm not argueing. I'm clarifying my view for the entertainment of others!

Nice to toss the ideas around without a fight, ain't it?

04-13-2007, 05:39 AM
I watched tv for the first 20 years of my life and the last few months with keep it in the closet
So, if you ever watch TV again...

...Would you then come out of the...

...I have nothing further to add.


04-13-2007, 07:59 AM
I lost my job 2 weeks ago.
I was employed there for almost 13 years.

Loyalty means nothing to CORPORATE AMERICA anymore.
So now, I am going to be my own boss,
and I am not working for anyone else, ever again.

you damn right there's no loyalty whatsoever (to employees, I've been very loyal to them)

hell I once worked 30+ hours straight to make sure things go smoothly, but its not reciprocal in any way, shape or form

I wouldn't go as far as saying I would never work for anyone again, but next job I see will definitely be towards my career and in the Big Apple... I'm sick and tired of this small time Jersey crap!

--Russ :mad2:

04-13-2007, 08:31 AM
What I dont understand is these transnational companies keep exporting all our manufacturing jobs and yet the voters keep supporting the political party thats all for it. I dont understand how they get one vote.

Dr Caleb
04-13-2007, 10:54 AM
What I dont understand is these transnational companies keep exporting all our manufacturing jobs and yet the voters keep supporting the political party thats all for it. I dont understand how they get one vote.

Because 'Free Trade Agreements' are never done as 'treaties' or they would have to go before the US Senate, and get shot down there. (Hopefully)

They keep telling us that 'Free Trade' is good for us, but the numbers say otherwise.


04-13-2007, 11:14 AM
The best thing on this thread is JerseyVics avatar. :D

CEO compensation is out of control with the outrageous salaries, benefits and perks. In the '60s, the typical CEO salary was about 5-10 times that of the average worker. Today, it is about 100-500 times the average worker. Simply incredible. Personally, I don't know how they can stand in front of their employees with a strait face and tell them that "everyone" has to tighten their belts and sacrifice. Yeah, right. :o

It even happens at the lower levels when the local school superintendent blames budget shortfalls on his ability to give his school teachers a 2% cost of living raise, when he is behind closed doors negotiating a big 10% increase on a $300,000 salary for himself. Sheer gall and hypocrisy. :mad:

04-13-2007, 01:06 PM
Yer right, and I know. I took Economics 101. I get it. However, in my view, I boil everything down to the working man (or woman) and their families. The way I see it, those families are our future and deserve all that a society can give. The sap-sucking CEO's are already on their way to being our past. They have literllay taken food from the mouths of babes to promote themselves.

Free market... great. Secure your own future due to possibly not being able to work again... I agree. I just think 28 million is more than ANYONE needs, especially when that money is made on the backs of the hard working middle class.

When looked at from the working person's position, the current state of our capitalist republic resembles fuedalism.

Not to start a political arguement. I'm not argueing. I'm clarifying my view for the entertainment of others!

Nice to toss the ideas around without a fight, ain't it?

I agree the working man gets the shaft here. No doubt. But you would never get me to take on the awesome responsibility of turning around an F'd up company like Ford without a very aggressive Comp. Plan.

I too hate that a small % of employee's make silly $ while the majority have to rob Peter to pay Paul weekly.

I do prefer however to live in a society where with hard work, the right skillset/ connections and more than a little luck anyone of us might have the opportunity to "Ring the bell" over Communism. I'm a capitalist....It's just me, I can't help it. Lol.........

04-13-2007, 01:59 PM
So, if you ever watch TV again...

...Would you then come out of the...

...I have nothing further to add.


I came out yesterday. I had to grab a few clothes. ;)

04-13-2007, 03:16 PM
No man NEEDS 28 million bucks.

It's not about the amount of money but the POWER that it represents. It's the power that juices 'em and they can never get enough!!

PR :burnout: