View Full Version : Shanghai blab No.3

Tom Doan
04-14-2007, 06:32 AM
Dear Gang,

Ramblings of an unrepentant sinner:

Sight of the month; a 5 year old little kid pumping the tail up and
down on a 3000 pound Water Buffalo to get it to move faster.

From a company I deal with, or Where the Motor Vehicle
Administration stole their mission statement.

Our factory, founded in October,1988, is an individually-run
enterprise which sticks to the principle of "focusing on human
resources, managing by ethics, handling affairs in good faith and
behaving honestly". Our factory is characterized by a team of
experienced professionals, most of whom are multiple type talents of
rich skills and expertise. They make every effort to boost
productivity and speed against any tardiness, inefficiency and
discredit. Available with a strong sense of responsibility and
awareness of self-motivation, everyone regards the reputation of
enterprise and product quality as his life, thus, making an
illustration of strong cohesive force. Based upon team-built spirit,
though everyone has his own position and division of works, he can
closely cooperate with others, coupling with a concept of the whole.
With a strong cohesion, the directors of the corporation pay much more
attention to the employees while the employees offer their support to
the directors, forming an environment of mutual equality, mutual
respect and understanding as well as care for each other. All of the
personnel have jointly strives in realizing the set objectives of
"standardization of management, valuing quality and credit,
highlighting regarding customer and working hard hand in hand for a
bright future ".
My new catch phrase "compromising mediocrity"

All looting all the time, or "We raff at you"

The Commies have Katrina looting all the time on TV, they hate
blacks and Muslims more than we do, they are laughing at us. We just
got slammed with typhoon number 19, hit Hinan square on,(No. 20 is
hitting south of here as I write this so the weather is cool,wet and
pleasant today), here they are used for population control and urban
renewal, no *****ing aloud. "We can always find a worse job for you",
besides now we put in new
highway where your house, oops I mean where the Peoples house used
to be. They see dogs running around everywhere on TV and say how can
you be hungry? An old saying is "be good or you'll end up in a
dumpling". Bad people would "disappear" and the dumpling shops
desperate for meat, would all chop you up and share the evidence, so
too many people to prosecute and "no one can be blamed" started. I get
the feeling when they look at N.O. that they see a business enterprise
in their heads and the road north would have been lined with dumpling

Slow down your moving to fast, or it must be Golden Week

Things are picking up but I expected to be at this stage by Aug the 1st,
everything takes forever to do. Every liberal should come to China, it
is beautiful, the people are nice,no crime, every thing is taken care of for you
and socialism sucks the motivation out of you, I am defeated and feel
like crap from not being able to do things that we take for granted by
simple solutions.
To buy any thing I have to go 20 miles through city traffic to
Beijing Rd., there every thing is centralized and together, I need
string, go to string alley, every vendor has the same thing and all
you want. Need screwdrivers, same deal,you must find the right alley,
all the way up through scientific equipment. It can be tough to find
the right alley, then no one gives a damn, no references, catalogs,
etc, people sitting on
there asses - zombies, I wave a hand full of bills and shout "who wants
my money", it works sometimes. I'll say "I love China" only the Guard
knows I'm *****ing about poor quality,poor performance,poor results."
Welcome to workers paradise, have a nice day"
I thank the gods that our company is resisting the socialist
status quo and not afraid to fire people.We are making good progress
on the optical fiber,something that is number 4 on my projects list,
so I am not day to day on. The slaves have caught on I will not stand
for "compromising mediocrity" and when I bellow like a Drill
Instructor all three floors cringe, who upset the Screaming White
Devil now? Any change in a big company takes 6 months to show results
and I have been here only three, good craftsman hate compromise, and
turn into Prima Donna's if given the chance and that fits well into
their culture and they like working to a higher standard. I tell them
if they have a problem to just blame it on me, "just blame round eye?
Well hell, as long as I have a way to cover MY butt I got that warm
fuzzy feeling".
This week is "Golden Week",slogan,"Celibrating 56 years of commie
socialism, only 45,000,000 killed so far, but they were all
undesirables,teachers,lawyers, doctors, educated free thinkers". The
whole country has the week off, with half the people traveling I am
staying put and working, so are others here. Lots of propaganda and
the place is lit up like Chrismas,speaking of which the Chinese love
Chrismas???, another chance to party and eat which is a competitive
sport to them. My wife wants me to get them hooked on Halloween next.

The Dirty Women of Canton or "Your mother could have farted a better egg"

I had to go south to the Medical Equipment Designers Show in
ShenZen in GongDong province,28 hours on the train about 1500 miles.It
was tropical heat, blue skies with big puffy thunderheads and when you
thought it couldn't get any steamier a 5 minute cloud burst every 2
hours to crank up the humidity a notch. Our company here is on the
banks of the Pearl river, with a 1Km walk to the hotel.
For some reason it drives the company people crazy that in a
classless society I know every bum, street cleaner, cop, hooker,bank
teller, sing song girl,greeter, beater and dumpling Frau in 24 hours
of walking up and back to the hotel.The access to information is
controlled by the government and finding what I want is a pain. I say
I will ask someone who knows the answer on the way home, the Guard
grits his teeth, he knows he has to translate my questions to someone
beneath an engineer, but we usually find who's got what I'm looking
for. I had to find reinforced strapping tape and was getting nowhere
in the yellow pages, street people to the rescue.
Canton is the gate way to the sex tours of Thailand, (no sex
aloud in China, all 1.5billion people by immaculate conception), the
government has done a good job in the north of forcing the hookers to
get full time jobs and become hair dressers, (those that didn't were
shot as deviants) which will work as long as the economy keeps
growing in ShangHai. So far they have managed to keep the AIDS to less
than 1 million people country wide. (Of course they shot number
1,000,001) Down south it is a different story, sex slaves, male and
female are desperate to get into China for a chance at the booming
economy, and even a crappy job is better than a sore bung. Life is
cheap, human smuggling a problem, same as our southern borders, the
people are rude and crude, thieves abound, it's good to be a large
Early one morning I was at a back alley noodle shop sitting
outside eating my chicken feet and broth waiting for the gang to show
up. Old queen bee of the alley shows up and has to take a different
table as I got there first and took hers. Well she starts swearing at
me, you, life, and she's got a real head of steam on, people are
laughing and cursing back, this is normal greetings in Canton. I can
only understand snippets of Cantonese, but this old bawld is a poet
and people are laughing at the creative indignities, I block it out, I
don't understand, Chinese are always shouting at each other. My gang
shows up and is easy to peg, and she starts in on people from
ShangHai, we are used to being cursed at in the south, with mutterings
under our breath of just another crazy *****. I am down to the broth
in my bowl and am using both hands to pick it up and slurp it down.
Another old bag wanders up and the first one says "Your mother could
have farted a better egg", I choked, broth shot out my nose as I burst
out laughing, for this I understood. The old bat glared with wide
eyes, they hate it when barbarian white devils understand the sacred
language of the gods.

Love to all, Tom Doan

04-14-2007, 06:56 AM
Ah, thanks for the update Tom. I think.:help:

That is a different view of China than what I got from my co-worker who returned to Shanghai to visit his Mom.


04-14-2007, 07:11 AM
Tom, thanks. I am not that big on sex aloud either... unless the windows are closed:rofl: Dennis...Don't eat any bad chicken feet.

04-14-2007, 07:33 AM
Note to Self: Scratch dumplings from the menu on Sunday. :rofl:

Mike Poore
04-14-2007, 08:04 AM
Tom, these are wonderful; please keep posting ...until they come for you.

Anyone who's spent time in Asia, no matter how long ago, has complete empathy, and remembers the way it was/is.

It was perfectly natural for a crew of "workers" to erect a post, have another crew affix the sign board, then an artist come along and paint the message on it.

I watched the unfolding project in slack-mouthed amazement. :eek:

04-14-2007, 02:51 PM

It was perfectly natural for a crew of "workers" to erect a post, have another crew affix the sign board, then an artist come along and paint the message on it.


Except that could be a Municipal work crew almost anywhere :lol:

Mike Poore
04-14-2007, 03:18 PM
No reft turn? :rolleyes:

04-14-2007, 03:53 PM
Thats why they call it Shangai.

In the early 80' I went to school w/ 2 ladies from China. They were not allowed to speak to Americans, kept notes on each other and met with a Chinese "advisor" every other week.