View Full Version : Shanghai blab No.4

Tom Doan
04-14-2007, 12:59 PM
The Pre- Ramble

Dear Gang,
Will they or won't they, that is the question of the week, the
answer is a bit fuzzier, the commies say the borders will be closed if
the flu gets going, but that casts a bad light on China, bad news on
TV only for France and George Bush, he started it anyway. A large out
brake has hit Laioshun in the northeast, but we know the only people
in the northeast are liberal democrats so no big deal, we will
kill...lets see...a million last week..lets do 3 million chickens this
week and the evil flu god will be sated. The web news and the main
stream media state news isn't quite matching up, just like in the
west, what a surprise. We will play soothing music and read you this
poem and you will feel better with nothing to worry about, pay no
attention to the man behind the curtain.

Tom Gets Screwed
Were Not Blowing Hot Air Anymore

Check out the attached photo of me and the boss man Tony with
"Jack" my new rotary screw compressor. Since Jack (he knows who he is
) decided that I'm a good horse to bet on he gets the the honor of
having the compressor named after him. Everyone here agrees that this
is a much higher honor that having a chair at MIT named after you, and
we are sure that his compressor will work allot harder with no strange
political views. This baby purrs like a kitten and is as loud as my
microwave oven which makes the work area much nicer than the
reciprocating Chinese Antichrist time bomb we had before. I had
choices from all around the world, I picked Ingersoll for having the
best post processing filters integrated into the unit rather than
having to add a chiller, dryer, filters and re- warmer to it which
takes up allot of space (and cost). I am working on fiber optic image
bundles, insertion tube assembly, forceps cup manufacturing and need
clean compressed air to do it, add in a couple of Hass CNC machines
(hint hint Wing) and we are looking world class. Besides the Chinese
really love having American stuff in the factory, shows the government
commies were not making junk and they can't believe the level of
support after the sale that we take for granted back home.

What I Eat
Does That Thing Cast A Shadow?

I have gotten many questions about the food here, I will tell you
about some things, the whole deal would take pages, and some you
really don't want to know or described. First everything on Mr. P.I.G.
Hog is pretty good, and the Chinese wisely have a pig god to honor him
that does good deeds for farmers. I eat allot of pig ears, pickled,
sliced thin and very spicy, many nights it's the only meat served at
My cooking crew is Tang (my guard) and Lucy, the worlds laziest
girlfriend, who is the Wardens "small sister",she's hoping that he
will marry her and if not this week at least buy her another pair of
shoes. They are all from Szechwan so the food is hot to #$%^&*@!!!! ,
that stuff come with ice to put out the fire? Good thing I like hot
food, some nights our eyes water from 30 feet away and we know to put
a roll of toilet paper on the table because we are going to drip all
through the meal and Lucy will have the hick- ups all night. A wise
man plans where he will be 90 minutes after a meal.
Shang Hai is packed with places to eat from cheap on the street
to you don't have enough headroom on the credit card to eat here,
often block after block is all food, raw to waiting for an emperor to
show up. The price is dirt cheap to overpriced, so comparison shopping
is the norm, I can buy out the store but they won't cook anymore meat,
they just make more vegetables and tofu. I have eaten enough Kelp,
Agar and seaweed to endanger the Manatees, yeah I know I all ready
look like one. I have seen Lucy make a whole meal out of one chicken
leg. A good meal, but not enough protein for three big men, which
brings up nutrition.
The people in Shang Hai are much taller than else where, I see
bigger and taller men and women than me every day, we have a girl at
work that's 6-4". Give them enough protein and the kids blossom, big,
tall,strong, the girls are especially easy to spot (wink, wink). With
the "one child policy" for the last 30 years that one child is finally
getting enough to eat. The bad part is western health problems are
following,(which keeps my business growing), which is all part of my
evil master plan to turn them into lazy fat couch potatoes hooked on
the corrupting western TV culture and keep that precious one kid off
the battle field, and here you thought I was just a running dog
The Chinese love fried chicken, the KFC's here are 3 stories tall
and seat 600, the McDonald's only 150. I think the best chicken is
from the street vendors, many flavors, and a Mongolian chicken with
cumin is what I served at my birthday party.
The high starch and vegetable diet means you must eat frequently,
yes you will be hungry in two hours, it locks you into a cycle and
most people are hooked. I get mean when I don't get enough meat and my
knees start to hurt, I eat allot of fish which is good for me, for
awhile I am OK but I still wake up hungry and some of the fish is foul
tasting. I can eat a fish head with the best of them and only the
Warden is faster, he is short, very fat,ugly, half blind with a tan
from the fluorescent lights giving him that minty glow, looks like a
Nude Mole Rat, but that's what gets the girls in China, the exact
opposite of the USA. We must be doing something wrong.
The beef here is all Water Buffalo, which have the same deposition
as your average Golden Retriever and is OK, but it was someones worn
out tractor, and was not finished in a feed lot on corn doing nothing
all day so it is tough. I wanted real moo cow for the Marine Corps
birthday and took all who were working late out to the Korean BBQ
place we pass twice a day to and from work. Beef overload, felt great
for two days.
Many times I ask Tang what I am eating, sometimes I get an answer,
some times just a smile. I have had to eat some really rude stuff and
they always say "best part, saved just for you". Some times I am
eating some thing and think this isn't bad, ten minutes later I figure
out the missing anatomy and close my eyes and think "O **** I'm eating
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fill in the blank), I need more beer".

Happy Thanksgiving to you, as you eat your self into a coma think
about that poor Chinese girl you are depriving of a healthy bust line.
Love to all, Tom

04-14-2007, 02:58 PM
These are great. Can they be put in a sub forum so they are together?

04-15-2007, 04:02 AM
I concur. Great and interesting read of another culture we're not familiar with. Somewhat like reading a Tom Clancy novel (Although I've never read a novel, ever!). Pass some more on when you have time. Seems like you'd have learned not to ask what it is you're eating by now . . .