View Full Version : Old movies vs. New movies

04-16-2007, 12:00 AM
Alright the latest movie and went to see was Redline and I won't give away too much, but it seems like today movies don't have as much of a message as they used to. Seems like there is constantly action every five minutes, no one is ugly and to top it all off theres really no story... it's all about the toys they can show off. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like older movies had plots that you could actually believe, no explosions every five minutes and it wasn't always about the latest trend. I guess it's aimed at my generation for most of us having limited attention spands. (not all of us) It's like usually if I show someone Two Lane Blacktop or The French Connection people are up in 20 minutes to use the bathroom or starting conversations with others. (at my place) If I pop in Sin City people will watch because of constant action and nudity. I love Sin City, but I'm just throwing that out as an example.

Now I just wanna know what you guys and girls prefer: old movies or new movies? I think you can clearly tell what I vote for. Back up your answer with a few reasons. Thanks.

04-16-2007, 06:07 AM
It seems todays movies are more about the special effects then storylines. I liked it better without the overdose on special effects. Wouldn't it be better to actually hear the cars real sound instead of dubbing in moive sounds. Also I think that these movies with so much effects almost look cartoonish (if that is a word)

04-16-2007, 06:40 AM
Old mpvies as they spend more time on the charters so you understand them.


04-16-2007, 07:00 AM
Depende on the movie.


04-16-2007, 07:23 AM
For me, the current best movies I've seen in the past few years have to be Crank, Find me Guilty, and Zodiac.

04-16-2007, 11:14 AM
Great Car Movie---White Lightning all those great 71-72 Full size fords

FOMOCO must have made a million of them. Try to find a 70s movie without


04-16-2007, 04:01 PM
Now I just wanna know what you guys and girls prefer: old movies or new movies?
I like all kinds of movies .... if they are good. The last movie that I saw in a theater was "Pirates of the Carribbean, Part 2". It was OK. Not as good as the original. But many sequels have trouble living up to the first.

For the most part, I prefer the older movies. I watch American Movie Classics (AMC) and Turner Classic Movies (TCM) almost exclusively on TV. These movies are usually more than 25 years old. As was mentioned above, the older movies generally had better storylines, better character development, and actors/actresses that could act. A good movie doesn't even have to be in color. Most of the best suspense movies didn't need gore and special effects to make the point. Anyone who has seen the shower scene in the original "Psycho" understands this.

Best recent movie .... "We Were Soldiers". Highly recommended --- but it never got nominated for the Academy Awards for that year. Go figure.

04-16-2007, 04:05 PM
I don't know WTH you folks are talking about. You have seen Band Of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan......right?

If that is not character / plot development...I do not know what it.

Also, Full Metal Jacket, Braveheart and The Patriot???


04-16-2007, 04:49 PM
I like some of both. I love old car chase movies as they had to put a person in the car and jump/crash it, made the damage more realistic with a lot less exploding cars. Two Lane Blacktop, Dirty Mary; Crazy Larry, Vanishing Point, The original Gone in 60 Seconds, etc. were great for this, no CGI, no computers, just real cars with real car sounds. They also had some terrible acting as well, though you also had to think a little more about what's going on in the storyline.
New movies have some good aspects as well, mostly visuals and audio tracks though. One new movie to watch is Grindhouse, best car chase I've ever seen in a recent movie, about 20min long with a couple of classic Mopars and no computer crap to take away from the cars. Combine that with Quinten Tarentino's standard dialogue and a zombie movie before that makes an enjoyable time at the theatre.

04-16-2007, 04:51 PM
Gone in 60 Seconds

Uhh..... there was a hellova lot of CGI in that one :up:


04-16-2007, 04:58 PM
Uhh..... there was a hellova lot of CGI in that one :up:


The ORIGINAL one that was made in the 70's.

That's another point, all the remakes of old classics: The Fast and the Furious, the day of the Jackal, etc. Good movies with awsome storylines that end up watered down 20 years later in the remake. (the Jackal is a bit of an execption, it still had great plot and character deveopment)

04-16-2007, 05:11 PM
The ORIGINAL one that was made in the 70's.

That's another point, all the remakes of old classics: The Fast and the Furious, the day of the Jackal, etc. Good movies with awsome storylines that end up watered down 20 years later in the remake. (the Jackal is a bit of an execption, it still had great plot and character deveopment)

K....just making sure :up:


PS - I would beat on Elanore until she cried :D

04-16-2007, 07:00 PM
Worst remake, The Manchurian Candidate. First one the bad guys
were ChiComs and Ruskies, second one, Evil big business.

Piss poorest job of taking a story from a book to the screen,
Sum of All Fears. Book, bad guys were middle Eastern terrorists,
movie South African white supremacist.

Hollywood, politics, political correctness= recipe for a yawner.

04-16-2007, 08:29 PM
Depende on the movie.

Don't forget about SLAPSHOT

04-16-2007, 10:02 PM
Hollywood, politics, political correctness= recipe for a yawner.

:concur: :concur: :concur:

04-16-2007, 10:30 PM
To this day, favorite movie: "Heat" with Robert Deniro and Al Pacino.
Mainly because of the realistic car/gun sound effects and interesting story line. I love it.:D

Paul T. Casey
04-17-2007, 09:27 AM
Usually older. Pvt. Ryan, Pirates of the Carribean were good, but it's hard to find those nowadays. There's a lopt of bad remakes out there now. Quite often, they also change the title, probably so as not to insult the original. If you research it, you'll find that about 70% of what is out there now is a re-make.

04-17-2007, 10:09 AM
man new movies suck now adays, and this is comming from a 19 year old.i probubly own like 25 dvd's and thats it, i have no desire to buy anything else, and there all old 80's and 90's, and some older ones like the Original scarface movie.theres too much effects in new movies to even want to think that its real, look at the original starwars, ****they looked a hell of alot more real then the new ones do, cuz of all the studin computer graphics

04-18-2007, 10:26 PM
I love them all.
But I noticed that I am more attracted by new movies when being exhausted and not able to think too much. Probably, the special effects help me staying awake...I go for older movies when I feel fit enough to appreciate another kind of cinema : the one that obliges you to go back in time, to appreciate in another way the playing by the actors and the message that the movie might try to bring, when any...

Aren Jay
04-22-2007, 03:33 PM
Depends on the movie.

I watch what is out on DVD though, and as such they are all usually old movies by the time I get them.

The biggest problem with old Movies is that at the time they were pioneering something new, but now that same thing so original back then has been redone so many times that when watching the original it just seems to be lacking something.

Like the first Pink Panther movie. Seeing Clouseau do the funny funny things, they just are not that rip roaring funny anymore. More a chuckle funny now.