View Full Version : You want more Shanghai? No.6

Tom Doan
04-16-2007, 08:13 AM
Gentle Readers,

Your requests humble this story teller, what would you like to hear today?
A story of the city? Life in commie land? Lurid tales of the ways of
mysterious woman, yes, yes, you shout.

That Stuff Come With A Warning?
Clear The Decks For Action

I will write you a story while I eat my bowl of bamboo shoots for
lunch, why they think I am a rabbit they won't say.The bamboo shoots
are fresh and not like the ones we get in a can at home, a little old
man sits outside the soup shack slicing them all morning. He removes
the outer bark and slices off the inner pulp into thin strips, but he
leaves the growth rings which are very hard to chew up and are missing
from the type in the cans. The dish comes with Chinese long beans and
enough hot peppers to blow your head off. I know I will have solar
flares erupting from my nether regions in 90 minutes, I am not a
termite and have found no one that can eat this gut scrubber and not
feel like a washing machine on the spin cycle, that must be it's
purpose, they just don't know a polite way of warning me."Must eat,
get rid of bads thing" Tang says.
Their concern for my well being can be overwhelming and intrusive
personally, taking care of "The White Rat, Teacher of Titanium's
Secrets and sometime Screaming White Devil", is Tang, my guards job
and one he must report on when queried by superiors. Have all evil
demons been expelled? They ask. The post lunch 1:30 express right on
time he replies.I wouldn't know what they are saying but I pick up
clues, my guts seem to be important to them, maybe they think it's all
relates back to my shouting
I am hounded now by everyone since they found out I am leaving on
the 14th. Are you OK? When are you coming back? Can you finish all
this work? Sorry kids, schools out and it's time for the final exam.
Now the hard questions are emerging "how do I fix this" same as all
the others Grasshopper..(Oy, the intestinal demons just hit the spin
I am hoping this all leads to feasting for my last days here, the
last two days I have had dogs heart with kelp boiled to death for
dinner, I forgot the golden rule... If you don't like it the first
night, eat it up because your really going to hate it as leftovers.
Inquiring minds have asked why must I put up with this? Read more if
you want to know.

Tie A Rope Around Me, I'm Going Native
Were not in Kansas Anymore

Leave, go out, eat at the chicken stall I talked about you say,
let me explain. I am here to teach and to the Chinese there is no
higher person than someone that can give shortcuts and knowledge, they
know about the hard way early so education is not the PC mess I went
through and am dealing with in Monkey County Maryland today with my
kids. This elevates me above my position here as a repairman. I must
be coddled and that means to be polite I must do things their way
which honors them taking me into their world. My keepers watch me 24
hours a day from
b Contents removed by Committee for Harmonious Olympics 2008
( have a day happy of work freedoms)

Messing with my diatribe! I'll change the subject.

Observations on cross straits relations

In the months I have been here I watch the Chinese Nightly Business
Report almost every night and follow the reports on Taiwan, and see
the difference in reporting compared the the MainStreamMedia in the
west. The alarmist news I read about from the West on China taking
over the world and the coming war with Taiwan has got the other side
of the coin here. Of late, China has made too many socks, enough for
every one on earth and must figure how to deal with S&D (supply and
demand) trying not to lay off workers, Sound familiar? The steel
producers have 33% spare capacity this quarter, S&D, with the
resulting trickle down effects. 9% expansion cannot be maintained
continuously. Two years from now WTO restrictions lapse and everyone
will have unlimited access to China, then the real fun starts
capitalistically, stay tuned.
China has granted a large amount of credit to Taiwan and vise versa
over the years and just came up with another big carrot for more
co-mingling. China just GAVE Taiwan 6 Panda Bears, It "rents out" all
the others around the world for scientific research, want to guess how
many millions two are costing us at the National Zoo per year? After
50 years, Taiwan's now able to overfly the mainland, cutting many
miles off all the airline routs, dropping the price of tickets across
the board and making Taiwan's air industry competitively
internationally. These are not head line grabbing events noted by the
MSM in the West but the day to day events I can remember since
Thanksgiving showing good will and enhancing cooperation for the long

04-17-2007, 09:57 AM
Thanks Tom....I think. Always fun to see a diffrent perspective. It's been almost a year since I was in JA myself.

Mike Poore
04-17-2007, 03:20 PM
Just keep 'em coming! :D