View Full Version : Playwright David Mamet directs Ford ads

04-17-2007, 12:09 PM
If you are not familar with his name, you may know one of his movies - Glengarry Glen Ross.


One wonders if the F word had to be taken out of the script...

04-17-2007, 09:19 PM
jalopnik had this posted.

including a clip from the movie, NSFW


04-17-2007, 09:24 PM
Clever it may be but I still dont understand the logic of car commercials where they barely show the car. Ok, its fast than one SUV and quieter than another. Big deal. They should show the car, show the interior, show it driving down the road, dont try being to clever or hip. Thats how they did it back in the day, back when Ford (and everyone else) sold gobs of cars.

04-18-2007, 03:41 AM
If you are not familar with his name, you may know one of his movies - Glengarry Glen Ross.


One wonders if the F word had to be taken out of the script...

WELL.....I'm sure THAT will turn the company around!!??:rolleyes:

I am genuinely glad I'm not running one of the big three right now!!:shake: I'd really like snappy styling and gobs of power but I would have to have complete EPA compliance and please the "Tree Huggers" too......ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE TASK!!!:confused:

The next few years will be interesting at Ford....If they last that long??:(
