View Full Version : Sad Story - Classic Illegally Crushed-from FordFE site...

04-17-2007, 01:07 PM
Opps, sorry about that. But its not really our fault. You shouldn't have been driving ... ahh parking that... old car.

Sad Story - Classic Illegally Crushed (http://www.classiccar.com/garage/blog/index.php?/archives/233-Sad-Story-Classic-Illegally-Crushed.html)

It's a classic car horror story out of England. You are walking to the parking lot after visiting your son and find your pride and joy classic is missing. Did you forget where you parked? Was it stolen? Or maybe the local authorities towed it away and promptly crushed it (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23392119-details/Crushed+by+the+council:+the+%C 2%A330,000+classic+car+that+wa s+parked+legally/article.do)?

That's precisely what happened to Mendoza Stewart's rare 1972 Bristol 411, a hand-crafted aluminium bodied coupe powered by a Chrysler V8. The car was worth about $60,000. The reason it was crushed? Local authorities didn't know the legally parked '72 Bristol was exempt from road taxes, even though a 'nil payment' disc was displayed in the windshield.

The city council has admitted liability and offered its apologies, but not a single penny of financial compensation even though it has been two years since the incident. Stewart has been forced to take the matter to court.

How long before local authorities can indiscriminately seize and destroy perfectly legal vehicles in the US? Not long with 'scrappage' and other anti-hobbyist laws popping up around the country. To read more about pending and passed legislation that could potentially allow this kind of thing to happen to your car, visit the SEMA Action Network (http://www.semasan.com/).

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23392119-details/Crushed+by+the+council:+the+%C 2%A330,000+classic+car+that+wa s+parked+legally/article.do


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04-17-2007, 01:09 PM



08-26-2008, 04:56 AM
here in Missouri, a car older than 20 years does not need any paperwork to be scrapped, and several local scrap yards pay in cash, and dont need to keep records of who they buy from.

a local long haul truck driver had 50 cars stolen and scrapped while he was on the road. tri-five chevies, a early 60s impalaSS, several musclecars etc. he saw his 389 GTO crushed on a flatbed of other crushed cars leaving town, it was the only eveidence he ever found. they were parked in a maintained lot behind his rural house.

as far as I can tell, he hasnt made any headway in finding out who did it.

several cars were currently registered, but since they were more than 20 yrs old, nothing was checked.

08-26-2008, 05:14 AM
Alright, we need a penalty of sorts for digging up old worthless threads.

08-26-2008, 01:04 PM
Or better yet for people that reply to them:rofl:

Egon Spengler
08-26-2008, 01:07 PM
Found out it was part chrysler and there was very little to no hope for it!