View Full Version : Mother's Day

05-03-2007, 08:48 AM
Mother's Day is approaching soon, I thought I'd give myself a fighting chance this year and see if everyone wants to post up some gift ideas for Mom!

I tried to step outside the box last year, it was certainly a different gift but I'm having an idea-lapse this year!

05-03-2007, 09:34 AM
what was last year's gift?

As a mother, I would not want my kid to spend a lot of money on me. I would vote for movie passes, or ask her if there's any movie out she'd like to see and then take her.

If she's an Ebay junkie, you can get her Ebay credit. I did that for MIL once; it basically goes in their Paypal account if I remember correctly.

ooo oooo i know i know... get her a nice pair of CROCS

Find out where she gets her hair done, and get a gift certificate. She probably just gets the basic things done, but with an extra-padded gift cert she would get some of the extras for herself that the salon offers.

You know what would be wonderful (to me?) is if you would like... clean all the bathrooms in the house and/or the kitchen, I mean light fixtures to floors. Do you live with her? Get that chit done after she goes to bed that Saturday night, let her wake up to that... the first hint would be that scent of lemon-fre****ty goodness :D


As you all see, I am very easy to please. I am low maintenance. I suppose it depends on what kind of woman your mom is? Is she all about glitz and top-of-the-line and how-much-did-he/she-spend on me?

Is she high-maintenance or low-maintenance?

05-03-2007, 09:36 AM
on that note, if you dont like to clean bathrooms, like none of us moms do :rolleyes:, how about a gift card from Merry Maids for one whole-house cleaning. Would run probably $200, give or take depending on the size of the home and the level of ..... work they'd have to do :bigcry: :lol:

05-03-2007, 09:41 AM
I got my mother a gift certificate for a sailplane ride.

05-03-2007, 09:45 AM
Last year I found a vintage John Deere tractor seat that was refurbished on Ebay, got it mainly as an artsy sort of nick-nack or I suppose it could also be used to start to building a tractor if she wanted to do that. There was thought to it, her dad worked for JD so it has some sentimental value. I think in addition I got her a gift card to a local restaurant so we could have dinner.

The seat ended up working out but I had some explaining to do as to why I got a tractor seat as a gift - I think my thought process behind it was sound though!

05-03-2007, 09:46 AM
I got my mother a gift certificate for a sailplane ride.

I just Googled that.

You gotta be kidding me. I would *so* kick your arse if you were my son. :eek:

Mike Poore
05-03-2007, 10:25 AM
how about a gift card from Merry Maids for one whole-house cleaning. Would run probably $200, give or take depending on the size of the home and the level of ..... work they'd have to do

I can hear my Barbara, now. "What!" :eek: she'd say, "And have them see this house! :eek: Now I have to clean it before they come." :mad2:

Mom's like flowers, Michael, especially if you go to the local nursery and pick out a hanging basket, or like last year, when I bought Barb a clever 3 car cho-choo train made out of wood, with posies planted in the "box-cars". :D

05-03-2007, 10:37 AM
Last year I found a vintage John Deere tractor seat that was refurbished on Ebay, got it mainly as an artsy sort of nick-nack or I suppose it could also be used to start to building a tractor if she wanted to do that. There was thought to it, her dad worked for JD so it has some sentimental value. I think in addition I got her a gift card to a local restaurant so we could have dinner.

The seat ended up working out but I had some explaining to do as to why I got a tractor seat as a gift - I think my thought process behind it was sound though!

yeaahhhh dont do that again :rolleyes: consult us first from now on. :cool4:

Mike is right on the money too.... plants! Don't waste your money, $50 on cut flowers that will die within a week. Get a plant that will re-bloom every year. Much cheaper too.

SC Cheesehead
05-03-2007, 10:40 AM
I can hear my Barbara, now. "What!" :eek: she'd say, "And have them see this house! :eek: Now I have to clean it before they come." :mad2:

I hear you loud and clear on that one. I got a Merry Maids contract for my wife last year as a birthday gift. They come every other week.

Now the Wed. evening before they come we have to clean the house so Merry Maids can come and clean the house. Go figure.:rolleyes:


05-03-2007, 10:47 AM
I hear you loud and clear on that one. I got a Merry Maids contract for my wife last year as a birthday gift. They come every other week.

Now the Wed. evening before they come we have to clean the house so Merry Maids can come and clean the house. Go figure.:rolleyes:


I would probably do the same, and think my mom would too. I see where you are coming from there. :)

I stand by the tractor seat though! I had more explaining to do to my family who saw her open it than her, they were giving me a hard time for getting a tractor seat though, but it's a NICE iron handmade one with the deer and JD on it, not like it was some plastic seat with chewin' tobacco stains on it. :D

But yeah I figured I should ask hence this post.

05-03-2007, 10:58 AM
i had Merry Maids for a year too, after I had CJ ... I had a newborn and a 16-month old and I worked full time, so I hired MMaids. and I did the clean-up before they arrived, but that is just clutter clean-up. You dont expect them to pick up toys and mail on your kitchen counters.

It's not like you whip out Mr. Clean and a bucket and mop and start disinfecting stuff before the maids arrive :rolleyes:

you just put away clutter... which you should not have let build up in the first place :D :lol:

05-03-2007, 11:09 AM
Plants are good, but I sent so many they were taking over her house. So last year I hired a local landscape company to plant a dogwood tree in her yard (short life bloom, but nice). Needless to say she was really surpised when the crew showed up the day before Mother's day and told her they were to plant a tree.

05-03-2007, 11:35 AM
I just Googled that.

You gotta be kidding me. I would *so* kick your arse if you were my son. :eek:
C'mon, tell me that this isn't too cool. (http://www.chilhowee.com/glider_rides.php)

Plus, every time we drive past she talks about how she wants to go up in a sail plane.

05-03-2007, 12:18 PM
I'd listen to Lisa on this one

05-03-2007, 12:31 PM
:D Thanks RC

I just keep reading and shaking my head like this :shake:

a tractor seat ? :shake:

sending a 75-yr-old woman up in a hang glider

a planted tree ? :shake: (what if she doesnt want a tree in that spot? ) LOL

Please guys... listen to me, and Mike Poore, and Bunny when she gets here :D

05-03-2007, 01:12 PM
I think I'll just sit back and soak in some ideas then.

I always thought it'd be cool to have an old sailing ship steering wheel in the kitchen though so you can look cool like a pirate while letting something heat up on the stove.

Part of our problem is that's stuff we want, I have to think "Would mom want to be a pirate?"

05-03-2007, 01:13 PM
what was last year's gift?

As a mother, I would not want my kid to spend a lot of money on me. I would vote for movie passes, or ask her if there's any movie out she'd like to see and then take her.

If she's an Ebay junkie, you can get her Ebay credit. I did that for MIL once; it basically goes in their Paypal account if I remember correctly.

ooo oooo i know i know... get her a nice pair of CROCS

Find out where she gets her hair done, and get a gift certificate. She probably just gets the basic things done, but with an extra-padded gift cert she would get some of the extras for herself that the salon offers.

You know what would be wonderful (to me?) is if you would like... clean all the bathrooms in the house and/or the kitchen, I mean light fixtures to floors. Do you live with her? Get that chit done after she goes to bed that Saturday night, let her wake up to that... the first hint would be that scent of lemon-fre****ty goodness :D


As you all see, I am very easy to please. I am low maintenance. I suppose it depends on what kind of woman your mom is? Is she all about glitz and top-of-the-line and how-much-did-he/she-spend on me?

Is she high-maintenance or low-maintenance?What a nice wife/mother! Giving hints!

I guess that I'm limited to getting some flowers and visiting Mom at the cemetery! Cherish the moments while you can because they may end way too soon. :( Don't have to worry about the MIL anymore, but I guess that I should take the girls shopping for their Mother:witch: Maybe a new broom!:rofl:


05-03-2007, 01:38 PM
I think I'll just sit back and soak in some ideas then.

I always thought it'd be cool to have an old sailing ship steering wheel in the kitchen though so you can look cool like a pirate while letting something heat up on the stove.

Part of our problem is that's stuff we want, I have to think "Would mom want to be a pirate?"

atta boy , you're getting it now :rolleyes:

and I hear ya Ken, since I was 2 yrs old, all my father's days have been the same as your mothers days are now. To me, father's day is "whatever." I was numb to it long before a stepfather came into the picture or before acquiring a 'baby daddy'.

05-03-2007, 02:27 PM
My mom and I are very picky as to what we like. I think I'm done buying her Rolling Stones albums which she loved by the way. I think I'm going to get one of those massaging pads for a seat... the ones that have the balls that move up and down your back. No dirty thoughts on that one! I'm already done for. :rolleyes:

05-03-2007, 02:47 PM
My mom and I are very picky as to what we like. I think I'm done buying her Rolling Stones albums which she loved by the way. I think I'm going to get one of those massaging pads for a seat... the ones that have the balls that move up and down your back. No dirty thoughts on that one! I'm already done for. :rolleyes:

sounds ok, though cliche like neck ties for fathers day. Though I must say, those balls feel great moving up and down your back. :cool4:

05-03-2007, 05:50 PM
Mother's Day is approaching soon ...
I tried to step outside the box last year
Ha, Ha .... putting yourself in a box as a gift ain't what Mom is looking for. :rofl:

Mike, it ain't about the gift at all. It's about the remembering and appreciating her. Get her a nice card ... put a personal sentiment on it and then take her out to dinner (at a nice place). Extra points if you spring for the Chart House in Alexandria. Double points if you foot a Dinner Cruise on the Potomac. That's JMHO.

05-04-2007, 06:11 PM

It's all the rage down here, regardless of age.

These women are giving gift certificates to each other for a pedicure like it's going out of style.

For one who has never had one she will cook a steak for you every day for a week afterwards.

Ask around, find a good solon and get a gift certificate, cost about $35.00

Now this is in addition to a nice dinner at your local Domino's pizza of course.

According to my Mrs. you will not be disappointed, neither will the lady.


05-04-2007, 08:46 PM
Getting older and having five siblings makes Mothers Day gift buying a real challenge every year.

This year me and those siblings are sending mom to Chicago for the weekend to see The Color Purple and shopping.

Only problem Fathers Day is coming up.

05-04-2007, 09:42 PM
I give mine flowers every year.

This has got me thinking the one thing we cannot buy is time, the best gift we can give is our time.

My grandmother is 98, did not do well after the storm, she lost her house to flooding and looters. She went from being 77 to her age.They even stole 50 year old toilets!:mad2: I know there is a special place in hell for them.

We are sending her flowers and a visit w/ my girls. Half the time her mind is in heaven, but she is always pleasant to be with.

She has always had a strong out spoken personality. Whenever she sees someone she knows she comments on their weight. Even now when she maynot be sure which relative I am she will comment as to wehter I have gained or lost weight down to a pound. She is a human digital scale!:D

05-10-2007, 07:49 PM
Let's bump this thread for last-minute guidance for Mother's Day gifts :D

maybe I can save some poor mom from being gifted with a wonderful rusty old sentimental tractor part. :help:

So Breadfan, what did you decide on anyway ?

05-10-2007, 08:26 PM
Come on all you married fellows out there. Let your wife's get on the pc to help us distraught fellow Marauders out with Mothers Day gifts.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

05-11-2007, 06:28 AM
I may be out of the woods, I think I'm getting forced to work all weekend. Guess I won't be able to participate...

I'd rather try to find a gift.

05-11-2007, 06:50 AM
We used to do flowers but I quit doing that for two reasons:

1) Overdone
2) Overpriced - mother's day and valentine's day allofasudden flowers triple in price. Then they have tons of leftovers that sell for *half* price the following day. It works great for my wife's birthday which happens to be Feb 17. :)

No gifts. My mom has all the things she needs. Now that she's retired she's trying to eliminate stuff, not get more of it. She already has a cleaning service so that was out, too. She does all her own gardening and lives in a virtual forest of 75 acres, so I can't help there, either.

Last year and this year, I take my 3 "moms" (wife, my mom, and mom-in-law) all out to brunch. They get to spend time with the most wonderful daughter/granddaughter in the world, eat a nice relaxed meal and visit, which is all they really want (time with family).

The best "gift" I think I can give them is to take them out (or cook for them) a meal where all they have to do is relax. It's also a great excuse to tell their respective husbands to keep their damn wallets in their pockets (it is the only way I can make them not pay the check - they usually fight over it every time).

I am lucky they all live within 30 miles of each other so we can do this.

On a side note, I am also bringing the birthday party for our now 3-year old to her house. We are handling the food, cleanup, and everything. This way she gets all the enjoyment with none of the effort.

My opinion is that moms appreciate your time more than your gifts, but YMMV.

05-11-2007, 07:53 PM
OK, I may be back in the woods...of course never out of it if work interfered, I'd still be on the hook for Mother's Day, but I think I'll be able to wrap up this job sometime tomorrow.

I'm afraid to say what I got...plus, I found out I had more people to shop for (sorta).


OK I'll tell ya, for Christmas I got her a subscription (6 months) for Netflix, I was really going out on a limb there because she's not good with computers, and wasn't sure what she'd think. She set it up, and really likes it. She had asked me a few weeks ago what to do since the subscription would run out and she really liked it, so, I got a renewal plus upgrade to 3 dvd's at a time.

My older sister just had a baby on 4/24, it's her first. She also got a golden retriver puppy about a month before that (guess that instinct was taking over), so today at work one of the ladies in the office made me go with her at lunch and showed me something called jewelry (I didn't know what that was I always thought jewelry was shiney wheels) and I got a locket thing that says mom on it, and I put on one side a picture of her new daughter and on the other side the new pup kinda like to commemorate the whole new mom thing.

Oh and I got my grandmother something to, but that just sorta fell into place, my grandparents don't have a cell phone and we want them to have one for emergencies so I picked on up on my family plan. Heck since it's mother's day I'll swing by with that.

So...better than a tractor seat I hope?

05-12-2007, 06:09 AM
One Christmas I bought my mother a computer and I included one year of prepaid tech support from a local company. But that was more for me.

05-12-2007, 06:31 AM
I wanted to get her a sega genesis one year...

05-12-2007, 06:47 AM
I wanted to get her a sega genesis one year...

That's why you are still sitting at the kid's table on Thanksgiving.