View Full Version : Project Crunch Money Crunches 2000th Work Unit

Agent M79
05-04-2007, 06:24 PM
<FONT color=black>Stanford University’s distributed computing program, ‘Folding@Home’, has provided my old computer hardware, the hardware of friends and family, and occasionally a hijacked PC (where the discovery would be consider ‘monkey shines’ and not malicious) a means to not waste a single clock cycle.http://folding.stanford.edu/science.html</U>Computers that we use are bored. Rarely do we come close to stressing them every moment they are on. So what to do with all those wasted cycles? Fold!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[IMG]http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/ /><o:p></o:p>
<font face=" /><o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><o:p><FONT color=black></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>Fold? WTF is Agent raving about now? Rather than try to explain, let the brainiacs at Stanford explain it to you here: <FONT target="_blank" faq.html? folding.stanford.edu http:><FONT color=black>http://folding.stanford.edu/faq.html and then download the client of your choice here: <FONT color=black>http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html (http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html)<o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><o:p><FONT color=black></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>Start your own team. Or, join Project Crunch Monkey. We are team# 49008. I just ask that you choose a machine name that isn’t already on the stats page (<FONT color=black>http://vspx27.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=49008 (http://vspx27.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=49008)<FONT color=black> ) or one that is rated-g or child-friendly as I do have kids that participate with me and I am selective about how I want their minds warped.<o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><o:p><FONT color=black></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>While in the past we had flat, cold, names for our folding machines, we now use ‘monkey’ related names. Here is the current roster:<o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><o:p><FONT color=black></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#4 Monkeys_Uncle <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#12 Boss_Monkey <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#15 Grand_Monkey (Not TAF!) <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#18 Monkey_On_A_Mission (My first 100% dedicated folder) <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#30 Slick_Chimp <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#34 GoGo_Monkey_1 <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#37 Monkette <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#38 Sick_Chimp (Folded to death, now a parts machine) <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#39 Mini_Monkey <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#45 Bulletproof_Baboon <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#46 Secret_Simian (One of those running surreptitiously) <o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>#47 Monkey_See (‘Monkey Do’ is next)<o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><o:p><FONT color=black></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>If you join, you could choose a monkey-name too. Or not. It’s just important that you fold.<o:p></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><o:p><FONT color=black></o:p>
<FONT face=Tahoma><FONT color=black>If you have questions or need help configuring and them there Stanford geniuses can’t help you, let me know.<o:p></o:p>

05-04-2007, 06:37 PM
Just to make YOU happy....I set my spare home PC up w/ YOUR team #.



Agent M79
05-04-2007, 07:19 PM
Just to make YOU happy....I set my spare home PC up w/ YOUR team #.



For me? :lovies: I am set all a-tingle!

Thanks, KillJoy!