View Full Version : It just a car ! ?

05-07-2007, 07:57 AM
Just a mini vent kind of....Was having a great day yesterday nice dinner and all then my wife came upstair and said (when we had guests over of course) oh sorry, I scatched your car....I jumped up and obviously went to see what happened....I just waxed the car all day Saturday and she left the laundry basket on the hood....thus sliding down the whole top of the hood....I think a tear came out....I manager to buff most of it out....but when i came back upstair I got the "whatever, I don't know what the big deal is it's just a car" sigh....Am I the only one thats wife doesn't understand is a MARAUDER hahaha
Thanx for listening

P.S. I know there are lots of ladies out there that own and love Marauders too

05-07-2007, 08:02 AM
I was parked in front of my (ex) wife's Explorer one morning. She had to move the MM to get out. I was lying in bed when I heard the car start, followed by a cheese-grater sound. When I went out to the car to go to work I found that the front left quarter had been dragged along the chain link fence. This added a combination of green paint and spiderwebbing to the front bumper and broke the signal lamp. Oddly, I wasn't upset. However, less than a year later I was single. Apparently, how you react to someone damaging your car is not a deciding factor in relationships.

05-07-2007, 08:14 AM
I cant believe you ran out of the house when company was over, just to see a scratch on the hood.

Man, it's just a car. No big whoop.


05-07-2007, 08:24 AM
Company can wait!

I'd start doing the laundry too!

05-07-2007, 08:36 AM
Just a side note the company that was over has a slight obsession with his Dakota R/T so was almost like a bonding moment....his wife had the same outlook as mine though haha

05-07-2007, 08:56 AM
.... then my wife came upstair and said (when we had guests over of course) oh sorry, I scatched your car.... and she left the laundry basket on the hood....thus sliding down the whole top of the hood.... sigh....Am I the only one thats wife doesn't understand is a MARAUDER hahaha

I think you have to give her credit for owning up to the "scratch". My wife fully understands about my obsession with the Marauder care and handling and she would have denied knowing anything about it. :rofl:

A laundry basket ON THE HOOD .... obviously grounds for divorce ... Probably fits under the Unreconcilable Differences clause. Might also work in Abuse as well. ;)

05-07-2007, 09:03 AM
She owes you big.

05-07-2007, 09:05 AM
Any one who put anything on a hood of any car should be walking!!

05-07-2007, 09:16 AM
Mrs. MM2004 knows how I am about the MM. She may not understand, but she knows and accepts it.

She won't even drive it as she is scared something may happen to it when she's behind the wheel.

My seven year old daughter, when opening or closing the rear door, pays extra close attention to where her little hands are on the exterior door handle as to not leave fingerprints. ;)

Thing is, I didn't teach her that.


05-07-2007, 09:57 AM
I cant believe you ran out of the house when company was over, just to see a scratch on the hood.

Man, it's just a car. No big whoop.


you just don't get it Lisa. It's not "just a car". A Kia is just a car, as well as most other brands. Poor Charlie, he should have had a pre-nup concerning the MM.

05-07-2007, 09:58 AM
Get even, wash unlike colors with her favorite clothes. "It's just clothing"
Or jam fine china in the dishwash so it clangs.

She gets the next new $400 P.O.S. car if it's "Just a car". Make sure it has no heat!

05-07-2007, 10:04 AM
Get even, wash unlike colors with her favorite clothes. "It's just clothing"
Or jam fine china in the dishwash so it clangs.

She gets the next new $400 P.O.S. car if it's "Just a car". Make sure it has no heat!

Just a wild shot here but I am thinking your single? Or about to be:rofl:

05-07-2007, 10:08 AM
I would have brandished my hot lead dispenser and demanded HER to buff the scratches out at gunpoint. I am militant with the treatment of my Marauder. DO NOT lean on it. DO NOT slam the doors. DO NOT Eat, drink or smoke near it. Never refer to it as a Grand Marquis or a "Marooder".

05-07-2007, 10:17 AM
Just a wild shot here but I am thinking your single? Or about to be:rofl:

Ha Ha Ha...:) No, we both understand not to F each other's things up that's all. Besides, it's $$ wasted out of both our pockets for ruining things.

05-07-2007, 10:48 AM
Thats a hangin' offense around these parts. :uzi:

05-07-2007, 11:06 AM
Lisa calls my Marauder "Your other Girlfriend" but I cant seem to break her of the habit of slaming the door and leaving fingerprints on the glass when she slams the door. I got her a sippy cup so that she could drink in the Marauder.....but its not just a car for sure!!!

05-07-2007, 03:29 PM
you just don't get it Lisa. It's not "just a car". A Kia is just a car, as well as most other brands. Poor Charlie, he should have had a pre-nup concerning the MM.

My daily driver is "just a car" she can put whatever she wants on the hood, She could even do the laundry inside the car for all I care, The Marauder is like family to me, I watch over it, care for it, and will fight tooth and nail to protect it.

05-07-2007, 03:58 PM
My MM isn't "just a car" to me when non English speaking lawn people throw grass onto it with their weedwackers.

Local Boy
05-07-2007, 04:25 PM
Oh, no weedwhackers!! If they are on the side of the street I make dayum sure I'm in the farthest lane going @ 90 mph no matter the speed limit. I out run those flying rocks. I layed the law down to my children - Don't slamm the doors and NEVER put ANYTHING!!! on the car! PERIOD. I pray to GOD every day to give me the strength Not to KILL anybody who damages my BABY!

05-07-2007, 07:57 PM
:fire: Oooohhh Nooo you didn't:mad2: , Don't you ever touch a black Marauder!!
http://t3.images.live.com/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1155922268994&id=dbd4ff75e05b8edb71defa582ad 01a20

05-07-2007, 09:18 PM
Glad to here the support everyone..She is very sorry and I understand it happen...I think she understand my love for the car even more now.....It buffed 90% out.