View Full Version : American Airlines S*cks !!!!

05-17-2007, 05:04 PM
You think Jet Blue was bad ???

Get this...

My parents are in Puerto Rico.
They are supposed to come home on Flt 1692 tonight to JFK.
The plane was scheduled to depart at 3:55 pm.
The plane never leaves the San Juan airport.

Now I get a call from them.
The plane is NOT taking off because the flight crew will be on the clock
for more than 16 hours if they depart late from Puerto Rico.
They can't be on the clock from more than 16 hours,
and there is no crew available to take their place.

Now they decide to tell this to my parents THREE HOURS
after the flight is supposed to depart.

So now the flight is scheduled to leave for tomorrow morning !!!
But there is more !!!

They go to the counter to claim their luggage.
So now I have to go to JFK tonight, to pick up their luggage,
and then I have to go back tomorrow morning to pick them up.

I just can't wait until tomorrow morning, when they get to the airport,
and they go to check into their flight, and American Airlines says,

05-17-2007, 05:17 PM
Sounds like an American Airlines scheduling department problem. That is where you should direct your complaints in the event you call to complain. Also, San Juan is a limited service destination. There are limited amount of flights, and employees. They won't be of much help. It's not like DFW, or Chicago O'Hare. You won't get the same service.

Per the FAA, flight crew duty hours are not to exceed 16 hours. So if your flight puts the crew into JFK beyond 16 hours of duty, they can't take off. The only time they can go over 16 is if they are already in the air, and take a perviously unknown airborne holding delay. Also, if they are the last, and only crew left in San Juan and they have gone over 14 hours of duty, they will require additional rest that night, pushing back an early departure time.

Sucks about the luggage.


05-17-2007, 05:29 PM
Also, San Juan is a limited service destination. There are limited amount of flights, and employees. They won't be of much help. It's not like DFW, or Chicago O'Hare. You won't get the same service.

You don't get ANY service regardless of what airport it is.
And complaining to the Airlines doesn't help at all.
They can charge whatever they like, and bend us all
over the barrel once we get to the airport

Every flight I've ever been on, regardless of the airline, has had problems.
Doesn't matter if it was for business or for pleasure.
I have never been on a flight that didn't have an incident on it.
I can always get to a destination without problems,
but never get home without a problem.

The only travel I've ever had without incident was on the Amtrack AutoTrain.

So now, because of American Airline's infinite wisdom,
my parents are in Puerto Rico for the night, in a hotel,
WITH NO CLOTHES other than what's on their back.

I wonder who made that judgement call...

05-17-2007, 06:19 PM
Thats not as bad as what happend to one guy on buggynews.com, and how he basically got screwed over by delta airlines, now they run commericals, i think he taunted them alil to much :D


Some parts of that was really funny :D

05-17-2007, 06:21 PM
So now, because of American Airline's infinite wisdom, my parents are in Puerto Rico for the night, in a hotel,
WITH NO CLOTHES other than what's on their back.

I wonder who made that judgement call...
I had a similar incident when I was trapped in Columbus, GA without my bags. The airline promised that the bags would arrive on the last flight from Atlanta, GA around midnight. I hung around to see. No bags, no uniforms, no nothing. Fortunately, I has the foresight to keep my work/briefing in the case with me on the plane.

Not too many places open in Columbus, Ga after midnight. The next morning, I met with the Assistant Commandant of the Infantry School at Fort Benning wearing the best that K-Mart had to offer. He chuckled and said "Columbus Airport strikes again" and not another word was mentioned.

When I went back to the airport, I presented them with a bill for personal items, underwear, socks, pants and shirt that I needed to make it until my bags showed up. They gave me a cash voucher for the full amount and said that I could keep the clothes and stuff as they had no need for it.

Call your parents and let 'em know before all the good stores close. :rofl:

Hope they make out OK.

05-18-2007, 04:54 AM
You would think in this day and age of "customer service" this would not happen?

All you really can do is next time fly another airline.

05-18-2007, 05:24 AM
This probably got to you too late but the airline should deliver their luggage to your house for free. Here in CT at Bradley International Airport, they've lost our luggage and both times it was delivered to our house for free.