View Full Version : American Kids Vs Italian Kids

05-18-2007, 09:20 AM
American Kids: Move out when they're 18 with the full support of their parents

Italian Kids: Move out when they're 35, having saved for that nice
house and are a week away from getting married .... unless there's room
in the basement for the newlyweds.
American Kids: When their Mom visits them she brings a nice bundt
cake and you sip coffee and chat.

Italian Kids: When their Mom visits them she brings 3 days worth of
food and begins to immediately tidies up, dust, do the laundry or
rearrange the furniture.
American Kids: Their dads always call before they come over to visit
them and its usually only on special occasions.

Italian Kids: Are not at all fazed when their dads come over,
unannounced, on a Saturday morning at 8:00 and starts pruning the fruit trees. And if there are no fruit trees, he will plant some!
American Parents: You can leave your kids with them and you always
worry if everything is going to be ok plus you have to feed them after
you pick them up.

Italian Parents: No problem, leave your kids there and if they get
out of line your parents can set them straight ..... plus they get fed.
American Kids: Always pay retail and look in the yellow pages when
they need something done.

Italian Kids: Just call their dad or uncle and ask for another dad's
or uncle's phone number to get it done .... cash deal, ya know what I mean?
American Kids: Will come over for cake and coffee and get only cake
and coffee, no more.

Italian Kids: Will come over for cake and coffee and get antipasto, a
few bottles of wine, a pasta dish, a choice of two meats, salad,
bread, potatoes, a nice dessert cake, fruit, coffee and a few after dinner
drinks ..... time permitting there will be a late lunch as well.
American Kids: Think that being Italian is a great thing,

Italian Kids: Know that being Italian is a great thing,
American Kids: Never ask the reason you have no food.

Italian Kids: Are the reason you have no food.
American Kids: Will say 'hello".

Italian Kids: Will give you a big hug and a kiss, pinch your cheeks,
and pat you on the back.
American Kids: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.

Italian Kids: Call your parents Mom and Dad.
American Kids: Have never seen you cry.

Italian Kids: Cry with you.
American Kids: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.

Italian Kids: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing and just
being together.
American Kids: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.

Italian Kids: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.
American Kids: Know a few things about you.

Italian Kids: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.
American Kids: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is

Italian Kids: Will kick the whole crowds' ass that left you.
American Kids: Would knock on your door.

Italian Kids: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!"
American Kids: Are for a while.

Italian Kids: Are for life............ Amen

05-18-2007, 09:30 AM
lol, that is the funnyiest, but truest thing i have ever read

05-18-2007, 09:46 AM
That's why I'm proud to be Italian.

05-18-2007, 09:55 AM
I'm Italian by envelopment.

05-18-2007, 10:22 AM
Italians and those that wish they were......... no offense meant

Im Calabrese and proud of it. I got a kick out of reading this and have to say from experience, its all true.

Having had a real battle with drugs and alcohol growing up, I can say my folks never gave up on me. They gave until it turned into enabling, then set me straight by keeping me at arm's length. Now that Im 4 plus years clean and sober, the family has opened back up to me and life is really great.

Not to mention, when I brought the MM to show my Dad, who has been a Ford guy forever and has owned some amazing old hot rods, watched him grin widely as he drove my car.

I Predatori di Italia e Mercurio lunghi Vivi!

Long Live Italy and Mercury Marauders!

05-18-2007, 10:23 AM
That is cute

05-18-2007, 12:54 PM
To be honest, that is very true but one can substitute Italian for almost any Country out of USA.

I have done my share of traveling and America is the only place where people take family for granted.

In all my years I have never met a person in another country or even from another country who will EVER even consider sending their parent(s) to a "Home" when they get old and need help taking care of themselves.
Here, it seems like it is almost Standard Operating Procedure to do so.

In my family, if anyone ever had to knock or call before coming over, they would simply never come over.

This is a cold place to raise kids and have a family but many people never travel enough to know better.

A shame IMO.

05-18-2007, 02:10 PM
that is mostly true i happen to be american(father)and italian(mother). I was a military brat so i have lived in Italy for 4 years, and Germany for 3. I kinda agree with Shora, you could substitute Italy for most countries other than the USA.

05-18-2007, 02:45 PM
So now everybody is going out and trading their Marauders for Fiats?

05-18-2007, 08:39 PM
So now everybody is going out and trading their Marauders for Fiats?

Hell no...parts support was terrible for my '81 Lancia Zagato/Fiat Spider...but dang, I wish I still had that car...


05-19-2007, 08:12 AM
So now everybody is going out and trading their Marauders for Fiats?

No....Alfa's:D..........having been raised by Italian parents I also learned the school of hard knocks.....being Canadian my mom broke many expensive hockey sticks over my ass, oh yeah and some were used as tomato stakes :(

05-19-2007, 10:17 PM
well... ill take a ferrari.

cash, deal, if you know what i mean.