View Full Version : IBM Thinkpad Expert Needed

05-18-2007, 03:45 PM
Having issues with a Thinkpad locking up, and cannot find the cause. :confused:

This machine has been on my bench for quite sometime, and would like to make it a spare if at all possible.

It will lock up without warning and no specific pattern to be found.

Tried swapping HDD's to no avail.

Hardware issue is my guess?

If anyone out there feels they can assist, PM me your phone number with a good time to call, and I'll pay the toll to discuss in detail.

The machine is a P4 @ 2GHz running W2k and 512MB

Thanks in advance!


05-18-2007, 03:56 PM
Does the processor fan run often or not at all ?
They do tend to run hot.

Try testing the power supply too.

05-18-2007, 04:07 PM
Does the processor fan run often or not at all ?
They do tend to run hot.

Try testing the power supply too.

The fan does run, and the machine runs fairly cool. As compared to other Thinkpads.

I made a point to clean the internals with a can of duster as force of habit.

Not sure of the best method on checking the PS. :confused:


05-18-2007, 04:15 PM
Try a fresh install of W2K and add all of the Service Packs.
Make sure you have all of the IBM drivers for the Model Notebook.
Then set it up and see if it still locks up.

Remove the RAM, clean the contacts and reinstall.
You may want to run it through a SIMM/DIMM tester also.

Keep MSIE 7.0 OFF of the notebook.

05-18-2007, 04:50 PM
Anything in the event logs? Any common tasks when it locks up, or is it completely random? What is a normal period of time between lock ups - how long can you work with it before it locks up? Does it still lock up if you run in Safe Mode?

05-18-2007, 05:39 PM
If you want, PM me and I'll send my address so you can ship it to me. I work for IBM and have alot of experience in Thinkpad repairs.

05-18-2007, 06:34 PM
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>05-18-2007 07:50 PM</TD></TR><TR title="Post 496231" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>TKde0</TD><TD class=alt2>Anything in the event logs? Any common tasks when it locks up, or is it completely random? What is a normal period of time between lock ups - how long can you work with it before it locks up? Does it still lock up if you run in Safe Mode?

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>05-18-2007 07:15 PM</TD></TR><TR title="Post 496226" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>MENINBLK</TD><TD class=alt2>Try a fresh install of W2K and add all of the Service Packs.
Make sure you have all of the IBM drivers for the Model Notebook.
Then set it up and see if it still locks up.

Remove the RAM, clean the contacts and reinstall.
You may want to run it through a SIMM/DIMM tester also.

Keep MSIE 7.0 OFF of the notebook.


The lock-ups are completely random with no common tasks running. It will happen after logging on to windows or during boot.

Heven't tried safe mode as I need to know the cause with processes running in normal boot.

Installing a different HDD with the same OS that does not lock up on another A31, leads me to believe it is a hardware issue.

Memory tests ran and all checked OK.

:confused: :confused:


All MS patches applied, and running IE6

05-18-2007, 06:42 PM
IBM's are junk.

True story.

Lenovo is junk too.



05-18-2007, 06:44 PM
Junk, the other white meat.

05-18-2007, 06:48 PM
IBM's are junk.

True story.

Lenovo is junk too.




Unlike your tranny, this IBM still pulls it's own weight.


05-18-2007, 06:51 PM

Unlike your tranny, this IBM still pulls it's own weight.


OBVIOUSLY it DOES NOT.....otherwise...it WOULD NOT be having issues.


So...you heading to Indiana Sun?


05-18-2007, 07:28 PM
OBVIOUSLY it DOES NOT.....otherwise...it WOULD NOT be having issues.


So...you heading to Indiana Sun?



My tranny doesn't need a rebuild. :D


05-18-2007, 09:15 PM
Try running TaskManager.
Watch the Processes tab and click on the CPU column.
There may be a process that hits 99 and maybe hanging up the processor.

You can also install Windows Defender and use the Software Explorer tool
to make sure that nothing is loading on startup.

05-18-2007, 09:29 PM
+1 on the task manager. I had a virus one of my desktops a while back and I tried everything and when I was in the task manager a stupid "bad" program was hogging all the resources up.

Aren Jay
05-20-2007, 09:41 PM
What can I say.

I've fixed and refurbished 1000's of computers.

Notebooks 800+

If it starts and runs normally but shuts off randomly or when accessing the web or some such you might have a virus. Many do these things.

If you have a power supply problem, you could have the same issues.

If you have a heat problem it would only be a problem after a while unless you have a failing cpu or other cooler (fan) and the notebook shuts down upon failure detection.

The biggest problem with fixing notebooks is that you need other notebooks or parts to help figure out what is wrong with them, or special tools.

Does this occur when running on battery only? (not plugged in)
Does it occur when plugged in?
Does it occur if you take the battery out and only plug the unit in?

If yes to all three it likely isn't a power supply problem.

If it fails on startup does this happen if the notebook is cold? This would tend to eliminate a heat build up problem but wouldn't eliminate the possiblity that you have a faulty or intermittant fan failure.

Virus! Update your virus control software and blast your system. Might need to do this in safe mode. Unplug from the internet or turn off your NIC or WIreless NIC, before doing this.

Lastly Computers all MS software based computers should have a clean format and reinstall every 6 month, if use regularly, particularly if used online.

load antivirus. I like PC Cillin from Trend Micro. Scan system. Then back up data you want kept and any email, email addresses, and favourites. Make sure it scans safe before you do this.

Then format the HDD in Dos.

Then turn the computer off and take out the battery.

Then plug in and turn back on, battery out, and disconnected from internet.

Then reload windows or the recovery disc. Bring the computer up to factory specs and load your anti virus sofware.

Then load your backup data on. Not Email.

Then turn off, battery in, do not connect to the internet physically and reboot.

Then setup email make sure you have the password and email server setting pre recorded. Pop3, server name, account name, password....Imap if not Pop3 etc...

Receive the standard Microsoft first message message.
ignore this.

Copy over your back up email that you saved. This will replace the newly made one. Make sure the names are on default when you save them.

Inbox Outbox and any sub files, you may need to make these sub folders before copying over to the newly made email settings. Make sure they are named the same.

This makes the old mail account flawlessly over the new one.

Update your address book, you might like to do a txt export before saving and import this txt file after.

Find your favourites folder and copy the old one overtop the new one.

Then shutdown. Re connect physically your internet.

Then bootup and enjoy your newly loaded fast windows programme. You will need to do a bunch of the updates and =reboot several times but it will be set to carry on for 6 more months.

If it still locks up, you will need to consider component failure and or external component (NIC or other cards) incompatiblity.

You also need to reload any software but given that you didn't steal any of it it isn't going to be a problem. And if you did steal it, too bad!

05-21-2007, 03:48 AM
Didn't you see post # 6.......for crying out loud.......he'll fix it ----Pm Jim...

05-21-2007, 05:51 AM
This laptop is on W2K? Why not just upgrade to XP?

05-21-2007, 06:07 AM
"Lastly Computers all MS software based computers should have a clean format and reinstall every 6 month, if use regularly, particularly if used online."

You've got to be kidding!

Aren Jay
05-22-2007, 06:40 PM
No not kidding. MS operating systems fill up with crap and slow way down over time. If you format every 6 months you can prevent 95% of this from happening. If you don't do this and wait 3 or 4 years you will find that your computer walks slowly.

Vista supposedly is designed not to require this, but we will have to wait for the bugs to get worked out and then see what happens with it.

Computer maintainence schedule:

every 6 months upgrade some part, HDD or Video Card or add memory, maybe a new CPU (the processor not the case)...

Also format the HDD and reload from fresh windows. Unless Vista, maybe.

At 18 months you will need to rebuild or buy new. New motherboard (main board), CPU (probably moving to the next version of architechture) new memory, and video card. Maybe a new power supply too. Getting a new keyboard and mouse is also advised.

You may also want to jump to the next OS. Lately this can also include a new Monitor given that they are so cheap now.

Erase your old machine and donate it to the local school or recycle it or give it to your tech guy.

I've also been replacing inkjet printers with laser printers lately.

05-22-2007, 10:40 PM
No not kidding. MS operating systems fill up with crap and slow way down over time. If you format every 6 months you can prevent 95% of this from happening. If you don't do this and wait 3 or 4 years you will find that your computer walks slowly.

Vista supposedly is designed not to require this, but we will have to wait for the bugs to get worked out and then see what happens with it.

Computer maintainence schedule:

every 6 months upgrade some part, HDD or Video Card or add memory, maybe a new CPU (the processor not the case)...

Also format the HDD and reload from fresh windows. Unless Vista, maybe.

At 18 months you will need to rebuild or buy new. New motherboard (main board), CPU (probably moving to the next version of architechture) new memory, and video card. Maybe a new power supply too. Getting a new keyboard and mouse is also advised.

You may also want to jump to the next OS. Lately this can also include a new Monitor given that they are so cheap now.

Erase your old machine and donate it to the local school or recycle it or give it to your tech guy.

I've also been replacing inkjet printers with laser printers lately.

Isnt it just easier to clear out all uneeded files, temp files, cookies and such? I cant see reformatting and losing EVERYTHING, i already had my seagate 80GB die and lost everything, now i have a western digital 250GB that luckily i had sitting on my desk when the 1st one died.

No slow poke comps for me :beer:

05-23-2007, 03:34 AM
No not kidding. MS operating systems fill up with crap and slow way down over time. If you format every 6 months you can prevent 95% of this from happening. If you don't do this and wait 3 or 4 years you will find that your computer walks slowly.

Vista supposedly is designed not to require this, but we will have to wait for the bugs to get worked out and then see what happens with it.

Computer maintainence schedule:

every 6 months upgrade some part, HDD or Video Card or add memory, maybe a new CPU (the processor not the case)...

Also format the HDD and reload from fresh windows. Unless Vista, maybe.

At 18 months you will need to rebuild or buy new. New motherboard (main board), CPU (probably moving to the next version of architechture) new memory, and video card. Maybe a new power supply too. Getting a new keyboard and mouse is also advised.

You may also want to jump to the next OS. Lately this can also include a new Monitor given that they are so cheap now.

Erase your old machine and donate it to the local school or recycle it or give it to your tech guy.

I've also been replacing inkjet printers with laser printers lately.

Supporting near 100 PC's\Laptops, no way would I do this.

Even using Ghost.

Vista sucks!



05-23-2007, 03:40 AM
Didn't you see post # 6.......for crying out loud.......he'll fix it ----Pm Jim...

Yes, I saw it for crying out loud. :P


05-23-2007, 07:09 AM
The only reason to reformat a PC is if the OS is known to have a problem that a repair cannot fix. Other than that, just clear temp files, prefetch, internet content and do a defrag.

MM2004, you said that you swapped in a known working HD/OS from another machine and it did the same thing on this one, right? Are there any popped or almost popped transistors on the mainboard? Even if the tops of them have a slight hump, that's evident of a bad or going-bad mainboard. Maybe you can find a working donor on ebay for cheap and combine the better parts of both?

Also, I still think you should try out safe mode and check event logs. You don't have to continue to use safe mode, it's just a troubleshooting step. If the lock-ups go away in safe mode, you know that something is wrong with the OS. IBMs have a whole bunch of proprietary crap on them that work directly with the hardware. It's possible that one of those utilities isn't playing nice with a piece of hardware that's on it's last leg. And try to take out one of the sticks of RAM and run just 256 (if you have two sticks in there). If you still get the problems on one stick, swap it out with the other stick and run that one stick and see if you still have probs. Check the BIOS, you can just reset to performance defaults (if available) or defaults to rule out any stupid BIOS settings that may be causing an issue.

05-23-2007, 07:50 AM
Folks...if the issue is occurring with multiple OS loads that work fine in other machines... IT IS A HARDWARE PROBLEM! No Safe Mode, no virus...nada.

I agree.... MOTHERBOARD! Possibly RAM or CPU, but I would bet on a MOTHERBAORD.

Tell me I am wrong.


Aren Jay
05-23-2007, 07:57 PM
If it is a motherboard you are screwed.

Time to buy a new notebook.

and the slow down is called Windows rot. Look it up.

And the cure for Windows rot is to format and clean install every 6 or so month.

05-23-2007, 09:38 PM
Folks...if the issue is occurring with multiple OS loads that work fine in other machines... IT IS A HARDWARE PROBLEM! No Safe Mode, no virus...nada.

I agree.... MOTHERBOARD! Possibly RAM or CPU, but I would bet on a MOTHERBAORD.

Tell me I am wrong.


IBM laptops come preinstalled with a bunch of stupid IBM utilities that oversee hardware parts and other things that don't necessarily need to be overseen. Safe mode would eliminate those utilities. It's still a possibility that safe mode could prove useful for troubleshooting. If it weren't an IBM laptop, I'd completely agree that safe mode is useless in this situation.

05-24-2007, 01:28 AM
IBM laptops come preinstalled with a bunch of stupid IBM utilities that oversee hardware parts and other things that don't necessarily need to be overseen. Safe mode would eliminate those utilities. It's still a possibility that safe mode could prove useful for troubleshooting. If it weren't an IBM laptop, I'd completely agree that safe mode is useless in this situation.

I am willing to bet Mike is not using a IBM Preload ;)
