View Full Version : rayjay and "Da Bear"

05-21-2007, 06:42 AM
The other evening I was taking my Rottweiler, Otto, for his constitutional. We walk on a lightly travelled road that is the back way to one of our local lakes. It was just turning dusk. A car passed us and I hear in a loud incredulous female voice "was that guy walking a BEAR?" The car slowed down and saw the people inside turn to look. :rofl: silly summer people I thought. Otty is a rather formitable dog, top of the breed standard at 130#s and 27" at the withers, but a bear? So now I call him Otto "Da Bear". :D

05-22-2007, 08:01 AM
That's pretty funny. That reminds, I could not resist s stupid comment recently. My wife and I were at a local park with two of our dogs. I man was approaching us from the opposite direction with a brown Newfie ahose coat was in terrible shape. I said to the guy, You're not suppsed to take the bears home with you. Actually, there are no bears living in the wild on Long Island.

I have two Rotties of my own, and two Shepherd mixes. My Rotties are only about 105 lbs. each. and not very tall. Last summer, I was walking down my street with my youngest Rott, and my Shepherd/Dane mix who is fairly tall. We walked passed two women who were chatting after their kids got on the school bus. I overheard one woman say, "My God, that Shepherd makes the Rotty look small !!" People are so used to seeing giant sized Rotties, and my guys are bit on the small side, but closer to the original standard.