View Full Version : Difficulty Tracking Posts

05-29-2007, 03:42 AM
Is anyone else out there having difficulty tracking posts since the latest "Upgrade"? The prior system seemed to be much easier and all posts were listed. Unread posts were in BOLD. Others were UNBOLDED. Now some of them seem to disappear altogether depending on whether you look at "New Posts", "Today's Posts" or "Unread Posts". Seems confusing to me after more than 3 years with the old system. I guess that I'll eventually adapt to this new system .... but I refuse to consider it an upgrade. :P

IT folks seem to like to always :fix: non-problems. ;)

Also heard that the Photo Gallery might be flushed again due to provider issues. I certainly hope that I don't lose everything AGAIN. :(

05-29-2007, 03:56 AM
Also heard that the Photo Gallery might be flushed again due to provider issues. I certainly hope that I don't lose everything AGAIN. :(

Yes i hope we can get fair warning so maybe we can keep some before they go:D

05-29-2007, 05:37 AM
Now some of them seem to disappear altogether depending on whether you look at "New Posts", "Today's Posts" or "Unread Posts". To be helpful to us, you're going to need to be more specific...exactly which had exactly what missing?

Sometimes, we have little choice in doing the upgrades due to bugs and errors in the system software that may not be apparent. We're trying real hard to make this a secure and safe website, with weekly backups of our very large database.

Here's your Fair Warning about the Gallery. I don't know what will happen. The current Gallery is no longer supported, which means if there are problems, they can't be fixed.

Speaking of problems, that's the situation with the Time Slip Database. It is no longer supported by the Author so we can't fix the timeslips linking to avatars instead of timeslips. I've started deleting the data for members that no longer own their car. I know it's a race for the Top Dog, but 2-4 year old timeslips don't keep it very competitive and current. If anyone knows of a currently supported timeslip database, please let me know.

05-29-2007, 05:50 AM
To be helpful to us, you're going to need to be more specific...exactly which had exactly what missing?
That's the problem ... I am still trying to figure out why posts that I know I have seen are disappearing from the list. :confused: Maybe its the "Unread List" that they disappear from. Maybe not. All I know is that on some links, posts that I know I saw are no longer shown.

05-29-2007, 06:18 AM
The "upgrade" sucks!

05-29-2007, 06:26 AM
I too don't like the latest upgrade but oh well. :(

Anyway, Mary I think Charlie, at least I think this is what he's thinking, anything that was below this statement:

"The threads below have not been updated since your last visit or since forums have been marked read."

used to be "unbolded" to signify that they were threads that have already been read by "add member name here." New threads were bolded to show that something new, hence "NEW POSTS", was added to that thread. I guess that's why a lot of people are confused over the "New Post" and "Today's Post" buttons.

05-29-2007, 06:32 AM
I've noticed the threads I have read disappear from both lists (bold and unbolded) and I can't find them easily again until there are more posts to them.

So I guess put me in the "disapproval" column as well.

05-29-2007, 06:37 AM
I guess some of the answers we seek are right here:

The website software has been updated with the latest release. One change is that the database now remembers what threads you've read, instead of reyling on your cookies, which time out after a short period of time. It'll take a couple of days to catch up. If it bothers you, go to Quick Links and select "Mark Forums Read." This will bring you current.

05-29-2007, 07:47 AM
Go to the quick links, click on todays posts (or is it new posts) and it works like it used to. The good way.

05-29-2007, 07:54 AM
How about fixing the little blue box with the arrow in it? You used to be able to click on it and go to the last post in a thread. That doesn't work any more and it hasn't since the last "upgrade".

05-29-2007, 08:29 AM
But we got Penguin Bashing Back! (as well as the rest of the new and improved arcade)

The new upgrade ROCKS!!!!!

05-29-2007, 08:42 AM
I see it is startingto work better for me. I still don't like the new uprade but I'm getting better a Penguinball.