View Full Version : Last Carlisle All Ford Nationals Thread

Mike Poore
05-29-2007, 08:40 AM
OK, who's going, and which day(s)?
I have to go up on Thursday to set up, and will remain through Sunday Afternoon. As one of the indoor display cars, and celebrity judge, I'd like to know which of you will be staying for the awards ceremony on Sunday Morning (hint-hint)
Also, I'd like to find a ride up on Sunday Morning, and will provide tickets, gate passes, and VIP parking to anyone who will give me a ride, because I'll need to drive Sunshine back home, since I won't have a chase car, that day. (trailer plan fell through)

05-29-2007, 10:57 AM
If I can go, it will be on Friday.

05-29-2007, 11:03 AM
I probably can't go Friday due to work and Sat/Sun look tough due to family committments.

I'm gonna see how the week pans out, I'd certainly like to go!!!

05-29-2007, 11:30 AM
Mike you have a P.M.

O's Fan Rich
05-29-2007, 11:44 AM
Friday... dropping off Mustang parts.

05-29-2007, 12:44 PM
Fastmerc and I will be getting there sometime Friday afternoon, staying till Sunday, I believe.


05-29-2007, 01:51 PM
Nope, I won't be going. But there's no place for a NO vote on the poll. ;)

Joe Walsh
05-29-2007, 02:00 PM
I think that I'm going to miss Carlisle for the first time in @ 10 years!


I usually go on Friday, but two co-workers are on vacation this week and I've got to cover for the;, so NO Friday off!......:mad:

Saturday & Sunday are going to be busy, so I really doubt I will attend this year.

05-29-2007, 02:22 PM
Plans have changed...cannot make the trip. If anyone needs a ticket in the area and havent purchased one, you can PM me.

Mike Poore
05-31-2007, 05:15 PM
Just back from getting Sunshine all set up in Building "T". The Andersons, from St. Catherine's, ON pulled in with their Vibrant Red '91, with the '90 Emerald Green and the '93 Triple White, on the way. :woohoo:11070

05-31-2007, 06:32 PM
Fastmerc and I will be getting there sometime Friday afternoon, staying till Sunday, I believe.

Ken That is correct Ken but I do wish more of the Marauder bunch would be there,oh well!

05-31-2007, 06:46 PM
Hello Everyone I Posted Before I Be At Carlise Getting There Friday Morning Staying To Sunday I Have My Marauder And My Fathers 57 Retractable See You All There

Mike Poore
06-01-2007, 02:16 AM
One more photo: It's Sunshine in the nearly empty Building "T". I'll be there about 9 this morning, and can't wait to see what came in after we left ~5, yesterday.


06-01-2007, 02:36 AM
One more photo: It's Sunshine in the nearly empty Building "T". I'll be there about 9 this morning, and can't wait to see what came in after we left ~5, yesterday.

Lookin' Good Mike !!! :2thumbs: Good luck at the show.

06-01-2007, 05:25 AM
Leaving this afternoon, you guys tomorrow at the show.

Mike Poore
06-01-2007, 03:20 PM
Back home after a very hot, but wonderful day at Carlisle. I met Rich Long and his wife, a lovely and patient woman, and Jim Lam. I didn't spend any time with the MM guys at the cars, and will reserve that pleasure for tomorrow. The show and cars are spectacular, and I encourage all to attend. There's a big surprise for tomorrow, as well. My son, John and GRANDSON, Trace, will be along. :woohoo:

06-01-2007, 03:58 PM
The CVN tent is in a prime spot under some shade trees, so stop by if you need to sit and cool off a little!

06-01-2007, 04:28 PM
Back home after a very hot, but wonderful day at Carlisle. I met Rich Long and his wife, a lovely and patient woman, and Jim Lam. I didn't spend any time with the MM guys at the cars, and will reserve that pleasure for tomorrow. The show and cars are spectacular, and I encourage all to attend. There's a big surprise for tomorrow, as well. My son, John and GRANDSON, Trace, will be along. :woohoo:I saw sunshine, didn't run into the rest of you! Talked with Dave and Mike by the MM's. See everyone tomorrow.


Mike Poore
06-02-2007, 02:36 AM
We're up and getting set to take off. There's another surprise, at least for me. Jaylin (Jay) MY granddaughter and John's wife Megan made the trip, as well, so it's gonna be 6 Poore's descending upon poor Carlisle, in waves, as they get up, and moving about.

See you soon.....

O's Fan Rich
06-02-2007, 05:20 AM
We stopped in to find Mike and Barbara, easy to find... yellow shirts were a dead give away!

Went over to the Marauder CV area and found DWStang wiping down his car.

Even ran into an Old friend Jeff Dotterer who deals in dated parts... You got a GM or Ford Muscle car? He can help with all the corrected dated components. Or he will correctly rebuild yours. 610-562-3626 Or week could just talk about his 1970 LS6 ElCamino... yeah it's original.:awe::drool::drool: here's his website : http://datedcomponents.classicjunkyar d.com/

Mike Poore
06-03-2007, 03:16 PM
Well, Carlisle All Ford Nationals is history, and was the 2nd largest attendance of all time.

Yesterday was a busy one for us, as celebrity judge, there was the VIP luncheon to attend, to get credentials, and ballot for my pick of the show field's best. Of course, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Bud Moore and other legends in Ford Racing lore was an added plus.

The Celebrity Judges pick is not a trivial award, nor a responsibility to be considered lightly. To my way of thinking, the winner should be a Marauder, and I wanted it to be a black '03A, owned by one of the early members of this board and an active participant of the MM events. Of course the car needed to be in spectacular condition, perfectly maintained, and unlike hanger queens like Sunshine, driven and enjoyed. Of all the cars, Ken's fit the criterion I had decided upon, and it was an honor and privilege to select his MM and see Ken drive that beautiful car into the winner's circle.

John, Megan, and the grand kids called from Zanesville to say they were almost home, and poor Sunshine got her first taste of rain, as the skies opened up on the way home. All in all, I guess it's better than bugs or tar, since that yellow car collects both with abandon. Anyway, she's home, warm, clean and dry.

It was a great event, and hopefully we'll see a large MM turnout for next year's show. Thankfully, Barbara got to attend three days, and got to meet our friends, and enjoy her beautiful Sunshine.

Great cars and great friends, it doesn't get any better'n that. :)

06-03-2007, 05:33 PM
Sounded like a great time Mike. About how many cars showed up?

06-03-2007, 05:39 PM
Thank You Mike,

It was nice seeing you and the Mrs. and everyone else that I had the pleasure of meeting this weekend, and sorry that I missed a few of you (Rich and Jim). even got to hand out a few MM.net cards. It was a beautiful weekend until the sprinkles that started for the awards parade. They continued almost all the way home through PA, never hit rain till I got off the Turnpike in my town.

I want to Thank You for the honor that you bestowed on my MM. Sorry that I missed my spot in line. Then I tried to save the best for last, but two more vehicles got behind me. Also thank you for the personal cheering section. Can't wait to see all of the pictures online at www.CarlisleEvents.com (http://www.CarlisleEvents.com) .


Cable Guys P70 HPP
06-03-2007, 06:01 PM
the meet was great....

06-04-2007, 03:33 AM
I want to Thank You for the honor that you bestowed on my MM. Sorry that I missed my spot in line. Then I tried to save the best for last, but two more vehicles got behind me. Also thank you for the personal cheering section. Can't wait to see all of the pictures online at www.CarlisleEvents.com (http://www.CarlisleEvents.com) .

Way to go Ken :congrats: and thanks for representing the MM community. :2thumbs:

06-04-2007, 06:44 AM
Sounds like a great time, congrats Ken!

I couldn't make it, I'm really wishing I could've made it to see Sunshine in the place of honor in Bldg T.

06-04-2007, 08:31 AM
It was very nice meeting you guys, The heat was a killer and made me feel so tired in the afternoon that I was glad I left when I did.
Congrats for putting the newer cars in the parade!
Its vey hard to win when they put you in a class that ranges from 1969-Up Ford,Mercury. You cant compete against over 40 years of cars especially with bigger car clubs they represented.
Hopefully we have our own class of 03-04 Marauders next year, Even if we have to all get together and spearhead this plan to make it work.
Looking forward to seeing you guys at MV-V.

Mike Poore
06-04-2007, 09:41 AM
Sounded like a great time Mike. About how many cars showed up?

John, there will be a final tally on the Carlisle website; on the number of cars, visitors, and vendors. I'd say the cars in the fun show field + invitational + the cars for sale section easily exceeded 2,000, so far as visitors on all 4 days, I'd guess 100,000 plus. It's an amazing spectacle.

06-04-2007, 10:06 PM
Was very cool to see your cars in person :cool:

I vote the silver birch from Jersey had the cleanest engine bay of the MMs , that I saw at least :cool:

Mike Poore
06-05-2007, 03:39 AM
Was very cool to see your cars in person :cool:

I vote the silver birch from Jersey had the cleanest engine bay of the MMs , that I saw at least :cool:

Oh, I agree, and another, Ralph Sr's Black '04 with it's less than 1,000 miles is by far the cleanest/best.

My thoughts were: it had to be a Black '03A, regularly driven. Blackened300A also fit the bill, but I knew Ken would be there for the winner's show parade, and the crowd in the grandstands would get to see and understand why the MM is so special. It's like picking the homecoming queen, there's always more than physical beauty, a purely subjective call. :dunno:

06-05-2007, 04:10 AM
Mike G's DTR from NJ took third place, behind 2 CV's, at least one PI. We were in the 69 and newer full size Ford/Mercury class, which also included a 500/Montego, and a LTD II. I counted 13 MM's, and talked to one owner that parked outside the complex. (yes, I gave him a card!) That doesn't count Rich Long or Jimlam from Friday, or Steve from MD on Sunday. Our class had so many cars, that the later arrivals were unable to park with their class. CVN's tent wasn't even with their cars.


06-05-2007, 07:13 AM
I vote the silver birch from Jersey had the cleanest engine bay of the MMs , that I saw at least :cool:

You must have missed my engine bay ;)

06-05-2007, 11:19 AM
Well hello all it was a great weekend at carlisle yes it was hot very hot. It was nice to meet and talk with everyone. I had a good time and my son had a good time. congrats to Mike and ken for winning an award good job.

06-05-2007, 12:38 PM
You must have missed my engine bay ;)
lol , actually I did see it and complemented you on the car ;)
The engine bay was very shiny, but I have to say the silver birch had a cleaner bay - the block and FEAD looked nice and clean with little dirt/dust buildup. That's the first thing I look for lol. That's not to say your engine bay did not look fantastic ;)

Your MM was definitely the flashiest of the bunch there, IMO - the red calipers and the chin spoiler drew your eyes right to it. Having the end spot didn't hurt, either :D
You were also the only MM owner there who took the time to talk to me about their car :)

06-05-2007, 02:14 PM
I think you guys will be happy, because you made it into the gallery :D



Mike Poore
06-05-2007, 04:14 PM
Ken in the winner's circle. :woohoo:

Way to represent!


06-05-2007, 07:13 PM
I'm not sure who to thank... but when I pulled in with my bug-covered blue Marauder you guys started wiggling Mercurys and making space!

I decided Friday night around 9:00 to make the trip. We got home around 10:00pm and I gave the car a quick wash in the dark. We left Pittsburgh Carlisle at 6:30 am Saturday.

My father-in-law was riding shotgun and my 3 year-old son was eating his breakfast in the backseat!

When we rolled in they had itchy feet so I couldn't stick around much... got to say a few hellos and saw some very nice Marauders. We were all cooked by 2:00 pm and had dinner commitments in Pittsburgh, so we said a few goodbyes and rolled home.

Just over 400 miles round trip & worth every one!

Thanks again,

06-05-2007, 08:20 PM
I'm not sure who to thank... but when I pulled in with my bug-covered blue Marauder you guys started wiggling Mercurys and making space!

GregNice meeting you Greg, You were the last car that we were able to shoehorn in!

Thanks for the picture Mike.

I never thought to get a picture of my autographed banner hanging off the back side of the canopy, blocking some sun.


06-06-2007, 04:28 AM
I think you guys will be happy, because you made it into the gallery :D

Thanks for posting those aerial shots from the show gallery. Even my wife could pick out Marauder Row without a problem. :)

Mike Poore
06-06-2007, 05:17 AM
Wow, Greg, that was quite a circle tour, and with a 3yr old to boot.

I wish we had gotten the chance to say HI, but you must have been making tracks. Did you get to visit Building "T"?

Next year I'll have more time to visit, and hang out in the MM tent. You'll be bringing the Blue MM and family to MMV-V in Hagerstown, right? Even if it's only for a day trip. Looking at the map, it seems about the same driving time on the TP & I-70 to Hagerstown, as Carlisle. :drive:

06-06-2007, 07:17 PM
Nice meeting you Greg, You were the last car that we were able to shoehorn in!

Thanks for the picture Mike.

I never thought to get a picture of my autographed banner hanging off the back side of the canopy, blocking some sun.

Ken I got one Ken its posted,with the pics I posted.

Mike Poore
06-07-2007, 05:04 AM
Add it here, please. :D