View Full Version : 5 killed, driver illegal/no license

05-30-2007, 06:18 AM
This happened within 2 miles of my work...driver was illegal w/no license as was one other with 2 others not known...now people trying to take up money,$6000, per body to ship home for burial...now if our government were to enforce our laws maybe this would not have happened and Mr. Dolts AND the illegals would still be alive and maybe we would have licensed people driving on our highways...at least they would have to pass our NC driving test...I AM NOT trying to start something about Mexicans...I feel for them also...just our government needs to enforce our present laws...don't you think! OBTW I hope the guy that owns the truck gets ripped BIG TIME...willie


05-30-2007, 07:25 AM
linky no worky

05-30-2007, 07:35 AM
A childhood firend was killed by a drunk illegal Mexican who had been deported several times. There were other illegals in the car.

She was 8 months pregnant, her name was Debra.

Yesterday I reported to ICE tip line the local car wash. In Nov when I started using them everyone spoke english. Starting 3 months ago 2 spanish only, now all speak only spanish.

The tip number is 866-347-2423.

The Heritage Foundation just released a study 2/3 of illegal families cost $22,500 per year in benefits after their tax contribution.

Being legal will not increase their tax contribution only increase the benefits they receive.

05-30-2007, 07:45 AM
It would seem that the willingness to break the law is inherent in each and every illegal alien. They are criminals under our statutes not unregistered guests as we seem to want to consider them for expediency, I guess. Rather than considering only how bad things must be in other countries for people to want to come here perhaps we should be more concerned with the moral fiber of people who will so willingly break our laws to get here. It seems on casual reflection that ANYONE here illegally is not a proper candidate for citizenship. Or is that just to superficial for consideration? Dennis

05-30-2007, 08:03 AM
I Dont Care If They Want To Come And Work But If Ones That Come To Do Crimes No Way.

05-30-2007, 08:05 AM
I Dont Care If They Want To Come And Work But If Ones That Come To Do Crimes No Way.

Do All Words Begin With Caps???




05-30-2007, 08:18 AM
Never Noticed That.

05-30-2007, 08:59 AM
The Heritage Foundation just released a study 2/3 of illegal families cost $22,500 per year in benefits after their tax contribution.

Very sorry to hear about Debra. :( My condolences on the loss of your longtime friend.

Not a day goes past without a report in the local papers of similar accidents involving illegal aliens. The same applies to the County crime blotters are full of drug busts, burglaries, assault, murder and child molestation attributed to this growing population.

Here's an extract from the Heritage Foundation Report >>>>

At $19,588, the average annual fiscal deficit for low-skill immigrant households was nearly twice the amount of taxes paid. In order for the average low-skill household to be fiscally solvent (taxes paid equaling immediate benefits received), it would be necessary to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, all means-tested welfare, and to cut expenditures on public education roughly in half.

American families often are net tax payers during working age and net tax takers (benefits exceeding taxes) dur*ing retirement. This is not the case for low-skill immigrant households; in these households benefits substantially exceed taxes at every age level. Consequently, low-skill immigrant households impose substantial long-term costs on the U.S. taxpayer. Assuming an average adult life span of 60 years for each head of household, the average lifetime costs to the taxpayer will be nearly $1.2 million for each low-skill household for immediate benefits received minus all taxes paid.

05-30-2007, 09:01 AM
It would seem that the willingness to break the law is inherent in each and every illegal alien. They are criminals under our statutes not unregistered guests as we seem to want to consider them for expediency, I guess. Rather than considering only how bad things must be in other countries for people to want to come here perhaps we should be more concerned with the moral fiber of people who will so willingly break our laws to get here. It seems on casual reflection that ANYONE here illegally is not a proper candidate for citizenship. Or is that just to superficial for consideration? Dennis

Very well stated and what President Eisenhower's position was.

So long as coming to the USA illegally is an option to Mexicans, Mexico will continue to be a corrupt impoverished nation. Lack of enforcing our laws directly supports the corruption in Mexico.:mad:

Most illegals are not coming to become cititzens, they are only coming to take what they can like a thief who has broken into your home.:mad2:

05-30-2007, 09:08 AM
Most illegals are not coming to become cititzens, they are only coming to take what they can like a thief who has broken into your home.:mad2:

Does that mean we can shoot them???



05-30-2007, 10:09 AM
linky no worky

fixed now


05-30-2007, 12:31 PM
I Dont Care If They Want To Come And Work But If Ones That Come To Do Crimes No Way.

They commit a crime straight off when they just arrive, especially when they sneak in, whether it is to work or not.

05-30-2007, 12:33 PM
It would seem that the willingness to break the law is inherent in each and every illegal alien. They are criminals under our statutes not unregistered guests as we seem to want to consider them for expediency, I guess. Rather than considering only how bad things must be in other countries for people to want to come here perhaps we should be more concerned with the moral fiber of people who will so willingly break our laws to get here. It seems on casual reflection that ANYONE here illegally is not a proper candidate for citizenship. Or is that just to superficial for consideration? Dennis

That is not superficial at all.

05-30-2007, 01:06 PM
Does that mean we can shoot them???



I was told, while living in NY regarding someone breaking into your home while you are inside, if you shoot the intruder,
1. Make sure he/she is dead, so they cannot sue you
2. If they get outside the house drag them back in.

This should not be construed as legal advise.:D Dennis.

I keep a loaded weapon in my house to protect my wife, myself and my back up reserve of Sierra Nevada Beer. Oh, and target practice if the opportunity arises. Good to keep the skills sharp.

05-30-2007, 01:12 PM
Killjoy, you may recall dispite my post^^that we have 2 border patrol agent in the slammer, till killed by the inmate population; for shooting a drug smuggler in the ass. Politics is stupid and reflects that on those who choose to be involved as politicians. Primary skill set needed...the inability to tell right from wrong and act on it. I don't suggest that it is ok to shoot anyone...who doesn't really need it. :DDennis

05-30-2007, 01:33 PM
There was an article in the local paper a few months ago about an illegal in Charlotte that was DUI and killed 2 or 3 people in an accident. The sad thing is that this was his 5th or 6th time DUI and all the previous times he'd been deported!

05-30-2007, 02:32 PM
Makes me sick. Stories like this are becoming more popular or they are just getting more attention. Yet people will keep going on and on about how the US needs these people or our country would "fall apart":rolleyes:

Next we will not be able to call them illegal immigrants because that term will be offensive so we will have to say something like law abiding challenged immigrants or something stupid like that.

05-30-2007, 03:01 PM
Makes me sick. Stories like this are becoming more popular or they are just getting more attention. Yet people will keep going on and on about how the US needs these people or our country would "fall apart":rolleyes:

Next we will not be able to call them illegal immigrants because that term will be offensive so we will have to say something like law abiding challenged immigrants or something stupid like that.

The term is already considered 'offensive' thus the use of "undocumented" instead.

'Illegal immigrant' is also a bit of a misnomer, as the word "Immigrant" implies some sort of legal status.

I suppose "Illegal Alien" might be more correct.

05-30-2007, 03:10 PM
Their is good and bad in every Race & Country. Their are alot of Mexicans that do the farm labor that the Americans don't want too do or will do. It keeps the labor costs of the farmers down and help's keep more money in our pockets when we go too the Super markets. Granted some of them are not Legal. The world will never be perfect.

05-30-2007, 03:55 PM
I have nothing but bad crap to say about this whole subject--I am like
Hotrauder--a loaded weapon--you come in --meet the weapon--it can be on me--near me --beside me --any time--why u think I hang with the LEO and my best friend is one--dang--the guy packs 3 all day every day and you can't never tell...especially when out of uniform--its amazing---

As for the wording of what to call them- -- this may be dangerous--but thats what has happen to another type--they have received a "special Catagory"----

The incident prcherman states is bad along with fastblackmercs--it is true--my LEO has the best fun when on duty--when he stops a a car that cannot speak English-- he says--" OK--If no one can speak --all go downtown in van
to lock-up--there we will get an enterpioritor(sp) who speaks your language"--Its amazing he says how quick he gets one to speak English--I asked him--did you ever take anyone or more down --he said yes--then the Sgt,., said to call him first before every doing that again--But it worked--apparently over the area where he patrolled --the word got out--have one with u who speaks English--I gotta love that--so does he---

Post edit--I should mention--when taken downtown--we have "ICE"--which can and will tell if your are not a US citizen--and they know it--thus the speaking English person very quickly----

05-30-2007, 04:10 PM
In North Carolina some sheriff's / police dept's are calling immigration when illegals are brought in. So their status can be determined.

05-30-2007, 07:44 PM
2 teenage girls were killed here recently by a drunken illegal alien. He hit them hard enough from behind at an intersection to kill them both. He had an arrest record, too. This was all over the news after Bill O'rielly covered it and slammed the mayor and the police chief for having an 'amnesty city'. They said it was a 'Federal problem, not a local police problem' to arrest illegal aliens. I wrote and asked them why local police respond to bank robberies, that is clearly a Federal offence. Of course, they havn't written back to me. Join ALIPAC, read and watch some stuff that will make your blood boil red, white, and blue.

05-30-2007, 08:20 PM
All I can say is that if we continue to vote a president to this country who does not care about immigration,
this entire country is gonna go down the tubes and it is going to take all of our dreams and retirements with it
whether you plan for your retirement or not.

You are only seeing the beginning of the effect it has on fuel prices.
Just WAIT until the prices start effecting the price of education and food.


The only two delegates that are interested in curbing Immigration are -

Al Gore and Tom Tancredo

Pick your's and vote for him !!!

05-30-2007, 09:17 PM
All I can say is that if we continue to vote a president to this country who does not care about immigration,
this entire country is gonna go down the tubes and it is going to take all of our dreams and retirements with it
whether you plan for your retirement or not.

You are only seeing the beginning of the effect it has on fuel prices.
Just WAIT until the prices start effecting the price of education and food.


The only two delegates that are interested in curbing Immigration are -

Al Gore and Tom Tancredo

Pick your's and vote for him !!!

Algore? He's fooled you then

05-30-2007, 09:59 PM
I recently read about some measures being taken against that plague (illegal aliens) in a couple of European countries. These countries are facing the same issues with illegal aliens flooding Italy, Germany and the UK among others.

Very sensitive subject, though. First, you cannot prevent these aliens to be attracted by what they see as a paradise compared to their hell. Then also you cannot build a wall all along of your sensitive borders (USSR did it but it was more to prevent the flow in the other direction). And finally, you will always find some politician to take their side - after all some of these aliens - or their friends, brothers, sisters, etc, would probably post their vote one day ,when elections are up.

All in all, I feel probably like a lot of you: :mad2:highly frustrated by the absence of a straight solution.

05-30-2007, 10:20 PM

All in all, I feel probably like a lot of you: :mad2:highly frustrated by the absence of a straight solution.

Actually there is a straight solution. Vigorously enforce the Law(s)

05-31-2007, 03:27 AM
Actually there is a straight solution. Vigorously enforce the Law(s)

Again Sir...you are correct...I have a good friend who is a deputy and they have done the stats and 60% of the crime in our county is commited a group that is less than 3% of our population...that group is illegal aliens...and on the subject of who to vote for...I have seen zero, zilch, nada, none, goose egg, nil, not one single person who shall receive my check mark...will start looking into this more indepth but as of right now we are void a viable candidate...willie

05-31-2007, 05:37 AM
The Mayor of New Haven, CT is instituting a "guest worker" ID Card Program issued by the city so that these poor "Citizenship Challenged" people can use them for getting bank accounts and social services. He hasn't said how they are going to prove their identity to begin with.

05-31-2007, 05:47 AM
Actually there is a straight solution. Vigorously enforce the Law(s)

I agree. It is as simple as insisting that every person in this country with a job is legally here. Fines and imprisonment for anyone employing an illegal alien knowingly or otherwise(checking ain't rocket science) is the only answer for a permanent solution. Everything else is an insult to the intelligence of each and every voter of both parties.

By enforcing the law against employing illegal aliens (not so hard to do with a little political courage and the willingness to pay a little more for tomatoes) the reason for them being here illegally (except for the terrorist who are also running across our borders) is gone. They all go home, get documentation and come back to do the jobs we and they need. We CAN pay more for veggies for awhile as we get control over our country and we then can continue to INVITE the legal immigration we need and want. Some how it only seems complicated when politicians are pandering for votes, now and future. It seems that the basic answer to many of our problems just might be term limiting. Just might get us back to the "Public Service" concept. We desperately need people who can and will make hard decisions that are right for the country and damn the torpedoes. Just a coffee overload probably:D Dennis

05-31-2007, 06:54 AM
We desperately need people who can and will make hard decisions that are right for the country and damn the torpedoes.
Unfortunately, that pool of people is getting smaller and smaller every day. Far too many leaders today are not willing to make those hard decisions for fear of not being liked, being criticized, losing votes, or just afraid of making a bad decision based on inadequate information or poor input/advice. Seems that many public and private organizations have moved toward a "concensus decision process" in an attempt to make everyone happy. More often than not -- this emphasis on "happiness" and "touchy feely" leadership leads to Pi$$ poor long term consequences. We may be going down that tubes --- but at least we feel good getting there. :o

05-31-2007, 07:13 AM
you cannot build a wall all along of your sensitive borders quote]

I can think of 3 walls that were/are pretty doggone effective. Berlin Wall, highly effective in it's day. Cuba, highly effective wall/fence. North and South Korea. All guarded by U.S. Military in some form or fashion, all very effective. Anyone who says fences and walls wont secure the border or make a difference has never seen an effective up close. No offense meant, just my two cents on fences.

05-31-2007, 07:18 AM
Politicians from either party do not have the polical willpower to do anything about this issue. The Dems are to do-gooders and would love to let just everybody from the whole world move here, no need for borders; the Republicans are in for the payoff by big business and big agriculture to turn a blind eye to the problem. Nobody gives a damn. Ill give you an example: in the Dallas Fort Worth area there are over 5 million people. Probably 300,000 are illegals. There are no more than seven (7) immigration agents doing document fraud type cases on them. Those guys work their asses off and its just a drop in the bucket. Now that Im retired, I can vent a bit. Here is what needs to be done to fix this:

1. Build the fence along the border with Mexico. Nothing pisses Mexico off more than this because fences work. Dont believe all the hype, fences do work.

2. Have a National Identification Card for all US citizens. Anybody that is against this is an idiot that is probably worried about the Tri-Partite Commission, the Warren Commission and the UFO Conspiracy.

3. Stop granting US citizenship based strictly on where the child was born. This wasnt the rule here until after the 1930's. This would also save millions in public health taxes down the drain.

4. Federalize all Birth Certificates and Death Certificates. Do you know how many different types there are in the US? Hint: How many separate counties are in the US total? Do you know its easier to check birth records in Mexico than in the US? Its because their records are federalized.

I could go on but Ill stop here. Regarding the incident above, the odds are high the illegal has no/no car insurance. So any wreck they cause is on your tab. And lest anybody think this is anti-Mexican, well, the corruption in Mexico can only be sustained by 10-15% of their workforce being absent (ie in the US). If they were in Mexico, they would have run those corrupt bastards out long ago, Illegals in the US are a pressure release valve for Mexican government corruption. Also, being anit-illegal immigration is not being racist. Im against it all, whether your Mexican, Haitian or Irish. A country not willing to enforce its laws, including its border control laws, will not be a country for long.