View Full Version : Bring our Senators home safe!

06-08-2007, 08:25 AM
(Washington) President Bush ordered military strikes on the Senate today, marking a significant escalation of tensions in Washington. Air Force bombers began an around the clock attack on Capitol Hill today in preparation for a ground assault that will take place in the coming days.

The President is said to be enraged that his "El Grande Amnesty" plan died on the Senate floor last night.

"I'm the President.", said The President, speaking from the White House. "I'm a decider. I decide and the Senate does what I want it to do. The Senate is not fulfilling it's role. The Senate is standing in the way of the illegal aliens taking over and making a decent living. I'm the President for God sakes, if the Senate won't conform to the rule of law they must be brought to justice. I don't negotiate. Negotiate me once, shame on you. Negotiate me twice and I'll put my 'made in China' cowboy boot up yer man-pleaser."

Air Force bombers struck early this morning shattering the Capitol dome and causing extensive damage to the entire Capitol building complex.

Army troops are massing on the White House lawn in preparation for a ground assault which many expect to be launched tomorrow.

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are already denying reports they are supplying weapons to the Senate. "That's a lie. And if it isn't I'll pardon myself anyway", said Dick as he and Don unloaded lawyers and an oil drilling rig to the back door of the Senate.

06-08-2007, 08:29 AM
You really are crazy aren't you.... Very creative I must say.

06-08-2007, 08:35 AM
You really are crazy aren't you.... Very creative I must say.
It's the blue paint, it seeps into my skin each time I touch the car:cool:

06-08-2007, 02:38 PM
It's the blue paint, it seeps into my skin each time I touch the car:cool:
Heh heh heh heeeeh heeeeeeh heh heh. Wut he said.

06-10-2007, 09:01 AM
It's the blue paint, it seeps into my skin each time I touch the car:cool:

No, I really think you need to stop eating sushi pizza

before you go to bed...........:)