View Full Version : Minivan Tractor Beam

Joe Walsh
06-12-2007, 08:27 PM
It happened again this morning:

The Minivan Tractor Beam!

I was driving south on the B-W Parkway and this minivan was glued on my bumper!
I mean...MAYBE 10 feet behind me!:mad:
I speed up to 60 mph, I slow down to 50 mph, I speed up to 75 mph, I tap my brake lights;
Still glued to my bumper! :mad2:
This driver was so close that the entire front of the minivan was hidden behind my Pick-up's tailgate!

Why is this phenomenom almost 100%:

>Middle aged woman
>Cell phone glued to their ears

Can't they friggin' keep a safe following distance??
Are they afraid that they will get lost if I get too far ahead???

I CANNOT break their tractor beam!!!

I finally resorted to punching it and zipping around the guy in front of me to "Scrub her off" onto him.
It worked!
Poor sap had this idiot 5 feet off his rear bumper for miles!

06-12-2007, 10:25 PM
Use my highly effective and even more annoying technique: Turn the washers on if you are going a decent speed, it will blow back on thier windshield. When they hit thier wipers, hit your brakes and enjoy the show in your rear view. (P.S., I only recommend this if you can outrun whoever is behind you)

Aren Jay
06-13-2007, 12:37 AM
Use my highly effective and even more annoying technique: Turn the washers on if you are going a decent speed, it will blow back on thier windshield. When they hit thier wipers, hit your brakes and enjoy the show in your rear view. (P.S., I only recommend this if you can outrun whoever is behind you)

Instead of hitting your brakes, turn your lights on full, so your back lights come on and floor it.

Works better.

06-13-2007, 04:22 AM
It happened again this morning:

The Minivan Tractor Beam!

I was driving south on the B-W Parkway and this minivan was glued on my bumper!!
The Baltimore-Washington Parkway is difficult. Seems that the right lane always moves at 45 MPH and the left lane is above 70 MPH. Makes it difficult to slide over and let the "crazed" minivan roll on by. It always appears to be a minivan ... that wants to ride your bumper. Too bad you weren't in the Marauder to give a quick blast and melt a portion of her front bumper. You need the Lithium Crystal mod on the work truck. Aye Cap'n more power. :rofl:

Maybe Lisa/DefyantWife can provide some insight into this "minivan" phenomenon? :dunno: She followed the long MM convoy coming out of Detroit after MV III and I was surprised that she was rolling just as hard and strong as the Marauders even at 85+.

06-13-2007, 04:52 AM
Need a new truck? Hit your brakes hard.

She was following to close and rear ended you. Case closed.

06-13-2007, 06:10 AM
[QUOTE=Joe Walsh

I CANNOT break their tractor beam!!!

From years of watching Star Trek, I thought the pulling ship always used the tractor beam. Are you sure it's not your rear tractor beam on? Be sure to check all your switches.

06-13-2007, 06:34 AM
Use my highly effective and even more annoying technique: Turn the washers on if you are going a decent speed, it will blow back on thier windshield. When they hit thier wipers, hit your brakes and enjoy the show in your rear view. (P.S., I only recommend this if you can outrun whoever is behind you)

I like that idea, I'll have to try it next time some tries to play leap frog with my car.

Need a new truck? Hit your brakes hard.

She was following to close and rear ended you. Case closed.

Got to love MD, regardless if your rear ended it's the other person's fault especially if their riding your azz and didn't buy you dinner or at least pull your hair first lol.

06-13-2007, 06:37 AM
I hate to say it .... but woman are notorious for this following manner.

RF Overlord
06-13-2007, 12:28 PM
I hate to say it .... but woman are notorious for this following manner.I hate to agree, but like Barry, I drive a lot for my work and this happens all the time. If they don't either pass me or back off in a reasonable time, I just take my foot off the gas and slow down gradually and see how long they'll stay behind me before they realise they're going 35 in a 60 zone. It can be hilarious...morons... :shake:

The ones I really hate are the nimrods who tailgate me for miles, then all of a sudden they grow a pair and pass me at 20 MPH over the speed limit. Then a few miles down the road, I roll up on them going 10 MPH under the limit and pass them (safely). When they realise what just happened, they have to speed up to pass me again, then repeat this ridiculous game for the next 40 miles, all the while I've got the cruise control on and I'm doing a steady speed.

06-13-2007, 08:43 PM
A woman in a festiva of all things did this to me while I was towing the Marauder with the Aviator. She followed me from exit 147 to exit 23 on the Ohio Turnpike...10 feet off the trailer, following every lane change I made.

After nearly 120 miles, she chose to pull aside my blind spot, and block me from passing a semi.


06-13-2007, 08:48 PM
A woman in a festiva of all things did this to me while I was towing the Marauder with the Aviator. She followed me from exit 147 to exit 23 on the Ohio Turnpike...10 feet off the trailer, following every lane change I made.

After nearly 120 miles, she chose to pull aside my blind spot, and block me from passing a semi.


You didn't install the blind bumpers ?

06-13-2007, 09:43 PM
Unfortunately modern cars no longer have carburetors and manual chokes. My friend has a 1931 Essex touring sedan. When he has someone tailgating him and they won't back off, he speeds up a bit and then lets off the gas and pulls the choke all the way out. This makes the engine run so rich that it will make you eyes water if you're in the car behind him. After a few moments of this, they back way off or they pass him.

Now that's funny !

Joe Walsh
06-14-2007, 08:19 PM
Unfortunately modern cars no longer have carburetors and manual chokes. My friend has a 1931 Essex touring sedan. When he has someone tailgating him and they won't back off, he speeds up a bit and then lets off the gas and pulls the choke all the way out. This makes the engine run so rich that it will make you eyes water if you're in the car behind him. After a few moments of this, they back way off or they pass him.

Now that's funny !

^^^^^^....That is great!....^^^^^^

My buddy had an old Datsun B210 'Honey Bee' (remember them?) with an F'ed up carburetor...you could stomp on it.....wind it out, and then snap the throttle shut.......
It would backfire with a 3 foot flame out of the tailpipe!
I stood on the side of the road one night as he blasted by and the backfire sounded MUCH louder than a 12 gauge shotgun!!!:eek:

NO ONE tailgated us for long in that ole' Datsun!

BTW: We were AMAZED that the OEM muffler took this abuse for an entire summer, then he reluctantly fixed the carb.:o


06-14-2007, 08:26 PM
^^^^^^....That is great!....^^^^^^

My buddy had an old Datsun B210 'Honey Bee' (remember them?) with an F'ed up carburetor...you could stomp on it.....wind it out, and then snap the throttle shut.......
It would backfire with a 3 foot flame out of the tailpipe!
I stood on the side of the road one night as he blasted by and the backfire sounded MUCH louder than a 12 gauge shotgun!!!:eek:

NO ONE tailgated us for long in that ole' Datsun!

BTW: We were AMAZED that the OEM muffler took this abuse for an entire summer, then he reluctantly fixed the carb.:o

did you see the honey bee that Jesse James did on monster garage? They made it into a drifting car, on the outside it looked normal right down to hubcaps.
I did have a Datun 310 a long time ago, couldn't imagine driving one again.