View Full Version : The Party Has Started

Tom Doan
06-13-2007, 10:24 AM
Noon Wedsday;
Just back from Costco and that means the party has started! Now all you can show up and help with the prep! Mowing, cleaning, car work........ Tom

Tom Doan
06-13-2007, 06:44 PM
Dang, 10 hours and not one reply? guess I'll send the keg of beer back. I'll call in the gang from Lesure World Lawn Bowling Club to kill the food. 5" of rain tonight must have sunk the CAM's. After the show we can meet at Micky D's. Tom

Joe Walsh
06-13-2007, 06:49 PM
You mowed the lawn!?


I thought that all the CAMmers could just give you a MASSIVE 'lawn job' on our way home!


After all, we did clean the gravel off your street on our way home last year!

06-13-2007, 06:56 PM
Dang, 10 hours and not one reply? guess I'll send the keg of beer back. I'll call in the gang from Lesure World Lawn Bowling Club to kill the food. 5" of rain tonight must have sunk the CAM's. After the show we can meet at Micky D's. Tom

What the heck time zone are you posting in????? :rofl: I have been checking the site all day and didn't see this. I think it's the dayum "Today's Post", "New Posts", and "Tomorrow's Posts" feature. I know that I am missing stuff. :(

Looking like a good turnout for the car show .... I'd like to reserve my same parking spot on your lawn for the Doan Family Fiesta.

Got word that CheeseheadBob will not make it .... so you can cut back to a 1/4 keg this year. ;)

See you Saturday .... I remember the way to your place so folks can follow me. :D

O's Fan Rich
06-14-2007, 03:44 AM
Noon Wedsday;
Just back from Costco and that means the party has started! Now all you can show up and help with the prep! Mowing, cleaning, car work........ Tom

Just hang a pull behind mower on that GT tractor and you'll get 'er done.

I have no idea what you speak of anyway.

06-14-2007, 06:24 AM
And just my luck, I have to work late every night this week.

06-14-2007, 06:25 AM
Got word that CheeseheadBob will not make it .... so you can cut back to a 1/4 keg this year. ;)

Tom Doan
06-14-2007, 11:47 AM
This year we use the back lawn, holds more cars. I mowed pretty stripes so the pro photographers make nice pics of your cars. O did I forget to mention we need room for the PIG ROAST!!!!!,must have slipped my mind, silly me.Tom:rolleyes:

O's Fan Rich
06-14-2007, 12:26 PM
This year we use the back lawn, holds more cars. I mowed pretty stripes so the pro photographers make nice pics of your cars. O did I forget to mention we need room for the PIG ROAST!!!!!,must have slipped my mind, silly me.Tom:rolleyes:

Ummm.... can I get directions?......:o

06-14-2007, 12:26 PM
So, when is this shindig?

I haven't taken a good roadtrip since Haloween !

I know how to cut up pigs.... And everything else....

06-14-2007, 12:43 PM
Joe, what a great idea. C'mon on down. See the start of this thread. This Sat. 9:30 registration. Show @ Safford L&M in Silver Spring, MD. Closer than Hooter's in Baltimore. You can crash @ my place for the night if you wish and then head out in the early AM. I live in Germantown. :banana2:

O's Fan Rich
06-14-2007, 12:47 PM
Joe, what a great idea. C'mon on down. See the start of this thread. This Sat. 9:30 registration. Show @ Safford L&M in Silver Spring, MD. Closer than Hooter's in Baltimore. You can crash @ my place for the night if you wish and then head out in the early AM. I live in Germantown. :banana2:

My car ain't pretty enough for a show.....:(

06-14-2007, 02:11 PM

I didn't know it was this weekend. To tight a schedule, plus, I was invited to be a beer judge at the New York State Fair. Not srue I'll be able to do that either.

Sorry I will miss this weekend with you guys. Sounds like it's gonna be fun. If I would have known you were all doing this earlier, I could have sent some special brew your way

06-14-2007, 04:10 PM
My car ain't pretty enough for a show.....:(
Sure it is. You can park under the "Body Shop Offices" sign where they put me last year. If anyone says anything about the car, just say that they shoulda been here yesterday before all the body work. ;)


:jk: Come on down ... it oughta be a good turnout of MMs. I am guessing 15-18 right now. Of course, that's just a guess.

Tom's Parking Lot ....


06-14-2007, 04:57 PM

...missin it already.

O's Fan Rich
06-14-2007, 06:56 PM
Yeah.... I'm comin' but I'll be stag.
Gotta leave at like 6 am..... Hope there's a good carwash open...

06-14-2007, 07:17 PM
Yeah.... I'm comin' but I'll be stag.
Gotta leave at like 6 am..... Hope there's a good carwash open...

Great news !! See you Saturday. I suspect many of us will be traveling alone. My wife can only take car stuff in small increments. ;)

06-14-2007, 08:06 PM
Joan and I will both be coming to your house after the car show, promise. We may have to take one car home on the way to your house if I am able to get the 2nd one cleaned up tomorrow.

There is a car wash (coin op) right across from Safford L-M. Or, you can come to my house for a wash and breakfast (cereal) about 8am.

Joe Walsh
06-14-2007, 08:09 PM
Good Deal!

Sounds like we are going to have a crowd!


O's Fan Rich
06-15-2007, 04:00 AM
Good Deal!

Sounds like we are going to have a crowd!


What you bringin', Slim?

O's Fan Rich
06-15-2007, 04:08 AM
There is a car wash (coin op) right across from Safford L-M. Or, you can come to my house for a wash and breakfast (cereal) about 8am.

Thanks for the offer Gordon, but I'll be hitting the Coffee Shop in the am... Large Mocha 2 extra shots please.... no whipped cream.:cool:

Tom Doan
06-15-2007, 04:41 AM
Friday morning, off to market to buy a fat pig....
you guys fill in the rest of the rhyme.Tom

O's Fan Rich
06-15-2007, 04:43 AM
Friday morning, off to market to buy a fat pig....
you guys fill in the rest of the rhyme.Tom

Want me to bring anything, Tom?

Tom Doan
06-15-2007, 05:55 AM
I don't know what to say about bringing food, side dishes would be good but they are going to have to travel well. I will be running back and forth from Safford LM to my house all day to keep an eye on the pig cooking, I want the pig done by 2pm so it can rest for an hour before we dig in. I have made 4lbs of pinto beans, turned out great. So Cuban pig and pinto beans so far, how about some rice? that would go good with what we have so far, anything from plain white to your over the top habinaro hell resipe is good with me.Tom

O's Fan Rich
06-15-2007, 06:17 AM
I don't know what to say about bringing food, side dishes would be good but they are going to have to travel well. I will be running back and forth from Safford LM to my house all day to keep an eye on the pig cooking, I want the pig done by 2pm so it can rest for an hour before we dig in. I have made 4lbs of pinto beans, turned out great. So Cuban pig and pinto beans so far, how about some rice? that would go good with what we have so far, anything from plain white to your over the top habinaro hell resipe is good with me.Tom

Got grill space for me to setup on? I'll bring the makings and bounce over with you to get things rolling. rather then brink it cooked.

Tom Doan
06-15-2007, 06:35 AM
Yeah I got grill space and a good burner to run my wok for side dishes. The D.O.T. informed me they "harvested" 4 bambi's last night on an air strip the company I work for maintains so maybe a cervena tornados resipe is in order. Tom

Tom Doan
06-15-2007, 09:02 AM
Emergency Update:
The guest of honor is doing the back float in a tasty marinade....stay tuned for breaking developments......
Oh no it's 12 noon time to get the keg:beer:

06-15-2007, 10:20 AM
Friday morning, off to market to buy a fat pig....
you guys fill in the rest of the rhyme.Tom

but first a stop by the keg, think I'll have me a swig!:beer:

06-15-2007, 03:24 PM
Friday morning, off to market to buy a fat pig....
you guys fill in the rest of the rhyme.Tom
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, jiggety jig.

To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety jog.

To market, to market, to buy a plum bun,
Home again, home again, market is done.

Tom Doan
06-16-2007, 04:21 AM
Sat. morning 0700, The sun is out,looks good, nice temps, Time to BBQ. See you slugs at the show. Tom:banana:

Mike Poore
06-16-2007, 07:38 AM
Ummm.... can I get directions?......:o

No pig eating for you, Rich. You know what the doctor said.;)