View Full Version : Does your Spouse / Significant Other approve of your car hobby?

06-14-2007, 04:23 PM
After speaking with several friends, I have this question:

Does your Spouse / Significant Other approve of your car hobby?

So many of us spend so much of our time and finances on our cars, what do the spouses think?

Me...well...she doesn't mind :D She knows it makes me happy :up: (AKA - KEEPER!!)

How about you???


06-14-2007, 04:26 PM
Not only does this one approve... She LIKES it. She was/is a NASCAR fan. THe noise, the bling and the people. Super Keeper!!!

06-14-2007, 04:43 PM
After speaking with several friends, I have this question:

Does your Spouse / Significant Other approve of you car hobby?

My wife actually encourages it. :D As I remember her exact words, she said "You are gonna have to find yourself a different hobby". :rofl: The good part is that I got the car, do what I want, and didn't have to completely give up the old hobby. :coolman:

Getting the MM was actually my wife's idea. On the morning of 4 October 2003, she said "Let's go look at those "Marauders" that you and your son have been talking about". Enroute to the dealer she followed up with "It's about time you finally get something that you really want and will enjoy". :D Now that is a Keeper !! :up:

06-14-2007, 04:54 PM
My wife just loves the Marauder. I know she really regrets selling the ole Cobra, but I talked her into it. I wish she'd come in from the garage a bit more often... I think she is obsessed with it.

Best part is, one of my good LEO buddies who lives near by (ratter on her) told me she was out cruising around with the younglings. Yup, took'm to T-Ball in the beastie.

Anyone want to buy a bridge?

06-14-2007, 05:16 PM
We needed another car, my little truck was appropriated by the last two of our four children and really wasn't being maintanined, so it's day's were severly numbered.

One evening, Patricia and I we're perusing the inventory at the local L/M dealership with a "plan" to buy her a new GM and I would get her hand me down 96 LS.

Since looking for "her" new car wasn't very interesting I wandered off and came across this 04 S/B Marauder sitting by itself on the display pedestal.

I had previously seen an infomercial about the car on the TV and I knew this was a performance car so I decided to look more closely. All the while, the salesman escorting Patricia later tells me, she was watching my every reaction to the Marauder. When I opened the hood and beheld that motor, I must have let out a yelp.

Well, the Spirit of the Lord must have moved upon her and spake thusly, "behold your true and faithful Husband of 44 years. A man who has put his wife and family first and takes only the gleanings". "You are to ask of him, dost this car please you, my Husband". I know I went into a long dissertation about the Marauder, my heart was pounding, pulse racing, my mind going a mile a minute. She then asked me, "Patrick, do you want this car"?

I looked at her thinking she's just being supportive, I said "Yes". She turned to the salesman and said, "we won't be looking at the Grand Marquis' tonight, we will buy this Marauder, right now". The next couple of hours were a blur of paperwork, signings, briefings and at the end Patricia plunked down $27.4K and said "I hope this really makes you happy, darling".

The love affair continues.............

(not the car, the wife) (we'll, the car too)

06-14-2007, 05:22 PM
My ex actually broke up with me because She felt she was always #2...the car being #1. So no, some dont approve hehe

06-14-2007, 05:35 PM
NO. me--------->:flamer:<--------her

06-14-2007, 05:42 PM
I waited 5 years for the Marauder.
I saved newspaper clippings for the BlackHawk and told Liz I was getting it.
When I finally made arrangements for the 2004 Marauder, I had to go to Las Vegas to work.
Liz picked up the car while I was in Las Vegas.
She said it was amazing driving it home.
Everyone was waving at her.
The neighbors came over to see the new car
and everyone talked about how nice it looked.

But Liz told me one thing....
She said she'd never drive it again. It is TOO FAST for her !!! :D

06-14-2007, 05:43 PM
The GF loves the Marauder and actually wants me to take her out and look for stoplight challenges. She also is the reason why Im constantly going through rear tires. Something about a smokey burnout makes her laugh.

06-14-2007, 05:48 PM
Approve? No...tolerate, yes.


06-14-2007, 05:48 PM
My wife knows the car makes me happy so she aproves........she is afraid to drive it.....she says"it's too ballsy, and I am afraid I'll hit something in that boat"........so I would say I have a Keeper

06-14-2007, 05:49 PM
Wife likes the car, tolerates me buying toys for it. Lead foot Lucy is not allowed to drive it unless I'm a passenger.

06-14-2007, 06:08 PM
After speaking with several friends, I have this question:
Does your Spouse / Significant Other approve of your car hobby?
So many of us spend so much of our time and finances on our cars, what do the spouses think?
Me...well...she doesn't mind :D She knows it makes me happy :up: (AKA - KEEPER!!)
How about you???

My wife may not understand it but she knows I am very happy doing my car thing. As far as finances, I don't go hog wild. I try to stay sane and just do small things or larger things slowly.

But as much as she may not understand it, she loves the car. She tells me that all the time. And she has never been one to get giddy over a car. She loves stepping on it and hearing the sound and the power. (Yes I know it's not a Marauder :P) She loves the way it drives and handles. Plus folks looking twice because it is a P71 brings a smile to her face.

As long as she is happy, I can stay happy.:banana:

06-14-2007, 06:43 PM
WOW! What a question.

My wife (Debbie) want me to get a car that could hold 4 people:) She though I was out looking at a Ford Explorer.

When I showed up at the house with the marauder demo she look at it and said "it's ugly"

Needless to say I got it anyway:)

06-14-2007, 07:10 PM
My g/f loves the MM. She missed my old '95 CV a lot since that was our "highschool sweatheart" car and I used to dominate doing smokeshows in that thing. However, she loves the MM so much more now :D. Not to mention how cool it looks. Parents love it too! My Dad and Mom sometimes take it out to dinner and have it to themselves for a whole night. It often comes back with the smell of burnt rubber at times...As for the finances, I work hard and go to school and my g/f approves that I "waste" money for the MM. It's better than spending my money on drugs like some of my friends would rather do that don't have a future.

06-14-2007, 07:13 PM
Approve? No...tolerate, yes.



Doesn't like the speed, the noise, nor the burnouts.:(

06-14-2007, 07:14 PM

Doesn't like the speed, the noise, nor the burnouts.:(

Bah! That means she hasn't inhaled enough fumes of rubber yet!

06-14-2007, 08:07 PM
Bah! That means she hasn't inhaled enough fumes of rubber yet!

She doesn't inhale...:D

God help me if she reads this thread. :hide:

06-14-2007, 08:14 PM
My ex hated my hot rod
....even more than me :rofl:

06-14-2007, 08:21 PM
My wife of 21 yrs said it was her or the car. Damn, I haven't even missed her these last 5 1/2 months!:D

Not exactly, But she did feel that I love the car more than her. I guess that she's now right. MM gives me more joy, and doesn't talk back.


06-14-2007, 08:23 PM
My wife of 21 yrs said it was her or the car. Damn, I haven't even missed her these last 5 1/2 months!:D

Not exactly, But she did feel that I love the car more than her. I guess that she's now right. MM gives me more joy, and doesn't talk back.

I KNOW exactly how you feel.

06-14-2007, 08:26 PM
We bought HER car first. No 4.10 gears, no SC, just plain MM. Then a year later, we need another car for me, she said, this is a no brainer, just go get another MM, make it DTR. So, we have His and Hers, with identical stuff. Unfortunately, that does not leave any leftover mullah for a Trilogy SC. However, if I can get my 3-car garage in my next house, then I hope to get some sort of a lift. I guess I would rather have $7K to outfit my garage than have everything tied up in my car, but that's just me.

06-14-2007, 09:49 PM
........so I would say I have a Keeper

the Marauder, right :D

06-14-2007, 10:03 PM
My wife likes the MM, and doesn't mind my car hobby, although she wishes I didn't keep so many around.

A few months ago, I bought a Porsche Boxster, with the intent to keep it six months or less and sell it to make a little money. She's taken over the car, and uses it as her commuter. It actually makes sense with the mpgs she gets in it compared to her Durango. She loves the car. The other day, she told me, "Since having this car, I finally get it - your car thing".

I may be keeping the Porsche.

06-14-2007, 10:13 PM
My wife has her own MM. :)

06-14-2007, 11:10 PM
Mine is ok with my Blue and thinks I'm a little nuts about it. She does not want to drive it unless she has to... She's gone along to a meet or two and understands somewhat after meeting other MM owners. She is always saying "they're gonna get you" after I've been a little frisky or something but does not complain about the antics. Still given the choice of a little road trip in the MM or her little mm (Mercury Mystique), she always chooses the MM.;)

06-15-2007, 02:45 AM
After speaking with several friends, I have this question:

Does your Spouse / Significant Other approve of your car hobby?

So many of us spend so much of our time and finances on our cars, what do the spouses think?

Me...well...she doesn't mind :D She knows it makes me happy :up: (AKA - KEEPER!!)

How about you???

Why would you care what she thinks? if you give up something you enjoy to please your wife, 1 of 2 things are guaranteed, you will end up divorced at some point or more likely, you will lead a miserable life.

Ask me how I know?

06-15-2007, 03:21 AM
Mine likes the car But doesn't like driving fast or Burn outs. But she does like going too the track, the Picnic's and the get togethers. She like's all the Great people that we have met over the past few years and doesn't seam to mind all the money I put in the car.

O's Fan Rich
06-15-2007, 04:25 AM
Bought her a Focus ST... that shut her up......

06-15-2007, 04:37 AM
My wife hates the Marauder so much, I bought a second one to despite her.

06-15-2007, 04:51 AM
I owned a three bay Chevron station when I met her. Had a hotrod and a Harley. Got tired of working 80 hour a week and sold it. Now I make my living in a Cadillac dealership. She knows I have the bug, she knows.

06-15-2007, 05:06 AM
I don't know because I have never asked her.

We have a great relationship based on the "don't ask do tell" policy of real men. The first time a man did what a woman asked him to he was kicked out of paradise.

It works like this I don't ask her what I can do and I tell her what to do.:D

06-15-2007, 05:13 AM
I live in a town where it is "Either the car goes or I go." My MM is grandfathered so she will lose every time. So, needless to say, I don't have a significant other to fight with.

06-15-2007, 05:18 AM
if you give up something you enjoy to please your wife, 1 of 2 things are guaranteed, you will end up divorced at some point or more likely, you will lead a miserable life. +1 :argue:


06-15-2007, 05:22 AM
I don't know because I have never asked her.

We have a great relationship based on the "don't ask do tell" policy of real men. The first time a man did what a woman asked him to he was kicked out of paradise.

It works like this I don't ask her what I can do and I tell her what to do.:D

That's how i treat my children.

06-15-2007, 05:29 AM
I tracked the entrance of the Marauder to the market after watching a show on the speed network. I waited for the end of the model year to get a better price and purchased in September of '04. Located one online in New Castle, DE. I negotiated the price sight unseen having driven an '03 a year earlier. When my wife and I went to pick up the car, my wife took one look at it and said "IT LOOKS LIKE A POLICE CAR!!!! I said "YEAH!!! IT LOOKS COOL!!!!! I have only let her drive it a couple of times. I tell her that it has too much power for her. Later I purchased the SRT-10 and when talks about me spending money on my cars I counter with the money she spends on clothes. Argument averted. Which do think is more reliable, the wife or the car?

06-15-2007, 05:32 AM
Mine likes the car But doesn't like driving fast or Burn outs. But she does like going too the track, the Picnic's and the get togethers. She like's all the Great people that we have met over the past few years and doesn't seam to mind all the money I put in the car.

I think it was your wife I met at the track in Florida this winter. If I got the right person, she is a sweetheart.

06-15-2007, 05:34 AM
Bought her a Focus ST... that shut her up......


06-15-2007, 05:36 AM
Becky just asked me last night if she could start driving one of my MM's every once in a while.


06-15-2007, 05:41 AM
Becky just asked me last night if she could start driving one of my MM's every once in a while.


Since I know the condition of all three.... I am guessing the Blue...right?





06-15-2007, 05:48 AM
Which do think is more reliable, the wife or the car?

Not what is more reliable....

It's which one can you ride whenever you want...... :D

06-15-2007, 05:57 AM
When I got a used MM home on a test drive is was the conversation:

She: But it's all black!

Me: Yes.

Now whenever a package shows up it goes like this:

She: Another !&!(^*&%@$*^)*!@*#& part for the car?

Me: Yes

She: How much did you spend this time?

Me: Not much.

She: when are you going to stop buying stuff for the %&^$#*^$!^# car?

Me: When I get a supercharger......

This should all end soon as we're going car shopping for her next week.

06-15-2007, 06:00 AM
My who???? :D

06-15-2007, 06:06 AM
My who???? :D

Ah, the wisest man of all.

06-15-2007, 06:06 AM
Lisa thinks the Marauder is my "other girlfriend" Sometimes she doesnt like how much time, effort and money I spend on my "other girlfriend" but she tolerates it. She like to go fast but then covers her eyes. She sees the smile on my face when I "take someone out" and enjoys that I am happy. She doesnt like to drive it because she is affraid of it and she thinks it looks like a cop car...so evertime she sees a police car she says "look, there goes Mike", or "that looks just like yours". She also doesnt like that I dont want us to have "play time" in the backseat. But I think overall she knows that the Marauder makes me happy and therefore she is glad the I have the Marauder.


06-15-2007, 06:39 AM
She also doesnt like that I dont want us to have "play time" in the backseat.

Dude, get a blanket and 'christen' that back seat!!!!

06-15-2007, 06:46 AM
She could care less.:D

06-15-2007, 08:09 AM
Jamie knows that it makes me happy to lay into it, but she has a habit of reminding me how much gas costs. She does get jealous, but she knows how crazy I am for this car, and how long I've been looking for one.
She is not allowed to drive it, because she isn't very good at using finesse on the brakes, and its alot of metal to stop in comparison to her four cylinder escape.

06-15-2007, 08:47 AM
WOW. In reading this, I see there quite a few fortunate Maruder owners. I am not one. My wife doesn't know why I like "an old mans car." She would rather I had gotten a two seater instead. Perhaps things aren't so bad here. She puts up with the Marauder but is always asking now what else have you gotten for it, and when is it going to stop? You guys with gals who are into your cars, it sounds nice. Enjoy it.

06-15-2007, 09:13 AM
My dogs haven't complained once !! They even like the BLUE color, they have personally told me so ! :eek:


06-15-2007, 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by SID210SA http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=504616#post50 4616)
She also doesnt like that I dont want us to have "play time" in the backseat.

Dude, get a blanket and 'christen' that back seat!!!!His MM will get jealous!:D


06-15-2007, 09:24 AM
WOW. In reading this, I see there quite a few fortunate Maruder owners. I am not one. My wife doesn't know why I like "an old mans car." Oh Yes, I remember that line, the day that I bought the car. Should've traded her in on the spot, Would've gotten a better trade-in 5 years ago on the 26th!:D


06-15-2007, 09:49 AM
Oh Yes, I remember that line, the day that I bought the car. Should've traded her in on the spot, Would've gotten a better trade-in 5 years ago on the 26th!:D

KenObviously she doesn't get it. Probably never will. And thats OK.

06-15-2007, 09:51 AM
I think it was your wife I met at the track in Florida this winter. If I got the right person, she is a sweetheart. Thank you Very much. I must say I got Lucky in many ways.

06-15-2007, 10:21 AM
Funny, I had to get even (not really), she got her "NEW 1990 Z28 IROC" years ago, while I was hooked on audio gear and not much into cars.

I just couldn't spend hard earned money on anything, until the MM came out.

My view for the rest of you with non-understanding Sig-Others, they buy clothes and dump them sooner than a car, buy decorative bathroom stuff that changes on whims...........etc., etc.

06-15-2007, 10:39 AM
I have been SO blessed to have a wife for many years that appreciated V8 power and I will have the same situation again very soon. I made sure Freddy test drove Blue Thunder first. Her big, huge grin indicated that I could sell a kidney or two if I needed to to buy the car. She loved driving it and her Mustang.

Twyla is following in Freddy's footsteps (tire tracks?) where cars are concerned. A couple years ago, she moved up from four cyl car to a V6 Escape "because I can". She has been driving the Mustang and Marauder for a while and loves the added power of a V8. I am slowly teaching her Marauder lore and specs. Twyla has even asked me if we could get a second Marauder someday. I think I have another winner here. Not gonna be a problem occaisionally spending money on the car.

06-15-2007, 12:03 PM
This thread needs tweaking to give it a shred's worth of purpose.

Along with your spouse/S.O.'s opinion of the car hobby, also indicate how long you've had said car, and how much money you've plunked down for mods in said amount of time, as well as if you still owe money on the car.

If a spouse/s.o. is *****ing because you tinted the windows and bought a steering wheel cover for it, then yeah... that's F'd up. ...... so long as you're not unemployed and on gov't assistance. :confused:

If your bank account is plentiful, bills are getting paid, credit cards are not rung up, and you want a new "HootchieCootch-a-ma-bob," then man ... knock yourself out. :cool4:

You just cant compare all the wives and live-ins so half-arsedly like that without knowing more detail.

As for me, i just dont particularly find anything great about the car, other than the rims... it's very plain Jane. At least the Cruisers and HHR's have some character to them, instead of just straight lines, like... driving a shoe box with the a$$ end raised up just a little bit. and the colors available leave much to be desired. no offense, there's just nothing fancy about it. :confused: and why replace the brakes, exhaust, etc. when there's nothing wrong with the ones its got? whatever ~

06-15-2007, 12:09 PM
This thread needs tweaking to give it a shred's worth of purpose.

Along with your spouse/S.O.'s opinion of the car hobby, also indicate how long you've had said car, and how much money you've plunked down for mods in said amount of time, as well as if you still owe money on the car.

If a spouse/s.o. is *****ing because you tinted the windows and bought a steering wheel cover for it, then yeah... that's F'd up. ...... so long as you're not unemployed and on gov't assistance. :confused:

If your bank account is plentiful, bills are getting paid, credit cards are not rung up, and you want a new "HootchieCootch-a-ma-bob," then man ... knock yourself out. :cool4:

You just cant compare all the wives and live-ins so half-arsedly like that without knowing more detail.

As for me, i just dont particularly find anything great about the car, other than the rims... it's very plain Jane. At least the Cruisers and HHR's have some character to them, instead of just straight lines, like... driving a shoe box with the a$$ end raised up just a little bit. and the colors available leave much to be desired. no offense, there's just nothing fancy about it. :confused: and why replace the brakes, exhaust, etc. when there's nothing wrong with the ones its got? whatever ~

Income Level and Amount of Finances spent have NOTHING to do with my question.

Some guys, I KNOW FOR A FACT have not put much money into their cars, but have invested a LOT of time.



06-15-2007, 12:29 PM
WOW. In reading this, I see there quite a few fortunate Maruder owners. I am not one. My wife doesn't know why I like "an old mans car." She would rather I had gotten a two seater instead. Perhaps things aren't so bad here. She puts up with the Marauder but is always asking now what else have you gotten for it, and when is it going to stop? You guys with gals who are into your cars, it sounds nice. Enjoy it.

Take her to a few meets. Maybe the people factor will appeal to her!

06-15-2007, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by SID210SA http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=504616#post50 4616)
She also doesnt like that I dont want us to have "play time" in the backseat.

His MM will get jealous!:D


Maybe it'll go after her like Christine!!!! Ha Ha! :lol:

06-15-2007, 02:19 PM
:confused: and why replace the brakes, exhaust, etc. when there's nothing wrong with the ones its got? whatever ~
...and you have one pair of shoes and their white, right? Think "accesorizing for men" and you got it.:D

06-15-2007, 04:40 PM
I have 2 Harleys and 5 other vehicles.

She never complains when I show up with a vehicle or firearm. Heck we spent our Honeymoon Varmint hunting.

She gets what she wants and I get what I want. The neat part is that since she is a tomboy what she wants is usually something I'd like. For Christmas she asked for a Trap gun. She actually requested a Browning Broadway!

We don't limit each other or tell each other what to do. We also don't do things that would hurt the other.

06-15-2007, 05:26 PM
I have 2 Harleys and 5 other vehicles.

She never complains when I show up with a vehicle or firearm. Heck we spent our Honeymoon Varmint hunting.

She gets what she wants and I get what I want. The neat part is that since she is a tomboy what she wants is usually something I'd like. For Christmas she asked for a Trap gun. She actually requested a Browning Broadway!

We don't limit each other or tell each other what to do. We also don't do things that would hurt the other.

varmint hunting? what does one do with a "varmint" ? Isnt varmint rats and squirrels and other pesky things?

06-15-2007, 05:28 PM
varmint hunting? what does one do with a "varmint" ? Isnt varmint rats and squirrels and other pesky things?

Also coyotes, groundhogs and prairie dogs.

They are pests to some farmers, and just want them "gone".

You do the math.... "hunting".



06-15-2007, 06:03 PM
My now ex-girlfriend when we got togther she loved my 85 olds 442 and she loved my fathers 57 ford retractable she loved the car shows and she used to help clean the cars up for shows well when we broke up the first time her main reason was

i was Obsessed with the cars that i loved them more than her

She came back into my life again after i bought the marauder and she loved the marauder untill 2 weeks before the carlise show she slammed the door on the marauder because she was mad so i banned her from the car for 3 days so yes she was supposed to go to carlise ford nationals but we broke up 2 days before the show.

again i heard you love your cars more than me

this time i told her your right

06-15-2007, 07:22 PM
varmint hunting? what does one do with a "varmint" ? Isnt varmint rats and squirrels and other pesky things?

In this case ground squirrels. They dig holes and cattle break there legs. No Squirrel no broken leg.

06-15-2007, 09:00 PM
I am also one of the lucky ones. I have had several toys before and after we got married. I hadn't had an extra car for a year before I bought the Marauder. She was cool with it, and the extra $$ I spent on it. HOWEVER, I do believe I found the edge of the envelope last month when I brought home a 1921 Model T firetruck. Kinda got the "look". Hope she warms up again soon.

06-15-2007, 09:59 PM
My wife hates the Marauder so much, I bought a second one to despite her.

Yeah, he got tired of wrestling for his keys back!! :rolleyes: We enjoy #8 so much that when we found another KB for sale, we decided to get it. And now #5 is mine ... I even asked for and got Autometer Ultra Lite II oil pressure and volt gauges for my birthday.

06-15-2007, 10:25 PM
My wife just loves the Marauder. I know she really regrets selling the ole Cobra, but I talked her into it. I wish she'd come in from the garage a bit more often... I think she is obsessed with it.

Best part is, one of my good LEO buddies who lives near by (ratter on her) told me she was out cruising around with the younglings. Yup, took'm to T-Ball in the beastie.

As for me, i just dont particularly find anything great about the car, other than the rims... it's very plain Jane. At least the Cruisers and HHR's have some character to them, instead of just straight lines, like... driving a shoe box with the a$$ end raised up just a little bit. and the colors available leave much to be desired. no offense, there's just nothing fancy about it. :confused: and why replace the brakes, exhaust, etc. when there's nothing wrong with the ones its got? whatever ~

Charlie, I thought you said Lisa loved the Marauder.....what gives?:confused: Or is that what the bridge comment was about?

06-16-2007, 06:12 AM
My wife calls my car the other girl (affair) in my life:lovies2:. She does get jealous when I spend money on her. And man have I done that:eek:. But as long as I spend money on her (the wife) she puts up with it. She has been real good about it. Soon I will have to cave in and buy her a car:rolleyes:. Then again, I have been a motorhead all my life and for 34 years she has put up with me.:P

06-16-2007, 04:43 PM
This thread needs tweaking to give it a shred's worth of purpose.


As for me, i just dont particularly find anything great about the car, other than the rims... it's very plain Jane. At least the Cruisers and HHR's have some character to them, instead of just straight lines, like... driving a shoe box with the a$$ end raised up just a little bit. and the colors available leave much to be desired. no offense, there's just nothing fancy about it. :confused: and why replace the brakes, exhaust, etc. when there's nothing wrong with the ones its got? whatever ~

Actually--What IT IS is --We look at these changes/add-ons as all Legally Enhanced Drugs for the Car--Thats how we look at it--I think---:lol:

06-16-2007, 08:13 PM
Hi all,

My wife knew I was a bit of a car guy when she married me. I didn't go overboard so she did not mind as long as we agreed to limits. Of course, she's not real big on shopping so that's good, too. Our family had outgrown the '92 Mustang I was driving so I sold it and bought a '93 Town Car. It had a lot of miles but ran and drove good. I had wanted a Marauder since first hearing about them in '02 but knew I could not afford a new one. Well, later my wife was wanting me to get rid of the Lincoln (since it was coming up on 230K miles and was getting a little long in the tooth.) My son mentioned he had seen a Marauder on the local LM dealer's used lot so we went by for a look see figuring I still could not afford it. I loved it of course as I knew I would. My wife was impressed with it being a nice looking, comfortable ride and especially liked the side air bags for safety. I had always said that if I ever found a used Marauder I could afford I would buy it. Well, the dealer made me an offer I could refuse but did not want to. For that money I could have bought a new Grand Marquis and the Marauder was two years old. That was December '04 and I've had it in three car shows garnering a top 25, a third place, and a first place in category (in that order.) My wife and I also attended Marauderville IV in Kissimee where I was one of the Lucky 13! I've had my Marauder on Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola, New Smyrna Speedway, and my son drove it to NOPI in Atlanta (where it was well received) a while back and drove it around the Atlanta Motor Speedway! My wife drives it whenever she visits her mother in Panama City, FL and thinks it is a great road car (of course.) She drives her '98 Mustang Convertible to work and around town and I drive the Marauder as my daily driver. The Marauder is the road car and we both love it.