View Full Version : Florida Highway Patrol

06-14-2007, 06:07 PM
no need to hurt anyones feelings Just venting!

06-14-2007, 06:10 PM
Sometimes you have to pay to play. (This would be one of those times.) And something tells me you'll be in need of an Officers help a lot more often then they'll need you to diffuse a bomb for them. I've been wrong before tho. (But I don't think this isn't one of those times.)

06-14-2007, 06:15 PM
So today I was driving my 03 black MM with handcuffs hung on the mirror. Driving about 75 in a 60 on a back florida highway by FHP. After telling him I was explosive ordinance disposal (bomp squad) and showing him my id the idiot still gave me a ticket and said "im cutting you a deal 65 in a 60". I hope he never needs a bomb techs assistance god forbid a marauder drive over the speed limit to get to help him.

Well just venting on my hate for highway patrol. I just want to go fast!

There are some people in this world that just have to have the last word.

When you get your day in court, have a word with the Officer before you talk to the Judge.

Oh, and go take a defensive driving course, just in case.....
Your insurance company will be glad you did, and so will your wallet.

06-14-2007, 06:22 PM
I don't follow you there, my job consists of waiting for their calls and ive never called the cops. Its almost like writing a emt a ticket and hoping he doesn't show up to your wreck when your paralized and need help. I will get this ticket dissmised, its just a pain in the ass. If it was another highway patrolman would he have gotten a ticket.

06-14-2007, 06:32 PM
I don't follow you there, my job consists of waiting for their calls and ive never called the cops. Its almost like writing a emt a ticket and hoping he doesn't show up to your wreck when your paralized and need help. I will get this ticket dissmised, its just a pain in the ass. If it was another highway patrolman would he have gotten a ticket.
I wouldn't take stock in getting special treatment just out of professional courtesy. I mean hell, just because I make pornos doesn't mean I can walk up to Jenna Jamison and knock one out because our jobs are similar.

06-14-2007, 06:34 PM
After telling him I was explosive ordinance disposal (bomp squad) ...... I just want to go fast!
Ya'll be careful in EOD --- guys that wanna go too fast in a profession that specializes in "slow and deliberate" make costly mistakes. If you are gonna defuse bombs .... at least learn how to spell "ordnance" and "bomb". I suspect you was just kiddin' us, right? :rolleyes:

06-14-2007, 06:38 PM
With all due respect, your attitude may be what got the citation issued in the first place. True, there are ******* cops out there, but there are so many more that will bend over backwards to help someone out.

I speed and speed often. I know this as well as anyone that knows me. I also know that if I get a citation, that's the cost of my ways. I WILL NOT speed in a residential nor school zone nor will I tolerate anyone who does. Any more than a few over in one of the above and I'll dock the operator.

06-14-2007, 06:41 PM
Ya'll be careful in EOD --- guys that wanna go too fast in a profession that specializes in "slow and deliberate" make costly mistakes. If you are gonna defuse bombs .... at least learn how to spell "ordnance" and "bomb". I suspect you was just kiddin' us, right? :rolleyes:
No, he actually disposes of explosive laws written by cities or local governments...

06-14-2007, 07:13 PM
No, he actually disposes of explosive laws written by cities or local governments...
Wonder if he is willing to move to Richmond to help defuse some of the Commonwealth's hairtrigger and hairbrain legislation. ;)

06-14-2007, 07:46 PM
no need to hurt anyones feelings Just venting!
We're just busting your chops, we don't hate you. If I had a dollar for every dollar I spent on tickets and court costs, well, I'd have some money. Why be that upset if you're going to get it waived anyway? You didn't have to edit your post, you're not the first person to ever vent here, yours was pretty tame compared to some that have been posted here, trust me.

06-14-2007, 08:04 PM
Jeeze.....I would take a ticket smiling, and say thank you to the the LEO if I know I could make it disappear :D.

06-14-2007, 08:08 PM
You got off easy here. Go over to crownvic.net and try your rant. :)

06-14-2007, 10:08 PM
As a retired LEO myself, I always understood the "rules" to be you dont ask for special favors from fellow LEO's. Must have been the handcuffs in the mirror?

06-15-2007, 12:24 AM
You got off easy here. Go over to crownvic.net and try your rant. :)


06-15-2007, 03:36 AM
I am not a LEO. I have never gotten a ticket that I did'nt deserve. I have also not gotten a few by just not being an A-hole to the officer.

06-15-2007, 03:46 AM
Well I think I'll chime in on this one.
First off, 15 over the limit certainly "qualifies" for a stop by most troopers,
a couple less and he probably wouldn't have bothered.
In Florida you have 30 days to elect one of 3 options:
1) Pay the fine, 3 points (normally) assessed to your license, you're done.
2) Request a hearing, may be dismissed or you lose, if you lose you can be
assessed the fine, court costs, points, and "driver improvement" school.
Any or all of the above depending on the mood of the hearing officer and
your attitude at the hearing.
3) Driver improvement school, pay a reduced fine (usually), pay for the
school, do the time (4 hrs), and the points are withheld.

Just curious, 65 in a 60? What block did he check on the citation,
what statute was printed on the ticket - F.S. 316. ? , and what was the
fine amount?

06-15-2007, 03:48 AM
You complain about a ticket, knowing it will be 'taken care of'?

I never understodd the meaning of hanging handcuffs from a rear-view mirror. :confused:

You complain about LEO's, but I guarandamntee they are the first ones you call when in trouble.


06-15-2007, 04:04 AM
No one should be above the Law.

Are we a Nation of Laws or of men?

06-15-2007, 04:18 AM
You got off easy here. Go over to crownvic.net and try your rant. :)

That's about to end.

First off I doubt you can get it "taken care of" you're not that special.

You think you have some special privilege because you defuse bombs?

I do not like the term "professional courtesy" but if I did use it you are not entitled to it.

why the cuffs? you cuff yourself to the bomb? You did it to try to influence the officer who possibly will stop you or make others think you are something you are not.

I do not extend "professional courtesy" but I do exercise latitude which usually involves any LEO or immediate family.

When I stop firefighters some immediately act like "hey I'm a firefighter, see ya" and they get cited. your attitude I strongly believe had something to do with it.

I am stopped by Georgia Highway Patrol almost everytime I hit the line but never been cited, one, speed was never over 10mph and I always am respectful and never bring up I'm in Law enforcement (The LEO only FOP tag usually elicts a question.)

But you have stepped over your boundries, you're a bomb guy try to remember it. you're not even close to an EMT or the like. You have deluded yourself into thinking you have some connection to Law Enforcement and you simply do not. Your service area I'm sure is important but keep it to that, not LEOS

06-15-2007, 06:30 AM
I agree with ^^^^ in my younger days I was stopped often for speeding, and it is definetly how you handle yourself that decides fate. I've have learned to be very respectfull, don't argue with LEO, open front windows, keep seat belt on, hands on steering wheel, if at night turn on dome light, and turn off engine. I feel if you follow this LEO will lean towards a warning or lower the all important MPH (for insurance purpose)
anyone else agree ??

06-15-2007, 07:49 AM
Lets not make this into a courtesy thread, Florida HP and Virginia HP seem to be the last two places on earth where they think they do Gods work. Courtesy for LEOS is out of the question there. I think they write each other, thats how backward they are.. Dont bother flaming, i'm not listening. These guys are in a league of their own.. See www.copswritingcops.com (http://www.copswritingcops.com) for more info about these clowns.

06-15-2007, 08:06 AM
Lets not make this into a courtesy thread, Florida HP and Virginia HP seem to be the last two places on earth where they think they do Gods work. Courtesy for LEOS is out of the question there. I think they write each other, thats how backward they are.. Dont bother flaming, i'm not listening. These guys are in a league of their own.. See www.copswritingcops.com (http://www.copswritingcops.com) for more info about these clowns.
Yeah, disrespect and attitude will make things MUCH better. :rolleyes: Funny that I roll on Virginia Highways all the time for the past 35 years and have never had a problem with the VASP. So, whatcha been doing .... ;)

06-15-2007, 08:09 AM
I havent been to VA in over 15 years, but the stories coming out of there are things movies or reality shows are made of. If I do go thru there, it will be at the speed limit for sure as these guys would hammer their own mother.

06-15-2007, 11:33 AM
Lets not make this into a courtesy thread, Florida HP and Virginia HP seem to be the last two places on earth where they think they do Gods work. Courtesy for LEOS is out of the question there. I think they write each other, thats how backward they are.. Dont bother flaming, i'm not listening. These guys are in a league of their own.. See www.copswritingcops.com (http://www.copswritingcops.com) for more info about these clowns.

interesting web site
I was stopped in Virgina probably 20 years ago for speeding (what else?), I had just got back on highway from fuel stop and was accelerating up to speed and right at 70 MPH I saw on my left those large bumper guards and slowed down. Sure enough he pulled behind me and pulled my over. Here we were four guys in a Lincoln Town Car from NY with a radar detector on the dash (didn't know they weren't legal in VA) at like 3:00 AM. Long story short he asked me to get my insurance card, reg, and license and step into his car, now I was worried. He asked me where we were going and I said home to NY from FL. He ran my license (was clean) checked my info. He was extremely cool about the situation. He let me keep the radar(had to put it into trunk till out of VA) and gave me only a warning for the speed. I shook his hand, and thanked him got back into the car and did not exceed the speed limit till out of VA.
He could have gave me the two tickets and confiscated the radar. I hope that there are still troopers like that patrolling the roads. It could have been a very bad night, although I did not tell him about the two big bags of fireworks that were in the bottom of trunk.:D

06-15-2007, 11:45 AM
I guess I'll watch my speed more closely when passing through VA next Saturday if they are pinching LEOs. A LEO would have to be way out of line for us to put the pinch on him.

06-15-2007, 12:06 PM
interesting web site

He could have gave me the two tickets and confiscated the radar. I hope that there are still troopers like that patrolling the roads. It could have been a very bad night, although I did not tell him about the two big bags of fireworks that were in the bottom of trunk.:D

That guy you ran into was the exception... The norm is now brainwashed robots who whip out the summons book and hammer away LEO or not.. You can bet though that they are the first ones to tin their way out of one when the time comes. Careful treading thru VA my friends, these guys would stop at nothing to hammer you and possibly lock you up if your speed is fast enough. Tin or not, they will write you..

06-15-2007, 04:37 PM
I've never had a problem with VA. troopers either, different breed but you can make the connection with them as long as you are respectful.

NY guys are the absolute BEST!!! they'll invite you to come see the "house" (station) give you an escort, meet you right after duty time for a drink and introduce you to the guys. Great group.

Aren Jay
06-15-2007, 04:57 PM
I don't speed and I don't get tickets, although I have talked my way out of illegal turn and squealing my tires on turns I took to fast stops. Thing is to remain calm, admit your mistake and say "yes sir, no sir" alot. I still remember when I was little (17ish) I was driving with my Dad heading back home and I was stopped at a check stop. (25 RCMP cars setup stopping and checking everyone on the main highway). Anyway the RC swaggers up to my car (78 LeBaron wagon) leans down on my window sill looks at me and then as he is about to speak sees my Dad. Stammers for a couple seconds takes 2 steps back stands up at attention and says hello sir. Talked to us for a couple of seconds and let us go on our way. (Dad used to be the local Police Commissioner).

Everytime after that he would see me at future check stops and just point at me and let me through without stopping. I never did anything wrong though so it wasn't really a problem.

When I was visiting my roommate from College at his home in Pakistan the treatment was even more odd. There the Police stand at attention and salute his father. (in Islamabad) and the older motorcycle cops everywhere else do the same thing. Very strange. He ordered his son my roommate to run a check stop once in a neighbouring province we were visiting. That got exciting. When we were out by our selves we had to stop at the check stops and they were very excited by the AKM's in the backseat but didn't press anything when my roommate told them the AKM's were his fathers. Good thing they didn't search my roommate (he wears in Pakistan a Colt 45 in his shoulder harness). Such that he had to keep his jacket on all the time though when we were eating at resturants.

Pakistan is like the wild west but with machine guns.

06-17-2007, 08:57 PM
I don't follow you there, my job consists of waiting for their calls and ive never called the cops. Its almost like writing a emt a ticket and hoping he doesn't show up to your wreck when your paralized and need help. I will get this ticket dissmised, its just a pain in the ass. If it was another highway patrolman would he have gotten a ticket.

Well let me see if I understand your argument. Because you are a bomb disposal person, and you are speeding, and it isn't related to the job (eg. valid emergency) you are supposed to play "the card" and get over?


And as far as another highway patrolman... he SHOULD get a ticket. He might not, but it doesn't make it right. Those whose job it is to enforce the law also have the responsibility to set the example.

06-18-2007, 06:57 AM
Well I don't agree with you there. It's up to me to decide who gets a citation and I don't issue LEO's citations out of deference to the duty we perform. I don't make excuses for it, I just do not do it. Is it favoritism? absolutely! and I'll exercise my option NOT to cite when and where I deem it appropriate. I know all that crap about following traffic laws I just feel you have chosen a calling (not a job) and I admire all who have chosen this and give special exception to those that have decided to devote a life to protecting the citizens of their respective communities.

But what irks me is the multitudes of people like this guy who try to weasel in the the club thinking you deserve the same privilege as a real member of my profession.

he wants to one of us then he wants to be thought of as an EMT, but it does not wash. and I'll bet $1000 he can't get the ticket "fixed" it isn't like the old days these are scrutinized and he doesn't have the juice.

06-18-2007, 07:30 AM
Well I don't agree with you there. It's up to me to decide who gets a citation and I don't issue LEO's citations out of deference to the duty we perform. I don't make excuses for it, I just do not do it. Is it favoritism? absolutely! and I'll exercise my option NOT to cite when and where I deem it appropriate. I know all that crap about following traffic laws I just feel you have chosen a calling (not a job) and I admire all who have chosen this and give special exception to those that have decided to devote a life to protecting the citizens of their respective communities.

But what irks me is the multitudes of people like this guy who try to weasel in the the club thinking you deserve the same privilege as a real member of my profession.

he wants to one of us then he wants to be thought of as an EMT, but it does not wash. and I'll bet $1000 he can't get the ticket "fixed" it isn't like the old days these are scrutinized and he doesn't have the juice.

Ah...do you cite Doctors??...Firemen??...Nurses ??...Charity workers??...Teachers??...Membe rs of our Army, Navy, Airforce or Marines??...Are there any other professions that you think deserve the same privilege as the real members of your profession?

What an attitude.:(

06-18-2007, 07:39 AM
Like I said Sparky, I don't make excuses I just do it, you do not enter into the equation. I'm sure doctors make allowances for colleagues and so do others. It's mind over matter, I don't mind, you don't matter.

06-18-2007, 07:46 AM
Ah...do you cite Doctors??...Firemen??...Nurses ??...Charity workers??...Teachers??...Membe rs of our Army, Navy, Airforce or Marines??...Are there any other professions that you think deserve the same privilege as the real members of your profession?

What an attitude.:(

Its called discretion. I have cut breaks to all the above and conversely pinched all the above.

06-18-2007, 09:07 AM
I agree with ^^^^ in my younger days I was stopped often for speeding, and it is definetly how you handle yourself that decides fate. I've have learned to be very respectfull, don't argue with LEO, open front windows, keep seat belt on, hands on steering wheel, if at night turn on dome light, and turn off engine. I feel if you follow this LEO will lean towards a warning or lower the all important MPH (for insurance purpose)
anyone else agree ??


06-18-2007, 11:00 AM
Hey GA-Marauder et al,

Sometimes the civilian with nothing to offer but an apology for his misdeeds on the road is cut a break. I've written over 7500 speeders alone in 7 years and maintain a 99% conviction rate in the State that I work in. I've never written anyone in my profession because thats the way I am.

Conversely, I've also listened to every story from every civilian and made a judgement from that as well and sometimes in the offenders best interest.

My Brother in laws are in the private sector, one gets basketball tickets on the arm, the other gets "gifts" from contractors. Leos cant do too much for each other, but the words "Have a nice day" is my way of doing the right thing for fellow Leo.

Now dont take this the wrong way... You dont have to like it, its the way I do business and I am not looking for your approval or understanding.

I will give the "regular Joe" this, I will never write them for something I would do myself, I give them my ear for a brief moment as to why the violation occurred:bs:. More than fair and there is always an opportunity for them to make their case then and there. :bows:

Now there was mention of the VSP and FLSP, they can do whatever they want, I merely posted a warning to fellow LEOS as to what they do and dont do. I am sure there are some good guys in the mix but I am sure I as well as they dont agree with how the others operate, but thats the way their bosses and FTO's trained them. :eek:

I hope they like working alone on that highway, as they pick off fellow LEOS (as they have been), I do believe (although I dont want to) that the Hammered Leos who drive by watching one of these clowns getting his face beat in, just may keep on going..

06-18-2007, 05:37 PM
Guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I take nothing away from those who choose to serve the public, I gave a few years of my life and my health serving in the military. But if the military taught me anything about leadership and responsibility, it taught me that leaders set the example. If you fail to do that and curry favor based upon profession or position... :nono::down:

06-18-2007, 08:02 PM
http://www.justiceplan.com sign up for $16.00 a month and dont worry about tickets anymore. I have had 8 in 3 yrs and have zero points. Later. T.C.

06-18-2007, 08:46 PM
Hey GA-Marauder et al,

I do believe (although I dont want to) that the Hammered Leos who drive by watching one of these clowns getting his face beat in, just may keep on going..

How sad if this should happen... the very attitude that someone would hang out a fellow officer over something as silly as a ticket.... this says more about the police "profession" than any words any of us could post.

06-19-2007, 06:27 AM
I don't mind, you don't matter.

And you're a LEO? I thought all the public mattered to you guys?;)Especially us Marauder drivers!:D

06-19-2007, 06:32 AM
Hey GA-Marauder et al,

Sometimes the civilian with nothing to offer but an apology for his misdeeds on the road is cut a break. I've written over 7500 speeders alone in 7 years and maintain a 99% conviction rate in the State that I work in. I've never written anyone in my profession because thats the way I am.


Just wondering from you and BigMerc, what would you write a fellow LEO up for if anything at all? I'm thinking excessive DUI, wreckless driving, etc. I'm really not trying to push your buttons, but I have to think there is some limit to the privilege of wearing the same uniform.

06-19-2007, 06:45 AM
Just wondering from you and BigMerc, what would you write a fellow LEO up for if anything at all? I'm thinking excessive DUI, wreckless driving, etc. I'm really not trying to push your buttons, but I have to think there is some limit to the privilege of wearing the same uniform.
I have been driving "Wrecklessly" for the past 40 years and plan to keep it that way. :D

06-19-2007, 06:45 AM
Just wondering from you and BigMerc, what would you write a fellow LEO up for if anything at all? I'm thinking excessive DUI, wreckless driving, etc. I'm really not trying to push your buttons, but I have to think there is some limit to the privilege of wearing the same uniform.

Interesting... I think a carte blanch approach to the privilege is an abuse of power and position.

06-19-2007, 07:45 AM
.... seems that we have the "Paris Hilton" attitude here from the author of this thread ? I have the most problems from military members and their familys when I do traffic stops. They seem to always think their rank makes them untouchable. The family members seem to think they also hold the same rank and "God-like" status as their spouse. It only gets incredibly worse the higher up the military pay scale the person is...Flip side : I have been stopped on numerous occasions and just simply being polite and courteous has gotten warnings and a handshake as well as some watercooler chat...and a tour through my engine bay !


06-19-2007, 08:08 AM
.... seems that we have the "Paris Hilton" attitude here from the author of this thread ? I have the most problems from military members and their familys when I do traffic stops.
Sounds like an overgeneralization to me about the "God-Like" attitude. While I have seen such attitudes during my time in the military -- with wives/spouses thinking they also have the privileges of rank, it is more often the exception rather than the rule. Could be that your proximity to Fort Stewart, GA puts alot of military in your sights.

Story --- About 3 weeks after I got my MM, I got on it coming off a traffic signal with about a 1/2 mile of 4-lane divided highway ahead of me. Speed limit was 45 MPH. I backed off when I neared 60 and saw someone in the road ahead. As I got closer, I noticed the uniform and the radar gun. Was a county motorcycle policeman and he was motioning me to the side of the road. This was bad news ........ 'cause I knew that I was busted and rightly so.

He asked for driver's license and registration. I was all Yes, Sir and No, Sir even though I had him by 30 years on the age-o-meter. As I opened my wallet to get my license, he noticed my military ID and asked to see it. Thought that was odd; but I complied. He asked if I was military. I responded "Yes, retired". He cut me a BIG break and let me off with a verbal warning. We then stood on the side of the road and talked about Marauders and how he wanted the county to spring for a couple.

Regardless of how that encounter went down, this guy had my respect. I was prepared to take my medicine if need be --- I was in the wrong and knew it. In this case, I was dayum lucky and knew that too. I neither sought nor expected any favors or special courtesy from this officer.

Bottom Line is that ALL military ain't A-holes and neither are LEOs.

06-19-2007, 09:46 AM
Bottom Line is that ALL military ain't A-holes and neither are LEOs.

My experience (27 years DoD) puts that A-hole status on a very small minority of soldiers. Go any day to your local cemetary now and you will see the military saying good-bye to their own, along with the family of that soldier. Please don't start with "military are a-holes" as I've had friends and relatives put to rest under the flag. God bless them.

O's Fan Rich
06-19-2007, 10:15 AM
http://www.justiceplan.com sign up for $16.00 a month and dont worry about tickets anymore. I have had 8 in 3 yrs and have zero points. Later. T.C.

Hey... why not become a supporting Vendor here and then you can promote your business all you'd like!
Otherwise.... It's like posting pictures of cars on a lift with work being done in your shop and having a few shots of that work with your company logo on it....
And that is NOT allowed here, Buster!!!

06-19-2007, 10:32 AM
I've had a clean driving RECORD for over 12 years now. I emphasize record, cuz my driving isn't clean!

I've been extended courtesy due to being employed by FLDCF. I've been extended courtesy for my CDL. I've been extended courtesy for the car I drive. But mostly, in every situation, I've been extended courtesy because I have showed respect for the individual doing the stop.

While I have enjoyed courtesy, I feel 'blanket' courtesy is a joke. I don't expect and never have expected courtesy. I DO feel like it boils down to the driver's attitude, intent, apparent skill level, and disposition.

06-19-2007, 10:36 AM
My experience (27 years DoD) puts that A-hole status on a very small minority of soldiers. Go any day to your local cemetary now and you will see the military saying good-bye to their own, along with the family of that soldier. Please don't start with "military are a-holes" as I've had friends and relatives put to rest under the flag. God bless them.
I think you misread and misinterpreted my comment completely. Please read it again in context of what I was responding to. I think we are in agreement.

06-19-2007, 11:45 AM
Sounds like an overgeneralization to me about the "God-Like" attitude. While I have seen such attitudes during my time in the military -- with wives/spouses thinking they also have the privileges of rank, it is more often the exception rather than the rule. Could be that your proximity to Fort Stewart, GA puts alot of military in your sights.

He asked for driver's license and registration. I was all Yes, Sir and No, Sir even though I had him by 30 years on the age-o-meter. As I opened my wallet to get my license, he noticed my military ID and asked to see it. Thought that was odd; but I complied. He asked if I was military. I responded "Yes, retired". He cut me a BIG break and let me off with a verbal warning. We then stood on the side of the road and talked about Marauders and how he wanted the county to spring for a couple.

Regardless of how that encounter went down, this guy had my respect. I was prepared to take my medicine if need be --- I was in the wrong and knew it. In this case, I was dayum lucky and knew that too. I neither sought nor expected any favors or special courtesy from this officer.

Bottom Line is that ALL military ain't A-holes and neither are LEOs.

You're absolutely correct at your bottom line and I'll agree with you. We're not ALL bad, but there is a population of people that I've PERSONALLY had to make contact with for various reasons who think that their sponsor's rank, position, or job allow them to do whatever they want. That won't fly.

On the flip side of that same coin, I'll definitely go out of my way to assist someone's spouse or child if they're polite and recognize that they're a civilian on a DOD installation. Hell, I've snapped sharp salutes to 4 year olds, given future retirees a light and siren show while escorting their family to the ID Card section, and various other things.

My bottom line is attitude. PERIOD.

06-19-2007, 03:28 PM
Charlie, we are in agreement, no beef with you.