View Full Version : The time has come

06-24-2007, 02:27 PM
We of this Marauder community are a small group. We cannot afford to be split as we have been.
This 'wedge' must be removed.

The time has come and I think the admin of .net must make the first move.

I propose that all those who were 'banned' in the recent shake up be unbanned. Yes even those who asked for their accounts to be closed.

Deletion of threads and editing of posts must stop. Closing of threads is acceptable.
That is the only way all will see if/when caustic comments are made, and who is making them.
The hope is that any such comments will be unnecessary, and or taken to PM.

We should have a Rant forum for those who just want to vent on anything, and not fear reprisal. This forum could be password protected since this is a 'family' site.

I urge the Admin to take this up at the earliest opportunity.

06-24-2007, 02:39 PM
We of this Marauder community are a small group. We cannot afford to be split as we have been.
This 'wedge' must be removed.

The time has come and I think the admin of .net must make the first move.

I propose that all those who were 'banned' in the recent shake up be unbanned. Yes even those who asked for their accounts to be closed.

Deletion of threads and editing of posts must stop. Closing of threads is acceptable.
That is the only way all will see if/when caustic comments are made, and who is making them.
The hope is that any such comments will be unnecessary, and or taken to PM.

We should have a Rant forum for those who just want to vent on anything, and not fear reprisal. This forum could be password protected since this is a 'family' site.

I urge the Admin to take this up at the earliest opportunity.

Great idea. Even if those people that were banned do not come back, at least the door is open for them if they choose to. :beer:

O's Fan Rich
06-24-2007, 02:55 PM
I'd like to see that.

06-24-2007, 03:20 PM
I think things are fine just the way they are.

They were banned for a reason and the reason still exists.

06-24-2007, 03:29 PM
Unban 'em Danno!

06-24-2007, 04:05 PM
It's my observation that very few in the Marauder community, although influential, have permanently seperated themselves from the .NET site.

Many Marauderites hold multiple memberships in sites of their choosing. I do. Because the repository of Marauder knowledge is not in one place.

Vendors have had to make decisions based on customer relations, new market base, cost vs revenue prospects and so on. That doesn't mean they will not welcome a customer from other venues.

Some have made and continue to make comments to/about others that have and continue to poison any overtures to a reconcilation. However, it is the stated policy of the affected sites not to condone this behaviour.

My recommendation is that the .NET, the .COM and the .ORG sites have essentially found their own niche in the overall Marauder community and that it's best to let sleeping dog's lay.

I personnally do not care for a "rant" forum. Opens the door to all sorts of vile outpourings.

Just my opinion.


06-24-2007, 06:05 PM
Some have made and continue to make comments to/about others that have and continue to poison any overtures to a reconcilation. However, it is the stated policy of the affected sites not to condone this behaviour.

I appreciate the spirit in which this thread was formulated and wish that a full reconcilliation could be made. However, that may not be possible because of some of the very large egos involved.

I tend to agree with Pat on this and have observed the frequent venom that seems to be spewed by some of their members at even the slightest opportunity. Rightly or wrongly, I now see some of those same members in a very different light.

As for a "Rant" forum, I have no particular interest in revisiting the Darkside fiasco for any reason.

06-24-2007, 06:13 PM
I really miss the founding spirit that once made this a good site....I hope admin listens to RC...Let there be light...

06-24-2007, 06:14 PM


06-24-2007, 06:23 PM
Un-ban. This community is getting smaller and smaller and the Marauder isnt going to be coming back anytime soon so it only makes sense to build up a collective with the majority of Marauder owners like it was when I first joined this site.

This is probably the fourth or fifth thread to put out a call to the admins to make peace.
Maybe the dust has finally settled??

Stranger in the Black Sedan
06-24-2007, 06:37 PM
Wow I must have really missed some fireworks before I joined

06-24-2007, 06:42 PM
This thread was not started to create a hostile reaction.

I honestly believe that now is the best time for this, and that it must come from the Admin of .net. After that the next move is open to be accepted or not.
There has been a lot of talk, whining, whinging and mud slinging, it has to end. the Status Quo is not accomplishing it.

Lets get this done and all get back to camaraderie and Marauders. :beer:

06-24-2007, 07:18 PM
Wow I must have really missed some fireworks before I joined

Yep, you did.

06-24-2007, 08:03 PM
Wow I must have really missed some fireworks before I joined

Yeah, you did. But even if you had been here you would have had to be awake 24/7 to catch a lot of it.

I too wish this site could return to the state that it was when i first joined, minus all the chips on shoulders. It seems the fact that we are all people, with our own innate characteristics is lost and censorship and hurt feelings come into play. A certain amount of thick skinedness has to be attained for all to come together again.

Alas, me thinks those days are long gone.

Let's all become one with the Marauder again, celebrate ownership and realize there will probably never be another one.


06-25-2007, 05:39 AM
I for one am glad the trouble makers and whinning babies are gone. Not all that left or were banned fit into this category, but something need to be done and MM.net is a nicer place for it.

06-25-2007, 07:25 AM
I for one am glad the trouble makers and whinning babies are gone. Not all that left or were banned fit into this category, but something need to be done and MM.net is a nicer place for it.

Gordon, you and Chris are friends, I hope forever; but that is not my recollection. I am sorry to say that the schism started here, was escalated here and remains only because our owners refuse to reconcile. While you may be happy that some have left or been banned this site is poorer and the Marauder community is fractured because of it. Dennis:mad:

06-25-2007, 07:34 AM
I have nothing to add to this thread besides it is pointless.

06-25-2007, 07:51 AM
Gordon, you and Chris are friends, I hope forever; but that is not my recollection. I am sorry to say that the schism started here, was escalated here and remains only because our owners refuse to reconcile. While you may be happy that some have left or been banned this site is poorer and the Marauder community is fractured because of it. Dennis:mad:

Dennis, it was goes back to MVII and the 'Darkside'. Those that I refer to think of themselves as better then most and that if you do not agree with there opinion you are beneath them.

I believe the schism started on both sides due to a conflict of personalities and business endovers.

Remember to is better to rule in Hell then serve in Heaven.

06-25-2007, 08:00 AM
Dennis, it was goes back to MVII and the 'Darkside'. Those that I refer to think of themselves as better then most and that if you do not agree with there opinion you are beneath them.

I believe the schism started on both sides due to a conflict of personalities and business endovers.

Remember to is better to rule in Hell then serve in Heaven.

MV II was before my time. I recall the dark side and you are right about that. Perhaps my membership , 2 years next month is to short to know all and most likely I have missed a lot and misunderstood what I did not miss. My reference is to more recent events. If my understanding is incorrect I apologize to anyone I offend but I stand by my statement. We would be better with reconciliation and it has to start here as the other group has been rebuffed in their efforts. Dennis

06-25-2007, 08:04 AM
Remember to is better to rule in Hell then serve in Heaven.
Or, so the devil thought. Actually, quite the opposite is true.

06-25-2007, 08:08 AM
Or, so the devil thought. Actually, quite the opposite is true.

Your point being?

06-25-2007, 08:14 AM
I would like to see an olive branch extended from the admin of this site as well.

06-25-2007, 08:20 AM
Dennis, it was goes back to MVII and the 'Darkside'. Those that I refer to think of themselves as better then most and that if you do not agree with there opinion you are beneath them.

Someone posted an interesteing comment on one of these sites. "How boring it would be if everyone in the room thought like me."

Were some members of MCM extream members? Sure. But no more extream then others like um say -Zack?

If your going to rid the board of the extreamists, then get rid of them all. Anyone who drums up desent. Say what you want about Logan, at least he was fair. :shake:

06-25-2007, 08:23 AM
Your point being?
My point (if I even have one) would be that it is better to have to take a servant's role (e.g., play 2nd fiddle, not exercise one's ego, etc.) in a large, healthy, and vibrant place ... than to be able to unilaterally call all of the shots in a cramped, fetid, and dark one.

I also believe that the path to greatness is through servanthood: If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

So, my practical point was that, although your quote aptly describes the motivation of some, it is not (in the long run) the best and healthiest choice that could be made.

I had a lengthy reply all typed out to RCSignals' original post (entitled Mr. Admin, tear down that wall!), but then deleted it, because I didn't quite believe it myself. I am not sure what to suggest. Some of the banned MCM guys have explicitly stated that they believe the "wall of division" which exists between their .com and MM.net only remains standing because of the actions and policy of Admin here on this site. The implication being that if RCSignals' suggestions were followed, the old caMARAUDERie between the sites might be re-established.

But, as I thought further on it, it seems that some bridges have been burned. Some who have left here don't feel any desire ever to come back.

So, in the end, I guess I have nothing to suggest, nothing to offer. I applaud RCSignals for his temerity in suggesting this. However, I cannot see how it would work in practice. I am ready to be proven wrong, however.

It is my belief that the Marauder ego, like the jacket, comes with the car. I include myself in this.

06-25-2007, 08:33 AM
Go to the other side and read how much 'better' life is since their banning.
How their site focuses on the car and the members, not the BS.

Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out they are happier over there.
Why arent we all over there then?

The admins of this site dont need to extend an olive branch or anything resembling a friendship renewal handshake.

The admins are many of our friends, but they are the business owners, we are not. They dont owe any of us here squat. This site is on the world wide web, we are free to come and go as we please. We dont have to donate to post or participate.
Meeting new people and making new friends really doesnt cost us a dime if we choose not to spend it.
Quit being little girls and enjoy the members that are here, not the ones who are not. Everyone whos crying about it is signed up over there, so say hi to Billy and Suzy OVER there.
Good day.

O's Fan Rich
06-25-2007, 08:48 AM
Quit being little girls and enjoy the members that are here, not the ones who are not. Everyone whos crying about it is signed up over there, so say hi to Billy and Suzy OVER there.
Good day.


But, I don't see any crying. Just suggesting. It'd be hard for you to accept any reconciliation, wouldn't it Zack?

06-25-2007, 08:50 AM
I would like to see an olive branch extended from the admin of this site as well.
.... and some constraints on the venomous language regarding the entire MM.Net membership at the other site. We have been branded IN TOTALITY as drunks, liars, fools and stooges by some on the "other" site. As far as I can tell, not one of their members has stepped forward to challenge or correct these outlandish misstatements. Some even seem to enjoy their status as victim in this melodrama and revel in their misery.

If a reconciliation is ever gonna happen, it can't be one-sided. Both sides need to show movement toward a common Marauder community like it once was..... For One Brief Shining Moment ..... Camelot.

06-25-2007, 08:53 AM
.... and some constraints on the venomous language regarding the entire MM.Net membership at the other site. We have been branded IN TOTALITY as drunks, liars, fools and stooges by some on the "other" site.
I admit, I don't follow Marauder forum politics very closely at all, but I was under the impression that the term stooges was one of approbation! :beer:

06-25-2007, 08:56 AM
Go to the other side and read how much 'better' life is since their banning.
How their site focuses on the car and the members, not the BS.

Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out they are happier over there.
Why arent we all over there then?

The admins of this site dont need to extend an olive branch or anything resembling a friendship renewal handshake.

The admins are many of our friends, but they are the business owners, we are not. They dont owe any of us here squat. This site is on the world wide web, we are free to come and go as we please. We dont have to donate to post or participate.
Meeting new people and making new friends really doesnt cost us a dime if we choose not to spend it.
Quit being little girls and enjoy the members that are here, not the ones who are not. Everyone whos crying about it is signed up over there, so say hi to Billy and Suzy OVER there.
Good day.


Brought to you by one of the biggest ***** stirrers on the Internet.

How hard is it to unlock someones account?

06-25-2007, 08:57 AM
I admit, I don't follow Marauder forum politics very closely at all, but I was under the impression that the term stooges was one of approbation! :beer:
Not in the cases that I have seen. It wasn't referring to the install gang but rather in the traditional "patsy" or "puppet" role.

O's Fan Rich
06-25-2007, 09:00 AM
.... and some constraints on the venomous language regarding the entire MM.Net membership at the other site. We have been branded IN TOTALITY as drunks, liars, fools and stooges by some on the "other" site. As far as I can tell, not one of their members has stepped forward to challenge or correct these outlandish misstatements. Some even seem to enjoy their status as victim in this melodrama and revel in their misery.

If a reconciliation is ever gonna happen, it can't be one-sided. Both sides need to show movement toward a common Marauder community like it once was..... For One Brief Shining Moment ..... Camelot.

Charlie, I have not seen that in totality. I saw it on an individual basis, though. I spoke up when it involved Mac. There have been some shots at others just like shots are fired from here.
I agree, it takes both sides to work it out. Can't be one sided.

I'm still waiting for Billy and Suzy to reply to my "Hello" over there....

06-25-2007, 09:02 AM
Not in the cases that I have seen. It wasn't referring to the install gang but rather in the traditional "patsy" or "puppet" role.

Sorry, I know, I was being goofy. As to your complaint, I've seen the opposite clearly stated a few times over there: that it is certainly not everyone at MM.net that people have a problem with, but only a very few.

If there were posts tarring every MM.net member, I guess I never saw those.

06-25-2007, 09:12 AM
I appreciate the spirit in which this thread was formulated and wish that a full reconcilliation could be made. However, that may not be possible because of some of the very large egos involved.

I tend to agree with Pat on this and have observed the frequent venom that seems to be spewed by some of their members at even the slightest opportunity. Rightly or wrongly, I now see some of those same members in a very different light.

As for a "Rant" forum, I have no particular interest in revisiting the Darkside fiasco for any reason.+ 1

Maybe an unbanning, with the understanding of reinstatemnt of ban, if problem started again. They served their timeout - now play nice or else! I appreciate the civility of this site. If someone can not respect that - GOODBYE! I think that Logan was stricter than our current owners, If you pissed him off, he gave you a vacation. He took less bs and if you didn't like it, too bad! This wasn't up for discussion.
He experimented with the Darkside, and showed what the site could have been. And the experiment failed miserably, or ... did it?????


06-25-2007, 09:19 AM
=Meteorite;507538]Some of the banned MCM guys have explicitly stated that they believe the "wall of division" which exists between their .com and MM.net only remains standing because of the actions and policy of Admin here on this site. The implication being that if RCSignals' suggestions were followed, the old caMARAUDERie between the sites might be re-established.

...it seems that some bridges have been burned. Some who have left here don't feel any desire ever to come back.

I never quite figured out why I too was not banned. Not that I am asking to be, but that's not why I am responding to this thread.

It seems to me that regardless of whether or not the banned members returned, it is the -offer- that should be made.

I've always found it laughable that the ADMIN could even think that there could only be one "profitable" Marauder site on the Internet and that they could sway others into thinking so by banning any reference to motorcitymarauders.com. I subscribe to a dozen web forums and only one of those has nothing to do with either Ford, Modular Motors or any of my cars. And in every case, only one of these sites specifically bans another site for fear they would lose revenue if the other site was even spoken of.

I learned a long time ago while making my $$$'s in SHAREWARE that it was far easier to give away something valuable and profit from that generosity than to chase down those that would pirate my hard work.

Hopefully this analogy will not fall on deaf eyes.


06-25-2007, 09:21 AM
I have nothing worthwhile to add to this conversation at this point in time.

Post Count +1!!


O's Fan Rich
06-25-2007, 09:24 AM
I have nothing worthwhile to add to this conversation at this point in time.

Post Count +1!!


Yep... why start now, eh, Steve? :D:D:D:D:lol::lol::lol::eek:

06-25-2007, 09:34 AM
Yep... why start now, eh, Steve? :D:D:D:D:lol::lol::lol::eek:

Why not? Because...I see this thread going the same way the others have. Lots of talk, and no action. Even more folks are going to get pissed off. More issues will come of this than is needed or even wanted.

EVERYBODY needs to grow up, suck it up, and go on with life. Some folks will all have issues with other folks. That happens when you get 300 strong willed folks together. Folks on "both sides" of this issue are at fault. There is no ONE person who caused all of the issues that have popped up over the last year. There is no ONE person who can mend the broken fences and relationships.

I have always had the feeling that if EVERYONE involved here met up somewhere, thew back a few cold ones... TALKED ... and began repairing damage, this COMMUNITY could be near what is once was.

That, however, will never happen. Some people, on both sides, are too damn stubborn to admit any wrong.

Dammit...you made me add something.....


06-25-2007, 09:38 AM
"Some of the banned MCM guys have explicitly stated that they believe the "wall of division" which exists between their .com and MM.net only remains standing because of the actions and policy of Admin here on this site. The implication being that if RCSignals' suggestions were followed, the old caMARAUDERie between the sites might be re-established."

It is this very view that got them banned in the first place, denial of personal responsibility. Blaming others for your own actions. The first step to cure a problem is to recognize you have one.

One of the owners and Admin of the other site repeatedl asked the members to not critize this site or it's admins.

Could it be their motive was to destroy this site to guarrantee the success of the other site?

There are many members of this site that have had over 1,000 post and not a single one deleted by admin. Can the same be said of those banned?

In a recent thread a post by proxy showed there are bad feelings towards this site.

There never was any caMarauderie between the sites.

What I posted 6 months ago holds true today, "If I am in a club and consistantly critize the officers and the club than I will be banned from the club".

These "issues" with these banned indiviuals dates back to when I first joined. When these individuals had another place to go their behavior got worse.

06-25-2007, 09:49 AM
One of the owners and Admin of the other site repeatedl asked the members to not critize this site or it's admins.

Could it be their motive was to destroy this site to guarrantee the success of the other site?
I'm not following you here ... are you saying that the request to not criticize the .net Admins was a bad or hostile thing? I need clarification on this point.

There never was any caMarauderie between the sites.
Well, maybe not between the sites per se, but I can certainly remember a time when the banned MCM guys were here, in (what appeared to me to be) full and happy fellowship with the majority of the active membership. That's what I was trying to say.

O's Fan Rich
06-25-2007, 10:02 AM
Dammit...you made me add something.....


:banana2::banana2::banana2::ba nana2:

06-25-2007, 10:08 AM
I could go for a few cold ones.

06-25-2007, 10:14 AM
Someone posted an interesteing comment on one of these sites. "How boring it would be if everyone in the room thought like me."

Were some members of MCM extream members? Sure. But no more extream then others like um say -Zack?

If your going to rid the board of the extreamists, then get rid of them all. Anyone who drums up desent. Say what you want about Logan, at least he was fair. :shake:

Charlie you miss my point. If someone is going to treat me like **** and snub me because I do not have a Trilogy, which has happened. Or believes they are better then me for whatever reason and treats me like dirt. The hell with them and I am glad they are no longer here.

I do not think like everone else and I keep my own counsle. I lost a very good friend because of some of those that were banned. MM.net is a better place because they are not here to stir up trouble.

06-25-2007, 10:16 AM
My point (if I even have one) would be that it is better to have to take a servant's role (e.g., play 2nd fiddle, not exercise one's ego, etc.) in a large, healthy, and vibrant place ... than to be able to unilaterally call all of the shots in a cramped, fetid, and dark one.

I also believe that the path to greatness is through servanthood: If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

So, my practical point was that, although your quote aptly describes the motivation of some, it is not (in the long run) the best and healthiest choice that could be made.

I had a lengthy reply all typed out to RCSignals' original post (entitled Mr. Admin, tear down that wall!), but then deleted it, because I didn't quite believe it myself. I am not sure what to suggest. Some of the banned MCM guys have explicitly stated that they believe the "wall of division" which exists between their .com and MM.net only remains standing because of the actions and policy of Admin here on this site. The implication being that if RCSignals' suggestions were followed, the old caMARAUDERie between the sites might be re-established.

But, as I thought further on it, it seems that some bridges have been burned. Some who have left here don't feel any desire ever to come back.

So, in the end, I guess I have nothing to suggest, nothing to offer. I applaud RCSignals for his temerity in suggesting this. However, I cannot see how it would work in practice. I am ready to be proven wrong, however.

It is my belief that the Marauder ego, like the jacket, comes with the car. I include myself in this.

It seems we are in agreement. They do not want to be over here and would rather stay were they are at.

06-25-2007, 11:01 AM
[QUOTE=Meteorite;507582]I'm not following you here ... are you saying that the request to not criticize the .net Admins was a bad or hostile thing? I need clarification on this point.

I was merely pointing out that one the owners of the other site posted 2 requests that it's members stop critizing .net, it's admin and members. He advised that was not the purpose of the site and did not want it to be defined that way.

I can only gather that this site owner was uncomfortable with what was being posted and that the frequency was such that it was defining the website.

Bradley G
06-25-2007, 11:17 AM
Having the sites divided, cheats everyone!

I am sure it was easier to push a couple buttons, than it was to find middle ground.

06-25-2007, 11:32 AM
No one is being "cheated".

People who exhibited unacceptable behavior were removed.

The basic tennant of any club is to get along. If you cannot get along you cannot be in the club.

I stand corrected the "I Hate You Club" is the opposite of the above.

Bradley G
06-25-2007, 11:34 AM
Ok, then we agree to disagree!
That's the first step!
No one is being "cheated".

People who exhibited unacceptable behavior were removed.

The basic tennant of any club is to get along. If you cannot get along you cannot be in the club.

I stand corrected the "I Hate You Club" is the opposite of the above.

06-25-2007, 11:35 AM
I for one am glad the trouble makers and whinning babies are gone. Not all that left or were banned fit into this category, but something need to be done and MM.net is a nicer place for it.

Gordon, you and Chris are friends, I hope forever; but that is not my recollection. I am sorry to say that the schism started here, was escalated here and remains only because our owners refuse to reconcile. While you may be happy that some have left or been banned this site is poorer and the Marauder community is fractured because of it. Dennis

Dennis, it was goes back to MVII and the 'Darkside'. Those that I refer to think of themselves as better then most and that if you do not agree with there opinion you are beneath them.

I believe the schism started on both sides due to a conflict of personalities and business endovers.

Remember to is better to rule in Hell then serve in Heaven.

Gordon is correct here for the most part. Unfortunately because of the way the site was run, pretty much everything that can corroborate it was deleted.
The same goes for much of the "recent" events here that Dennis refers to. Much was deleted and there is no record.
Part of what i propose would be to leave everything so there is a record in the future. Some of the "Banned" for instance actually asked to have their accounts closed. They can now avoid that fact all together

.... and some constraints on the venomous language regarding the entire MM.Net membership at the other site. We have been branded IN TOTALITY as drunks, liars, fools and stooges by some on the "other" site. As far as I can tell, not one of their members has stepped forward to challenge or correct these outlandish misstatements. Some even seem to enjoy their status as victim in this melodrama and revel in their misery.

If a reconciliation is ever gonna happen, it can't be one-sided. Both sides need to show movement toward a common Marauder community like it once was..... For One Brief Shining Moment ..... Camelot.

Hopefully people will be adult about it all.
But if not nothing will be deleted

****************************** *************************

People please read my original post again. We cannot continue in our fractured state.
At some point we must let bygones be bygones. Forget what happened four years ago and everything in between, it doesn't matter today. Our future as a group of Marauder owners and friends does.
Un banning those concerned is the right thing to do at this time. Some may never come back, it's their choice, but the door will be open.

I do not propose another 'Darkside' in a Rant forum. Basic rules against personal attacks should apply there as well, but it would keep the crap out of the main forum, and maybe the dog from being kicked.

Admin please do this, and do it now!

06-25-2007, 11:44 AM
RC, since you are so hung up on this topic, why dont you spell out a plan and propose it when its ready.

And make sure to drop the same note over there.
Until those 2 things are done, this is a pointless topic.

Do you honestly wake up every morning with some kind of void in your life that compells you to get on this bandwagon?

No offense, just listen to yourself. Its a website, not your first born.

06-25-2007, 11:45 AM
The above post is well said and thought out. I belive that it is time for both sites to get back together and have pm both administrations on my thoughts on this rather than go out in public. It is sad that a split has happened but I see no chance of fixing this as the other site has no intentions of allowing this to happen.

06-25-2007, 12:03 PM
RC, since you are so hung up on this topic, why dont you spell out a plan and propose it when its ready.

And make sure to drop the same note over there.
Until those 2 things are done, this is a pointless topic.

Do you honestly wake up every morning with some kind of void in your life that compells you to get on this bandwagon?

No offense, just listen to yourself. Its a website, not your first born.

Did you not read the first post? It's very simple, and has to start here.

06-25-2007, 12:05 PM
The above post is well said and thought out. I belive that it is time for both sites to get back together and have pm both administrations on my thoughts on this rather than go out in public. It is sad that a split has happened but I see no chance of fixing this as the other site has no intentions of allowing this to happen.

Which post?

What I propose is in the first post of the thread.

06-25-2007, 12:13 PM
Lets face it, both MCM & MM.net have their cliques.........
Weather it is by the region that you live in, N/A vs. Power Adder of your choice, the color of your MM, the membership of both sites are segmented in normal ways. That **** is gonna happen whether you talk about MM's model trains, or what brand of liquor you drink (Purely random reference points btw :)).

Sometimes when new people try to run or become assimilated into these cliques, things happen and friction occurs. If this friction is handled improperly ego's get bruised, if properly handled, chaulk it up to a misunderstanding and be on your way.

I too would like the rift to mend, but have recently posted on MCM, that "I don't see it happening any time soon" and that is too bad.

Going back years and years to discuss the friction that occurred when Logan ran things, is not going to get anything accomplished.

What will get something accomplished is for what remains of the 9 to discuss with Dave and Mike @ MCM ways to "right the ship" since they took over. In my mind, the way
the transition occured with the sudden changes in policies were the issues that got us to where we are today.

Ego's need to be checked at the door, and mea culpa's need to happen. Nobody needs a play by play, all you need to know is it is happening.

Here is my clique........
I am a Southern Marauder 1st

I joined MM.net in the Winter/Spring of 2006

I fly MCM.net decals on my MM, Member since 10/06

Everyone I have met through my association with the Southern Marauders I like..... (whether it be a fellow member, or someone they know from another part of the country that I was fortunate enough to meet) Quality associates with quality and vice versa.

I have a low tolerance for ass kissers, bull****, **** stirring, hidden agendas by owners(owners don't have to worry about lil ole me, until there are many lil ole me's:rolleyes:), members or vendors.

I despise entitlement (for people who think they are above everyone else, here or on MCM...(Sorry but there are way more of these here)

I am envious of those who MM's are streetable and burn a 1/4 mile in under 13 seconds, and those who have pristine low mileage examples of our beasts.

Last but not least, I would like to one day supercharge my Marauder with a Trilogy system, and put Baer or Wildwood Brakes on her.

While I think it is admirable that Zack took on the job of fixing & rebuilding Barry's motor (Kudo's for that) You got a long way to go to to restablish your reputation as anything but a Jackass...I wish you luck. As for Barry if Zack is the tree, then you must be the apple Just my .02 I hope I find out that I am wrong here.........

I would however like to recognize that it is not an easy thing to run either mm.net or mcm.net. It takes a heck of alot of dedication, so thanks for the efforts of both the owners of these communities. My guess is the need to monitor everything would go way down, the issues between the sites were settled to mutual satisfaction.

So this is my clique- I stand by my comments

06-25-2007, 12:43 PM
Lets face it, both MCM & MM.net have their cliques.........
Weather it is by the region that you live in, N/A vs. Power Adder of your choice, the color of your MM, the membership of both sites are segmented in normal ways. That **** is gonna happen whether you talk about MM's model trains, or what brand of liquor you drink (Purely random reference points btw :)).

Sometimes when new people try to run or become assimilated into these cliques, things happen and friction occurs. If this friction is handled improperly ego's get bruised, if properly handled, chaulk it up to a misunderstanding and be on your way.

I too would like the rift to mend, but have recently posted on MCM, that "I don't see it happening any time soon" and that is too bad.

Going back years and years to discuss the friction that occurred when Logan ran things, is not going to get anything accomplished.

What will get something accomplished is for what remains of the 9 to discuss with Dave and Mike @ MCM ways to "right the ship" since they took over. In my mind, the way
the transition occured with the sudden changes in policies were the issues that got us to where we are today.

Ego's need to be checked at the door, and mea culpa's need to happen. Nobody needs a play by play, all you need to know is it is happening.

Here is my clique........
I am a Southern Marauder 1st

I joined MM.net in the Winter/Spring of 2006

I fly MCM.net decals on my MM, Member since 10/06

Everyone I have met through my association with the Southern Marauders I like..... (whether it be a fellow member, or someone they know from another part of the country that I was fortunate enough to meet) Quality associates with quality and vice versa.

I have a low tolerance for ass kissers, bull****, **** stirring, hidden agendas by owners(owners don't have to worry about lil ole me, until there are many lil ole me's:rolleyes:), members or vendors.

I despise entitlement (for people who think they are above everyone else, here or on MCM...(Sorry but there are way more of these here)

I am envious of those who MM's are streetable and burn a 1/4 mile in under 13 seconds, and those who have pristine low mileage examples of our beasts.

Last but not least, I would like to one day supercharge my Marauder with a Trilogy system, and put Baer or Wildwood Brakes on her.

While I think it is admirable that Zack took on the job of fixing & rebuilding Barry's motor (Kudo's for that) You got a long way to go to to restablish your reputation as anything but a Jackass...I wish you luck. As for Barry if Zack is the tree, then you must be the apple Just my .02 I hope I find out that I am wrong here.........
I would however like to recognize that it is not an easy thing to run either mm.net or mcm.net. It takes a heck of alot of dedication, so thanks for the efforts of both the owners of these communities. My guess is the need to monitor everything would go way down, the issues between the sites were settled to mutual satisfaction.

So this is my clique- I stand by my comments

All that smart talk above the bold print and you instantly bring yourself to the level of person this whole post is trying to eliminate.
Good one.

Maybe im wrong for posting this, but here goes.

When the ownership changed hands, Mac came in with guns a blazin'.
It was a poor decision on Macs part, cause the new sheriff in town mentality is not favorable in any climate.

Did anyone here know that the remaining owners calmly asked Mac to stop moderating until things settled back to normal? No, I bet you didnt.
Sadly, this feud was always here, but elevated 10 fold when Mac stepped in.
Many friendships were lost when Mac divorced himself from this website and friends in his own backyard. Its sad, but he's a stubborn cop with a cop mentality. No one can change Mac, its been proven.

Before you go and blame the owners, consider what you dont know.

06-25-2007, 12:49 PM
Lets not over complicate this.
It can be simple, just follow the proposal in the first post.

As I said, forget about what happened four years ago and in between. The record of posts is gone and all that happens is bad feeling over what each remembers.
It isn't about cliques or what mods one has. It's about proud Marauder owners and Marauders, end of story.

06-25-2007, 01:02 PM
A few select people sold out for reasons of MONETARY GREED and ridiculous BRAND LOYALTY, in the process bartering off former friends.

The respectful and ellevated state of this site today is a direct result of the necessary steps that were taken to achieve it.

06-25-2007, 01:04 PM
Zack- The point of that paragraph is that you have rubbed alot of people the wrong way (since before I joined MM.net) and continue to be a devisive presence.

Look we all know you enjoy being the catalyst for inflamation here and on MCM. Why I don't know.......... Maybe you are ok in person, and just have a dry..... check that a Sahara Desert wit. I don't know. What I am saying has nothing to do with Mac and everything to do with you:alone: I hope you are able to dig yourself out of the Jackass hole you're in. It would be nice to see you come out of all this BS a better person.

Think you can manage that? Hope so.....

06-25-2007, 01:10 PM
Oops.....I will say this...You are right Zack I was not privy to the new owners and all that went on behind the scene. I was front and center for the disasterous results though.

I do know that there were alot of mistakes made, and that is where we should build from as RC has suggested.

I have no right to know the details of how it gets fixed... I just know that it should be fixed. And it starts here @MM.net

06-25-2007, 01:17 PM
Oops.....I will say this...You are right Zack I was not privy to the new owners and all that went on behind the scene. I was front and center for the disasterous results though.

It is you who has decided to pick one name out of the crowd, me, and focus on it.

And by you bringing my name into this makes me believe you think I had something to do with all this.

Well I can be a dick at times, yes. Will I bend over backwards for the people that know me and dont know me, yes.
Will I defend myself after I call a spade a spade, yes.

Do you have a Jones for me, why yes!

So why are you singling me out Mike?

06-25-2007, 01:19 PM
Since this is a car site, how about some threads get started about things about and done to the car..........we all might learn something instead of hearing about smelly dirty laundry.

06-25-2007, 01:20 PM
[quote=TooManyFords;507569]I never quite figured out why I too was not banned. John=unquote]

It's because you are the only one with a GMC 6-71 huffer on the top of his motor.

Just kidding, your wanted by everybody John.


06-25-2007, 01:23 PM
Hey GAMike, seems like you made up your mind as to who you like better.
Why do you need to BS over here?

How can all the members here who are all for the bridge to be built, consistently slam mm.net over there?

06-25-2007, 01:27 PM
You know what I honestly think? Because Im bold enough to say it, even though I might be wrong?

RC, oh RC, you have the Trilogy kit now and have no where to boast about it.

Why, because the mighty Todd doesnt like you, therefore NOBODY over there likes you. Harsh reality, isnt it?

Edit: No offense intended, just what I think!

06-25-2007, 01:29 PM
It is you who has decided to pick one name out of the crowd, me, and focus on it.

And by you bringing my name into this makes me believe you think I had something to do with all this.

Well I can be a dick at times, yes. Will I bend over backwards for the people that know me and dont know me, yes.
Will I defend myself after I call a spade a spade, yes.

Do you have a Jones for me, why yes!

So why are you singling me out Mike?

Truthfully Zack because you are the only one who has been either at the center of, or goading on from the perifery of every controversial incident here since the "9" took over.

Sure you do some good too, but the scales are far from being balanced......... This is my opinion, and I will stand by it. I know others who think likewise, but may not be comfortable posting such.

I'm not saying I hate your guts or anything like that, hell I don't even know you.....If you are anything like how you post though........... It would be tough to like you. Like I said, I hope I am wrong.

06-25-2007, 01:34 PM
Since this is a car site, how about some threads get started about things about and done to the car..........we all might learn something instead of hearing about smelly dirty laundry.

It's not about dirty laundry or what someone might still be stewing over that happened four years ago or anywhere in between. we need to get over this and get over the Hate. Continuing in that fashion is a waste of time.

It isn't about Zack either. As Zack admits he can stir things up, the problem lies with those who react to it.
He's been consistent since he joined here. In person he's actually an OK guy. Leave it at that.

All that has to happen is an un-banning, nothing to work out or coordinate and no Magna Carta to write.
If the banned don't want to participate here it's their decision, there will be no loss of sleep over it.
It's time to shoot the elephant in the room and get on with things.

06-25-2007, 01:34 PM
Truthfully Zack because you are the only one who has been either at the center of, or goading on from the perifery of every controversial incident here since the "9" took over.

Sure you do some good too, but the scales are far from being balanced......... This is my opinion, and I will stand by it. I know others who think likewise, but may not be comfortable posting such.

I'm not saying I hate your guts or anything like that, hell I don't even know you.....If you are anything like how you post though........... It would be tough to like you. Like I said, I hope I am wrong.

What scales? Because you dont like my 'tact' means im a worthless piece of shat?

You are a victim of propoganda, thats all.
Come to a meet that im at and you will see what youve been missing :D

06-25-2007, 01:37 PM
You know what I honestly think? Because Im bold enough to say it, even though I might be wrong?

RC, oh RC, you have the Trilogy kit now and have no where to boast about it.

Why, because the mighty Todd doesnt like you, therefore NOBODY over there likes you. Harsh reality, isnt it?

You're funny Zack. I don't need to boast about the Trilogy.

Who's Todd? ;) There are too many Todds to know.

06-25-2007, 01:40 PM
Yes Zack I do like the MCM.net site/community much better. Thats the truth. It does not mean I don't like mm.net (or some aspects anyways)............

Another truth as I stated in that post you copied here... I would really like a bridge to be built between the 2 communities.

What can I say.......... I find that Dave and Mike don't have an agenda other than creating a community where the car and the people(membership) come before, the vendors, and assorted politics/bs.

Call me crazy, but that works for me......... The flip side is everything is correctable if the powers want to correct things.......

06-25-2007, 01:41 PM
IMO the scars are too deep and will break open too quick...I am for what you say RC, but..........willie

06-25-2007, 01:43 PM
Ok, Dinner at Caper's tonight?

06-25-2007, 01:50 PM
What Pat (Silverback) said.....

06-25-2007, 02:28 PM
Ok, Dinner at Caper's tonight?A little late for tonight. How's about tomorrow? Or a mutually agreed upon date? Woodward Week? I'd try my best to make it. The offer has been made. Anyone else?:beer:


06-25-2007, 02:33 PM
I'll be @ the Woodward Dream Cruise from Thursday nite to Sunday.....

I would be happy to meet up.

O's Fan Rich
06-25-2007, 02:42 PM
I'll be @ the Woodward Dream Cruise from Thursday nite to Sunday.....

I would be happy to meet up.

I'll buy! After Lidio works his magic that morning I should be in a great mood!

These threads get alot of views, don't they?

Oh, and Zack.... I can't seem to get Billy and Suzy to respond on MCM... got a number for them? I want to say Hi!:P

06-25-2007, 03:01 PM
"because everybody loves Hot Wheels"

Thanks Pat!

"One man's disaster is another man's Palace"

I don't miss being told I was stupid for my purchase decisions or that my times were slow. I don't miss avoiding questions about a certain product due to the attack response. This was primarily by people whose posts were frequently deleted under both Logan and the current Admin.

If I was smart I would have made better use of the ignore button.

You can't change people or make people like each other.

The truce is keeping the peace.

06-25-2007, 03:02 PM
I'll buy! After Lidio works his magic that morning I should be in a great mood!

These threads get alot of views, don't they?

Oh, and Zack.... I can't seem to get Billy and Suzy to respond on MCM... got a number for them? I want to say Hi!:P

Now how could I pass that up:beer::banana2:

06-25-2007, 03:42 PM

The truce is keeping the peace.

I'm not so sure there is a Truce, or even Peace

There will be when the bans are lifted. There will be no reason for shots fired, and if there are any, we'll all know where they come from, because there will be no deletions.

06-25-2007, 04:49 PM
I really miss the founding spirit that once made this a good site....I hope admin listens to RC...Let there be light...

AL, this is not only a good site, but a great site. Some of the problems between certain people is deep rooted long before I came here. I have tried to make peace, apologize and more to a couple of certain people who harbor resentment at MCM towards me personally. They choose not to for whatever their personal reasons they have.:dunno: I have not been an angel with a couple of things, but neither are they. We are adults, but sometimes we all can act like children.

I am for un-banning as well. As long as things can remain civil. Both sites are the benefit of all members, ultimately for the love for our cars. Keep personality conflicts out of both sites. I am also against a rant forum as well. Serves no real purpose other than to allow more slamming.

06-25-2007, 05:10 PM
Say what you want about Logan, at least he was fair. :shake:

Charlie you and I have often had conflicting views here, but all in all we both come to reasonable conclusions as well as remain very civil, yet have poke fun as well.

I joined here one month prior to you, no biggy. But with Logan and the past moderators my problem with the site back then, it was very one POWER ADDED sided. Period. Anything said or even questioned by another power adder owner,or, prospective owner, that person was slammed, given vacations and "was not part of the club." I know, because there were times that I honestly felt like the beaten down red-headed step child and came close to saying ****** this place. But people I met here, turned out to some of my best friends (who owned that S/C) convinced to stay as things will change. And they have for the better in my opnion.

Now, everything seems to be fairly balanced. Here all power adders are respected for member "personal choice" and the SC wars have been long over. And for that, this site is better for everyone. Some people however just don't want to change. Too bad.

06-25-2007, 05:15 PM
AL, this is not only a good site, but a great site. Some of the problems between certain people is deep rooted long before I came here. I have tried to make peace, apologize and more to a couple of certain people who harbor resentment at MCM towards me personally. They choose not to for whatever their personal reasons they have.:dunno: I have not been an angel with a couple of things, but neither are they. We are adults, but sometimes we all can act like children.

I am for un-banning as well. As long as things can remain civil. Both sites are the benefit of all members, ultimately for the love for our cars. Keep personality conflicts out of both sites. I am also against a rant forum as well. Serves no real purpose other than to allow more slamming.

Tom, you are too damn nice. These same people would chew you up all over again for one reason or another. And why? For what? Because although you own the same pair of sneakers you chose a different color......how stupid is that? I don't go for that turn the other cheek BS!

For those of you who like that site better, go over there and find peace with yourselves, or stay here and find peace with yourselves, or stay at both sites and shut the ****** Up! Anything less is being 2 FACED!

06-25-2007, 05:21 PM
Charlie you miss my point. If someone is going to treat me like **** and snub me because I do not have a Trilogy, which has happened. Or believes they are better then me for whatever reason and treats me like dirt.

Gordon to this ^^^ I can personally relate.

06-25-2007, 05:22 PM
All the bickering has given the moderators a reason to close the thread, delete the thread, and ignore the topic...

...I'd love to be wrong here :rolleyes:

06-25-2007, 05:26 PM
Tom, you are too damn nice. These same people would chew you up all over again for one reason or another. And why? For what? Because although you own the same pair of sneakers you chose a different color......how stupid is that? I don't go for that turn the other cheek BS!

For those of you who like that site better, go over there and find peace with yourselves, or stay here and find peace with yourselves, or stay at both sites and shut the ****** Up! Anything less is being 2 FACED!

I hear you Tim. Yeah your right, I may be too dam nice. Chew me up, ya right, verbally maybe among their peers. Show up to the track and lets see if they can chew me up. They would never be my friends again, but it doesn't mean I can't be friendly. I know who my true friends are here and that is all that counts.

06-25-2007, 05:29 PM
Top 10 Reasons Why I Haven’t Joined the
Motor City Marauder (MCM) site

10. I am not interested in hearing Dave/MI2QWK4U constantly beating his own drum

9. Constant venomous comments about the ENTIRE MM.Net membership

8. Frequent whining of Darryl/bigslim and Mike/MikesMerc about past injustices at MM.Net (Oh woe is me)

7. The MCM site reeks of paranoia and conspiracy especially among its Masters

6. When outlandish & unsupported claims are made, not one MCM member will come to the defense of MM.Net membership at large

5. The 2-minute time lag between a comment, correction, or warning on the MM.Net and a whiney post on the MCM site (Run home to momma syndrome)

4. It was MCM insecurities sparked the rift in the Marauder Community

3. Offers a welcome atmosphere only if you share the MCM distorted view of the Marauder world

2. Dropping in as a Guest affords an opportunity to see MCM as they really are when engaged in their favorite sport of MM.Net bashing

1. Loyalty to the MercuryMarauder.Net membership

06-25-2007, 05:42 PM
You forgot getting poked in the eyes by Pinocchio's big nose when you look over there.....

06-25-2007, 05:49 PM
Tom, you are too damn nice. These same people would chew you up all over again for one reason or another. And why? For what? Because although you own the same pair of sneakers you chose a different color......how stupid is that? I don't go for that turn the other cheek BS!

For those of you who like that site better, go over there and find peace with yourselves, or stay here and find peace with yourselves, or stay at both sites and shut the ****** Up! Anything less is being 2 FACED!
I have the highest respect for Tom and would be proud to ride in his possee. Plus he has the coolest marauder shirts ever....Here or there we are friends with common interests.

06-25-2007, 06:02 PM
I have the highest respect for Tom and would be proud to ride in his possee. Plus he has the coolest marauder shirts ever....Here or there we are friends with common interests.

Thanks Al. :beer: You are not the people I am talking out. But I choose not to go over there. No offense to you. MM.NET is my home.

06-25-2007, 06:06 PM
....how stupid is that? I don't go for that turn the other cheek BS!
Ummm ... you do know whose teaching you're dissing here, right? Just checking.

For those of you who like that site better, go over there and find peace with yourselves, or stay here and find peace with yourselves, or stay at both sites and shut the ****** Up! Anything less is being 2 FACED!
I thought being two-faced meant being somehow hypocritical ... like saying one thing in one place and time and another thing at another place and time. I fail to see how RCSignals' post, or any of the posts supporting his plan can be called "2 FACED" simply because they expressed their opinions, thus failing to shut the ****** Up!, as you say.

06-25-2007, 06:22 PM
Tmac and Bluerauder = The Cats Meow!

06-25-2007, 06:23 PM
All the bickering has given the moderators a reason to close the thread, delete the thread, and ignore the topic...

...I'd love to be wrong here :rolleyes:

Why would they do that?
Pretty soon everyone will get sick and tired of hearing themselves type and it will go away on its own.

06-25-2007, 06:28 PM
When these individuals had another place to go their behavior got worse.

You said a mouthful there.

I wish it could be like it was in the good old days, but it ain't gonna happen.

06-25-2007, 06:39 PM
Before you (GAMIKE) go and blame the owners, consider what you dont know.

Been there...:rolleyes:

Well I can be a dick at times, yes.


You are a victim of propoganda, thats all.

True. It took me a moment to make the connection. Georgia. The Breakfast Club. What this fellow has based his opinions on is the opinions of one TAD.
There is no turning back for this fellow. Once clicked with the TAD, any diferent opinion is BAD. Mike, you MUST hold strong. DO NOT change your opinion of us. Your whole relationship in that group would be instantly cut if you even hinted your approval. I see your point. You are indeed in a hard place. Stay strong and loyal.

06-25-2007, 06:41 PM
I'm not looking at this through rose coloured glasses. I don't expect a big kiss and make up.

What I outlined is simple. It can be implemented simply, and without asking any of the admin at MCM. It can be done instantly.

As I've said, for right now, it is the RIGHT thing to do.

It really doesn't matter if any of the banned never come back after, although it would be nice if they did and we could be all civil about it.

06-25-2007, 06:49 PM
As to the point....

I wasn't a part of the decision to ban those folks. I am not trying to cover my ass in any way. I wasn't a part because I abandoned my post as owner early on. I wasn't happy with thigs that Zack spelled out nicely. I left...went awol...pu$$ied out of leadership....whatever you want to call it.

I was then banned from my own partners. I have no more than a spot in the ownership. I have no say, no buttons, and foremost, no responsibilty.

I love this site. That is why I came back. I want to participate. Unfortunately, I doubt I will ever play a larger role due to my going awol.
That's ok though. I always was a bit of a troublemaker around here anyway.

I cannot suggest in either way as to let some be un-banned.
I could care less...and frankly, I think those banned could care less as well.

As far as the other site. I no longer visit as a guest. And haven't for some time time. For the most part, as much 2quack would like to dismiss...they complain about THIS site. :bs:

I would have thought they would have got over it by now.:rolleyes:

Hack Goby
06-25-2007, 06:57 PM
Try living over here.I try to walk the fence but the dogs on there side are always nipping at my heels.

06-25-2007, 07:03 PM
Wow. 11 Users viewing thie thread.

Must not be much on TV tonight....



06-25-2007, 07:06 PM
Try living over here.I try to walk the fence but the dogs on there side are always nipping at my heels.

no Hack we love you. You are one of the originals. You were part of the Marauder discussions when Logan started them on BON before he created this site. You are one of the few true originals left. Your join date showing doesn't tell the story.

06-25-2007, 07:09 PM
I thought being two-faced meant being somehow hypocritical ... like saying one thing in one place and time and another thing at another place and time. I fail to see how RCSignals' post, or any of the posts supporting his plan can be called "2 FACED" simply because they expressed their opinions, thus failing to shut the ****** Up!, as you say.

I sense a two site poster.....:help:

06-25-2007, 07:41 PM
Wow. 11 Users viewing thie thread.

Must not be much on TV tonight....


KillJoyThis is so much better than any stinking soap opera!:popcorn:


06-25-2007, 07:45 PM
Personally I like the sites as they are. Each has their own flavor both good and bad. While I'd like to Mike, Dave, Darryl, Chuck et al unbanned, that is not for me to decide. Even if they were unbanned, the proverbial You can lead a horse to water but.... applies.

But OASN for me I liken it to being in a middle of room full of people, they see you but choose to ignore you. I get that here/there sometimes but Oh Well guess it's nice to go unnoticed.

06-25-2007, 08:43 PM
I love all you jackasses! (..just felt like saying jackass..);)

06-25-2007, 10:13 PM
Been there...:rolleyes:


True. It took me a moment to make the connection. Georgia. The Breakfast Club. What this fellow has based his opinions on is the opinions of one TAD.
There is no turning back for this fellow. Once clicked with the TAD, any diferent opinion is BAD. Mike, you MUST hold strong. DO NOT change your opinion of us. Your whole relationship in that group would be instantly cut if you even hinted your approval. I see your point. You are indeed in a hard place. Stay strong and loyal.

Hey Barry ........ Are you trying to insinuate that TAF- Todd Fisher has brainwashed me? Way wrong Bubba way wrong........ I calls em as I sees em.... I told you that once before, and thats the real deal. Once again you cement your rep as the resident Jackass of mm.net.

Todd is a good friend. Not only to me, but to many here, and at MCM. Yup I don't like the tacky way he was treated when the ownership changed. I thought it could have been handled better by both sides, but in the heat of the moment I probably would have reacted worse than he did.

That being said, as a man Todd has done nothing but deliver on everything he has promised to me or anyone in the Southern Marauders, and I am pretty sure the rest who have looked to him for advice, exhaust work or a hook up with another performance vendor. He does not have these connections by being a 2 faced Jackass. He has them because he walks his talk. He helps because he genuinely loves the car hobby and is loyal to his friends. He is a genuine "never say no to a friend" guy.

He ain't perfect and neither am I. Do I agree with all of his opinions? No, and he knows that.....No big deal between friends.

If I had a choice I would much rather associate with someone of Todd Fishers honor/character/integrity any day than people who claim inside knowledge about this and that, but all they do is sling crap sarcasm and gay little winks with their crew of bs artists. In fact I am comfortable saying that about Steve, Brian, Dave, George, Bill, Glenn, Scott L @ Team Toyland, Al, Donny and the rest of the Southern Marauders. This is a high quality group of people and I am honored to be among them. Do we all get along perfectly? No, and thats ok too, but we do get along.

I know if anyone of these guys commits to supporting me for/with something I don't have to worry it will be done......... Btw the Southern Marauders 2 founding members? Todd Fisher and Bill Bandy...5 years ago this week.:beer: So pardon me if I think he deserved a little more respect then the average member when all that crap went down last fall.

So as far as what you are privy too, or Zack is privy too, I would not give you 2 cents for it. You have to demonstrate a consistant level of respect, honor and integrity like the men mentioned above for a long long time, then maybe I will listen.

Again I like both communities. I want to see the relationship between them improve. It is doable, but it starts here. Who's gonna step up?:burnout:

06-25-2007, 11:02 PM
I just wanna say, "I love you guys man!" You've taught me so much and helped be a better marauder owner I can be...Thank You!

06-25-2007, 11:04 PM
Sometimes I enjoy saying: told ya so. I wrote this back in October 06.

Do you know what "So long, and thanks for all the fish" means? You remember, that was Logans g'by thread title.. Here it is:

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. Its title is the message left by the dolphins when they departed Planet Earth just before it was demolished to make way for a hyperspatial express route, as described in the sci-fi novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hitchhiker%27s_Guide_to_th e_Galaxy_%28book%29).

Before it was demolished? Hmmm, sound familure?

What a hero. Logan builds a fantastic house and threatens to knock it down. He could have simply unplugged the site and it'd go dark. But really.. what fun would that have been. What to do... He already decided to not sell it to group A because of some personallity conflict..



Logan: I know! Lets set it on fire and watch it die slowly. Yeah! And I'll sell it to Group B. I know there are lots of various provocitive personallities in that group. Hahaha, what a laugh this will be. Wait! Maybe I should let anyone on the site buy it. Put it up for bid.... Nah, no fun there. I dont need the money. Selling it to Group B will be fun. And I'll make a buck or three.

Reminds me of a kid I knew who liked to bash his toys with a hammer

Yup, you really are a Master Of Puppets Logan. Gotta hand it to you. This place is all fncked up now. You pulled strings and made the puppets dance, stood the dominos up and tipped over domino #1. Some important members have left now, possibly never to return. I came very close to walking out also. Good job bud.

But you knew that would happen. Who cares, it's fun. Bunchasuckas!

My friends,
THIS is our home in cyberspace. I'm sticking around to help put the fire out. I hope my decision does not end some friendships elsewhere. But this is where it all began. There is too much here to let it go. I would encourage you all to return and swallow the same bitter pill. We all have an ADMIN member or two who are not on our favorites list, but they are here now. What else is new. Oh well. To leave is to surrender - and I don't quit.

Is it possible this is some kind of sick joke? And all of us, ADMIN included, are the butt of it?

I don't know. But Logan liked to play games. Remember the Darkside?!?! He got us good with that one.

Well I'm not leaving! Screw this BS little game. When Logan left, I told him how greatful I was for the site and wished him well. I think I may have been off base. I do not think he really cared how any of us felt.

I want this place to go back to biz and usuall.
I want this place to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.
I want my friends to return.
I want my fish back! You do not deserve them Logan. This place will not be demolished if I have anything to say about it.

Disregard if you think this is the ravings of a lunitic mind.

<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

We are all playing a pissant little role like ants in an ant farm. And Logan is the freckely kid with the spinner hat and magnifying glass in the sunlight!

Unblock the Banned and do the unexpected thing already!

06-25-2007, 11:07 PM
I just wanna say, "I love you guys man!"

You're not getting my Bud Light..... :lol:

06-26-2007, 12:08 AM
There are many of you who agree with my first post, and have not responded here.
There is no call to respond to this thread by anyone but the Admin. The action is in their hands now, and it is a simple task.
Un ban the banned, It doesn't matter if they come back or not, just do it.

Those of you who know me know this issue isn't something I take lightly and it is not a spur of the moment whim.

I would encourage the rest of you though to PM the Admin with your thoughts if you don't want to post them here.

06-26-2007, 12:33 AM
I sense a two site poster.....:help:
Yes, I am. That's still allowed, right?

I think if you go through my posts here on this site, you'll find that I've been a polite, if sporadic, contributor. Let me know if you think otherwise.

06-26-2007, 02:33 AM
No one is being "cheated".

People who exhibited unacceptable behavior were removed.

The basic tennant of any club is to get along. If you cannot get along you cannot be in the club.

I stand corrected the "I Hate You Club" is the opposite of the above.

What did Tallboy do that was unacceptable ? :confused: How about Bigslim, talk about a good guy.

serious question....

06-26-2007, 02:50 AM
I'm for unbanning them but banning Defyantwife. can I get a witness!!!


06-26-2007, 04:45 AM
BigMerc ~ :blah: :D

You all should notice by now that all the admins here are ignoring this thread completely.

Nice idea though RC :)

Hack Goby
06-26-2007, 05:01 AM
no Hack we love you. You are one of the originals. You were part of the Marauder discussions when Logan started them on BON before he created this site. You are one of the few true originals left. Your join date showing doesn't tell the story.
Yes those were simpler times.Back then the only problem was Sheriff being the fool that he was.Thank you for noticing.

06-26-2007, 05:01 AM
Hey Barry ........ Are you trying to insinuate that TAF- Todd Fisher has brainwashed me? Way wrong Bubba way wrong........ I calls em as I sees em.... I told you that once before, and thats the real deal. Once again you cement your rep as the resident Jackass of mm.net.

You are the only one in this entire thread who consistently call names.
Who's the jackass?

GAMike, it was nice reading what you had to say, you just made it to my ignore list.
And dont bother typing a response, i wont see it :banana:

06-26-2007, 05:03 AM
I am in favor of allowing anyone who wishes to be a member here to be allowed to do so. Even Menace.:D

Apply the rules fairly and not based on who you like or agree with.

Being here since '02 so I know a couple of things:

Logan was not fair, just simply pissed off.

The Darkside was a huge mistake, and perhaps Logan's way of exposing the haters or simply he thought it was funny... after all he is Canadian, eh!!!

Start a poll and ask a simple question: Should the banned ones be allowed to return? Yes or No.

Admin should very seriously consider abiding by the results.

06-26-2007, 05:24 AM
and those who know, understand that's unusual...

I can't get to the 'other site'. It's blocked at work. I asked them to remove the keywords and meta tags, but they either won't or don't understand. :(

I feel like I miss out on some cool stuff cuz some of our favorite 'characters' are no longer with us. Cool stuff is knowledge AND entertainment.

The 'other site' definately has a different flavor and kinda needs to exist for that flavor, but I agree the 'split' sux.

I'm lazy and only want to have to go one place and not 3.

A rant and even an 'adult' section might be cool. Open only to contributing members. That would keep random people and young 'uns from tripping into it.

06-26-2007, 05:30 AM
I'm not going to ask the Admins to anything they don't want to do. Instead, I'm watching this with an eye to the evolution of two populations that become isolated from each other. Just as one species of bird may evolve into two when a barrier splits them, the two Marauder boards may turn into equally valid, but differently purposed, entities.

Another factor is that, as the population of the community increased it was destined to split. As a group becomes larger the effort to keep it together increases. Eventually it reaches a point that the effort to keep the group viable outweighs the value of the group.

Look up the "Dunbar Number".

06-26-2007, 05:37 AM
You are the only one in this entire thread who consistently call names.
Who's the jackass?

GAMike, it was nice reading what you had to say, you just made it to my ignore list.
And dont bother typing a response, i wont see it :banana:
That is rich Zack......... Coming from you the biggest abuser on this site.......

You remind me of that hockey player from Philli they called "The Rat" always going around starting trouble, and then hiding behind the big guys when you get call out for it.

My opinions are mine alone, I post here without any prompting by anyone or previous discussion. Wake up and quit posting bile like you have been doing for a number of years. Quit stirring the pot. Be a man for a change:eek:. MM.net will be better for it.

O's Fan Rich
06-26-2007, 05:37 AM
I sense a two site poster.....:help:

Oh, Man, Tmac.... that would be a GREAT AVATAR Flag!!
Waving in the breeze.... "Proud 2 Site Poster"!!!

I'd fly it! 'Cuz that's how I roll. I'm a 2 site posting whore!!! 20 bucks... same as downtown.

The supercharger wars really caused some Battle Fatigue Syndrome .... flashbacks and memories of some hot zone drop ins, seeing our bud's get flacked and torn up, arms, legs, torso's torn asunder, the screams in the dark as our favorites lay bleeding out and dying, the burned and mangled wondering if they'll ever be normal again... wondering "what's Suzy gonna say when she sees me?"

Yep... it was bad and I'm sorry to see that some will never recover from the scars.
Don't mean the rest of us have to stand pat.

06-26-2007, 05:40 AM
MI2QWK4U is a no...
BigSlim is a no and for god sake dont turn your back on him...
Pinnochio is a no..
Jerry Barnes is a no..
TAF is a no...
MikesMerc.. The only one who seems to have a level head about everything.
Id let him back in.
Menace... Who the hell cares. Besides, he sold his MM.

So there you have it, words from the mouths of grown men.
What are we trying to get accomplished?

06-26-2007, 05:45 AM
Another factor is that, as the population of the community increased it was destined to split. As a group becomes larger the effort to keep it together increases. Eventually it reaches a point that the effort to keep the group viable outweighs the value of the group.

Look up the "Dunbar Number".
Dan, I've seen the same dynamic of Dunbar's Number in effect in church congregations as well. At some point (around 150), you often see the initiation of an "early service" that becomes, de facto, a separate congregation sharing the same building.

Today's trend of the "megachurch" (having perhaps as many members as mm.net) may at first seem to be a counter-example. But in the end, I don't think it is. I've been in a Bible Study at work, in which I've introduced two participants to each other, and it turns out they both attend the same local megachurch, and just never knew or had seen each other. So, what you really have there is several independent clusters (communities) all using the same space.

I think MM.net is a bit like that. You have regional (for example) groups of members, each of which could constitute a separate sub-Community, where ties are tighter than among the membership at large.

Your evolutionary point is interesting as well. In opposition to Tielhard de Chardin's dictum that "everything that rises must converge" ... it seems that everything that grows must diverge. On each side of the divide, certain strengths are emphasized and cultivated, while other areas are ceded completely to the other group. The two groups tend to grow more and more unlike each other.

06-26-2007, 05:46 AM
So there you have it, words from the mouths of grown men.
What are we trying to get accomplished?

Well it is a nice long thread that is generating interest in this site and a good gesture on RC's part...not everyone here or there or both are bitter or mad or even care enough to think it is a big issue unbanning people...someone start the poll...I want to vote...willie

06-26-2007, 05:47 AM
The thoughts and views brought forth in this thread prove that there will be no reconciliation between the two sites, and that a riff will ALWAYS exist between some members.

What more good can be said. Nothing.

Only more harm can come from this thread continuing.

If you think I am wrong, prove it.



Hack Goby
06-26-2007, 05:58 AM
The thoughts and views brought forth in this thread prove that there will be no reconciliation between the two sites, and that a riff will ALWAYS exist between some members.

What more good can be said. Nothing.

Only more harm can come from this thread continuing.

If you think I am wrong, prove it.



From "Oh brother where art thou"...............Pete: Wait a minute. Who elected you leader of this outfit?

Ulysses: Well Pete, I figured it should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought. But if that ain't the consensus view, then hell, let's put it to a vote.

Pete: Suits me. I'm voting for yours truly.

Ulysses: Well I'm voting for yours truly too.

Delmar: Okay... I'm with you fellas

06-26-2007, 06:38 AM
One more thing....

If MCM wanted to be competition, they would be a "national" site with a domain like mercurymarauder.tv or something. Not a regionaly based site.

Hey BigdogJim,

Is it a coincidence I suggested this very concept to you in a PM on 6/22?

06-26-2007, 07:28 AM
MI2QWK4U is a no...
BigSlim is a no and for god sake dont turn your back on him...
Pinnochio is a no..
Jerry Barnes is a no..
TAF is a no...
MikesMerc.. The only one who seems to have a level head about everything.
Id let him back in.
Menace... Who the hell cares. Besides, he sold his MM.

So there you have it, words from the mouths of grown men.
What are we trying to get accomplished?

Most all fo this is reaction to the bs that occurred here and was stirred up by you............. Wanna help this community? Really? Then take a walk like Mac did........

I do find fault with a couple of things in those posts, they are not entirely defenseable, but in terms of the moral high ground.......... They are way above the ditch your trying to get out of, by deflecting your shortcomings onto others.

06-26-2007, 07:39 AM
Then take a walk like Mac did........

Dude, gimme a break! Tempers flared, things cooled off. Some left. NO MORE!!!

This thread has been relatively civil until the above post. Let's not create another war! I was just getting comfortable again!

It was an interesting and possibly feasible suggestion by RC. We're here to render our thoughts on that suggestion, not flame the responders.

06-26-2007, 08:11 AM
and a Woodward Dream Cruise too.

Suggest our administration lock the thread as the management of the MCM site said last night they would do and take this matter up after our premier national events.

I'm getting indigestion from all this conflict.


06-26-2007, 08:46 AM
Dude, gimme a break! Tempers flared, things cooled off. Some left. NO MORE!!!

This thread has been relatively civil until the above post. Let's not create another war! I was just getting comfortable again!

It was an interesting and possibly feasible suggestion by RC. We're here to render our thoughts on that suggestion, not flame the responders.

You are right.......... This was out of line, and I apologize. I personally had nothing really against Mac, other than his "on the job" demenor from time to time, so it was a poor example to use and I apologize to Mac, and the membership. Absolutely good call Magindat.

Just trying to say that the one person who caused alot of BS since I have been here, is still causing the same BS and what a different community it might be if he would cease and desist............

I know I am not the only one who feels this way. I guess its a futile crusade and others have realized that long ago, while I keep trying to verbally beat some sense into the lad:lol:

06-26-2007, 08:47 AM
Dude, gimme a break! Tempers flared, things cooled off. Some left. NO MORE!!!

This thread has been relatively civil until the above post. Let's not create another war! I was just getting comfortable again!:popcorn:


06-26-2007, 09:35 AM
I am in favor of allowing anyone who wishes to be a member here to be allowed to do so. Even Menace.:D

Apply the rules fairly and not based on who you like or agree with.

Being here since '02 so I know a couple of things:

Logan was not fair, just simply pissed off.

The Darkside was a huge mistake, and perhaps Logan's way of exposing the haters or simply he thought it was funny... after all he is Canadian, eh!!!

Start a poll and ask a simple question: Should the banned ones be allowed to return? Yes or No.

Admin should very seriously consider abiding by the results.

There! Another voice of reason. Listen to Javier if you won't listen to me.

People this is not about MCM.
MCM is a regional club that has widened it's membership. MercuryMarauder.net is and always was, like it or not, a National presence for all Marauder owners and must continue to be so.

Do the right thing please, un ban the banned and do it now. Time is wasting.

06-26-2007, 09:39 AM
MI2QWK4U is a no...
BigSlim is a no and for god sake dont turn your back on him...
Pinnochio is a no..
Jerry Barnes is a no..
TAF is a no...
MikesMerc.. The only one who seems to have a level head about everything.
Id let him back in.
Menace... Who the hell cares. Besides, he sold his MM.

So there you have it, words from the mouths of grown men.
What are we trying to get accomplished?

It's not about who will or won't take advantage of an unbanning. It's about doing the right thing, and the time is now.

06-26-2007, 09:45 AM
It is funny, these Threads, on multiple sites, all about the same thing. Why?

I have come to this: I do not feel very welcome on MCM. So, I do not particiapte there. I rarely read over there, except for when Threads like this pop up. I will admit, I do stir things up my fair share, but those who know me, know how to take it.

I read a post on MCM by one of the Banned. He started a Thread, and made a VERY well though out post about this situation. I agree with all that is here. Like it or not, it is true. Here it is for those of you who do not visit there:

No more. Please.

<HR style="COLOR: #ccffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->No more. No more I hate them they hate us. No more .net bashing. No more name calling, finger-pointing, or ridiculing. No more links to posts on .net that upset you or anyone else. No more "ours is better than theirs". Just stop. Let it go. No-one is being helped by this. It is further dividing an already fractured community.

There's nothing wrong with visiting/posting on both sites, or anywhere else you like. Just leave our stuff here and their stuff there. Too many friendships have been lost already.

The fault finding habit is a bad one. It is easily acquired and not readily broken. We live in an imperfect world. Everything is flawed or defective. Institutions all blunder and fall short of the ideal. Persons are all erring creatures and their faults give us offense, but one should not pay too much attention to the faults of others, or to the defects of the world in which he lives. He may become a chronic fault-finder, and in that case he will become a grumbler. If he is not careful, he will degenerate into a growler. If he growls long enough, he will become a cynic. When a man becomes a cynic he has reached the bottom. There is nothing lower than cynicism. A cynic is no account, either to himself or to anyone else. He is a nuisance and a stumbling block. He began by finding fault, and the habit grew on him until his mind became twisted and his heart sour.

No more.


06-26-2007, 09:47 AM
Another factor is that, as the population of the community increased it was destined to split. As a group becomes larger the effort to keep it together increases. Eventually it reaches a point that the effort to keep the group viable outweighs the value of the group.

Regional Groups evolved a long time ago, they are a natural process of Marauder owners wanting to have camaraderie on a local level.
It only strengthens the main founding group, and makes it more viable.

But the issue here is even simpler. Un ban the Banned.

06-26-2007, 09:50 AM
and a Woodward Dream Cruise too.

Suggest our administration lock the thread as the management of the MCM site said last night they would do and take this matter up after our premier national events.

I'm getting indigestion from all this conflict.


This is a .net issue, not a MCM one. This issue must be taken up here and now, not later.

06-26-2007, 09:54 AM
Rich Long, you are not on my ignore list.
I happen to like you. :D

O's Fan Rich
06-26-2007, 10:10 AM
Rich Long, you are not on my ignore list.
I happen to like you. :D

Cool! lets see if we can build from there!
You piss me off sometimes but then again so does my Wife, kids, brothers, dad, and others...
I think you're a "button pusher" like me.... but man, you can take it pretty far. You really get me with.... never mind....

06-26-2007, 10:18 AM
Rich I like you too, we are very simular people. :rofl:

06-26-2007, 10:23 AM
It is funny, these Threads, on multiple sites, all about the same thing. Why?

I have come to this: I do not feel very welcome on MCM. So, I do not particiapte there. I rarely read over there, except for when Threads like this pop up. I will admit, I do stir things up my fair share, but those who know me, know how to take it.

I read a post on MCM by one of the Banned. He started a Thread, and made a VERY well though out post about this situation. I agree with all that is here. Like it or not, it is true. Here it is for those of you who do not visit there:

KillJoyGood post, and I agree with you and Tallboy. I haven't been on that site, I think since I registered my name. No reason to. Yes, I miss some of their posts, but not the bs...
I'm beginning to question the ulterior motive behind RC's push for the unbanning. But it has stirred up a hornet's nest on the other site as well. Are most of them really ready to come back?


06-26-2007, 10:29 AM
Good post, and I agree with you and Tallboy. I haven't been on that site, I think since I registered my name. No reason to. Yes, I miss some of their posts, but not the bs...
I'm beginning to question the ulterior motive behind RC's push for the unbanning. But it has stirred up a hornet's nest on the other site as well. Are most of them really ready to come back?


Ken there is no ulterior motive, and no conspiracy. The admin here has not asked me to do it, nor has any one else.

As I've said it really doesn't matter if any of the banned do come back, although some may, and that would be good.

For now it is the right thing to do and it's all up to this site to do it.

Make it happen admin

O's Fan Rich
06-26-2007, 10:33 AM
Rich I like you too, we are very simular people. :rofl:

Oh, sure.... take me down with you....

O's Fan Rich
06-26-2007, 10:34 AM
Ken there is no ulterior motive, and no conspiracy. The admin here has not asked me to do it, nor has any one else.

As I've said it really doesn't matter if any of the banned do come back, although some may, and that would be good.

For now it is the right thing to do and it's all up to this site to do it.

Make it happen admin

All you're asking is that the door be left unlocked to those without a key. If they decide to use the door it's up to them. That's fair enough.
And it's not hard to understand...

06-26-2007, 10:34 AM
Oh, sure.... take me down with you....

See ya in the pit. ;)

06-26-2007, 10:40 AM
All you're asking is that the door be left unlocked to those without a key. If they decide to use the door it's up to them. That's fair enough.
And it's not hard to understand...

Sadly Rich, it's very hard for some to understand.

It's a very simple concept, people are too busy looking for more in it, when it just needs to be done.

06-26-2007, 11:54 AM
This would be a good time and place for someone to insert something like a bunny with a pancake on it's head...willie

The Big Stu
06-26-2007, 11:58 AM
I for one am glad the trouble makers and whinning babies are gone. Not all that left or were banned fit into this category, but something need to be done and MM.net is a nicer place for it.

I have not read the rest of this thread yet, and probably won't, but I can tell you this: your thinking is one sided. Before you make judgment on people you should look at both sides. I will agree with you that some of the trouble makers are gone, maybe even half, but the other half is still here...and most of them post every day. You are probably friends with these people and are probably quick to take up for them, like a friend would, but because of your friendship you will never see (or at least admit) any of the BS that they start, you will always think it is justified. There are rules in place here that are just childish and the admin need to get over it.

I don't post much and less than a handful of people have a clue who I am, but I read a lot of the posts on both sites (someone said something about a .org?) I see both sides. Some of the arguments are stupid, some are justified. I lost my train of thought...

Haggis, I know I quoted you and said "you" a lot in there but this reply is not directed at you unless you fit the bill...it is directed at everyone who does not think that the power posters here are responsible for a lot of the BS.

06-26-2007, 12:12 PM
This would be a good time and place for someone to insert something like a bunny with a pancake on it's head...willie

06-26-2007, 12:15 PM
I have not read the rest of this thread yet, and probably won't, but I can tell you this: your thinking is one sided. Before you make judgment on people you should look at both sides. I will agree with you that some of the trouble makers are gone, maybe even half, but the other half is still here...and most of them post every day. You are probably friends with these people and are probably quick to take up for them, like a friend would, but because of your friendship you will never see (or at least admit) any of the BS that they start, you will always think it is justified. There are rules in place here that are just childish and the admin need to get over it.

I don't post much and less than a handful of people have a clue who I am, but I read a lot of the posts on both sites (someone said something about a .org?) I see both sides. Some of the arguments are stupid, some are justified. I lost my train of thought...

Haggis, I know I quoted you and said "you" a lot in there but this reply is not directed at you unless you fit the bill...it is directed at everyone who does not think that the power posters here are responsible for a lot of the BS.

Big Stu, I was refering to the people that I have had issues with in the past that are no longer here. I have never called them out by name, but have been sent PMs by friends here who visit the other site with links to their posts. Whinning and crying about something I said and it has also happened in the past before the banning. I don't say I am a saint, but if you want to call me names and say BS about me, you better have your facts straight. Which they don't.

So when I mentioned I am glad the 'trouble makers' are gone I know whom I am talking about and my thinking is not one sided, it is personal. And yes for those that don't know it I am friends with each and every owner of this site and will stand by their side if needed. And I am also friends with Barry, Zack and Stevo and proud to call them my friends and if anybody has a problem with that or doesn't like it, tough!!! Go cry to someone who cares.

RC I am glad you started this thread after all. To the Admin. and all the members of .net I know who my friends are and will stand by them. And if the banned want to become 'unbanned' let them make the first step by asking to be 'unbanned' and to join the 'Collective' once again.

If not it doesn't bother me one bit if they come back or not. I lived through the anti-vortec years and like how this site has turned out and become a level playing field. Remember the pendulum swings both ways before it stops in the middle.

06-26-2007, 12:21 PM
Did you say Vortech?
11.62 @ 116mph Baby!
Stock motor.
How I miss that blower..

06-26-2007, 12:38 PM

thanks...that helped...alot...willie

06-26-2007, 03:59 PM
Is it soup yet?


06-26-2007, 04:12 PM
Is it soup yet?


Good question. Admins, please take the simple step to un ban the banned now.

06-26-2007, 05:18 PM
Cool! lets see if we can build from there!
You piss me off sometimes but then again so does my Wife, kids, brothers, dad, and others...
I think you're a "button pusher" like me.... but man, you can take it pretty far. You really get me with.... never mind....

Rich, I like you buddy:D.

O's Fan Rich
06-26-2007, 05:39 PM
Rich, I like you buddy:D.

Yeah... but I'm still gonna be a "Proud 2 site Poster"!
Now where the heck is my flag avatar?

06-26-2007, 06:38 PM
Yeah... but I'm still gonna be a "Proud 2 site Poster"!
Now where the heck is my flag avatar?

That is not a problem with me Rich.

06-26-2007, 07:01 PM
We of this Marauder community are a small group. We cannot afford to be split as we have been.
This 'wedge' must be removed.
OK, I have given this quite alot of thought over the past 2 days because I care. And, I have vented my spleen on certain aspects of the division. But the more I think about Duncan's proposition, the more I have to agree with him.

What is the "Worst" that could happen? Both sites go on as they have with friction between the masses. Heck, that's where we are now. :(

What is the "Best" that could happen? A full and total reconciliation, all sins forgiven and a great big group hug like nothing has happened. Probably unlikely; but who knows? :)

The most likely outcome is probably something in the middle -- old friendships restored, a significant mending of the Marauder community, and a rejoining of the spirit of the technical community. That's a good thing. :up:

I'm sure that there are some bad blood among some members that is not yet ready to yield and that is their choice. Maybe in time things will get better. I really don't think they could get worse.

I am certainly willing to give it a try and hope for an outcome closer to the "Best" side of the scale.

Enforce the rules fairly and evenly and there should be no problem at all.

I guess it took me two days to figure this out 'cause I have been a little peeved & emotional over the split too. Might be time to give it up and do the Right Thing for the Marauder Family.

So, I am solidly with RC on this.

06-26-2007, 07:15 PM

06-26-2007, 07:16 PM
I agree w/ the members of MCM, the answer is no.

The right thing would also be for world peace and our enemies to lay down their arms. It is not going to happen.

06-26-2007, 07:42 PM
Geez Louise!,
I leave for the wekend and come back and there are 6 pages of Posts on one crazy thread! What really gives? I took a leave of absence due to a change in employment and missed a bunch of 'he said she said' childish/flamin'/shoutin' stuff. And now this! What gives?
Last time I checked, there are at most 11,000 MM owners and some number of GrandMarquis and Crown Vic owners that make up the possible community for this Forum. Right now, I would guess that we have at most 500 to 1000 people who post or lurk. What is wrong with 'Just gettin' along'? All of us will NEVER agree on everything, but we can demonstrate civility towards one another and, novel idea, share information about our cars!!! I say Un Ban anyone who would care to re-join us here. I also say that it is up to each of us to REFRAIN FROM FLAMIN EACH OTHER! And it is up to each of us to 'point out' UNcivil posts.
Just my 2 cents worth.

06-26-2007, 08:07 PM
Thank you Charlie and Gordon

Admin, please we are waiting on you!

06-27-2007, 03:35 AM
Thank you Charlie and Gordon

Admin, please we are waiting on you!
I'm assuming they haven't contacted you by PM or anything? They must be in around-the-clock conference calls concerning your proposal.

I think, frankly, that the "downside" to your recommendation (from Admin point of view) is negligible. All of the leadership of MCM has now, I believe, stated that they will no longer participate here. I still support your proposal, of course.

06-27-2007, 04:20 AM
Enforce the rules fairly and evenly and there should be no problem at all.

This was tried when the new owners took over and it did not work. What do you want to relive what has happened. Yes there are some over on the MCM I would like to see come back and do not have any hard felling towards, but there are others I do not give a crap about and hope they never come back.

So I will take the less of the two evils. Those that want to rejoin our community whether banned or asked their accounts to be closed or do not wish to participate here. Let them come forward and ask to rejoin the 'Collective'. If not; 'Have a nice day."

06-27-2007, 04:52 AM
I think things are fine just the way they are.

They were banned for a reason and the reason still exists.

Yeah, okay. I agree with that, Not!

06-27-2007, 10:51 AM
This was tried when the new owners took over and it did not work. What do you want to relive what has happened. Yes there are some over on the MCM I would like to see come back and do not have any hard felling towards, but there are others I do not give a crap about and hope they never come back.

So I will take the less of the two evils. Those that want to rejoin our community whether banned or asked their accounts to be closed or do not wish to participate here. Let them come forward and ask to rejoin the 'Collective'. If not; 'Have a nice day."

Almost Gordon but not quite. There has to be an un-banning and it has to start here.

Don't let what came before cloud the issue. It's simple, un ban the banned.

Admin quit reading the negative posts on MCM. This is not about MCM, it's about doing the right thing, now.

Pleease Admin, quit the delay and act NOW!

06-27-2007, 12:00 PM
If you ask the ADMIN a question on how to spend your money on this site (Registration Renewal or Raffle Tickets) you'll get an almost instant reply and by many of the owners.

Ask a controversial question and good luck...

Maybe if we say, "Nobody buy a raffle ticket or renew their registrations until this issue is resolved" and see what happens..

I'm not saying they are money motivated.. Or am I ?!?


06-27-2007, 12:18 PM
Almost Gordon but not quite. There has to be an un-banning and it has to start here.

Don't let what came before cloud the issue. It's simple, un ban the banned.

Admin quit reading the negative posts on MCM. This is not about MCM, it's about doing the right thing, now.

Pleease Admin, quit the delay and act NOW!

Duncan, I consider you a friend, but I disagree with you on this issue.

...and John you are not just a little to biased against the Admin here. Why not ask the members to boycott Exxon for a week, you might get a better response.

Bradley G
06-27-2007, 12:34 PM
I stand in line, with RC.
Unban the banned.

06-27-2007, 01:08 PM
Duncan, I consider you a frien, but I disagree with you on this issue.

Gordon, I consider you a friend as well. You are entitled to disagree.

Know though that I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't the right thing for this time.
Many things have been affected by the banning, are being affected, (and not in the positive) and will continue to be until this lifting happens. Control is in the hands of the Admin, they need to do this and do it NOW.

06-27-2007, 01:10 PM
Thank you Bradley. I know there are many others as well, who haven't made a public statement. That's fine, but I urge them to at least PM the Admin.

06-27-2007, 01:19 PM
I agree with RC and the many others and let them back in. Just be fair and hold the rules on an even playing field. These two sites need one another even though both have those members who differ on this. Put the past behind us and move on. The negative is getting all of us nowhere fast. Both sites have good members and have people who like to stir it up. These people need to understand its about the community and not about individuals. The poor comments on both sides make no sense and some of the people who are making them are much better than that. Its time to look at the whole picture here and reach out and invite our friends back and get over it. I hope the administration is following this and will take some action. It has to start with the Adminitration for it to make this work. A lot of us members are asking for this change and it may take more of you to post uo if you want some action so speak up!

06-27-2007, 05:55 PM
Maybe if we say, "Nobody buy a raffle ticket or renew their registrations until this issue is resolved" and see what happens..

I'm not saying they are money motivated.. Or am I ?!?


06-27-2007, 06:43 PM


^^^^That domain is major expired.^^^^ :baaa:

THAT is what happens when money isn't managed well. ;)

06-27-2007, 07:27 PM
If you all will re-read my long-winded post, it says in the middle, UnBan them and invite them back. If people misbehave, even ones who have NOt been banned, they deserve a good ol' fashioned spankin'!


06-27-2007, 08:09 PM

^^^^That domain is major expired.^^^^ :baaa:

THAT is what happens when money isn't managed well. ;)
Major expired? That sounds serious. :eek::eek::eek:

06-27-2007, 11:16 PM
Make this the day please Admin

06-28-2007, 03:48 AM
Make this the day please Admin

RC are you part bulldog? got to give you credit for not crying calf rope and throwing in the towel...willie

06-28-2007, 09:39 AM
Will you paleez stop with this 'the time is now' and 'admin do it today' stuff as it is getting very boring!

The banned had ample opportunity to change their ways for the good of the site and to keep 'this thing of ours' intact and they refused to do so. Admin made clear the rules and it was their decision to reject, refuse, deny and ignore the rules of the game. We now have scars from that ordeal and we would be most foolish to allow their return and let it all occur again - which we all know will happen.

They made their bed - now let them sleep in it!

Let US move on.


06-28-2007, 10:36 AM
Will you paleez stop with this 'the time is now' and 'admin do it today' stuff as it is getting very boring!
Oh, great. We were doing so well ... 6 hours without a new post in this thread. But NO, you had to go and bump it to the top of the New Posts list! :mad2:

O's Fan Rich
06-28-2007, 10:37 AM
Will you paleez stop with this 'the time is now' and 'admin do it today' stuff as it is getting very boring!

The banned had ample opportunity to change their ways for the good of the site and to keep 'this thing of ours' intact and they refused to do so. Admin made clear the rules and it was their decision to reject, refuse, deny and ignore the rules of the game. We now have scars from that ordeal and we would be most foolish to allow their return and let it all occur again - which we all know will happen.

They made their bed - now let them sleep in it!

Let US move on.


Maybe we should push to get Duncan banned.... yeah that'll shut him up too.
Then maybe the next person that has a strong opinion about something will step up and if they won't shut up too, they'll get banned.
Then maybe YOU"LL have a strong opinion about something but you'll be too scared to say you're peace as You might get banned!!

Oh, btw... I disagree with your assessment as to why "they" got banned. And sorry that you're bored.... maybe this post will liven up your day. We can only hope!:2thumbs:

06-28-2007, 12:01 PM
Maybe we should push to get Duncan banned.... yeah that'll shut him up too.
Then maybe the next person that has a strong opinion about something will step up and if they won't shut up too, they'll get banned.
Then maybe YOU"LL have a strong opinion about something but you'll be too scared to say you're peace as You might get banned!!

Oh, btw... I disagree with your assessment as to why "they" got banned. And sorry that you're bored.... maybe this post will liven up your day. We can only hope!:2thumbs:

After we get Duncan banned, let's bann Rich Long....yeah:


O's Fan Rich
06-28-2007, 12:09 PM
After we get Duncan banned, let's bann Rich Long....yeah:


:D:D:D Whatever...... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

06-28-2007, 12:15 PM
The owners have been watching this thread with great interest the last few days. We have noted the posts and opinions in regards to the topic. This has been discussed amongst ourselves at great length and a vote was taken.
In a majority decision the owners of MM.net have decided to keep the status quo at this time.

Thank you all for your input,