View Full Version : Vette questions

06-25-2007, 12:39 PM
I just seen a very clean '98 Corvette at a local Chevy dealership. It has 53k miles, 6 speed and is black/black. They are asking $20.5k for it.

For some strange reason, I seem to be loosing a lot of sleep over this one despite it's obvious flaws (It's black, a Chevy, and has a GM interior). :D

I would have to rent a garage for it in town (I live on a gravel road) and my local Ford club would probably burn me in effigy for buying it.

The value of my 51k mile SB '04 MM would probably get me into the 'Vette for little or nothing with a little wheeling and dealing. My accountant, as good as she is, probably couldn't get it written off as a farm vehical so owning both the 'Vette and the Marauder is unlikely.

Should I test drive it? Is trading a 3 year old car even-up for a 9 year old car just plain dumb?

I know you folks have opinions, let's hear 'em!

06-25-2007, 12:45 PM
Take your Z&M control arms off before you trade it in.
Sell them to ME.
Vettes rule

06-25-2007, 12:59 PM
For some strange reason, I seem to be loosing a lot of sleep over this one despite it's obvious flaws (It's black, a Chevy, and has a GM interior). :D
Wait ... how is the car being black a flaw?!? :eek:

Ralph Sr.
06-25-2007, 01:22 PM
i had 8 vettes ,c5 and c6 are great ,the mm are good ,but there is no comparison ,feel o4, the mm,stock, like a six .:);)

06-25-2007, 01:23 PM
Newer vette's aren't what they used to be.

06-25-2007, 01:26 PM
You can buy my modded Z for a mere 27k. ;)

06-25-2007, 05:32 PM
Vettes are a dime a dozen. No back seat. High insurance. Small trunk.

Stick with the MM.

Just my two cents.


06-25-2007, 05:48 PM
Wait ... how is the car being black a flaw?!? :eek:

I live on a gravel road... :(

Zack, you've got dibs on the CA's. Thinking about selling the MM hurts. If the Vette is as kick a$$ as it sounds, maybe I won't regret loosing the MM too much.

Naturally, I'd prefer a '70 Vette, 4 speed, and LT1 but that's BIG money. This particular Vette seems like it may be near the bottom of it's depreciation curve.

Call me crazy, but I always buy cars with resale in mind. If I can drive a car for a few years and sell it for 80-90% of what I paid for it, that's money in the bank.

Assuming I maintain the car, can I expect to do well on resale in 3 years? Can the car still bring $15k with a projected 85k-95k miles? I'm still on dial up and can't use e-Bay motors for a reference.

06-25-2007, 05:59 PM
I live on a gravel road... :(

Zack, you've got dibs on the CA's. Thinking about selling the MM hurts. If the Vette is as kick a$$ as it sounds, maybe I won't regret loosing the MM too much.

Naturally, I'd prefer a '70 Vette, 4 speed, and LT1 but that's BIG money. This particular Vette seems like it may be near the bottom of it's depreciation curve.

Call me crazy, but I always buy cars with resale in mind. If I can drive a car for a few years and sell it for 80-90% of what I paid for it, that's money in the bank.

Assuming I maintain the car, can I expect to do well on resale in 3 years? Can the car still bring $15k with a projected 85k-95k miles? I'm still on dial up and can't use e-Bay motors for a reference.
Take a look a 1996 Collectors Edition C4 Corvette. LT4 + 6-Speed = :burnout:



06-25-2007, 06:38 PM
Vettes are a dime a dozen. No back seat. High insurance. Small trunk.

Stick with the MM.

Just my two cents.


I appreciate your opinion Jeremy. The rarity of the Marauder has it's downside too though. Only you folks seem to know what it is. I still have people ask me where I got the rims.

I'm still single so I don't need a backseat or trunk. Heck, 98% of the time I don't even need the passenger seat. Insurance is something I will have to look into though.

Darkside; Wanna trade even up? I'll even throw in a rusty '83 F150, a few barn cats, and lifetime hunting/fishing privileges on my 980 acres of Minnesota. Sound like a deal?:D

06-25-2007, 06:46 PM

Look at this Streetfire video and deceide if you want a Vette or MM. By the way, the MM is owned by a net member. I'll take the MM. (The Vette owner raved about a 4,500# MM sedan beating his car. He couldn't believe a car this heavy could beat him.)



06-25-2007, 07:19 PM
IMO the C3 and C4 'Vette's are disgusting looking. I'd stick with the MM dude.

06-25-2007, 07:41 PM
See what happens when you go tour the Corvette plant and museum, during a Marauder meet no less. You couldn't stop thinking about the vettes after you got home, could you??

I'd also check on their reliability ratings (at least for that year) and cost for tune-ups etc. At a recent car show, a previous Firehawk owner was talking to me about trading in his Firehawk for a Vette. He had a lot of problems with it and sold it for a GTO within a year. I don't recall what year he owned. Wishes he had the Firehawk back.

Just some meatloaf for thought. ;)

06-26-2007, 01:14 AM
Insurance is something I will have to look into though.

Darkside; Wanna trade even up? I'll even throw in a rusty '83 F150, a few barn cats, and lifetime hunting/fishing privileges on my 980 acres of Minnesota. Sound like a deal?:D
Tough bargain when you throw in the ****Ycats. I only pay $300 a year for insurance, with it being stored almost 6 months. But insurance depends alot on areas and your age, record.

Mike Poore
06-26-2007, 04:34 AM
How you gonna git from town, where you have to park it, back to the farm?:dunno:

Vettes are cool, and you'd fit in it just fine ....go for it.

PS: it's a chick magnet.

06-26-2007, 04:54 AM
v3tt3s 4m t3h l4m3s!

06-26-2007, 07:34 PM
How you gonna git from town, where you have to park it, back to the farm?:dunno:

Vettes are cool, and you'd fit in it just fine ....go for it.

PS: it's a chick magnet. Lol! You have me figured out Mike!

I'd probably have to drive my '89 CV to the garage so I could drive it. This wouldn't be as big a pain as it might sound though. Currently I have to wash my car before going anywhere.(unless I want to arrive in a dusty car).

Also, no matter how clean I get the MM, it gets dusty on the ride home. Paying $50/month for a garage in the big town of "Bootwash" will probably end up saving me money in car washes.

Glenn; I looked at the video. Took me 65 minutes since I'm on dial-up.:( I don't want a blower, any blower. The car is fast enough since I'm usually 5mph under the speed limit everywhere I go.

Chris; Funny you should mention the FireHawk. I just met a local guy that has one. I believe it's number 230...or something. The Vette museum reminded me that I wanted one when I was kid... Now I should get one and start making kids.:D

06-26-2007, 08:11 PM
I'll give you my perspective since I own 1 C5 Vette (2000) and 1 MMs. Since live in Minn., I assume you have a 'beater' for winterdriving. If you don't, then keep your MM and use 4 winter wheels/tires on it. If you really like the C5 Vette, then do yourself a BIG favor -- beg off on the '98 and look for a 2000 or 2001 or even a 2002 Vette. I say that to say this: it took about 3 build years to get most of the 'kinks' out of the C5 -- '97 was a 1/2 year; '98 was first full year for C5; late in '98 they came out with the HUD (windshield Heads Up Display) -- IMHO, this is a MUST HAVE option that I miss on the MMs. On the other hand, in the Vette, I miss the steering wheel controls for Radio, HVAC, & Cruise that I have in both MMs!!! One other option that was not available in the C5 until 1999 was the Active Handling system integrated with the ABS -- this is a good Save Yer Arse option that you should be sure to get.
And then there is the Trunk NON-Issue: If you buy a C5 Vette Coupe, it is like buying a station wagon when compared to any convertible, incl. a Mustang! And, I have actually hauled big stuff in my Vette Coupe plus a week's worth of luggage for 2 people!
Good luck with your decision. PM me if you want more info.

06-26-2007, 10:37 PM
Here's Corvette vs ProCharged Marauder.

You're single and not using the back seat? ;);)

06-27-2007, 04:43 AM
Don't do it John, I mean it, you will regret it. The only Vette I will ever buy is a 1967 427 Stingray.

You told me once you bled Ford 'Blue'. Well?

Keep the Marauder it still has a long life ahead of it and you will miss it. Vettes are for middle aged overweight and balding men wanting to pick up women half their age. Look at most of the men driving Vettes and tell me I am wrong.

06-27-2007, 10:05 AM
Vettes are for middle aged overweight and balding men wanting to pick up women half their age. Look at most of the men driving Vettes and tell me I am wrong. :eek:

Not including Shaun and GordonB.

06-27-2007, 10:11 AM
Vettes are for middle aged overweight and balding men wanting to pick up women half their age. Look at most of the men driving Vettes and tell me I am wrong.


Not including Shaun and GordonB.

I said 'most'!!

06-27-2007, 02:16 PM
I'm still a hard core die-hard Ford guy Gordon. I just don't know why I'm loosing sleep over this vette... :confused: I'll just have to drive it and stop thinking about it. It'd take one heck of a car to get me out of the Marauder or any other Ford for that matter.

I should be getting high-speed internet hooked up soon. The bulldozers went through my yard two months ago so it shouldn't be much longer. Then I can use e-Bay motors again (it's impossibly slow on dial-up) and maybe I'll find a Maverick Grabber. Chicks really dig Mavericks, right? :D

06-27-2007, 02:19 PM
You're single and not using the back seat? ;);)

Bumping bellys on high grade leather?! Forget it! That's what old blankets and cornfeilds are for!

06-27-2007, 02:29 PM
hey if your losing sleep over it just get it!! then again its kind of like that pretty girl you saw and wanted to say something but didnt, and then shes on your mind for like a week. wait about a week or two if you can and then decide. Im a CHEVY guy myself but dont tell anybody!!shhhhhh! But i LOVE my MARAUDER!!

06-28-2007, 05:13 AM
Another question, whom are you going to pick up in 'Bootwash' with the Vette? Your ex or her sister? You told me there were only two single women in 'Bootwash'.

06-28-2007, 09:12 PM
Id say that you really couldnt go wrong with either car. However, today's vettes are not the car they used to be. Most car people will just look at it as another Vette, it is probably not going to get as much reaction as the marauder from those who know cars. Believe me I love Vettes new and old but it just seems that new vettes are getting lumped in with an exotic crowd where owners cant tell you much about the car other than what they paid for it. The newer generation vettes are not the all american thumpers they were 40 years ago.. It just seems to me that the car and its owners have matured just a bit too much. Just my humble opinion. Good luck either way

06-29-2007, 07:50 PM
Another question, whom are you going to pick up in 'Bootwash' with the Vette? Your ex or her sister? You told me there were only two single women in 'Bootwash'

NOW that was funny!!!:lol::lol::bigcry:

06-29-2007, 09:08 PM
Good question Gordon. There are still just two single women is this one horse town. Since the ex girlfriend is currently busy with the bartender, I do have a shot at her sister (who just broke up with the same bartender). That wouldn't require a vette or even a Marauder though...

Thanks for reminding me what a hole this place is.:(

07-02-2007, 06:10 AM
Good question Gordon. There are still just two single women is this one horse town. Since the ex girlfriend is currently busy with the bartender, I do have a shot at her sister (who just broke up with the same bartender). That wouldn't require a vette or even a Marauder though...

Thanks for reminding me what a hole this place is.:(

Your welcome John. Forget the vette and keep the Marauder and I still would like 200 acres. ;)