View Full Version : Wife Can’t Outrun the Law

06-27-2007, 05:00 PM
Well, technically the Son of Bluerauder (S.O.B.) was driving. He was at the house visiting and offered to drive the wife’s ’06 Freestyle across town. He likes all the electronic bells and whistles on it … especially the Navigation System. Mom just kicks back to enjoy the drive. :up:

About halfway there, a county police car pulls up behind him and hits the red and blues. He pulls over and the officer approaches the car. “Know why I pulled you over”. SOB replies, “I don’t even have a clue”. “Driver’s license and registration, please !!” He pulls out his driver’s license while Mom is fishing in the glove compartment for the registration….. 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 ….. “I can’t seem to find it” she says. The officer says … “I am not surprised ‘cause it is not there – I already checked”. :o

That’s right folks … her registration had expired back in January 2007 and nobody knew it. I thought she was on a 2-year cycle; and never noticed the ’07 sticker. The renewal form was sitting in her stack of “stuff” and was never sent in. :( Now, she has new plates. They wouldn’t even renew the old ones since it had lapsed so long. To be honest, they needed to be replaced anyway since they were 17 years old and probably not too reflective anymore. That may have been what called the police attention to the car anyway because the plate is even of a different number-lettering style than now.

The worst part is that the S.O.B. got the ticket and a court date. :eek: I guess a warning wasn’t in the cards. He ain’t happy with Mom. I am just chuckling over this … ‘cause I’ve been waiting 32 years for something I can bug her on. Sometimes you just gotta be patient and wait. :rofl:

The best part is that this resets my Oh ***** meter to "zero". Good thing too 'cause I was about ready to roll over 10K. :D

BTW -- the Marauder is good until August 2008. I checked :razz:

06-27-2007, 06:09 PM
Two year cycle, huh????

It's like evey two days around here.... :eek:

06-27-2007, 08:48 PM
Wow sounds a lot like something I had to deal with earlier in the year, luckily caught before I had an issue. That reminds me when I get back into town my MM is up I need to get inspected when I return!

06-27-2007, 10:12 PM
Its Once A Year In Cali.

06-28-2007, 02:19 AM
I found out a similar lesson a bunch of years back when I got pulled over and was informed my license was suspended almost a year before that because of an unpaid parking ticket! I was real lucky and got to drive home still (well the two blocks away that I was,) and no ticket. I did get pulled over a couple times after though as they wanted to 'check me out' to see I had reinstated it (cost $100+ the ticket to do it.) Funny part was I had been pulled over at least 4-5 times in that year and no one had said a thing!

So did Mom offer to help him out on the ticket at least? ;)

06-28-2007, 04:17 AM
Well, don't blame the LEO...failure to renew is not his fault...make it a habit to check the plate sticker and the inspection each time you fuel up.. when you are washing the windshield and the head and taillights...leave the lights on and check them at the same time...

06-28-2007, 04:39 AM
I stopped a kid in a nice grey Mustang this am, 79 in a 55, tinted windows and rear plate, no front plate. Gave him a break. Cut him loose. I'm SUCH a nice guy.

06-28-2007, 06:18 AM
Wow...they let you keep your plates for 17 years?!!??!...were they personalized plates? Here you can only transfer your plates to another car if they are a specialty plate.....and then you can only have them on the car for 7 years before they make you get new ones. And our plate stickers are on the windshield so not much of an excuse if we let it lapse here....

06-28-2007, 06:19 AM
I stopped a kid in a nice grey Mustang this am, 79 in a 55, tinted windows and rear plate, no front plate. Gave him a break. Cut him loose. I'm SUCH a nice guy.
That's about 900 bucks in VA come July.

06-28-2007, 07:56 AM
Well, don't blame the LEO...failure to renew is not his fault...make it a habit to check the plate sticker and the inspection each time you fuel up.. when you are washing the windshield and the head and taillights...leave the lights on and check them at the same time...
Now exactly WHERE in my post do you see me assigning any blame to the LEO in this case? I thought that it was clear exactly where the fault was. :rolleyes: A warning would have been nice; but I completely understand the issue. We were wrong and I thought I made the point clear as well. :shake:

Wow...they let you keep your plates for 17 years?!!??!...

As to the 17 year old plates, we got a notice several years ago that VA recommends swapping out for new ones at 10 years minimum. Although the plate was not personalized, it did have "911" in it and it was easy to remember. We just decided to keep 'em. In fact, this is the 3rd for 4th car that the plate has been handed down to.

06-28-2007, 09:30 AM
I have been stopped twice in my lifetime driving friends' cars with expired registration stickers. Both times the very nice officers had pity on me and let me off with a stern warning. I now paranoically check stickers on any car I step into, whether I am driving or not.

06-29-2007, 12:01 AM
Take the summons and go to court EARLY with your renewal.
Don't wait for the court date.
You may get the summons dismissed if you are very apologetic....

In NY you got 48 hours to correct it to get it dismissed.

Big House
06-29-2007, 01:07 PM
For the deployed military in this area. I have been cited twice in VA becasuse of expired tags or at least the wrong year sticker. Why? Because my state is slow to send my renewal sticker. And when I tell them I am deployed to this area and they run the tags, I still get the ticket and have to challenge it. VA is tough when it comes to this. DC ain't no better.

08-07-2007, 12:44 PM
That’s right folks … her registration had expired back in January 2007 and nobody knew it. ... The worst part is that the S.O.B. got the ticket and a court date. :eek:
Update on this situation ....

The S.O.B. and his mother went to court today at 9:00 AM. Showed the new registration and date of action. Case was dismissed at 9:15 AM. No problem other than the time that they both had to use to get to the courthouse. Thanks, Mike for the "heads-up" on the information.

08-07-2007, 12:53 PM
Glad to hear it was dismissed. :)