View Full Version : Feminine hygiene products

06-29-2007, 09:16 PM
Washington - (USCBT)

Unconfirmed internal memos leaked to unconfirmed sources confirm that the Massengill corporation will produce new scented douche bags to honor a whole list of political and entertainment superstars.

A supposed partial supposed list of proposed people and their supposed proposed scents include:
Condie Rice - 5W20 scent (whistler tip included, WooWOOOOO!)
Senator Lindsey Graham - 12 to 20 million 'undocumented workers' scent
Rosie O'Donnell - Ellen DeGeneres scent
Bill Clinton - fat intern scent
Senator Ted Kennedy - new car interior (that has been under water) scent
Pamela Anderson - 7th Fleet scent

"Being douche experts we really hit it off with Reverend Al Sharpton…" confirmed a Massengill PR staffer Barney 'Thunderpants' Malloy, who agreed to speak on the condition of anonimity, "..and are going to start up our run of the biggest douche bags we've ever made, putting his name on it." Barney went on to further say, still under the condition of anonimity, "We just have to figure out how to make 'race-baiting hatemonger' into a scent."

Ted Kennedy was so enraged upon hearing about Al Sharpton, he beat his head groundskeeper Santiago Miguel Himinosa Villagarosa 'Dirk' Sanchez to death with his own shoe while screaming "THIS IS B.S!! Everyone knows I'm the biggest douche bag of all!"

06-30-2007, 06:57 AM
Being a female, I don't particularly think this is funny.


06-30-2007, 07:23 AM
Being a female, I don't particularly think this is funny.


I have to go mow my lawn now before I type something that will get me banned...



06-30-2007, 07:38 AM
Well this IS an adult site, I think we should be able to be mature enough to talk about these things.....but this isnt my forum, so mod away

06-30-2007, 07:41 AM
Well this IS an adult site, I think we should be able to be mature enough to talk about these things.....but this isnt my forum, so mod away
LOL - nothing "mature" about the above "joke." I'm not modding either, just expressing my opinion.

06-30-2007, 07:50 AM
This is the best political and entertainment superstars news I've heard in a while.
You can't make everybody laugh, so the ones that do, make um fall outta their chairs.

06-30-2007, 09:04 AM
Well if you allow stupid you have to allow it on all levels.

This isn't any more worthwhile than a punk band thread or "who flipped me off thread" if you allow stupid you can't start defining degrees of stupid

06-30-2007, 09:08 AM
Well if you allow stupid you have to allow it on all levels.

This isn't any more worthwhile than a punk band thread or "who flipped me off thread" if you allow stupid you can't start defining degrees of stupid


Mike Poore
06-30-2007, 09:16 AM
Well, you can be sincere and still be stupid. In this case, however, there's also inappropriate to consider. Our policy concerning posts of this ilk is abundantly clear.