View Full Version : Transformers Movie - Awesome

07-08-2007, 10:27 PM
Brought tears to my eyes remembering my two youngest playing with their all metal original transformers some 30 years ago (more or less).

The movie was outstanding in the FX department, a little light on acting.

How about that concept Camero? The exhaust sound must be special mufflers, maybe dual mode.

I liked the Saleen Mustang(?) with the logo "To punish and enslave" on the rear fender panel.

That movie wore me out, never seen so many car crashes.

07-09-2007, 03:14 AM
I loved it so much I already saw it twice. The fact that Optimus has the same voice from the G1 cartoons made the entire movie for me.

07-09-2007, 09:34 AM
I agree. It was the only movie that I've seen in many moons that didn't bore me to death.

The only thing that bugged me was how Qatar was portrayed. I know that it was a movie, but anyone that has been there like I have will know what I mean.

The line about mating made me laugh so hard that my little girl told me to shoosh.

07-09-2007, 09:38 AM
i havent seeen it yet but i am dying too. i try not to drift too far away from my childhood, but im kinda dissapionted cuz i heard the Megatron isnt a tank in thes movie

07-09-2007, 09:49 AM
I didn't remember Megatron being a tank...I remember him being a large hand gun with a scope on it.....but he wasnt that either....he was...well I dont know what he was....but he was pretty big! It was a great movie....Lisa and I went to see it and she had to go about a 1/4 of the way thu the movie and held it because she didnt want to miss it...she loved it and so did I.. I give it 4 1/2 jalapeno's out of 5!

07-09-2007, 02:38 PM
Brought tears to my eyes remembering my two youngest playing with their all metal original transformers some 30 years ago (more or less).

The movie was outstanding in the FX department, a little light on acting.

How about that concept Camero? The exhaust sound must be special mufflers, maybe dual mode.

I liked the Saleen Mustang(?) with the logo "To punish and enslave" on the rear fender panel.

That movie wore me out, never seen so many car crashes.

I went to Target and bought the Mustang and have it on my shelf. Great movie, my wife is out with a friend seeing it for the 2nd time and we are going out again Friday to see it. It ROCKS!

Big House
07-09-2007, 02:55 PM
I am up to see it again. I absolutly loved it. All of it not just some. This movie smoked all the other cartoon adaptations. It really brought back some memories. And in the movie they kinda combined Megatron and his japanese counterpart...where he took the form of a jet.

07-09-2007, 03:04 PM
I grew up on that cartoon......I have seen the movie and it's great!!!

07-09-2007, 03:05 PM
It kinda made sense in the movie, Megatron came from cybertron in the 1800's, He couldn't take the form of anything of the time so he remained in his current form of a futuristic jet from Cybertron (Transformers Geek here)
In the comic books Megatron originally was a jet and the leader of the other jets on Cybertron until they crashed into earth.

07-09-2007, 04:35 PM
I had a Hallmark moment when that Red 18 wheeler rolled in. OPTIMUS PRIME has arrived and all will be made right with the world.

I'm going to see it again. At Senior Citizens rates it's only $5.00. Don't forget the Popcorn (med) $4.50, and a drink (small) $3.75.

Wait, I'm on social security better hold off till next month. Drats.

07-09-2007, 06:54 PM
Am I the only person who never watched this cartoon? What was I doing when this came out around 1983-1984? OH I REMEMBER, GIRLS!!

07-09-2007, 07:19 PM
I'm a original Transformers fan. I've hated all these other incarnations, they suck. I have all the original series and the original movie (which in my opinion is the best animated movie I have ever seen). I liked the movie, action packed. I just wish they would have kept closer to the original designs. Megatron was UGLY! :puke:

07-09-2007, 08:37 PM
I just finished watching it on my computer, pretty good I must say. Im still going to go to the movies and watch it because I heard the sound effects and all is what really makes the movie as good as it is.

Edit: link is no longer ava.

07-15-2007, 04:06 PM
GO SEE IT! All the good guys where GM products & the bad guys a ford mustang, whats up with that.

07-15-2007, 04:11 PM
GM sponsored the flick.

I did not like that the Mustang Police car was a bad guy. Sends a wrong message to the kids.

07-15-2007, 04:15 PM
it was like one on there commercials, dont get me wrong I enjoyed it. just thought it was kind of funny

07-15-2007, 04:24 PM
Regardless of what cars are 'good' versus 'bad', this movie was entertaining from beginning to end! GREAT movie!!

07-15-2007, 04:47 PM
it was a good movie, they did a good job, but it kinda sux not seeing megatron as his true-self, the Tank, he was actually Galvatron in the movie ( yea im a nerd)

07-15-2007, 05:26 PM
Am I the only person who never watched this cartoon? What was I doing when this came out around 1983-1984? OH I REMEMBER, GIRLS!!

I also never saw the cartoon version.

Movie was very good:)

Crown Vicman
07-15-2007, 05:47 PM
Ive always been a fan of the transformers but for some reason I only remember optimus prime. I guess its because he was my fav. Hey I thought Ford said their vehicles could not be used in the movies unless they were the good guys.

07-15-2007, 08:50 PM
The mustang was a Saleen S281 extreme model.

The Megatron they used in the movie was from the Japanese version where he was actually a fighter jet.

Yeah I thought it was weird that they didn't use Galvatron's real name in the movie but oh well.

I saw it today on the big screen and saw some stuff I didn't see in the copy I watched on my computer.

07-15-2007, 09:05 PM
Btw if anyone wants to see the original Transformers movie form 1986 here it is: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.indi vidual&videoid=1473039

07-15-2007, 09:52 PM
I saw it today on the big screen and saw some stuff I didn't see in the copy I watched on my computer.

I don't mean to sound like a nag, but please stop doing that b.s.:mad2: Go watch the movie. It's reasons like this why the movies are frickin' eight dollars to watch and why Tower Records went out of business. CAN ANYONE PAY FOR ANYTHING in the audio/visual world anymore???? Why would you do something like that? How would you like it if you created something and someone got your product, but they didn't pay for it and a bunch of other people followed? I guess if it's not you being robbed than you don't care as long as it's for free or a cheaper cost.... whatever is cheaper for you. I have no idea what people are trying to prove when they steal a movie or steal music. STOP doing that!!!! This isn't sharing, it's stealing!!! I don't care what you say. :mad2:

As far as the movie goes I thought it was cool and Bumble Bee reminded me of Christine as far as playing music to express emotions and having a mind of it's own. The robots were cool for not acting like they were all the same (clones) and some even knocked a few things down on accident like people sometimes do... the emotions stuck a chord with me and thats what made me really like it.

As far as Ford being the bad guy, Ford didn't approve of this and thats why the car is a Saleen.... hollywood found a way to get that car as the villian and thats how they did it.

I liked Die Hard 4.0 more because I'm a huge fan of the series and I don't think Bruce is too old for anything.... he still has it. I have seen it three times already.... IN Theatres!

07-15-2007, 10:59 PM
Btw if anyone wants to see the original Transformers movie form 1986 here it is: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.indi vidual&videoid=1473039

I just watched the whole thing :eek:

07-16-2007, 06:03 AM
I don't mean to sound like a nag, but please stop doing that b.s.:mad2: Go watch the movie. It's reasons like this why the movies are frickin' eight dollars to watch and why Tower Records went out of business. CAN ANYONE PAY FOR ANYTHING in the audio/visual world anymore???? Why would you do something like that? How would you like it if you created something and someone got your product, but they didn't pay for it and a bunch of other people followed? I guess if it's not you being robbed than you don't care as long as it's for free or a cheaper cost.... whatever is cheaper for you. I have no idea what people are trying to prove when they steal a movie or steal music. STOP doing that!!!! This isn't sharing, it's stealing!!! I don't care what you say. :mad2:

Settle down there diesel, I also paid and saw it at the movies just like everyone else.

Let me guess you've never downloaded one song off the internet?

07-16-2007, 12:32 PM
Let me guess you've never downloaded one song off the internet?

I'd be a liar if I said I never did. I must have done about 50 or 60 songs, but really I was hunting for live bootleg versions of Green Day when they were good back in the 90's. I haven't done it in over 5 years and I would never DL a song and take the whole album. I would do it to hear if I like a band or not just to sample. If I did, I would go out and buy the album.

Now myspace is perfect for me because all I have to do is listen to a few tracks and buy something if I like it, which was my whole intention anyway.

07-16-2007, 01:10 PM
Ok so its the same difference. I knew I was going to go see it at the movies regardless watching it on my computer or not. I just couldn't wait to watch it and it only made the viewing pleasure that much better when I saw it at the movies.

I just can't wait for a special dvd version of it to come out and BUY IT. :P

07-16-2007, 01:35 PM
Keep your eye peeled for a Decepticon named "Bonecrusher". This vehicle is based on the Buffalo Mine Protected Vehicle being built by Force Protection, Inc of Charleston, SC. Very detailed down to the front mounted articulated robot arm.

While depicted as a "bad guy" in the movie, this vehicle is saving soldier and marine lives right now in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is about as tough as you can get in providing protection to the troops against mines and explosives.

So this "Transformer" is really a major good guy in real life. :2thumbs:



07-16-2007, 02:59 PM
I don't mean to sound like a nag, but please stop doing that b.s.:mad2: Go watch the movie. It's reasons like this why the movies are frickin' eight dollars to watch and why Tower Records went out of business. CAN ANYONE PAY FOR ANYTHING in the audio/visual world anymore???? Why would you do something like that? How would you like it if you created something and someone got your product, but they didn't pay for it and a bunch of other people followed? I guess if it's not you being robbed than you don't care as long as it's for free or a cheaper cost.... whatever is cheaper for you. I have no idea what people are trying to prove when they steal a movie or steal music. STOP doing that!!!! This isn't sharing, it's stealing!!! I don't care what you say. :mad2:

Have you noticed since people took a stand against crappy albums by downloading the hits, the music company's actually went ahead and added features into CD's like a interactive DVD or the music video is embedded into the CD. I saw the transformers movie in the theater twice and when the DVD comes out, Ill pay for that too. Thats because I enjoyed it and think its worth the money I paid for my entertainment.
However if I can find it online, Ill definitly watch it for free in the comfort of my own home.
Most people are tired of the old out dated sound systems, uncomfortable seats, tons of coming attraction's and commercials also people talking during the movie or having to deal with the genius that brings a crying baby into a movie theater, so the best alternative is sitting back at home and watching it alone without any interuptions.

I have over 850 CD's in my collection and most of them were purchased for only one or two songs. Sometimes you get lucky and the band actually took the time to create good music instead of filler but not likely.
I got fustrated and turned to downloading music. Its not all that different then waiting for your favorite song to come on the radio, record it on a cassette, and lend it to your friends, its just easier and time saving.
Nothing you preach or nag about will change that, its the future, why do you think the ipod is so popular? The days of buying a bands album are pretty much over thanks to record companys charging ridiculous prices for a worthless piece of crap album.
You probably dont remember but in the 80's when CD's first were produced they were supposed to be cheaper to make then cassettes and that savings was to be passed on to the consumer. That lasted a few years and now $20 for a CD with few songs compared to spending 99 cents or nothing for the same songs without the filler crap sounds like a deal to me and obviously most of the country would agree.

07-16-2007, 03:57 PM
GM sponsored the flick.

I did not like that the Mustang Police car was a bad guy. Sends a wrong message to the kids.

It does I agree.

07-16-2007, 04:18 PM
oh about my Megatron flling.....i was talking about how in the cartoon, he was a white tank. and then in the cartoon movie they made many years ago he turned into "Galvatron", who was megatron in a never body witch transformmed into a jet.............. thats wat i was blabbing about

07-16-2007, 06:15 PM
oh about my Megatron flling.....i was talking about how in the cartoon, he was a white tank. and then in the cartoon movie they made many years ago he turned into "Galvatron", who was megatron in a never body witch transformmed into a jet.............. thats wat i was blabbing about

You got into the transformers late, Megatron was a jet on cybertron then became a pistol when the decepticons landed on earth, In the movie he was badly beaten by Optimus Prime and cast into space by Starscream.
Megatron was then found by Unicron and was changed into Galvatron which transformed into a cannon. Not soon after I put my transformers to rest and lost interest when they went into the whole beast wars stage.

Check these Videos out, they are very well done and hysterical!
The language is a little coarse but its makes it that much funnier.

YouTube - The Rude Awakening of Optimus Prime (http://youtube.com/watch?v=bq1_6D9QS9Y)

YouTube - Heavy Metal Fight (http://youtube.com/watch?v=6tpbp9GXOGU)

YouTube - Shockwave's Burden (http://youtube.com/watch?v=R-ItfWY3xMQ&mode=user&search=)

YouTube - SOS Wheeljack (http://youtube.com/watch?search=&mode=user&v=2-aTbHsZJ9g)

07-16-2007, 06:19 PM
which witch is wich?

07-16-2007, 10:16 PM
I have over 850 CD's in my collection and most of them were purchased for only one or two songs. Sometimes you get lucky and the band actually took the time to create good music instead of filler but not likely.Its not all that different then waiting for your favorite song to come on the radio, record it on a cassette, and lend it to your friends, its just easier and time saving.
Why do you think the ipod is so popular? The days of buying a bands album are pretty much over thanks to record companys charging ridiculous prices for a worthless piece of crap album.
You probably dont remember but in the 80's when CD's first were produced they were supposed to be cheaper to make then cassettes and that savings was to be passed on to the consumer. That lasted a few years and now $20 for a CD with few songs compared to spending 99 cents or nothing for the same songs without the filler crap sounds like a deal to me and obviously most of the country would agree.

Oh boy where do I start here? :eek: Well Let me start with the ipod and saying the number one reason people have one is because it is trendy especially amongst my generation, which sucks. People buy those crappy things because everyone has one, a lot don't even know whats on it and clame they listen to everything. If they listened to everything they wouldn't have a problem with Hank Williams or The Ramones would they? Wrong, most do. The sound quality really sucks and if these people were actually music fans they would have something called a record player in which plastic spins and a needle would pick up the song as suppose to portable comupter hardware.

The reason why you have so many CDs, but only have a handful that are good all the way though is because new music sucks.... this is beyond my opinion, New Music Sucks. If you only like one or two songs on your top 40 garbage channel thats because it is top 40. If you want something good from front to back or in my case both A and B side, think the past. No matter what you like the older stuff is always better. If you like Country look into Hank Williams, if you like Rap look into Run D.M.C. if you like rock look into an album called Dookie.

99 cents a song is really a rip off and the country is just too lazy to look into things. If you buy a cd for 20 bucks you can sometimes get 45 tracks... at least to some of us who like real punk music. If you take 20 bucks to a record store you would be impressed as to how much music you can buy for 20 bucks as suppose to 19 songs with 20 cents let over with digitial downloading. Some albums are 3 to 6 dollars. One day I actually noticed I got 96 songs for 20 bucks on vinyl and it sounds better too. So not only did I get more, I got a better quality than digital.

If you wanna "get lucky" and find a band that actually make decent new music from the first to last track look into smaller label bands. Not that new "indie" b.s. that all the kids with the gauge ear rings listen to, but stuff you can find on myspace. Just type in the music you like and you'll be impressed as to how many great new bands that are out there that mtv doesn't give a crap about because their not trendy. I'll be on myspace soon with my music and you bet your oil pan it's not radio friendly, sellout, b.s., top 40 garbage.

Alright I'm done. :sleepy:

07-17-2007, 05:32 AM
The reason why you have so many CDs, but only have a handful that are good all the way though is because new music sucks.... this is beyond my opinion, New Music Sucks. If you only like one or two songs on your top 40 garbage channel thats because it is top 40. If you want something good from front to back or in my case both A and B side, think the past. No matter what you like the older stuff is always better. If you like Country look into Hank Williams, if you like Rap look into Run D.M.C. if you like rock look into an album called Dookie.

I agree 100%, new music does suck, its the same generic crap over and over again.
I have music from all decades on my computer and in my CD collection. Top 40 music is too commercial and when you hear a song that you actually wanna listen to the music stations jam it down your throat 100 times a day that you are so sick of it that you dont wanna buy the album.
For my country I like Alabama it has a real country feel or I would go with older Johnny Cash, Im not into rap but I do know most of Run DMC's songs.
I have the Green day album "dookie" and its good. A lot of great bands from the 90's put out great albums that can be listened to front and back, Alice in chains album "facelift" was great as well as their follow up "dirt"
Even Nirvana's album were strong until the end. Probably up until the year 2000, is when bands started putting out crap and thats when downloading started becoming the trend.
I personally don't have much interest in punk bands. I liked the ramones, rancid and some early black flag but thats pretty much it.

07-17-2007, 05:51 AM
maybe im just a nerd but i did notice how the camaro concept did not have brake calipers... only rotors.*see pic below* and ironically since bumblebee was originally a VW bettle they put in the camaro in the begining hitting the VW. those producers love playing games with us nerds.http://www.motorpasion.com/images/transformers-2007-camaro-02.jpg

also on www.rangerpowersports.com (http://www.rangerpowersports.com) a member of the forum is turning my marauder into a transformer using photoshop. he already made a new Ford Flex into one and i have asked him to do mine. he said ok so when he is done drawing it i will post it.http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/lawlessguard03/Photoshop/transformerflex2copy.jpg

07-17-2007, 08:43 AM
Things Im not into:

1. Transformers
2. "Drifting" or whatever that sliding around stuff is
3. Singing the National Anthem like a jazz or hip hop song
4. X-Games, bungie jumping or other similar stunt BS
5. Other stuff similar to the first four

07-17-2007, 10:51 AM
Things Im not into:

1. Transformers
2. "Drifting" or whatever that sliding around stuff is
3. Singing the National Anthem like a jazz or hip hop song
4. X-Games, bungie jumping or other similar stunt BS
5. Other stuff similar to the first four

sounds like somebody clicked on the wrong thread:rolleyes:

07-17-2007, 11:10 AM
Things Im not into:

1. Transformers
2. "Drifting" or whatever that sliding around stuff is
3. Singing the National Anthem like a jazz or hip hop song
4. X-Games, bungie jumping or other similar stunt BS
5. Other stuff similar to the first four

Thread EXIT (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/index.php)

07-17-2007, 01:00 PM
Was I the only one that noticed the in Transformers movie that that car is fuel injected they they say it's a carb for the engine shot? The car really is carb if you find it on Ebay, but it looks like they showed the monster 572 engine for the movie.

07-17-2007, 02:00 PM
Was I the only one that noticed the in Transformers movie that that car is fuel injected they they say it's a carb for the engine shot? The car really is carb if you find it on Ebay, but it looks like they showed the monster 572 engine for the movie.

The only engine they show is the one for the 73 camaro and its a big block with a carb.
I didnt notice the bumblebee hitting a VW, Ill definitly look for that when I see it again.

07-17-2007, 02:07 PM
also on www.rangerpowersports.com (http://www.rangerpowersports.com) a member of the forum is turning my marauder into a transformer using photoshop. he already made a new Ford Flex into one and i have asked him to do mine. he said ok so when he is done drawing it i will post it.http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/lawlessguard03/Photoshop/transformerflex2copy.jpg

So looking forward to seeing it! That will definitly be my new wallpaper.

07-17-2007, 02:31 PM
The only engine they show is the one for the 73 camaro and its a big block with a carb.
I didnt notice the bumblebee hitting a VW, Ill definitly look for that when I see it again.

it happens when shia lebouf is buying the camaro. bernie mac tries to sell him the vw and when his back is turned the camaro slams his door into the perfectly YELLOW VW next to it.

07-17-2007, 03:10 PM
Yeah I thought that was pretty funny with bumblebee hitting the VW lol.

07-17-2007, 03:13 PM
So looking forward to seeing it! That will definitly be my new wallpaper.

Damn Right.......That is soooooooo cool.

07-17-2007, 10:11 PM
Was I the only one that noticed the in Transformers movie that that car is fuel injected they they say it's a carb for the engine shot? The car really is carb if you find it on Ebay, but it looks like they showed the monster 572 engine for the movie.

It actually looked like either 8 weber sidedraft carbs or fuel injected velocity stacks for an induction system, definitely not any kind of double pumper holley type carb.

I did notice the irony about the VW in the car lot, gave me a chuckle.

I did like the movie quite a bit. I've learned not to go to any remake adaptations of anything noadays with any kind of high expectations. Makes my movie expiriences much more enjoyable.

07-17-2007, 10:21 PM
Keep your eye peeled for a Decepticon named "Bonecrusher". This vehicle is based on the Buffalo Mine Protected Vehicle being built by Force Protection, Inc of Charleston, SC. Very detailed down to the front mounted articulated robot arm.

While depicted as a "bad guy" in the movie, this vehicle is saving soldier and marine lives right now in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is about as tough as you can get in providing protection to the troops against mines and explosives.

So this "Transformer" is really a major good guy in real life. :2thumbs:



I've followed those things into some crazy situations in my travels. Can't ask for anything better in front of you when combined with the mine detector vehicle and an RG-31. Man can those things take a blast...

07-29-2007, 08:29 PM
I'm a week behind, but I did see this movie today. I was never into Transformers, as I'm a bit too old, but I went with my younger brother, who said it was his favorite cartoon when he was younger. Maybe if they made a Hot Wheels or Matchbox movie....

I was impressed with the movie, it was a lot better than I expected. Plenty of humor and pretty girls, but it could've easily been 30 minutes shorter.

07-30-2007, 10:20 AM
I saw Live Free Or Die Hard for the 4th time.

07-30-2007, 10:36 AM
We found both LFODH and Transformers movies to be quite entertaining. Lots of action, humor, automatic weapons, explosions. If you liked them, you also need to rent "Crank" if you haven't seen it yet.