View Full Version : Sessions Timing out--Very Bad Problem!!

07-12-2007, 03:34 PM
I am pixxxxxxxxxed off! Evertime I sign on lately and do some reading and decide to respond --great --cause it may take me a few minutes--more--cause of interuptions or P break or watering the lawn breaks --or whatever--crap! I come back and submit my final response to find oujt --I am logged off--and not only that--If i sign back on --I have lost all I had written before--CRAP!

This has happen to me alot this pass week --I am so fed up with it --
it s x x k s!

Once I was writting a nice response to a thread and it was long--But when I hit the submit button--it kicked me off--had to re-sign and then find out again --it was all lost--DO YOU KNOW HOW MAD THAT MAKES A PERSON FEEL!

I do not recall this happening over the earlier years--so what is happening now--I do not like it --once you sign on--you should be "on" till you sign off.

I have had to "copy " and "paste" just about every reply to a post lately cause by the time I hit the "submit " button--Apparently I have "timed out".
Tuff losing all I types-

You know---not all are computer savy--I sure wasn't 5 years ago-am still not--just know getting the copy and paste thing ---this action of timing out crap makes me sick --makes me want to leave----I don't need this aggravation--probably have to copy and -re-paste this post cause of the time it has taken to type it---wouldn't suprise me a bit--we will see..

Anyone else have this problem lately-????????

Local Boy
07-12-2007, 03:51 PM
WOW...Something must be up...That does not happen to me, at all...If I sign on...I can (and have) turn off the computer, and come back THE NEXT DAY and still be logged on...Perhaps it's your computer? I 'm not a computer kind of guy: so I don't know what to suggest...Sorry...

Hope you work it out...Your problem must be very aggrivating...ALOHA

07-12-2007, 04:00 PM
What browser are you using?

07-12-2007, 04:02 PM
I am pixxxxxxxxxed off! Evertime I sign on lately and do some reading and decide to respond --great --cause it may take me a few minutes--more--cause of interuptions or P break or watering the lawn breaks --or whatever--crap! I come back and submit my final response to find oujt --I am logged off--and not only that--If i sign back on --I have lost all I had written before--CRAP!
Yeah, the timeout seems to be cut rather short and I have had it happen to me as well. But, I have found that if you log back in --- and page back a couple times, you will end up where you were before. So, all is not lost. Generally, I don't have to page back (using the green BACK button) more than 3 pages or so. Seems to work for me on PMs and regular posts. Try it and see if this works for you.

07-12-2007, 04:05 PM
Uh....have you checked off that little box, "Remember Me?" I know everytime I would be playing a game at work, and didn't check that box off, whenever I would go to submit a score, that would come up and I would be bull*****.

07-12-2007, 06:40 PM
Yeah, the timeout seems to be cut rather short and I have had it happen to me as well. But, I have found that if you log back in --- and page back a couple times, you will end up where you were before. So, all is not lost. Generally, I don't have to page back (using the green BACK button) more than 3 pages or so. Seems to work for me on PMs and regular posts. Try it and see if this works for you.

Thant's the whole point--you should not have to do what you suggest--I know the owners are reading this by now--so if they doin't do something about this timing crap--I'll be the same--history crap!!

07-12-2007, 06:58 PM
Thant's the whole point--you should not have to do what you suggest--I know the owners are reading this by now--so if they doin't do something about this timing crap--I'll be the same--history crap!!

Uh....have you checked off that little box, "Remember Me?" I know everytime I would be playing a game at work, and didn't check that box off, whenever I would go to submit a score, that would come up and I would be bull*****.
Tom....Tom......Tom.....no need to get upset. ;) You know I'm always here to answer questions.

Follow Raudermaster's answer. Your computer needs to accept cookies to know and recognize that you're still logged in. This is nothing new. Have you updated your browser? Changed your security levels? Accept cookies? Changed your Privacy Actions? Again, the cookie is necessary to let the server know who you are so you can stay logged in. Timing out is set to 20 minutes. That's why when someone logs off, they're still shown as logged in, until 20 minutes later.

07-12-2007, 08:01 PM
See, I told you Mary would have it all straightened out. Worked for me when I was frustrated with constantly having to log in.

Check that little sucker.

07-13-2007, 04:22 AM
Thant's the whole point--you should not have to do what you suggest--I know the owners are reading this by now--so if they doin't do something about this timing crap--I'll be the same--history crap!!
Well that is one way to keep from losing a long post if something comes up in the middle of your writing and you have to leave your computer for a while. I thought that was your main concern .... At any other time, 20 minutes oughta be long enough.

Mike Poore
07-13-2007, 05:08 AM
It's too bad he didn't ask me. I'm really good at this stuff. :rofl:

It's what Mary says, and she always knows the right answer.

I'm on cable, and always logged on, unless I intentionally log off. Can't remember when that was, last.

07-13-2007, 07:06 AM
Thanks all--I'm calm now--I should be more calm when I get frustrated I know---- I should just ask for HELP-Your right--

I will try your suggestions and keep the timing rule in mind---

Mike Poore
07-13-2007, 07:11 AM
Thanks all--I'm calm now--I should be more calm when I get frustrated I know---- I should just ask for HELP-Your right--

I will try your suggestions and keep the timing rule in mind---

You should have asked your grandchildren how to fix it, first, um, while you're at it, see if they can tell me how to set the timer on my VCR. :D