View Full Version : On CNN!!! 35w bridge Minneapolis Bridge collapsed in the mississippi

08-01-2007, 06:38 PM
Bridge was full with cars moving 10mph
On CNN right now. Live!

08-01-2007, 06:45 PM
Not a good situation here in Minneapolis.


08-01-2007, 06:46 PM
I made a post in Shout for Minneapolis-St Paul members to check in. Thanx Jeremy for doing so. BTW, any word from Crouse????

08-01-2007, 06:59 PM

08-01-2007, 07:03 PM
I'm looking at it online here at work. What made it collapse?

08-01-2007, 08:37 PM
heres a thread that a member of a local club im in ,he took some pictures http://www.tcstangs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56723

08-01-2007, 08:39 PM
I'm looking at it online here at work. What made it collapse?
they are not sure yet ,but the bridge was under construction for repairs ,the bridge is about 40 years old

08-01-2007, 10:43 PM
I found a pic that has a black panther platform in it, could be a MM, hard to tell. It may have a c-piller badge (GM) or it could be debris. http://www.abcnews.go.com/US/popup?id=3438665&contentIndex=1&page=15

08-01-2007, 10:53 PM
Wow thats awful :( They dont build em like they used to....

08-01-2007, 10:56 PM
I can't get ahold of my brother. He lives up there and I'm freaking out. He still doesn't have a cell phone and generally takes days to return phone calls. I hope he has enough common sence to at least call me soon.

I was heading up there today but got sidetracked.

Got to go.This is gonna be a long f'n night...

08-01-2007, 11:08 PM
I can't get ahold of my brother. He lives up there and I'm freaking out. He still doesn't have a cell phone and generally takes days to return phone calls. I hope he has enough common sence to at least call me soon.

I was heading up there today but got sidetracked.

Got to go.This is gonna be a long f'n night...

I hope your bro is ok.

This is NO time for anyone to be picking/chosing sides.

Please let us know if he's ok.

08-02-2007, 01:47 AM
I just got word my brothers ok. Apparently land-lines have been down and he had to use his girlfriends cell phone after she got done with work.

Nine dead now and it's gonna be even worse tomorrow. 20-30 construction workers on the bridge when it went down, and an estimated 50+ cars went in the river 65' below. They've quit with the rescue and have switched to recovery.

I just don't understand why they can't build a bridge that will last more than 40 years. My freakin house is 140+ years old! :mad2:It's just a matter of maintenance.

08-02-2007, 04:52 AM
Glad your Bro's o.k.

Looking at the pics, I think time will tell that the methods of repair caused the bridge to fail. Specifically, I think removing layers of concrete from the roadway weakened the structure causing the roadway in the platform extensions to fail, cascading down the extire length of the span.

08-02-2007, 05:03 AM
Video of the bridge falling.

08-02-2007, 05:27 AM
I found a pic that has a black panther platform in it, could be a MM, hard to tell. It may have a c-piller badge (GM) or it could be debris. http://www.abcnews.go.com/US/popup?id=3438665&contentIndex=1&page=15
I have seen a closer up picture of that car, and it's not a Marauder. The emblem on the rear c-pillar is only used on the '92 thru '96 Grand Marquis.
I'm sure whoever was in that car was ok. Another good reason to be in these big cars.

08-02-2007, 07:04 AM
I'm OK over here. Curt is in the south east metro area, so odds are he shouldnt have been near there lets hope.

08-02-2007, 08:25 AM
I drove across it about 1/2 hour before the collapse. My Dad is a Minneapolis cop and he is down there right now. He says the death toll will rise as there are cars completely submerged and some under concrete. Not good at all.


08-02-2007, 08:51 AM
Very bad stuff..,. Found the picture....http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/ap_collapse15_070801_ssh.jpg

08-02-2007, 08:57 AM
I drive across the Hoan Bridge in Milwaukee about twice a week and I have quite a phobia of bridges falling. This just freaks me out.

08-02-2007, 12:59 PM
I just got word my brothers ok. Apparently land-lines have been down and he had to use his girlfriends cell phone after she got done with work.

Nine dead now and it's gonna be even worse tomorrow. 20-30 construction workers on the bridge when it went down, and an estimated 50+ cars went in the river 65' below. They've quit with the rescue and have switched to recovery.

I just don't understand why they can't build a bridge that will last more than 40 years. My freakin house is 140+ years old! :mad2:It's just a matter of maintenance.

There are many older Bridges, mostly pre-modern earthquake spec around that still do just fine.

I'm sure the London Bridge that was moved to the US would still be up if they hadn't had to replace it because it was too small for modern use.

Makes you wonder.

08-02-2007, 05:06 PM
I have seen a closer up picture of that car, and it's not a Marauder. The emblem on the rear c-pillar is only used on the '92 thru '96 Grand Marquis.
I'm sure whoever was in that car was ok. Another good reason to be in these big cars.
Looking at the pic, it looks like a later platform, a 98 or up. No Opera windw, the rear door is a 98 or later. The pic looks like a little chunk of concrete on that re-bar. I'll keep looking.

Another video here http://wcco.com/video/?cid=5 go to the report: Over 1000 Minn. Bridges 'Structurally Deficient' , 0:09 into the report is the panther

08-02-2007, 07:49 PM
This is such a tragedy; my thoughts and prayers will be for the next of kin and survivors tonight.

08-02-2007, 07:51 PM
....and for the response personell as they have a physically, emotionally, and mentally demanding job to do.

08-02-2007, 08:51 PM
Looking at the pic, it looks like a later platform, a 98 or up. No Opera windw, the rear door is a 98 or later. The pic looks like a little chunk of concrete on that re-bar. I'll keep looking.

Another video here http://wcco.com/video/?cid=5 go to the report: Over 1000 Minn. Bridges 'Structurally Deficient' , 0:09 into the report is the panther

forgive my ignorance, what "opera window" do you speak of ?
'92 to present all have the non opening window at the rear of the door glass.

08-02-2007, 10:11 PM
I was ruling out older models that had the opera window way back. If I recall, the Marquis and the vic had different c-piller construction way way back , the gm looked like an opera window. Or I've been sniffing too much glue. Chevys' had them.
What's that smell?

08-02-2007, 10:31 PM
I really don't like the way the NEWS focusses on trying to lay blame for this. The last thing people who don't know where their relatives and friends are want to hear right now is debate about who or what might be responsible for problems with the bridge.

All concrete Bridges have cracks!

Mike Poore
08-03-2007, 04:51 AM
Want to guess who has not watched a single micro-second of the Tee Vee circus?

Want to guess who has not turned the damnedable thing on since the Super Bowl?

OOps, lie told; someone did watch the last few holes of the Masters. :o

Nonetheless we pray for comfort and strength of the families and rescue workers.

Let's hope the investigation doesn't turn into a witch hunt, and sufficient data are collected to prevent a recurrence of a similar tragedy.

Like it's twin span, for instance.

08-03-2007, 06:55 AM
I was ruling out older models that had the opera window way back. If I recall, the Marquis and the vic had different c-piller construction way way back , the gm looked like an opera window. Or I've been sniffing too much glue. Chevys' had them.
What's that smell?
I think I can smell the glue from here, pretty strong stuff.

The last FORD product I had with opera windows was my '76 Lincoln Town Car. Boy do I miss that torque, if I remember correctly it had a little over 200 SAE HP, and something like 350-400 lbs of torque. It needed every bit of that to move 5200 lbs of steel.

08-03-2007, 11:39 AM
i find it wierd some people on here only care about the panther in the water and not the victims and there families

08-03-2007, 02:19 PM
i find it wierd some people on here only care about the panther in the water and not the victims and there families
Not true for me,
I apologize for getting off the topic of this tragedy.

08-03-2007, 10:06 PM
i find it wierd some people on here only care about the panther in the water and not the victims and there families


I darn near drove over that bridge on Wednesday. I actually did drive over it on July 22 heading to the Car Craft show. My brother lives 20 minutes from it and uses it dailly.

If I had been one of those that died, I sure as he11 hope that people here wouldn't be discussing my car.

Also, it's bad enough that when my Dad died in 2000, after spending 55+ years farming, working 7 days/week, 12+ hours/day (and never once earning more than 35k/year) we had to pay a 55% estate tax because his land was worth something. $166,000.00 went to the state of Minnesota. The remainder of the $907,000.00 tax bill went to the Feds.

Now we have people dying due to rusty, unmaintained bridges falling into the dirty a$$ Mississippi river?! WTF?! What is this, India? China? Bangladesh? What a disgrace.

$166,000 should have been enough to buy some :censor: paint.

I, for one, hope this turns into a witch hunt. I wanna see some heads roll.

end of rant.

08-04-2007, 01:23 AM
I, for one, hope this turns into a witch hunt. I wanna see some heads roll.

I'm sure that will happen, this close to the catastrophe before survivors are found and those that didn't survive are recovered, isn't the time for it, at least publicly.

08-04-2007, 04:49 AM
Glad your Bro's o.k.

Looking at the pics, I think time will tell that the methods of repair caused the bridge to fail. Specifically, I think removing layers of concrete from the roadway weakened the structure causing the roadway in the platform extensions to fail, cascading down the extire length of the span.

i find it wierd some people on here only care about the panther in the water and not the victims and there families

'nuf said !!!