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08-16-2007, 06:41 AM
At least I think that's what the lady was trying to tell me yesterday when she clearly had the yield sign to get onto the interstate and I was exiting and she thought she could shove me over and make me miss my exit but she didn't realize I have zero tolerance for stupid and have great insurance and would have wrecked the Marauder anyway and let her pay for it because I have zero tolerance for stupid. Did I mention I have zero tolerance for stupid? When someone has a yield sign, they better yield and get out of my way, or have something fast enough to NOT yield and get out of my way. Either way, get out of my way when I have the right of way lady in the piece of crap Mistucrappy Crapamante. GRRR!!!:mad2:

08-16-2007, 06:53 AM
At least I think that's what the lady was trying to tell me yesterday when she clearly had the yield sign to get onto the interstate and I was exiting and she thought she could shove me over and make me miss my exit but she didn't realize I have zero tolerance for stupid and have great insurance and would have wrecked the Marauder anyway and let her pay for it because I have zero tolerance for stupid. Did I mention I have zero tolerance for stupid? When someone has a yield sign, they better yield and get out of my way, or have something fast enough to NOT yield and get out of my way. Either way, get out of my way when I have the right of way lady in the piece of crap Mistucrappy Crapamante. GRRR!!!:mad2:
She was accelerating. You should have been decelerating. I think I would have just slowed down and dropped in behind her -- that's just me. :rolleyes:

No point in arguing with stupid on the highway either .... not if it means potential damage to your MM and possible injury. The graveyards are full of folks that had the "Right of Way". That's JMHO. ;)

08-16-2007, 06:53 AM
Good for you, I hate those that insist on making you move for them... I too have excellent coverage...

08-16-2007, 06:54 AM
Mornin Charlie

Mike Poore
08-16-2007, 07:16 AM
Well, when they fail to yield, the merging driver has no way of knowing if there's room for you to get into the left lane to make room for them. It's not, however a good place to be teaching someone a "lesson".:drive:

When there's merging traffic, I'll be in the left lane, if possible; but having said that, it's incumbent upon the motorist to make his/her best deal to safely merge. I believe traffic experts tell/advise me to mantain my driving speed because the vehicles behind and to the left expect me to. That goes for the merging vehicle as well, so they can speed up, or slow down to safely merge. How do they know what I'm going to do, if I speed up or slow down to make room, when they may be doing the same thing?

Oh, and my friend Bert's rule: Never make eye contact. :coolman:

08-16-2007, 09:00 AM
Woops, left out I was boxed in. Could have ate the truck bumper in front of me if I punched it, or took out the van on my left side, or had an SUV in my trunk if I nailed my brakes. I'm positive she could see the vehicles AND my signal when she came up the ramp, it's long enough. I can't justify slamming into someone else to avoid a person who won't yield, that's not fair to the unsuspecting driver beside me, I would feel bad, and then I'd probably have to pay for it, you know? And then I'd be the one getting a nice 3 thousand dollar ticket from the Communistwealth of Virginia for changing lanes without signaling. I'd rather crash with the stupid driver and let them explain how it happened. Okay I'm done.

08-16-2007, 09:08 AM
When there's merging traffic, I'll be in the left lane, if possible; but having said that, it's incumbent upon the motorist to make his/her best deal to safely merge. I believe traffic experts tell/advise me to mantain my driving speed because the vehicles behind and to the left expect me to. That goes for the merging vehicle as well, so they can speed up, or slow down to safely merge. How do they know what I'm going to do, if I speed up or slow down to make room, when they may be doing the same thing?
No wonder so many Pennsylvania drivers are confused. I have absolutely no idea what any of this ^^^^^ means. Hope that is not on the PA Driver's test. Merging ain't rocket science.

08-16-2007, 10:08 AM
Or you could have got off at the next exit.

My life philosphy - Do right by others and they will do right to you. When they don't make them!

08-16-2007, 10:29 AM
I have to agree, just its worse when you slow down for a person so they can speed up and merge and yet they slow down even more or merge in front of you doing 25MPH as you are coming up on them at 55MPH.
Its even worse driving a tractor trailer, It takes at least a full minute to get close to highway speeds when empty, sometimes up to 3 minutes when loaded. Most of the time while cruising in the right lane, some bonehead merge's on at a very slow speed that I have to downshift 4 gears if I cant get over and then have to slowly build up my speed. If this happen's on a hill while loaded, forget it!
I put my foot down in whatever gear it seems to be building speed up in and just chug along at sometimes 30MPH. on a highway with a 65MPH speed limit.
When you see a truck going very slow and you cant understand why, I just explained it, He lost his momentum and he's doing all he can to get back up to speed.

Mike Poore
08-16-2007, 11:16 AM
No wonder so many Pennsylvania drivers are confused. I have absolutely no idea what any of this ^^^^^ means. Hope that is not on the PA Driver's test. Merging ain't rocket science.

Sorry Charlie, re-reading it I see what you mean.

Short version: Get into the left lane if and when you can, which allows merging drivers some room, besides, safe, defensive driving is always smart

BUT If you're in the right lane and someone's merging, you have the right of way, that's why there's a yield sign. Changing speed to accommodate what the merging driver might do, is asking for trouble. Of course, up here in my part of PA it's 4 lane highways, with fairly light traffic, and long merge lanes, so there's seldom a problem.

Also, for the most part, we don't have to put up with those idiots from Virginia who got their driver's licences from Cracker Jack boxes. :razz:

08-16-2007, 02:45 PM
Also, for the most part, we don't have to put up with those idiots from Virginia who got their driver's licences from Cracker Jack boxes. :razz:

Mine is from the state I joined the military in, Tennessee;)

08-16-2007, 03:45 PM
Short version: Get into the left lane if and when you can, which allows merging drivers some room, besides, safe, defensive driving is always smart

Yes, I always do this ^^^ and hope others do the same for me. Some do .... some are just clueless.

Also, for the most part, we don't have to put up with those idiots from Virginia who got their driver's licenses from Cracker Jack boxes. :razz:

Ha, ha ... so much for what you know. Virginia DMV gave up the CJ boxes years ago in favor of a "scratch off" system and claw machines. ;)

Blackened300a ... appreciate what you are saying with regard to 18-wheelers. This is why I give 'em running room to build momentum on the downhill so they can make the climb on the far side a little better.

08-16-2007, 05:03 PM
Blackened300a ... appreciate what you are saying with regard to 18-wheelers. This is why I give 'em running room to build momentum on the downhill so they can make the climb on the far side a little better.

The people on Long Island give no respect to truckers. I always let them in. So it takes another minute in you trip, once he's in just move around him. Just be sure to give the truck the flash to pass to let him know you see him, and are letting him in. The cool drivers either give a wave, or a toot the horn.
Another thing STAY out of their blind spots. I don't like to ride next to them, so either speed up or slow down.Is it just me or don't you love those people who will not move out of the way cruising at 50 or 55 MPH even with looking at a truck bumper in their rearview.
I know I'm going on and on.......Sorry, just remember they are bigger than you.

08-16-2007, 05:58 PM
Just be sure to give the truck the flash to pass to let him know you see him, and are letting him in. The cool drivers either give a wave, or a toot the horn.
I always give a flash of the lights to let 'em in. Old School drivers used to do a quick on-off double flash with their trailer running lights. However, I am seeing that less and less on the highway. Guess the younger drivers weren't trained in the old tradition.

Mike Poore
08-16-2007, 06:00 PM
Speaking of trucks, I had a 79 Ford Fiesta Sport. It was a terrific car and, yes Charlie I could get in it, ....and back out. :rolleyes:

Thing is, going down I-270 to work in the mornings, I could look over at the 18 wheeler, next to me, all of us doing 70+ of course, and read that mile counter, at eye level, they had in the center of the hub on those bigtrucks. :eek:

Aren Jay
08-16-2007, 11:19 PM
I will say it one more time. "Why Johnny can't speed"

CBT you really need to read or listen to this book.

Alan Dean Foster 1971. it is in this book:


08-17-2007, 08:01 AM
I will say it one more time. "Why Johnny can't speed"

CBT you really need to read or listen to this book.

Alan Dean Foster 1971. it is in this book:

Does it have pictures?

08-17-2007, 09:23 AM
Does it have pictures?

CBT, Judging by the cover, you don't need pictures... It comes with 3 free hits of acid... After about halfway through the first chapter you will find yourself eating mud flavored icecream with giant mosquitos-fly thingys, lobster-bugs, and purple thunder-cats while a hot blonde does something weird behind your back with her free hand... This is all while trying to convince "little Johnny" why he can't speed...

I say screw Johnny, "Gimme the keys, I'll drive!!!"...

08-17-2007, 07:55 PM
A friend of mine just told me yesterday that this guy tried to cut off a truck......3 of them boxed him in and knocked the living snot out of him. Road justice?

Aren Jay
08-20-2007, 02:53 PM
Most people, 99.99% don't realize that in an un controlled intersection the car on the right of you has the right of way. Thus if the car is on your left you have the right of way.

So if you are in a parking lot and pull up to the main road and there is a car on your left driving down it and you do not have a stop or yield sign, you have the right of way to pull infront of said car. If they are on your right, they have the right of way.

Anyway I get honked at and people swear at me and shake there fists and scream and yell and I have the right of way.

Just don't be dead right, although scaring someone or cutting them off when going slow is great fun when you have right of way.

08-20-2007, 06:35 PM
Most people, 99.99% don't realize that in an un controlled intersection the car on the right of you has the right of way. Thus if the car is on your left you have the right of way.
This is the standard rule of the road all over Europe, too. They know it and they use it.

However, here in the USA I really think that "Right of Way" is overrated. I don't depend on it. I don't assume that someone will stop at a red light. I don't assume that they are gonna make a turn just because the blinker is on. I don't assume that they will stop at a Stop Sign. And, I certainly don't think that they will Yield me the right of way just 'cause the sign says so or I happen to be on his right. My interpretation of Defensive Driving is not to assume "the other guy" knows anything about driving at all. Anticipating the worst/next stupid move has saved my butt more times than I care to mention.

Aren Jay
08-20-2007, 07:09 PM
Even worse is when you yield the right of way to someone and they stare and then honk at you waiting for you to drive past them.