View Full Version : Okay! Bendover Canadians!

08-16-2007, 08:24 AM

Canada Introduces $10,000 Speeding Ticket
Ontario, Canada applies street racing penalties to motorists who are not racing anybody.

Ontario, Canada Premier Dalton McGuinty today announced that being caught driving 50km/h (31 MPH) over the speed limit will automatically trigger "street racing" penalties -- even if the accused motorist is driving alone on an otherwise empty road. The change in definition will, in effect, turn ordinary speeding into an offense that can carry a $10,000 (US $9305) fine and up to six months in jail, making it one of the most expensive traffic tickets in North America.

"If you choose to break the law, we consider you a threat to our public safety and you're going to face stiff penalties," McGuinty said in a statement.

In June, McGuinty cited the importance of combating the "organized crime" of street racing as he urged passage of the Safer Roads for a Safer Ontario Act which created the $10,000 penalty. The change in definition also means that the word of a police officer is all that it takes to confiscate a car and driver's license for at least seven days.

"There is no appeal from, or right to be heard before, a vehicle detention, driver's license suspension or vehicle impoundment under [the street racing] subsection," the Safer Roads Act states.

McGuinty also announced a proposal to hire 55 new traffic police officers and purchase a high-tech surveillance airplane in an attempt to rack up several of the expensive new fines.

08-16-2007, 09:25 AM
Although obviously severe, it sounds like they are no longer going to put up with street racing. I believe it should be saved for the track as too many innocents get hurt from street racing disasters. I will go light to light, IF and WHEN the conditions warrant it safely. Man, here in Cali the freakin ricers are insane on the streets and highways, taking WAY too many chances and causing problems.

Dr Caleb
08-16-2007, 12:00 PM
Bend over :lol: Yes, I see my safety on the roads as a bad thing.

I'd much rather see $10,000 speeding tickets (plus 7 day suspension, plus the possibility of your car seized) rather than have these clowns on my streets:

Alberta RCMP have arrested four people for allegedly driving Ferraris and Lamborghinis at speeds in excess of 200 km/h, one of whom is featured in a video circulating on the internet showing luxury cars hurtling down the province's highways.

snip . . .

The company produced a video circulating online that features high-end cars hurtling down a rural highway, with a shot of the speedometers showing top speeds in excess of 300 km/h.

In the video, Rana is clocked driving his Lamborghini at 339 km/h.

In the Calgary area alone there are more than 40 organized racing events each year, so there is no need to use the highway, he said.


Idiots should lose the priviledge of driving.

08-16-2007, 01:19 PM
This new variation of law has nothing to do with street racing.

There must be an awful lot of Canadians, at least in Ontario, driving those speeds to warrant these measures over and above existing traffic laws..

08-16-2007, 05:29 PM
If you should meet Sargeant Ben Dover of the RCMP give him my best as you write out the check. Dennis:cool:

08-16-2007, 05:39 PM
I can see the use for this around urban areas and such, but I've been on some of Alberta's and Saskatchewan's highways and I can honestly say that there would be nothing to hit for miles (or kilometers), and you would only be a danger to yourself. Then again this is for Ontario.:dunno:

08-16-2007, 09:53 PM
Election year..throw out I'm for the people flag..Set huge money grabbing
fines..to pad his budget and promise the police a new airplane and more
funding..screw the little guy and buy your votes! You can already lose your
lisence and recieve jail time for such speeds. Money grab political manuevering.

Aren Jay
08-16-2007, 11:05 PM
There are lots of nutty people around here.

There has been for years, and I mean like 30 years, a steady underground racing culture that takes place on certain roads at night around here.

mostly kids but a few who should know better too.

Now 50 kph over 32 mph and you lose your car for 7 days and get a $10,000
fine would be fine except that the guys who are driving $500,000 cars are not going to blink at a ticket like that.

When I was going to College in England, there was a Swedish guy who is very wealthy and who used to park his Jaguar anywhere and everywhere. At the end of the month he would go to the police station and pay off his parking tickets. He would get 3 or 4 a day and they usually cost him $100 to $200 each. He didn't think twice about parking anywhere he wanted. He didn't even blink. When you are rich enough this kind of thing wouldn't make any difference. Also most of these cars a leased for about $10,000 a month and with people, with no education, making a $1000 a day around here. Well by the end of the 7 days they have enough money to have made enough money to pay the fine and go racing again.

Now $10,000 fines are great for stopping the kids, and the motorbikes but they are not the answer to stopping Zahir Rana's clients from hitting 200mph in his Lambos.

They won't even blink.

Take away their license and put them in jail, that might work. Then again maybe not.

And not everyone who has a Lambo around here races them.

My Solution:

Make them do community service at one of the tracks, Race city or the like and show them were to race and how to race properly. Get them on the track where they need to be and keep them off the road.

You could also put governers on all leased exotic cars, and have the equipment to remove the governers at the track.